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509 results

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

What Are the Effects Of Parental Informational Nights/Parenting Classes on the Parent’s Understanding of the Montessori Method?

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This action research paper aimed to identify the benefits of parent informational classes within the Montessori method. Parents participated in three informational sessions. The sessions discussed Montessori philosophy and each of the core areas in the Montessori classroom. Data was measured using pre-and post-surveys, allowing parents to elaborate on their understanding. Parents were also able to provide questions and feedback regarding areas they desired to learn more. Parents expressed that the informative classes provided them a better understanding of the Montessori philosophy and provided ideas for incorporating the method into their homes. The research concluded the importance of involving and educating parents on their child’s method of education. Further research should include a more extensive and more diverse group of parents or involve multiple schools to see the impact on parent involvement and student success. Upon this research, we will prioritize educating parents on the importance of the Montessori philosophy.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2022

Undergraduate Thesis

Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Tutorial Aktivitas Parenting Montessori Untuk Orangtua Yang Memiliki Anak Usia 2-6 Tahun [Designing a Montessori Parenting Activity Tutorial Illustration Book for Parents With Children 2-6 Years Old]

Available from: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori merupakan salah satu metode parenting untuk anak usia dini yang dikembangkan oleh Maria Montessori, seorang dokter perempuan dari Italia pada tahun 1870. Menurut dr. Montessori, anak-anak dapat belajar dengan baik dalam lingkungan yang tepat. Maksudnya, lingkungan yang sesuai ukuran, untuk merangsang, dan mempermudah anak untuk mencerna pengetahuan kognitif. Seiring dengan perkembangan metode montessori, metode ini banyak diminati para orangtua. Meskipun begitu, banyak orangtua masih belum paham bagaimana memulai untuk menerapkan metode montessori. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah media yang dapat dijadikan salah satu preferensi para orangtua untuk memudahkan mereka dalam memulai aktivitas montessori si rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan instrumen penelitian seperti studi literatur untuk menggali informasi mengenai konten montessori yang didapat dari beberapa buku serta jurnal yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian , depth interview kepada ahli montesori untuk menggali info lebih detail mengenai montessori, studi komparator, dan eksplorasi visual, dan juga user testing yang menggunakan instrumen focus group discussion bersama target audien. Seluruh konsep perancangan ini akan dirangkum dalam sebuah buku yang berisi materi mengenai tutorial aktivitas montessori yang disajikan dengan menggunakan elemen-elemen visual berupa ilustrasi tutorial aktivitas montessori pada outputnya. Buku ilustrasi tutorial aktivitas montessori ini nantinya akan digunakan sebagai media alternatif yang dapat memudahkan para orangtua yang memiliki anak usia 2-6 tahun untuk memulai kegiatan montessori di rumah. / Montessori is a parenting method for early childhood developed by Maria Montessori, a female doctor from Italy in 1870. According to dr. Montessori, children can learn well in the right environment. That is, an appropriate size environment, to stimulate, and make it easier for children to digest cognitive knowledge. Over time, this method is in great demand by parents. Even so, many parents still do not understand how to start implementing the Montessori method. Therefore, we need a media that can be used as one of the preferences of parents to make it easier for them to start montessori activities at home. This study uses a qualitative approach, with research instruments such as literature studies to explore information about Montessori content obtained from several books and journals related to the research topic, depth interviews with Montessori experts to explore more detailed information about Montessori, comparative studies, and visual exploration. , as well as user testing using a focus group discussion instrument with the target audience. All of these design concepts will be summarized in a book containing material on Montessori activity tutorials presented using visual elements in the form of illustrations of Montessori activity tutorials on the output. This Montessori activity tutorial illustration book will later be used as an alternative media that can make it easier for parents who have children aged 2-6 years to start Montessori activities at home.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Surabaya, Indonesia, 2022

Conference Paper

Is There a Need for Handicraft in Preschool? Attitudes of Preschool Teachers and Parents on Including Handicraft Activities in the Regular Preschool Program

