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39 results

Doctoral Dissertation

La pédagogie Montessori entre tradition et innovation: le cas de l'enseignement de la correspondance grapho-phonologique en français [Montessori pedagogy between tradition and innovation: the case of teaching grapho-phonological correspondence in French]

Available from: Theses Portal (France)

Europe, France

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Abstract/Notes: Nous montrons que la pédagogie de Maria Montessori a ses racines d’une part dans le mouvement sensualiste de Comenius, Locke, Condillac et Rousseau, et d’autre part dans celui pédagogique de Pestalozzi, Itard et Séguin. La scientificité de sa conception et la tradition de sa transmission depuis un siècle garantissent sa crédibilité et sa pertinence ; nous constatons une cohérence dans l’ensemble du matériel pour les différentes matières enseignées et dans son emploi pour les enfants de 2 à 6 ans. Cependant, concernant l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture, des variations importantes peuvent apparaître selon les langues. Ainsi le matériel utilisé aujourd’hui en Angleterre est-il particulièrement développé et performant, alors que celui en usage en France est moins riche ; mais surtout, les « Dictées muettes©» en vogue dans certaines classes nous apparaissent non seulement désuètes mais sans aucun fondement phonologique et seraient avantageusement remplacées par les « Mots-images©» en cours d’expérimentation. À cette condition, la pédagogie montessorienne pourrait être sollicitée pour renouveler l’enseignement des correspondances grapho-phonologiques du français, y compris pour les élèves en difficulté. We show that Maria Montessori’s pedagogy has its roots on the one hand in the sensualist movement of Comenius, Locke, Condillac and Rousseau and on the other hand in the pedagogic movement of Pestalozzi, Itard and Séguin. The scientificity of its conception and its traditional way of transmission since one century guarantees its credibility and its relevance. We ascertain a coherence in the whole of Montessori’s apparatus of the various subjects taught and its use by the children from 2 to 6 years old.    Nevertheless, concerning the learning of reading and writing, there are important variations from language to language.   For instance, the material used today in Great Britain is particularly numerous and impressive, whereas the one used in France is less prolific and effective. Particularly the “Dictées muettes©” that are very fashionable in many classrooms seem to us not only out-of-date but also without any phonologic foundation. It would be beneficial to replace them by the “Mots-images©” (Word-Picture Cards) that are actually under experimentation. It is a prerequisite so the Montessori pedagogy could be adopted to renew the teaching of including to students in remedial education. [We show that Maria Montessori's pedagogy has its roots on the one hand in the sensualist movement of Comenius, Locke, Condillac and Rousseau, and on the other hand in the educational movement of Pestalozzi, Itard and Séguin. The scientific nature of its conception and the tradition of its transmission for a century guarantee its credibility and relevance; we see consistency in all the material for the different subjects taught and in its use for children from 2 to 6 years old. However, when it comes to learning to read and write, there may be significant variations between languages. Thus the equipment used today in England is particularly developed and efficient, while that in use in France is less rich; but above all, the "Dictées muettes ©" in vogue in certain classes appear to us not only obsolete but without any phonological basis and would be advantageously replaced by the "Words-images ©" currently being tested. Under this condition, Montessori pedagogy could be called upon to renew the teaching of grapho-phonological correspondences in French, including for pupils in difficulty. We show that Maria Montessori’s pedagogy has its roots on the one hand in the sensualist movement of Comenius, Locke, Condillac and Rousseau and on the other hand in the pedagogic movement of Pestalozzi, Itard and Séguin. The scientificity of its conception and its traditional way of transmission since one century guarantees its credibility and its relevance. We ascertain a coherence in the whole of Montessori’s apparatus of the various subjects taught and its use by the children from 2 to 6 years old. Nevertheless, concerning the learning of reading and writing, there are important variations from language to language. For instance, the material used today in Great Britain is particularly numerous and impressive, whereas the one used in France is less prolific and effective. Particularly the “Dictées muettes ©” that are very fashionable in many classrooms seem to us not only out-of-date but also without any phonologic foundation. It would be beneficial to replace them by the “Mots-images ©” (Word-Picture Cards) that are actually under experimentation. It is a prerequisite so the Montessori pedagogy could be adopted to renew the teaching of including to students in remedial education.]

