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104 results


Designing a Model Program for Young Children Which Responds to the Child

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 1-21

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Abstract/Notes: Session held at the American Montessori Society Centennial Conference/Seminar, New York, June, 1970

Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064

Undergraduate Thesis

Pengembangan Desain Mainan Balok Montessori untuk Usia 3-6 Tahun Berkonsep Multiplayer (Studi Kasus: Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool) [Design Development of Montessori Block Toys for Ages 3-6 Years with Multiplayer Concept (Case Study: Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool)]

Available from: Universitas Dinamika (Indonesia) - Institutional Repository

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Perkembangan pada anak salah satunya adalah perkembangan motorik halus. Penguasaan motorik halus adalah salah satu yang penting bagi anak khususnya usia 3-6 tahun. Namun, tidak semua anak mempunyai kematangan yang sama untuk menguasai kemampuan motorik halus pada tahap yang sama. Perkembangan motorik halus pada anak salah satunya dipengaruhi faktor eksternal yaitu lingkungan. Metode pembelajaran Montessori merupakan salah satu metode yang mementingkan penyediaan lingkungan yang sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Penyediaan lingkungan yang sesuai diwujudkan melalui berdirinya sekolah-sekolah dengan metode pembelajaran Montessori, termasuk Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool. Bedanya, kelas di sekolah yang menggunakan Metode pembelajaran Montessori tidak mengelompokkan anak berdasarkan umur agar anak bisa saling mengajarkan dan bersosialisasi dengan baik, membentuk jiwa kepemimpinan anak, tanggung jawab dan kemandirian. Selain itu dalam metode ini, digunakan alat permainan edukatif yang sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas, dibutuhkan sarana pembelajaran motorik halus berupa mainan montessori yang dapat dimainkan anak usia 3-6 tahun secara bersama-sama atau multiplayer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, data bersumber dari observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Salah satu mainan Montessori yang umum digunakan untuk melatih motorik halus adalah mainan balok. Perbedaan mainan balok yang dikembangkan peneliti dibanding penelitian serupa sebelumnya yaitu dalam segi fungsi dan cara bermain. Sementara material menggunakan kayu dengan finishing yang menyesuaikan fungsi yaitu HPL putih glossy digunakan untuk menggambar, menulis pada permukaan balok. Hasil penelitian berupa Mainan Balok Montessori multiplayer yang memiliki nilai kebaruan dari segi fungsi yaitu digunakan untuk melatih motorik halus khususnya aktifitas yang bersifat practical life dan dari segi cara bermain menggunakan konsep multiplayer yang sesuai dengan perkembangan psikologis usia 3-6 tahun.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Surabaya, Indonesia, 2022

Conference Paper

The Design of Learning Experiences: A Connection to Physical Environments.

Available from: ERIC

Annual GASCD Conference (Athens, Georgia, April 26, 1996)

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Abstract/Notes: The school environment must create a rich, beautiful, dynamic, meaningful experience for students to learn; however, architects, school boards, and the state focus almost exclusively only on the building when making design decisions. This document lists specific aspects to developing a visionary campus: one that provides a three-dimensional educational experience. Characteristics of the visionary campus include smaller size campuses, multi-age groupings, decentralized buildings, information access that goes beyond written or digital form, and sustainable architecture that is ecologically sound. (GR) Georgia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (GASCD)

Language: English

Undergraduate Thesis

Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Tutorial Aktivitas Parenting Montessori Untuk Orangtua Yang Memiliki Anak Usia 2-6 Tahun [Designing a Montessori Parenting Activity Tutorial Illustration Book for Parents With Children 2-6 Years Old]

