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✓ Peer Reviewed

Pengaruh Modifikasi Alat Peraga Montessori Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Kasar [The Effect of Modification of Montessori Teaching Aids on Gross Motor Ability]

Available from: Hamzanwadi University (Indonesia)

Publication: Jurnal Porkes, vol. 5, no. 1

Pages: 292-303

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The Montessori method, which is a learning method that depends on each student, has the advantage of growing critical thinking, collaborating, and acting more assertively. Children with good cognition are characterized by problem-solving skills by prioritizing prosocial in every interaction, and vice versa. The lack of research in the field of sports related to motor and montessori movements, especially in West Nusa Tenggara and the results of observations at the MI Al Ijtihad school still use a monotonous learning pattern so that students tend to be passive, not independent and not confident so that it affects motor skills, in this study what is meant is rough motoric. The population in this study were students of MI Al-Ijtihad, totaling 20 students. In this study, researchers used purposive sampling with certain criteria. In this study, the researchers used instruments, namely the Zig-zag Running test and the Throwing the ball at the target. The type of research used is a quantitative experiment with a pre-test post-test group design. The data analysis technique used is the t-test through the t-test formula. From the results of statistical data analysis of the effect of modification of props on gross motor skills, the tcount X (throwing the ball at the target) of 5.446 simultaneously between Y and X1 draws conclusions from the table analysis at a significant level of 5% with the number of samples (n - 1), namely 19 is 2,869. So it can be concluded that ''There is an effect of modification of Montessori teaching aids on gross motor skills seen from tcount > ttable (5.446 > 2.869).

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.29408/porkes.v5i1.5985

ISSN: 2614-8781

Master's Thesis

Kırsal bölgede okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 5 yaş çocukları ile montessori eğitimi alan 5 yaş çocukların motor becerilerinin karşılaştırılması / Comparison of motor skills of 5-year-old children attending pre-school education in rural area and 5-year-old children receiving Montessori education

Available from: Selçuk University (Turkey)

Asia, Comparative education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rural education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Bu araştırmada kırsal bölgede okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 5 yaş çocukları ile Montessori eğitimi alan 5 yaş çocukların motor becerilerinin karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkeni motor gelişimdir. Bağımsız değişkeni ise Montesori eğitimi alma, kırsal bölgede okul öncesine devam etme ve cinsiyettir. Araştırmanın evrenini 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı resmi- özel anaokulu ve anasınıflarına devam eden 5 yaş öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı resmi - özel anaokulu ve anasınıflarından Kandil Şehit Ersan Şeker İlkokulu anasınıfından 25 öğrenci, Selçuk Üniversitesi İhsan Doğramacı Uygulama Anaokulundan Montessori eğitimi alan 15 öğrenci seçilmiştir. Çocukların motor gelişim becerileri "LOS KF 18" ölçeği ile ölçülmüştür. Motor gelişim ölçeğinden elde edilen puanlara bağımsız değişkenlerin etkisi SPSS 18. versiyonu ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları aşağıda sıralanmıştır. 1. Montessori eğitimi alan 5 yaş çocukların motor gelişim beceri puan ortalamaları ile kırsal bölgede okul öncesine devam eden 5 yaş çocuklarının motor gelişim beceri puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. (P>0.05) 2. Kız çocukların motor gelişimleri ile erkek çocukların motor gelişimleri arasında önemli düzeyde fark yoktur. (P>0.05) 3. Montessori eğitimi alan kız çocuklarının motor gelişim puan ortalamaları ile erkek çocuklarının motor gelişim puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark olmadığı görülmüştür. (P>0.05) 4. Kırsal bölgede okul öncesine devam eden kız çocuklarının motor gelişim puan ortalamaları ile erkek çocuklarının motor gelişim puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark olmadığı görülmüştür. (P>0.05) / In this study, the five age children who studied at pre-school in rural life and who educated with Montessori method were compared. The dependent variant of the study is motor development skill of children the independent voriant of this study is education of Montessori, the pre-school education of rural life and gender.The scope of the study were compared of the students who were attending country and private pre-schools placed in Konya durig 2013-2014 education season and the students were at the age of five. As a sample model, 25 students from Kandil Şehit Ersan Şeker primary school, and 15 students from Selçuk University, were selected using examplification in Konya. The motor devolopment capacity of children was measured by "LOS KF 18" The effects of independent variables on avarage motor development points were investigated with SPSS 18. Method. The datum acquired from this study are summarized below in order: 1. There are no difference between the five age children who educated with Montessori method and who studied at pre-school in rural life. (P>0.05) 2. There is a difference between motor devolopment capacity, it is not of boys and girls in the motor devolopMent capacity, it is not important. (P>0.05) 3. There is a difference between avarage motor devolopment points of girls and boys who educated with Montessori method in the motor devolopment, it is not important. (P>0.05) 4. There is a difference between avarage motor devolopment points of girls and boys who studied at pre-school of rural life, it is not important. (P>0.05)

