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Kindergärten für Kinder: Waldkindergärten, lebensbezogene Kindergärten, Montessori-Kindergärten, offene Kindergärten

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Language: German

Published: Obberied bei Freiburg, Germany: PAIS, 1999

ISBN: 3-931992-08-X

Series: Element

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitim sistemi ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması / Comparision of Montessori education system with Islamic education system

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Comparative education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education

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Abstract/Notes: In this study where literature review method is used, Montessori education method that is considered among the alternative education methods and the one that carefully defines what kind of education and learning experiences are suitable and useful for each growing period and Islamic education whose basic aim is to grow "mature human being" has been compared. In the introduction part of the study containing two sections as introduction and another two parts, the problem, aim, importance, hypotheses, methods and limitations of the study are handled. Montessori Education system is examined in the first part, and in the second part it is compared with Islamic education that forms the basis for the study, giving information about Islamic education system. Studies carried out on both Montessori and Islamic education systems were searched thoroughly and then they were carefully evaluated before starting to write. Within this context, all the sources related to the subject in the libraries in Turkey were provided, a very large database of information for foreign sources were scanned and they were obtained through different ways. In the light of the data obtained as a result of the study, the methods and principles that are similar in both approaches were determined and their comparison which forms the base for the study was made through the findings obtained. / Literatür taraması yönteminin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada, her gelişim aşamasına, hangi çeşit eğitim ve öğrenme deneyimlerinin uygun ve yararlı olduğunu özenle belirleyen ve alternatif eğitim modellerinden Montessori eğitim sistemi ve esas hedefi "kamil insan yetiştirmek" olan İslam eğitim sistemi karşılaştırılmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Giriş ve iki bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın giriş kısmında araştırmanın problemi, amacı ve önemi, hipotezleri ve yöntem ve sınırlılığı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Montessori eğitim sistemi incelemeye tabi tutulmuş, ikinci bölümde ise araştırmanın temelini oluşturan İslam eğitim sistemi hakkında bilgilere yer verilerek, Montessori ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yazım aşamasına başlamadan önce Montessori ve İslam eğitim sistemiyle ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede Türkiye'deki kütüphanelerdeki konuyla ilgili tüm kaynak eserlerin temini yapılmış, yabancı kaynakların temini için pek çok veritabanlarında taramalar yapılmış ve bu eserler çeşitli şekillerle elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu ortaya çıkan veriler ışığında her iki yaklaşımın benzerlik gösterdiği metot ve ilkeler tespit edilmiş ve elde edilen bulgularla çalışmanın esasını oluşturan her iki yaklaşımın karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Bursa, Turkey, 2016


Der richtige Kindergarten für mein Kind: alles Wichtige über Montessori- und Waldorf- Kindergarten, städtische und kirchliche Einrichtungen, Kitas, Kinderläden, Waldkindergarten u.a.

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Language: German

Published: Zurich, Switzerland: Kreuz, 1997

ISBN: 3-268-00198-X

Doctoral Dissertation

Exploring Forest Kindergarten Practices in Türki̇ye: Kindergarten Founders’, Teachers’, and Parents’ Knowledge of Forest Pedagogy [Exploring Forest Kindergarten Practices in Turkey: Kindergarten Founders’, Teachers’, and Parents’ Knowledge of Forest Pedagogy]

Available from: Middle East Technical University

Asia, Comparative education, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Forest school (learning style), Middle East, Open-air schools, Private schools, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study had several objectives. First, to investigate the practices of forest kindergartens in three different geographic regions of Türkiye. Second, to explore how the founders of forest kindergartens overcome challenges and take advantage of favorable circumstances as they set up and run the kindergartens. Third, to research the challenges and favorable circumstances that teachers face in such kindergartens and ways to deal with them. Fourth, to examine what kinds of cultural adaptations kindergarten founders and teachers need to make to use Forest Pedagogy in their own culture or location. Fifth, to elicit the kindergarten founders', teachers', and parents' knowledge of Forest Pedagogy. And sixth, to explore how parents' knowledge of Forest Pedagogy relates to their expectations of forest kindergartens. This study included members of the forest kindergartens (N = 21), which comprised the founders (N = 3), teachers (N = 9), and parents (N = 9). The study discovered that forest kindergartens were not typical, despite sharing similar practices with other kindergartens, such as the daily use of outdoor playgrounds. The diversity of the outdoor settings employed by forest kindergartens varied from region to region, depending on their geographical characteristics. However, they shared certain challenges with other kindergartens, such as a lack of unstructured and affordable natural settings surrounding the kindergartens. In all cases, the kindergarten founders and teachers had limited knowledge of sustainable attitudes for children and the significance of risky play. Yet, the parents possessed the knowledge to value free, muddy, and risky play throughout the year.