Available from: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori merupakan salah satu metode parenting untuk anak usia dini yang dikembangkan oleh Maria Montessori, seorang dokter perempuan dari Italia pada tahun 1870. Menurut dr. Montessori, anak-anak dapat belajar dengan baik dalam lingkungan yang tepat. Maksudnya, lingkungan yang sesuai ukuran, untuk merangsang, dan mempermudah anak untuk mencerna pengetahuan kognitif. Seiring dengan perkembangan metode montessori, metode ini banyak diminati para orangtua. Meskipun begitu, banyak orangtua masih belum paham bagaimana memulai untuk menerapkan metode montessori. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah media yang dapat dijadikan salah satu preferensi para orangtua untuk memudahkan mereka dalam memulai aktivitas montessori si rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan instrumen penelitian seperti studi literatur untuk menggali informasi mengenai konten montessori yang didapat dari beberapa buku serta jurnal yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian , depth interview kepada ahli montesori untuk menggali info lebih detail mengenai montessori, studi komparator, dan eksplorasi visual, dan juga user testing yang menggunakan instrumen focus group discussion bersama target audien. Seluruh konsep perancangan ini akan dirangkum dalam sebuah buku yang berisi materi mengenai tutorial aktivitas montessori yang disajikan dengan menggunakan elemen-elemen visual berupa ilustrasi tutorial aktivitas montessori pada outputnya. Buku ilustrasi tutorial aktivitas montessori ini nantinya akan digunakan sebagai media alternatif yang dapat memudahkan para orangtua yang memiliki anak usia 2-6 tahun untuk memulai kegiatan montessori di rumah. / Montessori is a parenting method for early childhood developed by Maria Montessori, a female doctor from Italy in 1870. According to dr. Montessori, children can learn well in the right environment. That is, an appropriate size environment, to stimulate, and make it easier for children to digest cognitive knowledge. Over time, this method is in great demand by parents. Even so, many parents still do not understand how to start implementing the Montessori method. Therefore, we need a media that can be used as one of the preferences of parents to make it easier for them to start montessori activities at home. This study uses a qualitative approach, with research instruments such as literature studies to explore information about Montessori content obtained from several books and journals related to the research topic, depth interviews with Montessori experts to explore more detailed information about Montessori, comparative studies, and visual exploration. , as well as user testing using a focus group discussion instrument with the target audience. All of these design concepts will be summarized in a book containing material on Montessori activity tutorials presented using visual elements in the form of illustrations of Montessori activity tutorials on the output. This Montessori activity tutorial illustration book will later be used as an alternative media that can make it easier for parents who have children aged 2-6 years to start Montessori activities at home.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Surabaya, Indonesia, 2022

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitim modelinin tasarıma etkisinin İhsan Doğramacı Uygulama Anaokulu örneğinde incelemesi / On the Effect of Design of Montessorian Educational Models on the Embassy School of Application Review

Available from: Selçuk University (Turkey)

