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872 results


Montessori Preschool Education: 유아교육에 관하여 [Montessori Preschool Education: About Early Childhood Education]

Available from: RISS

Publication: 人間理解 / Journal of Human Understanding and Counseling, vol. 3

Pages: 23-31

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 2005-0860, 2671-5821


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Comparison of the Intuitive Mathematic Skills of Preschool Children Who Take Education According to Ministry of National Education Preschool Education Program and Montessori Approach

Available from: IISTE - International Knowledge Sharing Platform

Publication: International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, vol. 6, no. 6

Pages: 167

Asia, Comparative education, Mathematics education, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Preschool children, Preschool education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study analyzed intuitive mathematics abilities of preschool children and to ascertain whether there was a difference between children who were educated according to the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) preschool education program and the Montessori approach. It was also examined whether the intuitive mathematics abilities of the children who were educated according to the MoNE program and Montessori approach showed a significant difference according to variables of gender, duration of pre-school education, and educational levels of parents. The study sample of the study consisted of 121 children (56 girls, 65 boys) aged between 60-72 months. The data was collected via “Personal Information Form” and “Intuitive Mathematics Ability Scale” developed by Güven (2001). Intuitive mathematical abilities of children who were educated according to the Montessori program were more developed compared to those of children educated according to MoNE program. There was no significant difference in intuitive mathematical abilities according to duration of preschool education, education levels of parents. As a result of the study, a significant difference was observed in the intuitive math abilities of the children trained according to the MoNE program in favor of the girls, whereas no significant difference was observed trained according to the Montessori approach. The results are discussed in light of the relevant literature.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-06-12

ISSN: 2422-8702


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori and Embodied Education: Current Proposal in Preschool Education

Available from: Università di Bologna

Publication: Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica / Journal of Theories and Research in Education, vol. 16, no. 2

Pages: 149-163

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Abstract/Notes: The Montessorian proposal for childhood education appears highly modern and relevant in relation to the development of both motor skills and cognitive functions (Shivji, 2016;), strongly supported by neurosciences’ embodied theories (Roessingh, H. & Bence, M. 2018)), and the increasing wellbeing problem related to childhood (Pate et al, 2014; Ross, 2012). This review analyses Maria Montessori’s modern educational vision, in light of the emerging needs of today’s children. The contribution reviews existing literature focusing on body and movement, but connected with cognitive, emotional and well-being aspects, which are critical in preschool education, both for educators/teachers (Atli, 2016; Akkerman, 2014; Lillard, 2011), and for school reform policies (Lillard, 2019).

Language: English

DOI: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/12195

ISSN: 1970-2221


Education Before Five: A Handbook on Preschool Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This handbook was designed as a guide to acquaint child care workers and parents with the broad spectrum of preschool programs now in existence. In section I, theoretical approaches to preschool education such as Montessori, Piagetian, Progressive, Developmental-Interactionist, Behaviorist, and Psychoanalytic and the effects of these different approaches on practice are reviewed and discussed. Section II contains descriptions of a wide variety of center-based and home-based preschool programs and Section III presents a brief overview of the evaluation of preschool programs. In Section IV, some considerations and recommendations for establishing an effective preschool program are presented and in Section V, the importance of preschool education is examined. Section VI contains a discussion of trends, issues and future directions of preschool education. An extensive bibliography is included.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bank Street College of Education, 1977


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analysis of the Application of Montessori Humanistic Education in Preschool Education Under Different Background

Available from: Hill Publishing

Publication: The Educational Review, USA, vol. 7, no. 9

Pages: 1413-1417

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Today, with the implementation of quality education, humanistic culture is integrated into preschool education. Under different backgrounds, the integration of humanistic thought in preschool education can help children grow up and receive a better education. Montessori's teaching thought has exerted a vital influence on the early childhood education system in China and is highly praised by many early childhood educators, which is of great practical significance to the development of children. Based on this, this article takes Montessori's education idea as the main starting point, carries on the elaboration from the thought outline and the core goal two aspects, analyzes the current country's preschool education situation, and inquires into its existence the question. Finally, from esteem heredity, enviromnent education, and sense organ education, this paper carries on a brief discussion of the practice of Montessori education through countermeasures, to further enrich the theoretical system of preschool education in China and make important contributions to the practical exploration of preschool education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26855/er.2O23.09.034

