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99 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Criticizing Montessori’s Method of Early Childhood Education using Islamic Psychology Perspective

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (Indonesia)

Publication: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 133-148

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This study examined critically Montessori’s concepts on early childhood education through Islamic Psychology perspective. This research used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that (1) Montessori’s method pays more attention to the cognitive aspect of children development while children potential doesn’t only consist of cognitive, affective, and psycho-motoric aspects, but also spiritual one; (2) Reinforcement are not needed in Montessori’s method, while in Islamic Psychology, rewards can increase children's learning and punishment is needed to make children become disciplined in carrying out the rules; (3) Learning environment should be structured, in order, realistic and natural. This concept is suitable for upper class educational institutions but it would be difficult for middle-low income groups since the materials required by Montessori’s method is expensive enough. (4) Parents and teachers are required to become observers and interpreters. This role may pose problem on the part of parents and teachers since not all parents and teachers have criteria to act as is it expected by Montessori’s method.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15575/jpi.v5i2.5835

ISSN: 2460-8149


Kodomo no shinri to sono michibiki-kata / 子どもの心理とその導き方 [Children's psychology and how to guide them]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 1

Pages: 29-32

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Abstract/Notes: This is an article from Montessori Education, a Japanese language periodical published by the Japan Association Montessori.

Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


[The Unchanging Importance of Montessori's Method of Educational Psychology]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 11

Pages: 59-68

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Psychology within Montessori pedagogy – theory and practice

Available from: dLibra

Publication: Pedagogika, vol. 27, no. 2

Pages: 143-155

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Abstract/Notes: In this paper titled Psychology within Montessori pedagogy – theory and practice the authors elaborate a current topic of access to upbringing and education, a theme that encompasses both psychology and pedagogy. Based on her experience as an assistant professor on the subject Educational anthropology and her experience as a pedagogue at a private preschool, which follows a Montessori approach, author Topic provides a theoretical approach to upbringing and education in the educational sector in the city of Mostar. Despite it being a review of a single city, the patterns and behaviors observed can be found in any other place or a city.By nurturing an individual approach to each child and taking into account their needs, children are encouraged to study by themselves, therefore allowing and supporting them to develop self confidence and self actualization. The example given is taken from a kindergarten provides an overview of practices which encourage the child towards healthy growth and development into a confident young people who will be able to form and make good choices in life.Through practical psychology, author Colak, provides us with an answer to the question why is all that important. Through her experiences in work with young people who suffer from consequences of, among other things, an inadequate approach to upbringing and education in their younger age.And to answer why this is important, psychology might have some cues. Author Čolak from her work experience with young people at Psychiatry Clinic in Mostar considers consequences that (according to literature, theory and practice) have some causes in upbringing approach at an earlier age and which behaviors were/are reinforced through evaluation systems and early messages from adults. Working with young people, author Čolak presents case study of female student with extremely low self-esteem and extremely high perfectionism in cognitive-behavioral therapy process. We discuss how and why those are so immensely pathologically connected. Some risk factors (following bio-psycho-social model of illness/wellness) are connected with psychological and social context. Thus, by educating parents and educators so we may have chance to improve mental health of children and later adults.As a conclusion, co-operation and multidisciplinary approach is suggested. Education, psychotherapy and prevention have much in common. Montessori approach is not the only one which deals with it, but in its foundations holds the bases to help us to react in time, both as a profession and as humans too. / W artykule niniejszym autorki odnoszą się do aktualnego problemu dostępu do wychowania i kształcenia, obejmującego zarówno psychologię, jak i pedagogikę. Opierając się na swoim doświadczeniu w zakresie antropologii edukacyjnej oraz jako pedagoga w prywatnym przedszkolu pracującym w oparciu o podejście M. Montessori, Kristina Topić zapewnia teoretyczne podejście do wychowania i edukacji w sektorze edukacyjnym w Mostarze (Bośnia i Hercegowina). Pomimo tego, że tekst dotyczy jednego miasta, zaobserwowane wzorce i zachowania można znaleźć w każdym innym miejscu. Pielęgnując indywidualne podejście do każdego dziecka i biorąc pod uwagę jego potrzeby, zachęca się je do samodzielnego uczenia się, umożliwiając i wspierając w rozwijaniu pewności siebie i samorealizacji. Podany przykład, pochodzący z przedszkola, zawiera przegląd praktyk, które zachęcają dziecko do prawidłowego rozwoju, aby stać się ludźmi, którzy będą w stanie tworzyć i dokonywać dobrych wyborów w życiu. Poprzez psychologię praktyczną, Iva Čolak, formułuje odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego wskazane wyżej praktyki są tak ważne. Poprzez swoje doświadczenia w pracy z młodymi ludźmi, którzy cierpią z powodu popełnianych błędów w wychowaniu i kształceniu. W celu odpowiedzi, dlaczego indywidualizacja podejścia, samodzielność w uczeniu się i wspieranie w rozwoju są ważne, psychologia może dostarczyć pewnych interpretacji. Iva Čolak z perspektywy swojego doświadczenia w pracy z młodzieżą w Klinice Psychiatrii w Mostarze rozważa konsekwencje, które (zgodnie z teorią i praktyką) mają pewne przyczyny w podejściu do wychowania młodych ludzi oraz w zachowaniach, które zostały (bądź są) wzmacniane poprzez systemy oceniania i wczesne informacje zwrotne od dorosłych. Pracując z młodzieżą, przedstawia ona case study studentki o skrajnie niskiej samoocenie i niezwykle wysokim perfekcjonizmie będących przedmiotem terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej. Omówione zostało, jak i dlaczego te zjawiska są powiązane. Niektóre czynniki ryzyka (zgodnie z biopsychospołecznym modelem choroby / dobrego samopoczucia) są powiązane z kontekstem psychologicznym i społecznym. W ten sposób, poprzez edukację rodziców i wychowawców, możemy mieć szansę na poprawę zdrowia psychicznego dzieci i dorosłych. Podsumowując, Autorki sugerują współpracę i interdyscyplinarne podejście. Edukacja, psychoterapia i profilaktyka mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego. Podejście Montessori nie jest jedynym, które zajmuje się relacjami między tymi pojęciami, ale w jego fundamentach znajdują się podstawy, które pomagają reagować na czas.

