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5 results

Bachelor's Thesis

Mobiliário infantil: conceito de uma cama Montessori / Children's furniture: a Montessori bed concept

Available from: Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Design, Furniture

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Abstract/Notes: The present research is based on Montessori pedagogical methodology. Created by Maria Montessori, this is a set of theories, practices and didactic materials. According to Montessori, the most important fact is not the material or the practice, but the possibility of developing the child's abilities from the evolution of each. From this, the proposal is the development of a children's furniture - a bed - from the study proposed by Montessori, considering characteristics of child development, children's furniture and ergonomics. The projects a product that contributes to the child developing in its ‘natural time’ with freedom and autonomy. / A presente pesquisa tem base na metodologia pedagógica montessoiana. Criada por Maria Montessori, trata-se de um conjunto de teorias, práticas e materiais didáticos. De acordo com Montessori, o fato mais importante não é o material ou a prática, mas a possibilidade do desenvolvimento das habilidades da criança a partir da evolução de cada um. A partir disso, a proposta é o desenvolvimento de um mobiliário infantil – uma cama – a partir do estudo proposto por Montessori, considerando características do desenvolvimento infantil, mobiliário infantil e ergonomia. O projeto é de um produto que contribua para que a criança se desenvolva em seu “tempo natural” com liberdade e autonomia.

Language: Portuguese

Published: São Paulo, Brazil, 2018


Namų erdvių bei baldų pritaikymas vaiko poreikiams pagal Marijos Montessori ugdymo metodiką [Adaptation of home spaces and furniture to the child's needs according to Maria Montessori's educational methodology]

Available from: Kaunas College

Publication: Inovacijų taikymas technologijose 2022 Kauno kolegija, Technologijų fakultetas, vol. 2022

Pages: 157–173

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Abstract/Notes: Dėl šiomis dienomis vyraujančios itin didelės vaikiškų baldų pasiūlos, išsirinkti tinkamiausius baldus ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams yra nelengva užduotis. Vienas iš kriterijų, pagal kurį galima įrengti vaiko gyvenamąją erdvę – šeimoje taikoma vaiko ugdymo metodika. Šiame darbe pristatomas vaikiškų baldų bei namų erdvių pritaikymas individualiems vaiko poreikiams, remiantis Marijos Montessori pedagogikos koncepcija, kurios pagrindinė idėja – vaiko savarankiškas ugdymasis bei neribotas pasaulio pažinimas. Straipsnyje pristatoma vaikiškų M. Montessori baldų atsiradimo istorija, M. Montessori baldų tipai, pagrindiniai vaiko gyvenamųjų erdvių pagal M. Montessori metodiką įrengimo principai. Nuošalyje nelieka ir ekologija.

Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 2345-0185


Montessori: Lehrmaterialien 1913-1935, Möbel und Architektur / Teaching Materials 1913-1935, Furniture and Architecture

Architecture, Design

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Abstract/Notes: This volume explores the main aspects of Maria Montessori's theory of education, focusing primarily on the learning materials that are so critical to carrying out her philosophy. The book features original photographs of the first Montessori schools in Germany, Austria and America.

Language: English, German

Published: New York, New York: Prestel, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-7913-2650-4 3-7913-2650-3


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Systemic Model of Furniture Meant for Stimulating Development of a Child

Available from: Index Copernicus International

Publication: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Forestry and Wood Technology, vol. 113

Pages: 13-19

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Abstract/Notes: In furniture design, understood as a kind of evolutionary process, there is room for designer’s creativity, but not in the sense traditionally accepted in the psychology of creation. The creativity of the designer shapes the products of the evolutionary algorithm but does not replace them. This can be illustrated by the genesis of any design, such as furniture that stimulates the development of the child. The Montessori pedagogy leaves a lot of room for new designs of Montessorian teaching aids. The Montessori didactic material forms a logically structured whole. It enables the child to move out of experience and sensual cognition; it serves not only the development of the intellect but also the education of the whole personality. The Montessorian materials take into account the child’s stage of development, corresponding to a given sensitive phase and the very logic of things, so that the child, while learning, can embrace larger cognitive sequences, arouse a sense of aesthetics, motivation, curiosity and interest, thus triggering various forms of activity.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.2327

ISSN: 1898-5912, 2719-6518


✓ Peer Reviewed

Perancangan Mebel Dengan Integrasi Permainan Montessori Anak Usia 3-6 Tahun [Furniture Design With Integration Of Montessori Games For Children 3-6 Years Old]

Available from: Trisakti University

Publication: Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain, vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 15-32

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Abstract Montessori has become one of early learning methods chosen by Indonesian parentsat this moment, formally through education institution, or informally through selflearning at home (Bigceglia, 2014; Woo, 2014); both dedicated for normal and special needs kids (Cipta, et al,, 2019). Montessori education needs Montessori aparatus(specially designed Montessori tools to support sensorial learning) which is relativelyexpensive. Early learning education is normally done within 2-3 hours at school, thusthese toddlers spend most of their time at home. Thus it is clear there is need for parents to stimulate them in the right way, one of the way is by providing Montessoriaparatus or other more affordable sensorial toys. Using multiple methods of data gathering (primary & secondary), toy redesign, design iteration, user product trial andreview; the result of this research is 12 new Montessori toys integrated in coffee table,which add values in terms of multifunction, price, quality, and still apply Montessoriconcept.  Abstrak Montessori menjadi salah satu metode pendidikan usia dasar yang dipilihorang tua Indonesia saat ini, baik secara formal melalui institusi pendidikanresmi, maupun secara informal melalui pembelajaran otodidak di rumah(Bisceglia, 2014; Woo, 2014); baik diperuntukkan untuk anak normal maupununtuk anak berkebutuhan khusus (Cipta, et al., 2019). Pendidikan Montessori sarat dengan aparatus Montessori yang relatif mahal (alat bermain khasMontessori yang dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung pembelajaran sensori). Dengan durasi PAUD kurikulum apapun yang hanya 2-3 jam disekolah, anak usia dini biasanya lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di rumah,sehingga jelas ada kebutuhan orang tua untuk memberikan stimulasi yangtepat untuk tumbuh kembang anak, dan salah satunya adalah dengan aparatus Montessori atau mainan sensori lainnya yang lebih terjangkau. Denganberbagai metode pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder, redesain mainan,proses iterasi desain, uji coba produk ke pengguna; dirancang 12 produkmainan Montessori baru yang terintegrasi dengan meja kopi ruang tamu,yang memiliki nilai tambah dari sisi multifungsi, harga, kualitas, dan tetapmengindahkan konsep Montessori.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.25105/dim.v17i1.7844

ISSN: 2549-7782, 2527-5666

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