ISSN: 2575-7946, 2575-7938


Education in Preschool Educational Organizations-the Importance of Using the Maria Montessori Method in the Process of Education

Available from: IndianJournals

Publication: ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 11, no. 4

Pages: 589-594

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Abstract/Notes: Modern educational space is "impregnated" with ideas of humanization and personality-oriented concept. In this regard, it becomes necessary to study and understand the potential of those pedagogical systems and techniques of a personal orientation that have taken their solid place in the educational space, having proved their importance, efficiency and productivity. One of the most striking representatives of ideas with a humanistic focus is the Italian teacher, psychologist, founder of the method of scientific pedagogy M. Montessori. The article discusses the positive and negative aspects of the developing method of M. Montessori.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.01104.6

ISSN: 2249-7137


✓ Peer Reviewed

Cooperation Between Parents and Preschool Institutions Through Different Concepts of Preschool Education

Available from: Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal

Publication: Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, vol. 7, no. 4

Pages: 207-226

Europe, Slovenia, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper analyses the importance, role, and methods of cooperation between parents and preschool institutions through the different concepts of preschool education and different educational approaches and formal frameworks. Through educational approaches, the authors analyse how cooperation affects the implementation of preschool education in alternative educational approaches, such as the Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia approaches, and Slovenian public preschool institutions. They envisage that different educational approaches in preschool education perceive the importance and role of cooperation with parents differently and conclude that there are various models of cooperation, which can be demonstrated through a theoretical analysis of the aforementionedalternative preschool approaches. In their view, partnership promotes a shared commitment to the quality realisation of educational goals; it also develops understanding and an ethos of openness in the relationship between all actors in the process of care and education ofpreschool children.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26529/cepsj.372

ISSN: 2232-2647, 1855-9719


✓ Peer Reviewed

Popularyzacja metody Marii Montessori na łamach czasopisma 'Wychowanie Przedszkolne' (1925-1939) / Popularization of the method of Maria Montessori in the magazine 'Preschool Education' (1925–1939)

Available from: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy

Publication: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy, vol. 2020, no. 3-4

Pages: 97-125

Eastern Europe, Europe, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, Poland

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Abstract/Notes: Aim: The topic of the article is the issue of popularizing the Maria Montessori method in the magazine “Przedszkole Przedszkolne” (1925–1939). The article was divided into five parts. The first presents the magazine “Preschool Education”, its issues and educational and popularizing functions. The second part of the article contains an outline of Maria Montessori’s biography up to 1910. The most important turning point in the life of this outstanding teacher is the year in which she gave up her medical practice and didactic work at the University of Rome, devoting herself entirely to teaching, primarily improving and promoting her own method. The most important for the discussed issue, i.e. the third, fourth and fifth parts include the description and the analysis of articles describing the Montessori method in the pages of Preschool Education, presentation of the section with sets of sense exercises and presentation of critical voices regarding this method, published in this journal. Methods: a critical analysis of sources. Results: an analysis of original articles propagating the Maria Montessori method in the magazine “Preschool Education” (1925–1939), whose founder and editor-in-chief was Maria Weryho-Radziwiłłowicz. Conclusions: In the years 1925–1939, the magazine “Preschool Education” published several articles that were a valuable source of information about the pedagogy of Maria Montessori and the organization of “children’s homes”. The authors of the most important of them were Klara Grunwald, and critical of this method ‒ Zofia Bogdanowiczowa. Importantly, in 1936 a translation of one of Maria Montessori’s lectures was published. The editors of “Preschool Education” placed great emphasis on the issues of pedagogical practice, which is why from the first issue the subject of sensory education was promoted. A huge number of various the so-called sensory exercises, in the form of usually creative suggestions for educators, could however result in the shallowing of the Montessori method as a whole.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2020.3_4.06

ISSN: 0033-2178


✓ Peer Reviewed

Specyfika i kierunki modernizacji w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w Łodzi w latach 1924-1939 / Nature and Directions of Modernisation in Preschool Education in Łódź in 1924-1939

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1 (no. 68)