Language: French

Published: Nantes, France, 2009

Book Section

Fachdidaktische Neuerungen - eine Bedrohung der Montessori-Identität? [Didactic innovations: a threat to the Montessori identity?]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 332-334

Europe, Germany, Montessori materials, Western Europe

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


Innovation Within Montessori Structure: The Art of Adolescent Reform Education

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 40, no. 3

Pages: 1-5

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Camillo Grazzini: Innovation Within Montessori Theory and Methodology

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 29, no. 1

Pages: 1-8

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: The Internatinal Center for Montessori Studies, founded by Mario Montessori and Eleonaro Honegger in Bergamo (p2)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


'Innovation within Limits: How Is It Possible?' A Summary of the Proceedings [Part 1]

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 25, no. 2

Pages: 209-230

Educational change, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Summarizes proceedings of a 1-day seminar co-sponsored by NAMTA and Taliesin West, home of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. Discusses authentic progress in educational practices such as those of Maria Montessori and Wright, whose innovative legacies became traditions within their fields. Concludes that innovation comes when founding ideals are the basis of interaction and challenge. (KB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Innovation of Preschool Education: Foreign Practices and Domestic Experience of Their Implementation / Інноватизація Дошкільної Освіти: Зарубіжні Практики та Вітчизняний Досвід ïх Впровадження

Available from: Perspectives and Innovations of Science (Ukraine)

Publication: Perspectives and Innovations of Science. Psychology, Pedagogy, Medicine / Перспективи та Інновації Науки, no. 5 (5)

Pages: 36-47

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Abstract/Notes: The academic paper studies the foreign practices and domestic experience of their implementation in the process of innovation of preschool education as one of the important structural elements in the system of preschool educational institutions of Ukraine. It has been established that ensuring the proper functioning of the field of preschool education is considered as one of the priority state objectives, as an important structural element of providing quality educational services. The statements of scientists concerning the components of the quality of preschool education have been analysed. The management of the quality of preschool education on the basis of national standards and regulatory support has been investigated. The Concept of education development for the period 2015-2025 and the State standard of preschool education have been analysed. It has been established that modern pedagogy reconsiders the issues of upbringing, education and development of personality from the standpoint of analysis of the new socialcultural situation, modern requirements for the personality formation and taking into account the integration of world and domestic science. It has been determined that the main foreign practice in the process of innovation of preschool education is the Montessori Method. It has been revealed that the main principles of the pedagogical process according to Montessori methodology are as follows: availability of a special set of didactic material, availability of rules in Montessori environment, special training of the teacher, freedom of choice, error control, children - active participants in the learning process, maximum independence, and lack of grades and lack of competitive motive. It has been found that more than 20,000 schools around the world are currently using the Montessori methodology for children from birth to 18 years old. It has been investigated that the following methods are used in foreign practice of innovation of preschool education, namely: video modelling technique, direct instruction technique, visual cues technique, technique with symbolic games, feedback training technique, random learning technique, model of so-called peer learning, model of psychological and pedagogical support and language training.

Language: English

DOI: 10.52058/2786-4952-2021-5(5)-36-47

ISSN: 2786-4952

Book Section

Detecting the achievements in INVALSI National Surveys of students who followed educational innovations: a five steps method

Available from: Torrossa

Book Title: Use of INVALSI data in school. V seminar “INVALSI data: a tool for teaching and scientific research”

Pages: 41-59

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Abstract/Notes: The present paper proposes a method to isolate as much as possible the effects of the different educational innovations present in the Italian territory on the learning outcomes measured by the Invalsi National Surveys, to contribute to the debate on the effectiveness of such alternative approaches, such as “Avanguardie educative”, Montessori, “Senza Zaino”, “We Debate”, “Book in Progress”, etc. To illustrate the proposal, we take as an example the research that is taking place on Montessori teaching, in the framework of the PhD in Social & Developmental Psychology and Educational Research at Sapienza University of Rome. According to Cook, Campbell and Peracchio’s (1990) classification, the research design is a design with non-equivalent groups, with only post-tests,because there is no random assignment to experimental and control groups: the assignment takes place with the simple matching (precision control) method, which guarantees the greatest possible isolation of the effect of the independent variable, which keeps under control a) the effects of all the variables that we know affect dependent variables, and b) the effect of their interaction. The proposed method consists in five steps. The first step is about reconstructing the list of schools that follow a certain educational innovation. In the case of Montessori pedagogy, the list of 50 fifth primary classes active in Italy in 2013 and 2016 has been defined. The second step consists in reconstructing the school careers of the students attending the schools on the list. In the case of Montessori schools, for about half of the students of both cohorts, the number of years of Montessori school attended was defined through a meticulous collection of data from the secretariats of 12 Montessori schools in Italy. By this way, in addition to the experimental group of all those enrolled in the Montessori sections identified, there is an experimental group whose number of years of Montessori school attended is also known. The third step is about requesting, to the Statistical Office of Invalsi, the achievement in National Surveys of the students attending the list of identified classes. In the case of Montessori schools, on 24 November 2020 the list of sections and SIDI codes of students whose career was reconstructed was submitted, and between January and February 2021 the databases of the 2013 and 2016 National Surveys was returned, with the distinction between Montessori and non-Montessori students. The fourth step consists in defining the experimental group, made up in this case by the students who attended a Montessori school, and the control group, whose members are identified with the simple matching method (Bailey, 1982, p. 340). The last step consists in verifying, by ANOVA, any statistically significant differences between the distributions of the scores of the experimental groups and related control groups.

