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Music and Physical Education Are Primary Needs

Publication: Montessori International, vol. 80

Pages: 32–33

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Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Learning Through Movement: Integrating Physical Education with the Classroom Curriculum

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of the experiment was to find if integrating physical education with the culture curriculum would enhance participation and increase learning in the classroom. The experiment was conducted at a Montessori school with one hundred elementary students split into a control group and experiment group. The control group received the traditional established physical education lessons while the experiment group received lessons integrated with culture themes. A pre and post assessment were given to the students to track improvements in concept retention.Observations were made during the lessons and a survey was given to the supervising teachers. There was not a meaningful change in participation but there was significant increase in scores between the pre and post assessment with the first and second graders in the experiment group. Physical Education integration with the culture curriculum aided younger students in remembering classroom lessons. Physical education will now be integrated with the culture curriculum for all elementary classrooms.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2013


A Montessori Approach to Physical Education

Publication: Montessori Insights

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Language: English

Bachelor's Thesis

Lisää Liikettä Lasten Arkeen: Liikuntakasvatus Montessori-leikkikoulussa [Add Movement to Children's Everyday Life: Physical education in a Montessori play school]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to develop physical education of Montessori play school and to increase physical activity during day. Target was to develop and increase physical activity in playschool and encourage children’s self-motivated movement through picture cards. In addition the aim was to increase educators’ understanding about goal-directed physical activity together with inspiring and motivating children to move. Exercising sessions was implemented aiming to give joy and experience of succes for children. At the same time ideas and point of views were brought to exercising sessions. In addition picture cards were made together with preschool children to facilitate and increase self-motivate movement. In picture cards there are simple movements which children can carry out by themselves or with each other. The bachelor’s thesis was functional. Three exercise days were implemented in play school where exercise sessions were made for small groups. Every child participated. Each session had clear frame and target. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was achieved succesfully. Feedback was received about the contents and guiding of exercising sessions. The educators received new ideas and point of views how to run exercising sessions. Educator’s duty is to develop learning environment physically desirable. The educator is responsible of planning and implementing physical education. Genuine and positive encouraging is very important with children. Implication of children must be observed when physical education is planned and implemented. It is important to live in the moment taking into account the learning environment. It must be remembered that physical education is not limited only exercise sessions. The physical education is realized at its best when combined with different situations in daily life. / Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää Montessori-leikkikoulun liikuntakasvatusta ja lisätä liikuntaa päivän aikana. Tavoitteena oli liikunnan ja liikuntaleikkien kehittäminen ja lisääminen leikkikoulussa, sekä edistää lapsen omaehtoista liikkumista päivän aikana kuvakorttien avulla. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kasvattajien ymmärryksen lisääminen tavoitteellisen ja ohjatun liikunnan merkityksestä, sekä innostaa ja motivoida lasta liikkumaan. Leikkikoululla pidettiin liikuntatuokioita, joiden tavoitteena oli tuottaa lapsille iloa ja onnistumisen kokemuksia. Samalla tuotiin uusia ideoita ja näkökulmia liikuntatuokioiden pitämiseen. Lisäksi tehtiin yhdessä esikouluikäisten lasten kanssa kuvakortit helpottamaan ja lisäämään lasten omaehtoista liikuntaa. Kuvakorteissa on yksinkertaisia liikkeitä, joita lapset pystyvät tekemään itsenäisesti ja toistensa kanssa. Opinnäytetyö oli toiminnallinen. Leikkikoulussa toteutettiin yhteensä kolmena päivänä liikuntapäivä. Liikuntatuokioita pidettiin siten, että jokainen lapsi pääsi osallistumaan niihin kolme kertaa. Jokaisessa liikuntatuokioissa oli selkeä runko ja tavoite. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteet täyttyivät. Liikuntatuokioiden sisällöstä ja ohjaamisesta saatiin palautetta. Kasvattajat saivat uusia ideoita ja näkökulmia liikuntatuokioiden pitämiseen. Liikuntakasvatuksen toteutukseen on tullut selkeyttä ja tietoutta. Opinnäytetyön myötä liikuntakasvatus leikkikoulussa on lisääntynyt ja samalla aktivoinut kasvattajia lisäämään sen toteutumista. Kuvakortit ovat olleet käytössä leikkikoulun arjessa päivittäin. Ne ovat lisänneet omaehtoista liikuntaa varsinkin 4–6-vuotiailla lapsilla. Kasvattajan tehtävä on luoda oppimisympäristö liikunnallisesti suotavaksi. Kasvattajan vastuulla on suunnitella ja toteuttaa liikuntakasvatusta. Aito ja positiivinen kannustaminen on tärkeää lasten kanssa toimiessa. Lasten osallisuus tulee huomioida suunniteltaessa ja toteuttaessa liikuntakasvatusta. On tärkeää elää hetkessä oppimisympäristö huomioiden. Tulee muistaa, että liikuntakasvatus ei rajoitu pelkästään liikuntatuokioihin. Se on parhaimmillaan yhdistettynä arjen erilaisiin tilanteisiin.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2017