Pages: 125-144

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education, Poland, Preschool education

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Abstract/Notes: Celem badań w niniejszym szkicu była próba odtworzenia specyfiki i kierunków przeobrażeń, jakie w dziedzinie wychowania przedszkolnego w Łodzi nastąpiły w latach 1924-1939. Artykuł jest kontynuacją badań o tej problematyce (dla okresu 1918-1923); wyniki zaprezentowano wcześniej na łamach pisma Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce. Nowy problem badawczy stanowiła kwestia powołania z inicjatywy samorządu miasta Łodzi, pierwszej i kolejnych placówek przedszkolnych. Starano się prześledzić, w jaki sposób organizowano zaplecze materialne tych placówek, jak prowadzono pracę opiekuńczo-wychowawczą i dydaktyczną, czy uwzględniano nowe trendy pedagogiczne, z jakimi trudnościami się konfrontowano. W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi sięgnięto do materiału źródłowego czasopiśmienniczego. Poddano kwerendzie dwa periodyki: pismo ogólnopolskie Przedszkole i o zasięgu lokalnym Dziennik Zarządu Miasta Łodzi. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że nowy kierunek w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w Łodzi został wytyczony od połowy lat 20. XX w. dzięki powoływaniu publicznych placówek dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz zatrudnieniu na stanowisku miejskiej inspektorki wychowania przedszkolnego Janiny Pawłowskiej. Wniosek z badań: znaczące zmiany, jakie w latach 1924-1939 dokonały się w łódzkich przedszkolach odnotowano w sferze wychowawczo-dydaktycznej, zwłaszcza w pracy z dzieckiem i jego rodziną. W myśl nowatorskich rozwiązań pedagogicznych starano się modernizować istniejące przedszkola i zakładać nowe, wyposażać w nowoczesne pomoce dydaktyczne, podnosić jakość pracy wychowawczej oraz wprowadzać do przedszkolnej przestrzeni nowe formy współpracy z rodzicami. / The purpose of this study was the attempt to recreate the nature and directions of transformations which took place in preschool education in Łódź in 1924-1939. This article is a continuation of the research (related to the period of 1918-1923) the results of which have already been published in Elementary Education in Theory and Practice [Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce]. The new research problem was the establishment of the first and other preschools by the local government of the city of Łódź. The attempt was made to study the manner in which the financial basis of these preschools was organized, the way the educational and care work was performed, whether new pedagogical tendencies were followed, and what difficulties had to be overcome. To find the responses to those questions, the author of this article examined source materials in journals. Two journals were surveyed: the nation-wide Przedszkole [Preschool], and the local Dziennik Zarządu Miasta Łodzi [Journal of the Management of the City of Łódź]. It was found that, since the mid-1920s, a new direction was defined in preschool education in Łódź due to the opening of public preschools for children and to the employment of Janina Pawłowska as a municipal preschool education inspector. It was concluded that major changes which occurred in Łódź preschools in 1924-1939 concerned the area of education and didactics, in particular in work with children and their family. Following the innovative pedagogical solutions, the authorities tried to modernize the existing preschools and open new ones, equip them with modern teaching aids, improve the quality of educational work, and introduce new forms of cooperation with parents to preschools.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2023.1868.09

ISSN: 2353-7787


Preschool Education for Inner-City Children: Preliminary Results of an Experimental Montessori Programme

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: Early results from a Montessori nursery program initiated by Toronto, Canada, in 1971, to help inner-city children prepare for formal education indicate that the mothers of the 15 three- and four-year-old children were pleased with the program. Specifically, they felt that the children had increased their verbal skills, preparedness for junior kindergarten, and social maturity. However, not all mothers were pleased with the increased independence shown by some of the children. A study of the children's characteristics suggested that caution should be exerted in extrapolating the findings from other so-called disadvantaged children to inner-city children in one's own city. Other data are useful but the needs of a particular population must be carefully observed. When isolating deficiencies or identity needs, wholesale generalizations from superficial measures should not be made. Precise and explicit definitions should be made for such terms as deficient in language, intellectual motivation, or conceptual ability. Otherwise inadequate solutions are likely to result. (JS)

Language: English

Published: Toronto, Canada, Nov 1971

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