Available from: IATED Digital Library

INTED2020 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

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Abstract/Notes: Alternative educational concepts evolved in response to classical educational methods in which children are placed in a passive position and the transfer of knowledge is cultivated as a form of teaching. Models of alternative pedagogy (Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio, Agazzi) advocate developmentally appropriate practices which Bredekamp (1993) describes as a presence of different strategies, i.e., child-oriented behaviours of teachers and responding to the child's individual needs. In order to help each child to grow into a universal and competent individual from preschool age, it is necessary to encourage their imagination and creativity, as well as to acquire habits of cooperation and coexistence with other children. One of the activities which promote these desirable characteristics in children is handicraft. Many studies and findings in the area of neuroscience, multiple intelligences theories, and the aforementioned alternative pedagogical concepts emphasize the importance of handicraft and point out its benefits not only for children but for the entire community. However, such an approach to children's learning and activity is poorly represented in educational institutions. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the views of preschool teachers and parents on handicraft activities and its more frequent use in regular preschool programs. The survey was conducted by an anonymous questionnaire on a sample of 316 respondents, preschool teachers (N=141) and parents (N=175). The results of the study show that both preschool teachers and parents agree that certain elements of alternative concepts such as handicraft have a positive impact on the overall development of the child and that they are useful and practical life skills. They also agree that handicraft activities should be used in educational institutions to a greater extent. [Conference Name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference; ISBN: 9788409179398; Place: Valencia, Spain]

Language: English

Published: Valencia, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2020

Pages: 1511-1519

DOI: 10.21125/inted.2020.0499

ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

The Effect of Parent Nights on Parents’ Involvement in Homework Support for Children

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: The presented research was performed to answer a specific question. What is the effect of an indepth Parent Orientation Evening and an Open House Material Night on parents’ involvement in homework support for their children in a mixed 1st – 3 rd grade Montessori classroom? The study consisted of fifteen students and their guardians. The six weeks of exploration began with a Parent Orientation Evening. It continued with data collection in Math Facts and Spelling Words Practice Sheets, Teacher and Parent Running Record, an Open House Material Night, and Parent Attitude Scales. The research found the two times guardians were invited to the school were helpful to explain the expectations of adults within the classroom and with homework. The findings also showed a small correlation between parents practicing math facts and spelling words with their children and the students’ weekly scores. Continuing the research for a longer period would help answer the initial question posed.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2017


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessing Parenting Education: Parenting Styles of Adolescents in Rural and Urban Society

Available from: Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies - Research Institute of Universitas Negeri Makassar

Publication: Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 23, no. 1

Pages: 72-80

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The objective of this study is to find out the differences of parenting styles in rural and urban society toward with adolescent’s involvement in family decision making. This research using a cross sectional survey method and embracing the theories of Montessori, Steinberg and Santrock about adolescent development, and Yusuf in parenting styles. The instrument used was adapted from the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. It was consisted of 13 questions they were independency, responsibility, honesty, self-acceptance, receiving mistakes, trust, protection, freedom, involvement, and discipline. The result of rural society was the highest maximum value on the acceptance question (59%), namely admitting mistakes. For urban society data showed that the highest score of the questionnaire is about the parenting style of acceptance with a value of 62%. This meant that the result of the parenting style the child receives was the permissiveness style of care. The conclusion based on the area the urban society is more democratic in parenting. It makes teenagers more independent, confident and open minded

Language: English

DOI: 10.26858/ijes.v23i1.13797

ISSN: 2621-6744, 2621-6736


Political Parents: Parents Have Inspired Growth of Public Montessori Programs; Could They Become a Threat?

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 1

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Talks from Parents: Parents Shouldn't Be Passive... What Should They Be?

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 12

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Pour les parents [For the parents]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: La Nouvelle éducation, no. 50

Pages: 187-189

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Language: French

ISSN: 2492-3524


Parenting Resources: Redirecting Children's Behavior: A Parenting Course by Kathryn Kvols

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 22

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Does Parental Involvement Matter? A Comparison of the Effects of Two Different Types of Parental Involvement on Urban Elementary Students' Academic Performance

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This mixed method study seeks to utilize a comparative analysis to explore the impacts of two types of parental involvement in urban elementary school students’ academic performance. Epstein’s (1995) widely cited typology describes six different types of parental involvement, and this typology serves as a framework for this study. More specifically, this study compares learning at home and collaborating with community, as parent involvement types, to student academic performance. The study utilizes descriptive statistics and correlational analyses to compare parent-reported student performance via a survey instrument and semi-structured focus group interviews to collect narrative data. Parental involvement has been vigorously studied over the last two decades, however, not much data appears to address how collaborating with the community, as a form of involvement, influences student performance and other studies provide an ambiguous picture for learning at home as another parenting type. Furthermore, there is evidence that direct-action parent organizing, as a parental involvement form of collaborating with the community, may impact educational outcomes and this study examines these research areas. After analyzing the data, the researcher did not find evidence of a significant relationship between learning at home and parent-reported student academic performance. However, the study did reveal a significant association between parents who were collaborating with the community and the parent-reported academic performance of their children. This moderate correlation from an often overlooked parenting type, collaborating with the community, may harbor rich findings within the literature and point to the need for greater scrutiny herein. In fact, this provides a warrant for additional research to explore the “efficacy” of collaborating with community as a type of parental involvement that significantly influences positive student academic performance.

Language: English

Published: Baltimore, Maryland, 2018

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