Language: Turkish

Published: Konya, Turkey, 2015


Urgensi Pengembangan Kecerdasan Fisik Motorik Anak Usia Dini menurut Konsep Montessori [The Urgency of Early Childhood Physical Motor Intelligence Development According to the Montessori Concept]

Available from: State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (Indonesia)

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya menegetahui pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori. Pengembangan fisik motorik bermanfaat untuk tumbuh kembang anak secara keseluruhan. Saat anak mampu mengkoordinasikan gerakan-gerakan otot di tubuhnya dengan optimal maka anak memiliki perkembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik yang baik. Konsep Montessori yang merupakan sebuah metode pendidikan oleh Maria Montessori. Montessori sebagai seorang ilmuwan, dokter dan juga seorang pendidik, menciptakan sebuah metode pendidikan yang memberikan kebebasan kepada anak didiknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data pada penelitian kepustakaan ini terdiri dari sumber primer, sekunder dan tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan fisik motorik anak usia dini merupakan salah satu kecerdasan yang harus dikembangkan dalam diri anak dan konsep Montessori merupakan sebuah metode yang efektif untuk dilaksanakan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa urgensi pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori merupakan hal yang penting bagi pendidikan anak usia dini. Pengembangan fisik motorik anak bermanfaat untuk tumbuh kembang anak secara keseluruhan, dengan konsep Montessori pengembangan kecerdasan Fisik Motorik anak usia dini hasilnya akan optimal sesuai dengan standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Pekanbaru City, Indonesia, 2022

Bachelor's Thesis

Testování jemné motoriky dětí ve věku 3-6 let navštěvujících Montessori předškolní zařízení testovou baterií MABC-2 / Fine Motor Skills Testing of Children in the Preschool Age Visiting Montessori Kindergarten by the battery test MABC-2

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Cíl: V rámci bakalářské práce bylo provedeno měření jemné motoriky u dětí předškolního věku pravidelně navštěvujících Montessori mateřskou školu. Cílem měření bylo posoudit, zdali jsou výsledné hodnoty dětí z Montessori MŠ (mateřská škola) lepší v porovnání s hodnotami dětí, které pravidelně docházejí do běžné mateřské školy. Metodika: Ke sběru dat byla aplikována testová baterie MABC-2. Pro účely výzkumného šetření byla dále použita data z měření jemné motoriky u výběru dětí z pražského komplexu běžných MŠ (autorem dosud nepublikovaného výzkumu je Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D.) a data, která ve své práci uvádí Mgr. Ludvík Valtr. Nejdříve proběhlo porovnání výsledků dětí z Montessori MŠ s hodnotami pražských dětí a poté komparace výsledků zjištěných v Montessori MŠ a hodnot dětí uvedených v diplomové práci Mgr. Ludvíka Valtra. Výsledky a diskuze: V rámci obou porovnání byl patrný statisticky významný rozdíl pouze v motorické dovednosti číslo 1, kdy u prvního zmíněného vzorku vykazovaly ukazatele úrovně jemné motoriky lepší hodnoty u souboru dětí z běžné MŠ a u druhého byla naopak patrná dovednostní převaha dětí z Montessori MŠ. Z výsledků tedy jednoznačně nevyplývá potvrzení ani vyvrácení hypotézy, která předpokládala dosažení jasně lepších výsledků dětmi z Montessori MŠ. / The Aim of the Thesis: We will measure fine motor skills of children in preschool age visiting Montessori kindergarten. We will compare measured results with children who visit common kindergartens. Method: We used battery test MABC-2 for measuring. We also used data from measuring fine motor skills among children from selection of kindergartens in Prague. This research is done by Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. and has not been publishet yet. We also used data presented by Mr. Ludvík Valtr. We compared results between children from the Montessori kindergarten and children visiting prague kindergartens- sample one. Then we compared our results with results from the Diploma thesis by Mr. Ludvík Valtr- sample two. Results and Discussion: We found statistically significant result only in measuring of motor skill number one. In first mentioned sample we found better results between children from common kindergartens. In second mentioned sample we found better results between children from the Montessori kindergarten. We can not confirm or disprove the hypothesis where we expected significantly better results between children visiting Montessori kindergarten.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2015


