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731 results


Moving Up in Montessori: A Parent's Visit to a Montessori Elementary Program

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: 8

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Maria Montessori - Selbsttätige Erziehung im Frühen Kindesalter [Maria Montessori - Independent Education in Early Childhood] (Book Review)

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Pharus, vol. 5 (Halbjahrband 1), no. 6

Pages: 570

Book reviews

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Language: German


Montessori paddhati / मोंटेसरी पद्धति [Montessori Method]

Maria Montessori - Writings, Taraben Modak - Writings

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Language: Hindi

Published: Bhavnagar, India: [s.n.], 1923

Edition: [Hindi edition]


Um esboço do método Montessori [An outline of the Montessori method]

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Portuguese

Published: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: [s.n.], 2003


Effects of Applying AMSP (American Montessori Society Program) According to the Years of Mathematics / 수학연한에 따른 AMSP (American Montessori Society Program)의 적용효과: 유아의 창의성과 지능에 미치는 영향을 중심으로

Available from: RISS

Publication: 교육과학연구 / Journal of Educational Science Research, vol. 35, no. 2

Pages: 233-251

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Abstract/Notes: This study investigated the effects of AMSP(American Montessori Society) on young children's creativity and intelligence according to the learning term.The questions for research were as follows:1. What is the effect of AMSP on young children's creativity according to the learning term?2. What is the effect of AMSP on young children's intelligence according to the learning term? The subjects of this study were 57 aged five-old children at H kindergarten in J. City. They were classified to three groups according to learning term of AMSP.The data were collected using the General Creativity Test for Children(Chon, kyoung-won, 2000), the Revised Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Park, kwang-bae 1995), and analysed by ANCOVA, the Scheffe test with SPSS 11.0 Program.The results of this study are summarized as follows:1. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's creativity significantly. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's creativity significantly. 2.The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's intelligence significantly. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's intelligence significantly. / 본 연구는 AMSP가 유아의 창의성과 지능에 미치는 영향에 있어 수업연한에 따른 차이를 알아본 것으로, AMSP의 수업연한에 따라 구분된 1년차 집단, 2년차 집단, 3년차 집단 각 19명씩 만 5세 유아 총 57명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 전경원(2000)의 창의성 검사와 박혜원곽금주박광배(1996) 등이 개발한 한국형WPPSI(K-WPPIS)를 실시한 결과, AMSP의 수업연한이 높을수록 유아의 창의성과 지능발달에 전반적으로 더 큰 효과를 나타냈다. 이에 AMSP가 유아의 창의성과 지능발달을 돕는 하나의 효과적인 접근방안일 뿐만 아니라 유치원의 3년 교육 기간에 AMSP를 제공받는 것이 유아의 창의성과 지능발달에 더 효과적임을 시사해준다고 하겠다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1229-8484, 2713-6515

Master's Thesis

Stavovi Studenata Nastavničkih Studija o Montessori Pedagogiji / The Stands That Students of Teaching Studies Have on Montessori Pedagogy

Available from: Digitalni Akademski Arhivi i Repozitoriji (DABAR)