Language: English

Published: Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli, 2022

ISBN: 978-88-351-3917-1 88-351-3917-1


Proyecto Educativo de Innovación y Aporte Social como Enlace Urbano: 'Centro de exploración y creatividad Carimagua' [Educational project for Innovation and Social Contribution as an Urban Link: 'Center for Exploration and Creativity Carimagua']

Available from: Universidad Católica de Colombia - Repositorio Institucional

Americas, Colombia, Educational change, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South America

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Abstract/Notes: Partiendo de la premisa del déficit de infraestructura educativa de la localidad de Kennedy y de la deserción escolar dentro de la misma, el proyecto busca contribuir a la solución del problema de oferta acrecentado por la implementación de la jornada única en algunas instituciones educativas, dando prioridad a la continuidad en el proceso educativo de niños y niñas , para ello se plantea a partir de la necesidad de infraestructuras que permitan desarrollar un modelo pedagógico que atraiga a niños y niñas durante sus primeros años de vida a la continuidad de sus saberes con entusiasmo y ánimo de emprendedores, por ello se propone el “modelo pedagógico de María Montessori”. Para finalizar lo que se espera del proyecto dentro del sector, es que se pueda implementar el modelo pedagógico mencionado y así se genere un impacto social que es medible en los siguientes aspectos: innovación, participación de la comunidad, incremento del interés en los procesos educativos, para que a partir de esto se vea reflejado en la mejoría de infraestructuras, aumento de cupos escolares mejorando así la calidad de la educación. [Starting from the premise of the deficit of educational infrastructure of the town of Kennedy and the school dropout within it, the project seeks to contribute to the solution of the supply problem enhanced by the implementation of the single day in some educational institutions, giving priority to the continuity in the educational process of boys and girls for it arises, from the need infrastructures that allow to develop a pedagogical model that attracts children during their first years of life to the continuity of their knowledge with enthusiasm and encouragement of entrepreneurs, for that reason the "pedagogical model of Maria Montessori" is proposed. To finish what is expected of the project within the sector is that the aforementioned pedagogical model can be implemented and thus generate a social impact that is measurable in the following aspects: innovation, community participation, increased interest in educational processes, so that from this it is reflected in the improvement of infrastructures, increase of school quotas thus improving the quality of education.]

Language: Spanish

Published: Bogotá, Colombia, 2019


The Montessori Method: The Origins of an Educational Innovation, Including an Abridged and Annotated Edition of Maria Montessori's 'The Montessori Method'

Available from: Internet Archive

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: An essential resource for all students and scholars of early childhood education, this book offers a rich array of material about Maria Montessori and the Montessori Method. Distinguished education scholar Gerald Gutek begins with an in-depth biography of Montessori, exploring how a determined young woman overcame the obstacles that blocked her educational and career opportunities in Italy during the late Victorian age. The author then analyzes the sources and influences that shaped the Montessori philosophy of education. After laying the foundation for Montessori's development, Gutek presents an annotated and abridged edition of The Montessori Method (1912), the seminal work that introduced her educational innovations to a U.S. audience. The book concludes with key historical documents, including disciple Anne E. George's notes on the Montessori lectures and William H. Kilpatrick's critique of the Montessori method. Preserving the historical context of Montessori's contribution, Gutek also shows the continuing relevance of her thought to educational reform in the twenty-first century.

Language: English

Published: Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2004

ISBN: 978-0-7425-1911-4 978-0-7425-1912-1


Three Innovations for the Montessori Classroom

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 23–24

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Language: English

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