✓ Peer Reviewed

Modifikasi Permainan Montessori terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus pada Anak Usia Dini Kelompok A TK Al Ijtihad / Modification of Montessori Games on Fine Motor Skills in Early Childhood Group A Al Ijtihad Kindergarten

Available from: Empiricism Journal

Publication: Empiricism Journal, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 686-692

Montessori materials, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Preschool children, Preschool education

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Abstract/Notes: Modification of Montessori Games on Fine Motor Skills in Early Childhood Group A Al Ijtihad Kindergarten Abstract Early childhood children are unique individuals in that they have different needs according to their age stages. At this time the process of growth and development in various physical, social, emotional and cognitive aspects is experiencing the fastest period in the development of human life. The results of observations in the field show that fine motor skills in group A Al Ijtihad Kindergarten are still low and experiencing delays. The fine motor activities provided do not really stimulate children's development and educators' strategies in delivering learning are still not appropriate. Montessori games, which are a learning method that depends on each student, have the advantage of fostering critical thinking, collaborating and acting more decisively, so it is important to implement them in the learning process to improve children's fine motor skills. The aim of this research is to determine the results of implementing modified Montessori games on fine motor skills in group A of Al Ijtihad Kindergarten. The research design used in this research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method, which aims to determine the progress of student learning outcomes after being given certain learning methods. The results of the study showed that there was an increase in children's fine motor skills by 55% based on evaluations from cycle 1 and cycle II. It is hoped that further research can expand the research area and sample size, as well as include various variations of games to develop aspects of children's abilities. / Anak usia dini merupakan individu yang unik dimana mereka mempunyai kebutuhan berbeda sesuai dengan tahapan usianya. Pada masa ini proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam berbagai aspek fisik, sosial emosional, kognitif sedang mengalami masa tercepat dalam rentang perkembangan kehidupan manusia. Hasil observasi di lapangan menunjukan bahwa kemampuan motorik halus pada kelompok A TK Al Ijtihad masih rendah dan mengalami keterlambatan. Kegiatan motorik halus yang diberikan tidak benar-benar menstimulus perkembangan anak dan strategi pendidik dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran masih kurang tepat. Permainan Montessori yang merupakan metode belajar yang bergantung pada masing-masing anak didik, memiliki keunggulan dalam menumbuhkan kekritisan berfikir, berkolaborasi, dan bertindak lebih tegas, sehingga penting untuk diimplentasikan dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi modifikasi permainan montessori terhadap kemampuan motorik halus pada kelompok A TK Al Ijtihad. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui progres hasil belajar siswa setelah diberikan metode pembelajaran tertentu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus anak sebesar 55% berdasarkan evaluasi dari siklus 1 dan siklus II. Penelitian lebih lanjut diharapkan dapat memperluas area penelitian dan jumlah sampel, serta memasukkan berbagai variasi permainan untuk mengembangkan aspek kemampuan anak.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.36312/ej.v4i2.1738

ISSN: 2745-7613


✓ Peer Reviewed

Strategi Guru Menstimulasi Motorik Halus Melalui Kegiatan Practical Life Anak 4-5 Tahun [Teacher's Strategy to Stimulate Fine Motor Through Practical Life Activities for Children 4-5 Years]

Available from: Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Publication: Jurnal Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif (AUDHI) [Journal of Integrative Holistic Early Childhood], vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 96-108

