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233 results


Book Review: The Wild Boy of Aveyron by Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: The Constructive Triangle (1965-1973), vol. 2, no. 3

Pages: 42

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Language: English

ISSN: 0010-700X


Educazione rivolta a tutti. Comenio, Itard, Séguin e Maria Montessori: il ruolo della pedagogia [Education aimed at all. Comenius, Itard, Séguin and Maria Montessori: the role of pedagogy]

Publication: Handicap e scuola, vol. 31, no. 9-10

Pages: 6-8

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard - Biographic sources, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard - Philosophy, John Amos Comenius - Biographic sources, John Amos Comenius - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, People with disabilities, Édouard Séguin - Biographic sources, Édouard Séguin - Philosophy

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Language: Italian


✓ Peer Reviewed

L’educazione degli “ineducabili”: i contributi di Jean Itard, Édouard Séguin e Maria Montessori

Available from: MeTis Journal

Publication: MeTis. Mondi educativi. Temi, indagini, sugestioni, vol. IV, no. 2

Pages: [unpaged]

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Abstract/Notes: In questo scritto si propone un breve excursus storico sullo sviluppo dei metodi e dei materiali educativi per i soggetti con deficit intellettivo, rintracciando alcuni nuclei teorici ed operativi elaborati da tre studiosi: Jean Itard, Édouard Séguin e Maria Montessori, ancora attualmente forieri di arricchenti riflessioni. A partire dall’influenza delle teorie di John Locke e dell’Abbé de Condillac nell’opera pionieristica di Jean Itard, si evidenzia il contributo offerto da Édouard Séguin con la sistematizzazione di un metodo centrato sullo studio individuale del bambino e sull’analisi dei fenomeni fisiologici e psichici nei processi educativi, per poi completare la dissertazione con la significativa rielaborazione critica compiuta da Maria Montessori in relazione in particolare agli aspetti legati all’apprendimento della scrittura e della lettura. A corredo illustrativo dello scritto, si presentano in appendice alcuni dei materiali di sviluppo ideati dai tre studiosi. / In this paper we offer a brief historical overview of the development of methods and educational materials for subjects with intellectual deficit, retracing some theoretical and operational nuclei processed by three researchers: Jean Itard, Édouard Séguin and Maria Montessori, still currently harbingers of enriching reflections. Starting with the influence of the theories of John Locke and de Condillac on the pioneering work of Jean Itard, we highlight Edouard Seguin's contribution whose systematization of a method centered on the study of the individual child and on the analysis of physiological and psychical phenomena in educational processes. Finally, we complete the dissertation with the significant critical reworking by Maria Montessori particularly in relation to the learning of writing and reading. An illustrative appendix shows the most representative learning objects devised by the three researchers.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.12897/01.00043

ISSN: 2240-9580


✓ Peer Reviewed

Persepsi Jean Charlier De Gerson Dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus Mengenai Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) Anak [Jean Charlier De Gerson's Perception And Lord Jesus Christ Regarding Children's Christian Education (PAK)]

Available from: Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado (Indonesia)

Publication: Montessori Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen Anak Usia Dini, vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 45-57

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi mengenai persepsi Jean Charlier De Gerson dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus mengenai pelayanan anak dan bagaimana informasi tersebut berguna untuk membangun teori dan praktik Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) bagi Anak di masa kini dan mendatang. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif  dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Melalui pengumpulan data terhadap sumber data primer dan sekunder ditemukan bahwa terdapat kesesuaian persepsi antara Jean C. D. Gerson dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus mengenai pelayanan anak. Bagi tokoh Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) tersebut dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, anak dan orang dewasa memiliki kedudukan dan nilai yang sama dalam  pelayanan. Memfokuskan diri bagi pelayanan anak / Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) Anak  tidak merendahkan martabat seorang guru atau teolog. Sejatinya, pelayanan kepada anak adalah pelayanan Kristen yang tertinggi. Mendidik anak adalah kesempatan emas untuk memperoleh generasi unggul di masa mendatang.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.51667/mjpkaud.v1i2.496

