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378 results

Doctoral Dissertation

An Examination of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Antibias-Antiracist Curriculum in a Montessori Setting

Available from: Lynn University - Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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Abstract/Notes: The research consisted of a qualitative case study of three urban public Montessori schools with a population of 51% or more of students of color and a commitment of 2 years or more of CRP-ABAR within a Montessori setting. The theoretical framework used for the study was the critical race theory, which is the conceptual foundation for examining inequities in public education. This research dissertation had a focus on gaining an insight into the perceptions of administrators, teachers, and parents toward CRP-ABAR in Montessori schools by examining the practices in three public Montessori schools. The possible connections to student outcomes, such as behavioral referrals, suspension rates, and academic achievement for students of color were explored to determine if any connections exist between CRP-ABAR and outcomes for students of color within a public Montessori setting. Three major themes emerged of the perceptions of administrators, teachers, and parents about the impact of the CRP-ABAR in a Montessori setting. The CRP-ABAR could be delivered through a curriculum-oriented approach or a systemic-oriented approach and the CRP-ABAR connects to Montessori through peace-global education and the prepared teacher-environment. The CRP-ABAR practices impact students of color primarily through social emotional growth with limited academic outcomes. Even with an intentional focus and diversity training, many non-Black teachers’ perceptions of students of color included deficit theory thinking. Some parents believed racism is being dismantled through the curriculum and celebrations of diversity. Other parents identified some teachers-staff with underpinning instances of biases and insensitivity.

Language: English

Published: Boca Raton, Florida, 2020

Book Section

From Montessori to Culturally Relevant Schools Under the Trees in Kenya

Available from: Springer Link

Book Title: Common Characteristics and Unique Qualities in Preschool Programs: Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

Pages: 23-35

Africa, Culturally responsive teaching, East Africa, Kenya, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Abstract/Notes: Kenya distinguishes itself from other sub-Saharan African countries with its well-established system of early childhood development and education (ECDE). This chapter describes environmental, economic and social-cultural circumstances in Kenya and how these affect ECDE program design, curriculum and preschool activities. The author will provide a brief historical overview of early childhood educational contexts in Kenya and how preschool teachers meet minimum standards of a quality program using Guidelines for Early Childhood Development in Kenya (NACECE (National Center for Early Childhood Education). (2003). Guidelines for early childhood development in Kenya. Nairobi: Author.) with an African approach. Specific focus will be given to the diverse and contrasting program settings for early childhood care and education from the affluent city suburbs to the rural agrarian farms and the arid and semi arid (ASAL) areas of Kenya.

Language: English

Published: Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2013

ISBN: 978-94-007-4972-6 978-94-007-4971-9

Series: Educating the Young Child

Conference Paper

Culturally Relevant Education and the Montessori Approach: Perspectives from Hawaiian Educators

Available from: ERIC

Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, Apr 8, 2006)

Americas, Culturally responsive teaching, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, Apr 8, 2006). The purpose of this study was to investigate why some Hawaiian language and culture-based (HLCB) educators perceived the Montessori approach to be congruent with their goals and values and to determine the salient features of the Montessori approach used by HLCB teachers who received Montessori training. The sociocultural perspective on learning provided the theoretical foundations and grounded theory methodology guided the research process. Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 40 HLCB participants, including 15 key informants who had at least 180 hours of Montessori training. Data also included classroom and school visits and analyses of school documents. Data analysis revealed six themes and two linkages that related the themes and their elements. Four themes were related to why HLCB educators have perceived the Montessori approach to be congruent with their values and goals. These were (a) similar views regarding their work as a lifestyle, (b) common pedagogical practices, (c) shared values and beliefs as educators, and (d) an overlapping world-view. One theme described the distinctions between the approaches. The final theme included challenges to implementing and maintaining HLCB programs. The findings suggest that researchers and teacher educators interested in culturally congruent education should take into account the underlying world-view of both the research paradigm and the participants involved, and that school reform should be comprehensive, culturally congruent, and generated from within communities and other stakeholders. They also indicate that culturally congruent, place-based education may enhance academic self-efficacy and could serve as a bridge between seemingly disparate educational approaches.

Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Creating High-Quality Early Childhood Education in Rwanda: Teacher Dispositions, Child-Centred Play, and Culturally Relevant Materials

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Early Child Development and Care, vol. 190, no. 15

Pages: 2437-2448

Africa, Culturally responsive teaching, East Africa, Rwanda, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Abstract/Notes: Overcoming challenges to quality early education in developing nations, TEACH Rwanda, one high-performing education system, offers a model of childhood learning through sensitive teacher dispositions, child-centred play, and culturally relevant materials. This manuscript provides a unique window into the practices of a quality early childhood system in Rwanda and articulates how these high-quality approaches to early childhood education can be executed successfully in developing nations with limited resources. The guidelines for practice and illustrations from real classrooms are relevant for a range of educators around the world. One key to success is the programmes’ homegrown professional development approach featuring Rwandans teaching Rwandans, which builds capacity within the system. The professional development description encourages administrators and directors to establish such programmes which can successfully build capacity and sustainability within their schools.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2019.1578760

ISSN: 0300-4430, 1476-8275


Book Review: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 20-21

Book reviews

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Language: English


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: An Intersection with Montessori Education