Language: English

Published: Ankara, Turkey, 2022


✓ Peer Reviewed

Anaokulları İç Mekan Tasarımında Eğitime Yönelik Mekan İhtiyaçları ve Montessori Anaokulları / Educational Space Requirement in Interior Design of Kindergartens and Montessori Kindergartens

Available from: The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Publication: Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, vol. 14, no. 86

Pages: 281-293

Architecture, Classroom environments, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Prepared environment

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Abstract/Notes: Anaokulları okul öncesi çocukların bilgi ve becerilerini destekleyen eğitim kurumlarıdır. Farklı eğitim sistemlerini benimsemiş olan anaokullarında aktivitelere göre alanlar oluşturulmaktadır. Algının ve çevrenin öneminin büyük olduğu bu dönemde çocukların hayal güçlerine ilham verecek mekanlar tasarlanmalıdır. Çocukların sözlü beceriden önce öğrenilen görsel dil ile yaratıcılıkları desteklenmektedir. Bunun yanında mekanda bulunan güvenli ve ulaşılabilir mobilyalar da çocukların özgürce hareket etmelerini ve sorumluluk bilinci kazanmalarını sağlamaktadır. Anadilin yanında farklı bir dilin de okul öncesi dönemde öğrenilmesi için mekanda kullanılan görseller ve bunları destekleyici yabancı dilde kelimeler ile görsel hafıza da yer etmesi sağlanabilmektedir. Bu sayede öğrenilen yabancı dildeki kelimeler ile hafızadaki ilişki kuvvetlenerek hatırlanması kolaylaşmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı Montessori anaokullarında kullanılan mekan ihtiyaçlarını ve günümüz okullarında oluşturulan modern tasarımları araştırmaktadır. Sonuç olarak mekanda kullanılan eğrisel formlar ve donatı elemanlarının boyutlarının çocuklara göre tasarlanması ile çocuğun özgürce hareket edebileceği mekanlar eldeilmektedir. Bu mekanlar bir bütünlük içerisinde estetik bir uyum ile tasarlanmalıdır. Bir düzen içerisinde organize edilmiş az ve yeterli sayıda renk ve obje ile daha huzurlu bir mekan oluşturulmaktadır. Tasarımda ana unsuru yetişkinler ve çocuklar arasındaki olumlu ilişkiler oluşturmaktadır. Mekan tasarımı da bu ilişkiyi desteklemektedir. Doğal aydınlatma, uygun boyutta askılıklar, depolama alanlarının yeterli ve güvenli olması, dolaşım alanlarının yeterli olması da gerekmektedir. / Kindergartens are educational institutions that support the knowledge and skills of preschool children. In kindergartens in different education systems, areas are created according to the types of activities. In this period when perception and the environment are of great importance, spaces that will inspire children's imaginations should be designed. Children's creativity is supported by the visual language learned before verbal skills. In addition, safe furniture in the space allows children to move freely and gain a sense of responsibility. In addition to the mother tongue, it is possible to learn foreign languages in the pre-school period. Therefore, it can be ensured that the language is embedded in the memory with the visuals used in the space and the words in the foreign language supporting them. In this way, the relationship in the memory with the words in the learned foreign language is strengthened and the recall of the word becomes easier. This article aims to explore the space needs found in Montessori kindergartens and the modern designs created in today's schools. As a result, designing the dimensions of the furniture used in the space according to children ensures that children can move freely, implement their own decisions and receive an education without encountering obstacles. The kindergarten interior should be designed with an aesthetic harmony within a unity. Overmuch colors and toys cause a distraction for children. A more peaceful space is created with a sufficient number of colors and objects organized in order.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.29228/JASSS.52208

ISSN: 2148-4163


Visions of Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century: The Present Situation and Future Direction of Montessori Education in Korean Kindergarten