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori pedagogy is a pedagogical concept that was created by Maria Montessori, and is based on anthropology and scientific observation of the natural learning process of children. It is recognizable by its prepared environment with didactic shaped material that provide children an independent realization of knowledge. Although the concept was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, it is a pedagogical approach that still adequately responds to the developmental needs of children and overcome the disadvantages of the traditional educational system focused on the teacher. The aim of this study was to determine the opinions that students of teaching studies have on Montessori pedagogy considering their study. The study was conducted on an intentional sample of students from the Faculty of Philosophy in Split, the department of teacher education and the department of pedagogy. The results showed that students, dependent on their study, differ in knowledge about Montessori pedagogy and valuation of the desirability of the traditional education, while there is no difference in attitudes towards Montessori pedagogy and in valuation of the desirability of the education based on independence, play and the satisfaction of knowledge. Pedagogy students had several courses where they gained knowledge about Montessori pedagogy and had experience visiting Montessori institutions where they experienced the application of these pedagogical principles in practice, while students from the department of teacher education haven't had such experiences and they were less familiar with the Montessori pedagogy during their study. That reflected on some of their attitudes. The existing of a positive attitude towards Montessori pedagogy regardless of the level of knowledge about this conception leads to the conclusion that the connotations they have about the Montessori pedagoy are positive, which supports the hypothesis of a positive image of the concept not only among many experts, but also among lay people. / Montessori pedagogija je pedagoška koncepcija koju je osmislila Marija Montessori, a temelji se na antropologiji i znanstvenom promatranju prirodnog procesa učenja djece. Prepoznatljiva je po pripremljenoj okolini s didaktički oblikovanom materijalu koji djeci omogućuju samostalan dolazak do spoznaje. Iako je koncepcija ponuđena početkom 20. stoljeća i danas se smatra pedagoškim pristupom koji primjereno odgovara na razvojne potrebe djece te prevladava nedostatke tradicionalnog odgojno-obrazovnog sustava usmjerenog na učitelja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razlikuju li se studenti nastavničkih studija u stavovima o Montessori pedagogiji s obzirom na studij. Istraživanje je provedeno na namjernom uzorku studenata učiteljskog studija i studija pedagogije Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. Rezultati su pokazali da se studenti s obzirom na studij razlikuju u znanjima o Montessori pedagogiji te u procjeni poželjnosti tradicionalnog odgoja, dok se ne razlikuju u stavovima o Montessori pedagogiji i u procjeni poželjnosti odgoja utemeljenog na samostalnosti, igri i zadovoljstvu spoznajom. Studenti studija pedagogije u okviru više kolegija stjecali su znanja o Montessori pedagogiji te imali iskustva posjeta Montessori ustanovama u kojima su doživjeli primjenu tih pedagoških načela u praksi, dok studenti učiteljskog studija nisu imali takva iskustva te su o Montessori pedagogiji tijekom studija bili slabije upoznati što se odrazilo i na neke njihove stavove. Postojanje pozitivnog stava o Montessori pedagogiji neovisno o razini znanja o toj koncepciji upućuje na zaključak da su konotacije koje imaju vezano za Montessori pedagogiju pozitivne, što ide u prilog tezi o pozitivnoj slici o toj koncepciji ne samo među mnogim stručnjacima, nego i među laicima.

Language: Croatian

Published: Split, Croatia, 2016


Valutare la qualità delle scuole e dei docenti nel metodo Montessori [Assessing the quality of schools and teachers in the Montessori method]

Europe, Italy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Montessori schools, Southern Europe, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: Il volume, partendo dalla individuazione delle coordinate lasciate da Maria Montessori per una corretta organizzazione degli ambienti (Spazi-Arredi-Materiali) delle scuole montessoriane e per una adeguata attuazione delle pratiche didattiche (Scelte di Metodo) dei suoi insegnanti, presenta due scale di osservazione - SpAMM, scala di osservazione e valutazione degli Spazi, Arredi, Materiali Montessoriani e SMeMO, scala di osservazione e valutazione delle Scelte di Metodo Montessori - costruite a partire dall'esigenza di monitorare e promuovere la qualità delle scuole e dei docenti che applicano, ancora oggi, il Metodo Montessori. La somministrazione di questi strumenti, infatti, inserita in un adeguato percorso di valutazione formativa, permette agli insegnanti coinvolti di riflettere - sulla base di criteri chiari ed espliciti - sul valore del proprio "fare scuola" (inteso come organizzazione degli ambienti della scuola e come attuazione del metodo Montessori) e di intraprendere, di conseguenza, azioni consapevoli di miglioramento della qualità educativa e didattica delle scuole montessoriane.

Language: Italian

Published: Bergamo, Italy: Zeroseiup, 2017

ISBN: 978-88-99338-29-9 88-99338-29-9

Series: Culture e saperi dell'infanzia


One-Day Montessori: Thomaston Woods Montessori Program

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 29, no. 3

Pages: 48-51

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Abstract/Notes: The community center has a large classroom that housed a Head Start Program before that program moved to a public school. Providing for the educational and developmental needs of children in low-income housing and in neighborhoods that are economically depressed presents challenges both financial and logistical. [...]the results have been amazing! Even with the limited exposure to the Montessori environment, children have developed concentration, independence, care of self and the environment, social skills, and a love for art and music.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Montessori Lectures: The First of a Course of Lectures on the Montessori Method...

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 176

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


La Lezione Di Maria Montessori [The Lesson of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Pedagogia e Vita: Bimestrale di Problemi Pedagogici Educativi e Scolastici [Pedagogy and Life: Bimonthly of Educational and Scholastic Pedagogical Problems], no. 4

Pages: 321-326

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0031-3777

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