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289 results

Book Section

La trasmissione nell'itinerario di Ada Gobetti

Book Title: Donne educatrici: Maria Montessori e Ada Gobetti

Pages: 79-123

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Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1996

ISBN: 88-7011-671-9


Letizia Comba (a cura di), Donne educatrici: Maria Montessori e Ada Gobetti [review]

Publication: Scuola e città: mensile di problemi educativi e di politica scolastica, no. 11

Pages: 509-510

Book reviews

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0036-9853


Letizia Comba (a cura di), Donne educatrici: Maria Montessori e Ada Gobetti [review]

Publication: Leggere donna (Centro di documentazione donna), no. 67

Pages: 14

Book reviews

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 1122-4975


Donne educatrici: Maria Montessori e Ada Gobetti

Ada Gobetti - Biographic sources, Ada Gobetti - Philosophy, Europe, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Il libro tratteggia il profilo di due educatrici (Maria Montessori e Ada Gobetti Marchesini) con l'obiettivo di riscriverne la vita a partire dal legame tra fatti esterni e vicende interiori, tra condotta professionale e scelte personali. Due donne molto diverse tra loro ma entrambe con un percorso di vita segnato da una svolta decisiva: una maternità segreta al di fuori di una ralazione coniugale per Maria Montessori, l'ingresso nella flotta politica contro il fascismo per Ada Gobetti. Eventi decisivi per comprendere a fondo l'operato delle due educatrici.

Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1996

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 88-7011-671-9

Series: La prima ghinea: quaderni per l'educazione , 5

Master's Thesis

Una mirada a la filosofía Montessori en el sistema público de enseñanza de Puerto Rico [A look at the Montessori philosophy in the public education system of Puerto Rico]

Available from: University of Puerto Rico - Theses and Disserations Collection

Americas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Caribbean, Public Montessori, Puerto Rico

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Abstract/Notes: Este trabajo presenta las ideas sobresalientes de Montessori. Examina el vínculo entre el enfoque de dicha filosofía y la enseñanza de inglés en Puerto Rico con énfasis de las posibilidades que ofrece tal metodología para obtener logros em la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. Finalmente, expone los retos que enfrenta el maestro que interesa estudiar y aplicar la filosofía Montessori en las escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico.

Language: Spanish

Published: Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2020


La scomparsa di Ada Montessori [The disappearance of Ada Montessori]

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 38, no. 5

Pages: 3

Ada Montessori-Pierson - Biographic sources, Marziola Pignatari - Writings

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241

Book Section

Maria Montessori en Inde: Adoption et Adaptation d’une Méthode Pédagogique [Maria Montessori in India: Adoption and Adaptation of a Pedagogic Method]

Available from: OpenEdition Books

Book Title: L’Inde et l’Italie: Rencontres intellectuelles, politiques et artistiques [India and Italy: Intellectual, political and artistic encounters]