Asia, Child development, Classroom environments, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Prepared environment, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Okul öncesi dönem, çocuğun oldukça hızlı geliştiği, öğrenme potansiyelinin yüksek olduğu bir dönemdir, bu yüzden çocuğun yaşamında büyük önemi vardır. Okul öncesi dönemde fiziksel çevre, çocuğun zihin, beden, hareket, dil, duygu ve sosyal gelişimini etkilemektedir, bu yüzden çalışmadaki amaç, okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarını planlarken, çocuğun ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek ve gelişimini destekleyecek nitelikte bir eğitim ortamının tasarlanmasının vurgulanmasıdır. Bu çalışmada okul öncesi eğitimin fiziksel mekanları, iç ve dış mekanların oluşturduğu bölümler standartlara uygunluğu incelenmiştir, ayrıca dünya üzerinde ve Türkiyede farklı eğitim modelleri (Reggio Emilia Alternatif Eğitim, High Scope eğitimi, Waldorf eğitimi, Orman eğitimi, Montessori eğitim ortamları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada Türkiyedeki en yaygın eğitim modellerin Montessori Eğitimi'nin Konya'daki Selçuk Üniversitesi İhsan Doğramacı Montessori Anaokulu mimari açıdan analiz edilmiştir. Okuldaki fiziksel ortamlar iç ve dış mekanlar ve Montessori sınıfların oluşturduğu bölümler Montessori eğitim modelinin fiziki ortam kriterleri açısından incelenmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, okul planlarının eldesinde teknik çizim ve görseller kullanılmışdır. Okulun incelenmesinde gözlem, yerinde inceleme, eğitimciler ve öğrenciler ile birebir görüşme gibi yöntemlerden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, İhsan Doğramacı Anaokulu eğitiminin ilkelerini mümkün olduğunca uygulamaya çalışan bir okul olmasaına rağmen okulun mevcut mimarisi ve materyallerin yetersiliği eğitimin kalitesini düşürmektedir. İlkelere bağlı kalarak eksiklikler giderildiğinde eğitimin kalitesi de yükselecektir. Tez çalışmasının bu doğrultusunda yol gösterici olacağı inancındayım. / The pre-school period is a critical period in which the child develops rapidly and the learning potential is high. Because it is a critical period, there is a great importance in the life of the child and it needs to be evaluated well. The physical enviroment in the pre-school period affects the child's body, movement, mind, language, emotions and social development, so the aim of the study is to design educational environment that can meet the needs of the child and support its development while planning pre-school education institutions. In this study, preschool education physical spaces, Interior and exterior sections of standards examined, also different education models in the world and in Turkey (Reggio Emilia alternative education, High Scope education, Waldorf education, forest education, Montessori education environment. Selcuk University in Konya in Turkey Montessori education model in the study of the most common Training Montessori Nursery Ihsan Dogramaci was analyzed in terms of architecture. The physical environments in the school, the interior and exterior spaces, and the parts of the Montessori classes are examined in terms of the physical environment criteria of Montessori education model. In the scope of the study, technical drawings and visuals were used in the school plans. In the examination of the school, methods such as observation, in-situ examination, interview with educators and students were used. As a result of the analyzes made, although the school does not try to apply the principles of İhsan Doğramacı Kindergarten education as much as possible, the capacity of the school's existing architecture and materials reduces the quality of education. When deficiencies are eliminated by adhering to the principles, the quality of education will also rise. I believe that the thesis work will be guiding in this direction.

Language: Turkish

Published: Konya, Turkey, 2018


Bildnerisches Gestalten nach Maria Montessori [Artistic Design According to Maria Montessori]

Design, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Die hier ermöglichten Schaffensprozesse kombiniert mit dem kindlichen kreativen Potenzial sind die Basis für künstlerisch aktive Kinder. Bildnerisches Gestalten als wichtige kindliche Ausdrucksform, Unterstützung der feinmotorischen Koordination, Wecken von Experimentierfreude und Entdecken des eigenen Gefühls für Ästhetik sind Notwendigkeiten für die Kreativität. [The creative processes made possible here combined with the child's creative potential are the basis for artistically active children. Artistic design as an important form of expression for children, support for fine motor coordination, arousing the willingness to experiment and discovering one's own feeling for aesthetics are necessities for creativity.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2018

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-3-451-37828-7

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)


Bildnerisches Gestalten nach Maria Montessori [Artistic Design According to Maria Montessori]

Design, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Die hier ermöglichten Schaffensprozesse kombiniert mit dem kindlichen kreativen Potenzial sind die Basis für künstlerisch aktive Kinder. Bildnerisches Gestalten als wichtige kindliche Ausdrucksform, Unterstützung der feinmotorischen Koordination, Wecken von Experimentierfreude und Entdecken des eigenen Gefühls für Ästhetik sind Notwendigkeiten für die Kreativität. [The creative processes made possible here combined with the child's creative potential are the basis for artistically active children. Artistic design as an important form of expression for children, support for fine motor coordination, arousing the willingness to experiment and discovering one's own feeling for aesthetics are necessities for creativity.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2020

Edition: 2nd ed.

ISBN: 978-3-451-37828-7 3-451-37828-0

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)


I designati al Premio internazionale Montessori Educazione e pace 1998

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 47, no. 10

Pages: 12

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


Montessori Induction Design

Available from: ERIC

Publication: MPSC Update [Montessori Public School Consortium (Cleveland, OH)], vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 1

Americas, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English


Half and Half Design and Color [Workbook by Elaine Heller]

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 7, no. 3

Pages: 5

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Language: English

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