Language: English

ISSN: 2545-3041


The "New Psychology"

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 17

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Influence of Montessori Education and Traditional Education on Children's Learning Psychology

Available from: Darcy and Roy Press

Publication: Journal of Education and Educational Research, vol. 6, no. 3

Pages: 131-133

Asia, China, Comparative education, East Asia, Learning strategies, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: This paper aims to explore the influence of Montessori education and traditional education on children's learning psychology and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two educational methods. First, the influence of Montessori education and traditional education on children's learning ability and attitude was explored through observation and comparative analysis. In terms of learning ability, Montessori education focuses on cultivating children's independent learning ability and practical ability, while traditional education pays more attention to the indoctrination of knowledge and examination results. In terms of learning attitude, Montessori education cultivates children's concentration and continuity, while traditional education may lead to children's interest in learning and motivation to learn. Next, the advantages and disadvantages of Montessori education and traditional education are analyzed. Finally, the integration and innovation of Montessori education and traditional education are discussed. In conclusion, Montessori education and traditional education have different influences in terms of children's learning psychology, and integrated education may provide better educational methods for children's all-round development.

Language: English

DOI: 10.54097/1y1s8e93

ISSN: 2957-9465


Über Intelligenz und Intelligenzprifung: Theoretische Bemerkungen zu Problemen der angewandten Psychologie [On intelligence and intelligence testing: Theoretical comments on problems in applied psychology]

Available from: Atlante Montessori

Publication: The Call of Education / L'Appel de l'Éducation / La chiamata dell'Educazione: Psycho-pedagogical Journal (International Organ of the Montessori Movement), vol. 1, no. 3/4

Pages: 206-210

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Language: German


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori’s Philosophy of Experimental Psychology

Available from: The University of Chicago Press Journals

Publication: HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 240-268

Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Through philosophical analysis of Montessori’s critiques of psychology, I aim to show the enduring relevance of those critiques. Maria Montessori sees experimental psychology as fundamental to philosophy and pedagogy, but she objects to the experimental psychology of her day in four ways: as disconnected from practice, as myopic, as based excessively on methods from physical sciences, and—most fundamentally—as offering detailed examinations of human beings (particularly children) under abnormal conditions. In place of these prevailing norms, Montessori suggests a model of the teacher-scientist in a specially prepared environment, who can engage in sustained and impassioned observation of “normalized” children. Drawing from a variety of texts and recently published lectures, this article lays out Montessori’s philosophy of experimental psychology and briefly discusses its relevance today.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1086/682395

ISSN: 2152-5188


Maria Montessori und der Stand der experimentellen Kinderpsychologie [Maria Montessori and the state of experimental child psychology]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 62

Pages: 81-85

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Language: German

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