Available from: The Korean Society for Early Childhood Education

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood Education, vol. 6

Pages: 115-146

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia, Thailand

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Abstract/Notes: The present study was intended to investigate the current status of Montessori education practices in Korea and to suggest future direction for its improvement and successful implementation of Montessori education in Korean kindergarten. This study was conducted by self-administered questionnaire survey. Subjects served for the study consisted of 85 Montessori teachers among 30 Montessori Kindergartens located in Seoul area, sampled from Korean Montessori kindergarten, using random sampling method. Data were analysed by IBM-PC computer, using SAS program. Statistical methods employed were frequency of item, t-test, and ANOVA. The summary of the research findings was as follows: It was revealed that Korean Montessori teachers who have worked for Montessori Kindergarten with the large amount of Montessori materials on hand had considerably higher recognition of the practical application of Montessori materials and teaching method of Montessori`s theory and program than Montessori teachers with small amount of materials in their Montessori kindergarten. However, the educational instruments for assessing the whole development of children held in stock by Korean Montessori kindergarten generally were below the mean number of holdings. Therefore, the author suggests the importance of educational assessment instruments for Montessori children and those proper application methods.

Language: English

ISSN: 1226-9557, 2733-9653


Dr. Montessori Addresses Special Student Assembly: Exponent of Efficient Kindergarten Education Brings 'New Methods in Child Education' to Students

Available from: University of Southern California - Digital Library

Publication: Daily Southern Californian

Pages: 1

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, North America, United States of America, University of Southern California (Los Angeles)

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Language: English


Development of a Peace Education Program by the Kindergarten Teacher Awareness for Peace Education in Korea

Available from: The Korean Society for Early Childhood Education

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood Education, vol. 9, no. 2

Pages: 39-69

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Abstract/Notes: This study examines the baseline data of peace educational ideas in the level of recognition and practice among Korean kindergarten teachers. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey. Subjects served for this study consisted of 265 kindergarten teachers including 93 Montessori teachers and 172 traditional kindergarten teachers among 42 kindergartens located in Seoul and Kyungki province area, a using random sampling method. Data was analyzed by IBM-PC computer, using a SPSS program. Statistical methods employed were frequency: of item, t-test, and ANOVA. The authors developed a peace education activity, and applying the kindergarten based on the data obtained from this study and Montes-sort four domains for a peace education to be reviewed. The results of this study were as follows: There was no significant difference in the awareness of peace education between Montessori teachers and traditional kindergarten teachers. The teachers who had much more teaching experiences showed the higher awareness for peace educational practice than younger teachers with the shorter teaching career. Even though Montessori and traditional kindergarten teachers had the high recognition for a peace education did not have the systemically peace education program. Authors developed 12 activities of peace education included self-awareness (3 activities), community awareness (3 activities), cultural awareness (3 activities), and global environmental awareness (3 activities). The peace educational program on the basis of research data and the Montessori had four domains. The standards of a peace educational program are decided and accomplished on the basis of these four categorical interactions and all practical data available for the real state of affairs in a specific cultural community and country. In conclusion, standards of peace education are subject to change as the actual circumstances of country and the world change and teacher practice patterns for the peace education evolve. These parameters of peace education should be considered in peace education programs only.

Language: English

ISSN: 1226-9557, 2733-9653


✓ Peer Reviewed

Inclusive Education for Exceptional Children in Egypt and the US: Reforming Egyptian Inclusive Education System in Post-pandemic World

Available from: Knowledge E Publishing

Publication: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 318-344

Africa, Americas, Educational change, Egypt, Inclusive education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North Africa, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Inclusive education means that exceptional children (EC) can fully participate in the learning process alongside their typically developing peers, supported by reasonable accommodations and teaching strategies that are tailored to meet their individual needs. The main goal of inclusion policies for EC is to provide high-quality education for all without discrimination and to ensure the implementation of equal opportunity principles. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the reality of inclusive education systems in Egypt and the United States (US) and to develop a better understanding of similarities and differences and thus identify the lessons learned. The study applied a comparative analysis method. Research findings revealed that the progress towards inclusion practices in Egyptian inclusive public schools is minimal and hindered by many challenges. Among them are lacking financial resources and a shortage of qualified teachers trained to differentiate curricula for EC. Based on the research findings, the study concludes with recommendations to improve the Egyptian inclusive education for EC.

Language: English

DOI: 10.18502/gespr.v3i2.12617

ISSN: 2709-0191


Report on the Montessori System of Education: Presented to the Council of Education, Witwatersrand

Africa, L. C. Wynsouw - Writings, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Language: English

Published: Johannesburg, South Africa: Council of Education, 1915

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