Pages: 245-285

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In this article I focus on the impact of the Maria Montessori’s pedagogical method during the years of her work in South Asia (1939-1946; 1947-1949). The genesis of this research started in the late 1980s during the years of my fieldwork in Madras (today Chennai), when I was amazed to find a large number of “Montessori” schools in that city. Certainly, they were many more than in Italy, and in Rome itself, where Maria Montessori founded the first “House of Children” on the 6th January 1907. Thus, out of mere curiosity I started to enquire about the reasons of such “implantation”. Soon I came to know that Maria Montessori (1870-1952) and her son, Mario Montesano Montessori (1898-1982), from 1939 till 1949, spent almost ten years in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In all those countries they collaborated and interacted with local pedagogists, by also training hundreds of children and more than thousand students and teachers to the homonimous “Montessori” pedagogical method. India, after Italy, was also the country where Maria Montessori spent the longest period of her life. After relating to the major events of her personal life as well as her scientific and social engagements as psychiatrist, pedagogist, outspoken feminist and antifascist, I deal here with the adoption and adaptation of her pedagogical method in South Asia. Finally, I tackle the influence of the local educational systems and cultural practices on Maria Montessori herself and on her own method’s further development. Due to such a synergic encouter and interaction, today India is one of the most dynamic and prestigeous international centers for the “Montessori” pedagogical method teachers’ training.,Dans cet article, j’étudie en particulier l’impact de la méthode pédagogique de Maria Montessori durant ses années en Asie du Sud (1939-1946, 1947-1949). La genèse de cette recherche a débuté à la fin des années 1980, quand j’ai été étonnée de trouver à Madras (Chennai) un si grand nombre d’écoles Montessori au cours de mon long terrain dans cette ville. Certes, elles étaient beaucoup plus nombreuses que celles présentes en Italie, et plus qu’à Rome même, où Maria Montessori fonda la première Maison des Enfants le 6 janvier 1907. Ainsi, par simple curiosité, je commençai à m’enquérir des raisons d’une telle « implantation ». Bientôt, j’ai réalisé que Maria Montessori (1870-1952) et son fils, Mario Montesano Montessori (1898-1982), avaient de 1939 à 1949, séjourné près de dix ans en Inde, au Pakistan et au Sri Lanka. Dans tous ces pays, ils ont collaboré et interagi avec les pédagogues locaux, en formant également des centaines d’enfants et plus de mille élèves et enseignants à la méthode pédagogique « Montessori ». L’Inde, après l’Italie, était aussi le pays où Maria Montessori a passé la plus longue période de sa vie. Après avoir évoqué les grands événements de sa vie personnelle ainsi que ses engagements scientifiques et sociaux en tant que psychiatre, pédagogue, féministe et antifasciste, je traite ici de l’adoption et de l’adaptation de sa méthode pédagogique en Asie du Sud. Enfin, j’analyse l’influence des systèmes éducatifs locaux et des pratiques culturelles sur Maria Montessori elle-même et sur le développement ultérieur de sa propre méthode. Grâce à cette rencontre et à cette interaction synergiques, l’Inde est aujourd’hui l’un des centres internationaux les plus dynamiques et les plus prestigieux pratiquant la méthode pédagogique Montessori.

Language: French

Published: Paris, France: OpenEdition Books, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-7132-3154-4

Series: Purushartha

Book Section

La scuola media montessoriana di Villa Ada - Roma [The Montessori middle school of Villa Ada - Rome]

Book Title: Maria Montessori, oggi: 1870-1970 [Maria Montessori, today: 1870-1970]

Pages: 166-168

Europe, Italy, Southern Europe

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Language: Italian

Published: Firenze: Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970


La enseñanza Montessori en la India - Escuela de Rajghat en Benares (fundada por la Sociedad Teosófica de la India, inaugurada por Rabindranath Tagore)

Available from: ARCA. Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues

Publication: Montessori: Revista Mensual Ilustrada, vol. 1, no. 3

Pages: 8-9

Asia, India, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Rabindranath Tagore - Biographic sources, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This article is preceded by a photograph of Rabindranath Tagore with a dedication note by Tagore referencing his meeting with Maria Montessori. The article is accompanied by photographs of children involved in Montessori activities.

Language: Spanish

ISSN: 2604-8167, 2604-8159


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Spotlight on Adaptation: Preimplementation of Montessori-Based Activity Programming in Long-Term Care Using the Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications-Enhanced (FRAME)

Available from: Silverchair

Publication: The Gerontologist, vol. 63, no. 3

Pages: 589-603

Gerontology, Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Effectively adapting evidence-based interventions for nursing home (NH) implementation is a critical, yet underexamined, component of improving care quality. Montessori-based activity programming (MAP) is an evidence-based intervention that promotes person-centered care, engages persons living with dementia, and mitigates distress behaviors. Currently, there is sparse evidence of MAP in Department of Veterans Affairs NHs (i.e., community living centers [CLCs]). CLCs differ significantly from community NHs and require adaptations to support MAP use and sustainability. This study uses the Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications-Enhanced (FRAME) to track changes made to MAP as an exemplar for clinicians and implementation scientists. This work fills a gap in adapting interventions through a detailed examination of the adaptation process in NHs.Qualitative and quantitative data were collected across 8 CLCs (e.g., advisory panel, staff interviews, training evaluations, field notes, and fidelity assessments). We used an iterative, rapid content analytic approach to triangulate findings and identify needed adaptations for the CLC setting.Thirty-six adaptations were made. Most adaptions occurred during the preimplementation phase, were reactive, focused on training/evaluation, and involved researchers, intervention developers, and practitioners. All were fidelity-consistent with MAP. The most common goal across adaptations was increased reach/engagement of the intervention.CLCs and community NHs can use findings to support intervention adaptation, and adapt and implement MAP to improve meaningful engagement for persons living with dementia and other residents. Future research should further evaluate and standardize FRAME for diverse users of complex interventions.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnac133

ISSN: 1758-5341

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