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101 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

“Man is Only Human When at Play”. Friedrich Schiller’s Ideas Concerning the “Aesthetical Education of Man” and Maria Montessori’s Thoughts on Pedagogics

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Synthesis philosophica, no. 41

Pages: 51-58

Child development, Early childhood education, Friedrich Schiller - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: In Schiller’s opinion, to play means to act free from the force of need as well as of duty and thus to enjoy liberation from necessity. It is this experience of freedom that links play with the aesthetical phenomenon of beauty and causes its high edu...

Language: German

ISSN: 0352-7875, 1848-2317


Was bedeutet uns Friedrich Fröbel? [What does Friedrich Froebel mean to us?]

Publication: Jugendwohl: katholische Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendfürsorge, vol. 33

Pages: 170-177

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Language: German

ISSN: 0022-5975


Fröbel und Montessori: Bericht über einen Lehrgang im Friedrich-Fröbel-Haus in Bad Blankenburg in Thüringen [Froebel and Montessori: Report on a course in the Friedrich Froebel House in Bad Blankenburg in Thuringia]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 69

Pages: 122-127

Europe, Germany, Western Europe

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Language: German


Friedrich Fröbel und Maria Montessori [Friedrich Froebel and Maria Montessori]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 72

Pages: 10-15

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Language: German


Friedrich Fröbel

Publication: Protestantenblatt, vol. 65

Pages: 239-241

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Language: German


Friedrich Fröbel und Maria Montessori

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Language: German

Published: Leipzig, Germany: Quelle and Meyer, 1931

Edition: 2nd ed.


Friedrich Fröbel ja Maria Montessori: võrdlevad seletused kasvatuse kohta enne kooliaega kodus ja lasteaias

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Language: Estonian

Published: Tartu, Estonia: G. Roth, 1921

Series: Kasvatusteaduseline kirjakogu

Doctoral Dissertation

L'héritage des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel dans les classes enfantines valaisannes, respectivement dans le Valais romand et dans le Haut-Valais [The legacy of Maria Montessori's and Friedrich Fröbel's pedagogies in Valais infant classes, respectively in Valais Romand and Haut-Valais]

Available from: Haute École Pédagogique du Valais

Friedrich Fröbel - Biographic sources, Friedrich Fröbel - Philosophy, Kindergarten (Froebel system of education) - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Dans notre travail de recherche nous nous sommes intéressée à l’héritage des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel dans les classes enfantines valaisannes, respectivement dans le Valais romand et le Haut-Valais. Pour ce faire, nous avons tout d’abord proposer une brève partie historique. Cette partie a permis de comprendre comment les noms de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel sont entrés dans la pédagogie de notre pays et dans celle de notre canton. De plus, nous avons retracé l’évolution des institutions enfantines dans notre pays. Étant donné que nous cherchons à définir l’héritage de ces deux pédagogies originnelles dans l’enseignent en enfantine de nos jours, il nous a fallu décrire ce qu’est l’école enfantine actuellement. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé les plans d’études en vigueur dans notre canton, à savoir le Plan d’études romand (Valais romand) et le Lehrplan 21 (HautValais). Puis, nous avons présenté les principes et les caractéristiques qui régissent les pédagogies de Maria Montessori et Friedrich Fröbel. Les concepts mis en évidence nous ont permis d’établir deux tableaux de synthèse des concepts des pédagogues qui étaient nos outils principaux pour l’analyse des données. Toute notre partie empirique nous a permis d’analyser les concepts des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel grâce aux discours des enseignantes rencontrées et de les interpréter. À la fin de ce travail, nous avons obtenu des résultats qui nous ont permis de répondre à notre question de recherche. / In our research work we are interested in the heritage of the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel in the Valais child classes, respectively in Valais Romand and Haut-Valais. To do this, we first propose a brief historical part. This part has made it possible to understand how the names of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel entered the pedagogy of our country and that of our canton. In addition, we traced the evolution of children's institutions in our country. Given that we seek to define the heritage of these two original pedagogies in teaching in kindergarten today, we had to describe what kindergarten is today. For this, we used the study plans in force in our canton, namely the Plan d’études romand (Valais romand) and the Lehrplan 21 (Haut Valais). Then, we presented the principles and characteristics that govern the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel. The concepts highlighted allowed us to establish two summary tables of the concepts of the pedagogues which were our main tools for the analysis of the data. All our empirical part allowed us to analyze the concepts of the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel thanks to the speeches of the teachers met and to interpret them. At the end of this work, we obtained results that allowed us to answer our research question.

Language: French

Published: Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, 2016

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

A Comparative Historical and Philosophical Study of the Educational Theories of John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852), and Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This dissertation was a comparative study from the perspectives of history and philosophy of the educational theories of John Amos Comenius, Friedrich Froebel, and Maria Montessori. The purpose of this dissertation was: 1 - to determine whether or not there were parallel ideas in the educational theories of Comenius, Froebel, and Montessori; 2 - to show to what extent these ideas were actually similar or divergent; and 3 - to consider the additional question of whether or not Froebel and Montessori recognized their theories as part of a sequence of thought originating with Comenius. Using the extant published works of the three educators, descriptions were given of their educational theories in relation to the following topics: the position and principles of methodology; the role of sense realism and the changes in emphasis each educator made in the use of the sense realist concepts of teaching; the role of the religious point of view; the manner of teaching moral values; the role of intellectual and social influences of their respective historical periods in the formation of their educational theories; and the insights of the three educators which can be considered important in the educational world of the latter half of the twentieth century. These descriptions were followed by comparisons of the similarities and differences of the three educators in relation to the above-mentioned topics. The conclusions of the dissertation were the following: 1 - There were parallel ideas present in the educational theories of the three educators. The Comenian concepts and educational emphases which seemed to find restatement most often in the works of Froebel and Montessori were the belief in the importance and the necessity of the use of the correct method of teaching; the theory that if the correct method were used, anything could be taught to nearly anyone; the basic position of the concepts of sense realism in the teaching methodology; and the supreme importance of a definite religious perspective as the groundwork and frame of reference for the whole educational system. 2 - There appeared to be no recognition of influence of the work of Comenius by Froebel and Montessori. In relation to Froebel's gifts or didactic apparatus and his principle of self-activity, there appeared to be a slight recognition of influence by Montessori in the creation of her didactic material and the formulation of her principle of spontaneous activity in a carefully prepared environment. 3 - Concerning the insights of the three educators which may be considered important for education in this century, Comenius was cited for his outstanding ability to systematize knowledge, his championship of the humanitarian ideal of freedom, and his pansophic ideal of universal knowledge through a universal college system with uniform textbooks in a universal auxiliary language. The study of Froebel's work can provide more insights into the educational possibilities of the preschool age child obtained through self-activity. The study of the work of Montessori provides help in the greater educational use of the period of postnatal infancy, and the greater application of the disciplines of anthropology, physiology, and psychology to education. Montessori's work can also prove to be significant in the search for more effective means of education for the culturally deprived child. All three educators seemed to possess an ability to synthesize - to see things in their whole relationships. Specifically they applied this insight to means of educating all facets of human personality.

Language: English

Published: Denver, Colorado, 1970


Auswirkungen und Ursachen der zunehmenden Beliebtheit der Montessoripädagogik in Kindergärten im Vergleich zur Pädagogik Friedrich Fröbels

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: [Graz, Austria]: [s.n.], 1995

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