Physical Education for Under 6s

Publication: Montessori NewZ, vol. 21

Pages: 10–11, 17

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Language: English


A Montessori Approach to Physical Education

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2001, no. 1

Pages: 5–29

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Abstract/Notes: With introduction by Camillo Grazzini

Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Die bewegungserzieherischen Aspekte in der Montessori-Pädagogik im Vorschulalter [The physical education aspects in Montessori pedagogy in preschool age]

Physical education

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Language: German

Published: [Salzburg, Austria]: [s.n.], 1990


Elementary Physical Education

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 28, no. 1

Pages: 85-104

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals, Three-hour work cycle, Work periods

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Abstract/Notes: Suggests a Montessori elementary level physical education program that provides outlets combining physical and mental energies as well as moral and social awareness. Includes daily scheduling that avoids disruption of work cycle with different daily activities. Suggests the arrangement of key lessons, a healthy attitude toward competition, practical hints for implementing the program within a prepared environment, and ways to modify games for participation within a multi-age group. (Author/KB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Une éducation pour une ère nouvelle: le congrès international d’éducation de Calais (1921) [Education for a new era: the international congress of education in Calais (1921)]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Les Études Sociales, vol. 163, no. 1

Pages: 43-77

Europe, France, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Theosophical Society, Theosophy, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Renouant avec les pratiques d’échanges intellectuels d’avant 1914, des spécialistes de l’éducation d’une quinzaine de pays, appartenant à l’enseignement public comme au secteur privé, tiennent un congrès original, durant deux semaines, à Calais. Au-delà du thème qui les rassemble, « l’expression créatrice de l’enfant », éducateurs théosophes, pédologues et psychologues de l’enfant, praticiens des écoles nouvelles et représentants de l’institution scolaire débattent d’une conception de l’éducation pertinente pour l’ère nouvelle de l’humanité qu’ils appellent de leurs vœux. Conscients d’ouvrir un chantier immense, les personnalités majeures du rassemblement calaisien (B. Ensor, O. Decroly, A. Ferrière) mettent à profit le congrès pour fonder une organisation durable qui poursuivra la réflexion : la Ligue internationale pour l’éducation nouvelle. [Reviving the practices of intellectual exchange that began before 1914, education specialists from some fifteen countries, belonging to public and private school organizations, gathered for an original congress held over two weeks in Calais. Beyond the matter that brought them together, dedicated to “the creative expression of children,” educators, theosophists, pedologists and child psychologists, practitioners of New Education and school officials, discussed what could be the significant educational concepts for the new age of humanity they expected. Conscious of launching a huge project, the prominent personalities of the Calais gathering (Béatrice Ensor, Ovide Decroly, and Adolphe Ferrière) built on that project to create a sustainable organization that could carry on discussions: The New Education Fellowship.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/etsoc.163.0043

ISSN: 0014-2204


Montessori Preschool Education: 유아교육에 관하여 [Montessori Preschool Education: About Early Childhood Education]

Available from: RISS

Publication: 人間理解 / Journal of Human Understanding and Counseling, vol. 3

Pages: 23-31

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 2005-0860, 2671-5821

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