ISSN: 2798-6195


✓ Peer Reviewed

Wanda Dynowska-Umadevi: A Biographical Essay

Available from: Theosophical History

Publication: Theosophical History, vol. 5, no. 3

Pages: 89-105

Theosophical Society, Theosophy, Wanda Dynowska-Umadevi - Biographic sources

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Language: English

ISSN: 0951-497X


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Change Is in Me. The Transformation of Adults to the Role of the Montessori Guide. Qualitative - Biographical Research Study / Zmiana jest we mnie. Transformacja dorosłych do roli przewodnika Montessori. Raport z badania jakościowo – biograficznego

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1 (no. 68)

Pages: 65-78

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Abstract/Notes: Artykuł stanowi sprawozdanie z badania jakościowo – biograficznego zrealizowanego wśród dwóch grup uczestników biorących udział w kursach Montessori. Podstawowym celem badania była analiza znaczeń nadawanych zmianie. Pytanie badawcze sformułowano następująco: Jak uczestnicy kursu Montessori (6-12) tematyzują swój proces transformacji?  Artykuł podejmuje kwestię zmiany edukacyjnej w kontekście wiedzy milczącej oraz teorii osobistych a następnie opisuje procedurę gromadzenia i analizy danych z dwudziestu pięciu pogłębionych, jakościowych wywiadów indywidualnych, które następnie poddano analizie zgodnie z opisanymi przez Kvale siedmioma krokami. W rezultacie analiz udało się zidentyfikować i opisać dwie główne kategorie: radykalną transformację oraz korektę biograficzną. W końcowej części artykułu autor, w kontekście zebranego materiału zwraca uwagę na ograniczone możliwości narzucania zmiany w edukacji i – podążając za głosami uczestników badania rekomenduje pożądane warunki do zaistnienia potencjalnych zmian: tworzenie nauczycielom warunków wolności do podejmowania decyzji i tworzenia autorskich rozwiązań dydaktycznych, demokratyzacja sfery związanej z edukacją oraz wspieranie poczucia godności wśród nauczycieli.

Language: English

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2023.1868.05

ISSN: 2353-7787


✓ Peer Reviewed

Transgresje w biograficznych doświadczeniach wybitnych pedagogów: Marii Montessori i Janusza Korczaka [Transgressions in the biographical experiences of outstanding pedagogues: Maria Montessori and Janusz Korczak]

Available from: dLibra

Publication: Podstawy Edukacji [Fundamentals of Education], vol. 10

Pages: 13-32

Educators, Janusz Korczak - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Transgressions are innovative and creative activities. They allow people to go beyond the limits of their current functioning, thus gaining new areas of activity or creating new values. Motivation specific to transgression is hubristic motivation. The article analyzes the biographical experiences of outstanding pedagogues. – Maria Montessori and Janusz Korczak. Maria Montessori – Italian physician, education system creator and Montessori pedagogy based on the needs of the child. Transcendental biography of Janusz Korczak – doctor, pedagogue, writer, journalist, visionary. Biographies contain different spaces of transgressive activities: personal, professional, social, creative, literary. They concern the concept of education, methods of pedagogical work with the child. The accomplishments of outstanding pedagogues include immutable values.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.16926/pe.2017.10.02

ISSN: 2081-2264


✓ Peer Reviewed

Semblanza Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí (1866-1962) [Biographical Note Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí (1866-1962)

Available from: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Publication: Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, vol. 23, no. 36

Pages: 313-318

Americas, Central America, Josefa Toledo de Aguerrí - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Nicaragua

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Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.19053/01227238.12891

ISSN: 2256-5248


マリア・モンテッソリ年譜(改訂版) [Maria Montessori Chronology/Biographical Notes (Revised Edition)]

Available from: Fuji Women's University - Institutional Repository

Publication: Fuji Joshi Daigaku Kiyou. Dai 2-bu / 藤女子大学紀要. 第II部 / The Bulletin of Fuji Women's College (Series 2), no. 46

Pages: 69-100

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 1346-1389


Maria Montessori, M.D.: A Biographical Sketch

Publication: Montessori Matters

Pages: 2–4

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Reginald Calvert Orem - Writings

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Language: English

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