Available from: National Association of Independent Schools

Publication: Independent Teacher: The eJournal for Independent School Educators, no. Spring

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

An Alternative to “No Excuses”: Considering Montessori as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Available from: National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS)

Publication: Journal of Negro Education

African American community, African Americans, Americas, Culturally responsive teaching, Montessori method of education, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: To address inequality, philanthropists support “no excuses” schools in majority-Black low income communities. While the model has raised achievement, its practices are problematic from a social justice lens. Montessori is a highly contrasting model, and over 25% of public Montessori students are Black. Here we examine whether Montessori is a viable alternative school model for Black children. After showing the theoretical alignment between Montessori and culturally responsive pedagogy, we review studies of Montessori outcomes, then we present a new mixed-methods study of 12 adults who attended a primarily Black Montessori preschool. Their descriptions reflect that Montessori’s lived experience is as a culturally responsive pedagogy. The evidence suggests Montessori avoids the concerns raised by no excuses schools while delivering positive outcomes.

Language: English

ISSN: 0022-2984, 2167-6437


✓ Peer Reviewed

Od pedagogiki krytycznej ku postkrytycznej pedagogii (z metodą Montessori w tle) [From critical pedagogy to post-critical pedagogy (with the Montessori method in the background)]

Available from: University of Gdańsk

Publication: Ars Educandi, no. 9

Pages: 272-283

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Abstract/Notes: Autorzy artykułu orientują się wobec praktyk nauczycielskich w kontekście pedagogiki krytycznej, rozumienia uczniów oraz wspólnego kontruowania edukacji - także w kontekście problemów na tym polu, zmian społecznych i demaskacji. [The authors of the article focus on teaching practices in the context of critical pedagogy, student understanding and joint contradiction of education - also in the context of problems in this field, social changes and unmasking.]

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.26881/ae.2012.09.17

ISSN: 2083-0947, 2657-6058


Pedagogika Montessori – ciągle aktualne wyzwanie dla współczesnej pedagogiki / Montessori Pedagogy as Still a Challenge for Contemporary Pedagogy

Available from: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland)

Publication: Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka, vol. 1, no. 23

Pages: 264-270

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: In accordance with the constructivist concept of didactics, the teacher’s duty is to support students in acquiring tools for understanding the world and building resources of their own knowledge and skills. On the other hand, the task of education is to help each individual in developing his ability to become a holistic human being, not just a tool for economics. The charge directed most often towards the Polish school is failure to perform this task, which is manifested by the poor preparation of young people to live and work, to the development challenges, but also the threats of the modern world. It is worth looking for solutions that will create opportunities for children and young people to develop according to their abilities. One of such solutions has the pedagogy of Maria Montessori emphasizing the importance of the child’s activity in the process of learning. The article compared briefly the hebratism with the trend of “new upbringing” to which Maria Montessori’s pedagogy is included, and further considerations have been referred to the modern knowledge of how the brain is taught. / W myśl konstruktywistycznej koncepcji dydaktyki powinnością nauczyciela jest wspieranie uczniów w zdobywaniu przez nich narzędzi poznania i rozumienia świata oraz budowaniu zasobów własnej wiedzy i umiejętności. Zadaniem edukacji jest natomiast pomoc każdej jednostce w rozwijaniu zdolności w stawaniu się całościowym bytem ludzkim, a nie jedynie narzędziem dla ekonomii. Zarzutem kierowanym najczęściej w kierunku polskiej szkoły jest niewywiązywanie się z tego zadania, co przejawia się słabym przygotowaniem młodych ludzi do życia i pracy, do wyzwań rozwojowych, ale i zagrożeń współczesnego świata. Warto poszukiwać takich rozwiązań, które stworzą dzieciom i młodzieży możliwość rozwoju na miarę ich możliwości. Jednym z takich rozwiązań dysponuje pedagogika Marii Montessori, podkreślając znaczenie aktywności dziecka w procesie jego uczenia się. W artykule krótko porównano hebratyzm z nurtem „nowego wychowania”, do którego zaliczana jest pedagogika Marii Montessori, a dalsze rozważania odniesione zostały do współczesnej wiedzy o tym, jak uczy się mózg.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.15584/eti.2018.1.35

ISSN: 2080-9069, 2450-9221

Book Section

Montessoripedagogik: En pedagogik för världens alla barn [Montessori Pedagogy: A Pedagogy for all Children in the World]

Book Title: Boken om pedagogerna [The Book of Educators]

Pages: 148-169

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Abstract/Notes: Boken är en aktuell och mångfacetterad beskrivning av vårt pedagogiska arv och dagens skolverklighet. Viktiga frågor som rör utbildningens innehåll, form och mål har fått en särskilt framträdande plats. Kapitlet presenterar Montessoripedagogikens filosofiska idé och gör nedslag i den praktiska tillämpningen från förskola till grundskolans senare år. [The book is a current and multifaceted description of our pedagogical heritage and today's school reality. Important issues concerning the content, form and goals of the education have been given a particularly prominent place. The chapter presents the philosophical idea of Montessori pedagogy and reflects on the practical application from preschool to the later years of primary school.]

Language: Swedish

Published: Stockholm, Sweden: Liber, 2005

Edition: 7th

ISBN: 978-91-47-12288-2

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