Asia, Australasia, Child development, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Indonesia, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Motor ability in children, Practical life exercises, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi guru dalam menstimulasi kemampuan motorik halus melalui kegiatan Practical life, apa saja faktor-faktor yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat dalam menstimulasi kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan Practical life, serta apa saja kegiatan rutinitas yang dilakukan guru dalam menstimulasi kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan Practical life pada usia 4-5 tahun. Perkembangan motorik halus mengacu pada organisasi otot-otot kecil seperti jari dan tangan, yang membutuhkan ketelitian dan koordinasi dengan tangan, serta penggunaan alat untuk mengerjakan suatu benda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah 1 orang kepala sekolah dan 6 orang guru kelas A. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta teknik analisa data menggunakan model Milles and Hubberman yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru adalah demonstrasi, pemecahan masalah dan pengajaran langsung. Faktor pendukung dalam menstimulasi motorik halus adalah alat peraga atau apparatus Montessori menggunakan benda sesungguhnya yang dijumpai anak dikehidupan sehari-hari, metode montessori, kerjasama antara guru dan orang tua, pelatihan guru mengenai metode Montessori, dan rekan kerja. Sedangkan Faktor penghambat dalam menstimulasi motorik halus anak adalah kurangnya dukungan orang tua dan kesabaran anak saat bermain. Kegiatan rutinitas yang dilakukan guru dalam menstimulasi kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan Practical life adalah menuang, melipat, dan kegiatan lainnya. Kesimpulan adalah kegiatan practical life dapat menstimulasi perkembangan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran demontrasi, pecahan masalah dan pengajaran lagsung. [This study aims to find out how the teacher's strategy is in stimulating fine motor skills through Practical life activities , what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in stimulating children's fine motor skills through Practical life activities , as well as what are the routine activities carried out by the teacher in stimulating children's motor skills . fine motor skills of children through practical life activitiesat the age of 4-5 years. Fine motor development refers to the organization of small muscles such as fingers and hands, which requires precision and hand coordination, as well as the use of tools to work on an object. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with 1 school principal and 6 class A teachers as subjects. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation as well as data analysis techniques using the Milles and Hubberman model which consisted of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: The strategies used by the teacher were demonstrations, problem solving and direct teaching. Supporting factors in stimulating fine motor skills are props or apparatusMontessori uses real objects that children encounter in everyday life, the Montessori method, collaboration between teachers and parents, teacher training in the Montessori method, and colleagues. While the inhibiting factor in stimulating children's fine motor skills is the lack of parental support and children's patience while playing. Routine activities carried out by the teacher in stimulating children's fine motor skills through Practical life activities are pouring, folding, and other activities. The conclusion is that practical life activities can stimulate the development of fine motor skills in children aged 4-5 years by using demonstration learning strategies, problem solving and direct teaching.]

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.36722/jaudhi.v5i2.1816

ISSN: 2774-8243, 2622-2469


Early Writing Ability for Early Childhood Education Using Metal Insets Media with Motor Sensory

Available from: International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies

Publication: International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 190-198

Child development, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori materials, Writing - Instruction and study

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Abstract/Notes: Language is a socially or conventionally accepted code used to express a concept through the use of the desired symbols and combinations of symbols arranged by words. Early childhood is in a sensitive period in language, language skills are very important, they have a vital role in all aspects of intellectual development, in this period children will continue to master and develop their language’s development, if no stimulus is given, children will have limited intellectual development. Early language development involves four skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is a helpful approach to encourage children to use signs and symbols to communicate their ideas. The aims of this study are to describe and analyze the application of Metal Insets media with sensory motor for learning to write through literature studies, explain the characteristics of Metal Insets Media with sensory motor, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Metal Insets Media with sensory motor. This research method is a qualitative with a literature study approach to describe and analyze. The results obtained that Metal Insets media is a writing aid to stimulate early writing ability childhood involving sensory motor it is related to Montessori’s research about humans control their surroundings with their hands and change it in accordance with the direction of their minds, which is inextricably linked to their body morphology and abilities, Metal Insets application take notice on Montessori approach, with the four pillars, such as sensitive periods, a prepared environment, sensory education and spontaneous activity through repetition.

Language: English

ISSN: 2770-2782, 2770-2790


The Importance and Importance of Maria Montessor Methodology in the Development of Little Motorcy in Adolescent Children

Available from: Academics Research

Publication: Innovative Development in the Global Science, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 23-28

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Abstract/Notes: This in the article today kunda current the identity of the child to develop focused unconventional method - Maria Montessori system and his essence , principles , methods , self specific aspects . Maria Montessori is Italian first olima woman and those guys doctor and pedagogy was . Of Montessori pedagogy  advantages and importance about comprehensively illuminated in which Montessori pedagogy _ using of education purpose intellectual development level increase not _ _ in society to life adapt The need is to create an environment for science centers to learn , to develop interesting and interesting materials The main task of the teacher is to show how to manage the presented materials consists of be , science centers for the child development zone, area to be need about mulohaza referred to.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6551128


The Effects of the Montessori Sensory Education on Sensory Ability Development of the Children with Disability / 몬테소리 감각 교육이 장애아의 지각 향상에 미치는 영향

Publication: 韓國肢體不自由兒敎育學會誌 重複·肢體不自由兒敎育 / Korean Journal of Physical and Multiple Disabilities, vol. 40

Pages: 213-231

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-8836

Conference Paper

Freeing the child's response-ability: Celebrating the natural genius of children

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Language: English

Published: Boston, Massachusetts: AMI-USA, 2000

Pages: 64-67

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