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552 results

Book Section

Holistic Education: The Paradigm Shift You Have Been Looking For – Foundations of Whole Student Education K-12

Available from: IGI Global

Book Title: Multifaceted Strategies for Social-Emotional Learning and Whole Learner Education

Pages: 1-24

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Abstract/Notes: This chapter explores the theories and histories of the holistic educational paradigm. Beginning with a description of the theoretical structures that underpin the holistic educational viewpoint, it lays the groundwork to understand how pedagogies as diverse as Waldorf, Montessori, Democratic Free Schooling, and homeschooling are connected by a common set of paradigmatic assumptions. Following brief summaries of the origins of these traditions, key aspects of practice and highlights from research carried out in each pedagogy are discussed. Concluding remarks draw connections between the fundamental convictions that gave rise to these pedagogies and the needs of educators in diverse contexts today. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4906-3.ch001

Language: English

Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-79984-906-3


✓ Peer Reviewed

Inclusive Education for Exceptional Children in Egypt and the US: Reforming Egyptian Inclusive Education System in Post-pandemic World

Available from: Knowledge E Publishing

Publication: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 318-344

Africa, Americas, Educational change, Egypt, Inclusive education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North Africa, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Inclusive education means that exceptional children (EC) can fully participate in the learning process alongside their typically developing peers, supported by reasonable accommodations and teaching strategies that are tailored to meet their individual needs. The main goal of inclusion policies for EC is to provide high-quality education for all without discrimination and to ensure the implementation of equal opportunity principles. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the reality of inclusive education systems in Egypt and the United States (US) and to develop a better understanding of similarities and differences and thus identify the lessons learned. The study applied a comparative analysis method. Research findings revealed that the progress towards inclusion practices in Egyptian inclusive public schools is minimal and hindered by many challenges. Among them are lacking financial resources and a shortage of qualified teachers trained to differentiate curricula for EC. Based on the research findings, the study concludes with recommendations to improve the Egyptian inclusive education for EC.

Language: English

DOI: 10.18502/gespr.v3i2.12617

ISSN: 2709-0191


Education in Preschool Educational Organizations-the Importance of Using the Maria Montessori Method in the Process of Education

Available from: IndianJournals

Publication: ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 11, no. 4

Pages: 589-594

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Abstract/Notes: Modern educational space is "impregnated" with ideas of humanization and personality-oriented concept. In this regard, it becomes necessary to study and understand the potential of those pedagogical systems and techniques of a personal orientation that have taken their solid place in the educational space, having proved their importance, efficiency and productivity. One of the most striking representatives of ideas with a humanistic focus is the Italian teacher, psychologist, founder of the method of scientific pedagogy M. Montessori. The article discusses the positive and negative aspects of the developing method of M. Montessori.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.01104.6

ISSN: 2249-7137


✓ Peer Reviewed

Görsel Sanatlar Eğitiminde Montessori Eğitimi Yönteminin Öğrenci Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi / The Effect of the Montessori Education Method on Student Knowledge in Visual Arts Education

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Eğitim ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETAD) / Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES), vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 561-569

Art education, Asia, Creative ability in children, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In the traditional school system, many values are set in line with the wishes of adults. This situation appears as a blind conflict between the weak and the strong in education. This environment, which causes the creation of only weak and strong people by keeping the individual in the background, comes to light with the sense of loss and self-worthlessness, and the characteristics of membership left alone or without faith. Individuals with this point of view have developed neither personal courage nor ability to criticize and judge. If we love the child so that he/she can build with his/her own unique values and natural laws, it is possible for us to develop all his abilities. At this point, Montessori Education Method emerges as one of the most valuable methods for us to achieve this development. The Montessori Method is based on the developmental needs of the child and is implemented in a carefully prepared appropriate environment. In this process, when the superiority of the method is realized, the child develops both his/her intelligence and his/her physical and mental abilities with experiences.This study aspires to determine how the primary school second grade visual arts education class topics affect students' knowledge levels by applying the method of Montessori Education. The aim of the study is to cover the effect of teaching art history education with the Montessori Education Method on student knowledge level. / Geleneksel okul sisteminde, yetişkinlerin istekleri doğrultusunda birçok değer konulmaktadır. Bu durum eğitimde sadece zayıf ve güçlünün arasında kör bir çatışma olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bireyi arka planda tutarak sadece zayıf ve güçlü insanların yaratılmasına sebebiyet veren bu ortam, kendiliğinden gelişen kayıp ve kendi kendine olan değersizlik duygusu ile beraber yalnız başına bırakılmış ya da inançsız üyelik özellikleriyle açığa çıkmaktadır. Bu bakış açısına sahip bireylerin, ne kişisel cesaretleri ne de eleştirme ve muhakeme yetisi gelişmemiştir. Eğer çocuğu kendine özel değerleriyle ve doğal yasalarıyla inşa edebilmesi için seversek bütün yeteneklerini geliştirmemiz mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu noktada Montessori eğitimi bu gelişimi sağlayabilmemiz için en değerli yöntemlerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Montessori yöntemi çocuğun gelişimsel ihtiyaçları üzerine kurulur ve dikkatlice hazırlanan uygun bir çevrede bu durum kolaylaştırılarak uygulanır. Yöntemin üstünlüğünün farkedildiği bu süreçte çocuk, deneyimlerle hem zekasını hem de fiziksel ve ruhsal yeteneklerini geliştirmektedir. Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim 2. sınıf görsel sanatlar eğitimi ders konularının, Montessori eğitimi yöntemi uygulanarak öğrenci bilgi düzeylerine etkisinin nasıl olduğu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, sanat tarihi eğitiminin montessori eğitimi yöntemiyle öğretilmesinin öğrenci bilgi düzeyine etkisini kapsamaktadır.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2458-9624

Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)

Mise en perspective des convergences et des divergences entre les contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur du programme d'éducation préscolaire du Québec (1997) et du programme d'éducation préscolaire Montessorien.

Available from: Université du Québec à Montréal

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Abstract/Notes: Cette recherche avait pour objectif de mettre en perspective le programme préscolaire québécois (MEQ, 1997) et le programme préscolaire issu du modèle pédagogique montessorien (Pédagogie Scientifique, 1958), dans le but de dégager les similitudes et les particularités de leurs contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur. Une analyse globale des problèmes généraux liés à l'éducation préscolaire et un bref rappel du contexte actuel de l'éducation préscolaire au Québec et ailleurs, nous a permis de faire ressortir les infrastructures qui posent problèmes au niveau préscolaire et qui sont en interrelation constante à savoir: les besoins de l'enfant d'âge préscolaire, les objectifs des programmes qui leur sont destinés, les méthodes et techniques utilisées. Le mode d'évaluation des enfants au préscolaire justifie la problématique de recherche et la prise en compte de l'aspect psychomoteur dans cette recherche. Nous avons élaboré une grille d'analyse visant à dégager les contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur de chacun des programmes analysés. La comparaison des deux programmes nous a permis de faire ressortir de nombreux contenus portant sur la psychomotricité. Les résultats de la présente recherche ont permis de révéler l'existence de certaines divergences et convergences entre les éléments liés au domaine psychomoteur, soit par rapport à leur valeur sémantique, soit par rapport à l'échelle de valeur qui leur est accordée dans chacun des programmes respectifs. En outre, nous avons pu constater la pertinence du choix méthodologique que nous avons fait de recourir à une démarche inspirée de l'analyse systémique lors de la comparaison et de l'analyse des programmes en question. Autour de cette assise sont apparus des éléments que nous pouvons qualifier d'invariants: l'intervenant, l'enfant, la méthode, le matériel et les techniques d'enseignement, d'apprentissage et d'évaluation. Enfin le présent travail met en évidence la problématique toujours actuelle de l'intervention pédagogique au préscolaire et de l'application des programmes. Il ouvre aussi des avenues pour de possibles recherches quant à la problématique des contenus des programmes et de leur application, particulièrement au niveau préscolaire.

Language: French

Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2006


The Learning Abilities of the Young Child: Arguments in Favour of Day-Care, Pre-School Education and Parent Education

Publication: Montessori Quarterly, vol. 25

Pages: 2–13

Muriel I. Dwyer - Writings

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Language: English


Comparing Montessori Education and Conventional Education on Aspects of Creativity

Available from: Syracuse University

Comparative education, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: My Honors Thesis compares creativity in children taught in a Montessori classroom with students taught in a conventional classroom. I tested 58 children at Belle Valley Elementary School in Erie Pennsylvania, half in the Montessori program, half in traditional classrooms. Their ages ranged from 5-9, from kindergarten to 3rd grade. I hypothesized that the independence allowed in Montessori classrooms would help foster creativity in its students. The project uses two forms of evaluation to test the concept of creativity, the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking and consensual assessment to score a creative collage. Significant developmental differences were found; older children scored higher on the creativity tests. There was, however, no significant difference between Montessori and conventionally taught children. The conclusion is that in young children creativity develops over time, but that the type of schooling does not moderate this development.

Language: English

Published: Syracuse, New York, 2005


Hundert Jahre Montessori-Pädagogik, 1907-2007: Eine Chronik der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz [One Hundred Years of Montessori Education, 1907-2007: A Chronicle of Montessori Education in Switzerland]

Europe, Montessori method of education, Montessori movement, Montessori organizations - Switzerland, Montessori schools, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Harold Baumann ordnet die schweizerische Montessori-Pädagogik in die internationale Reformpädagogik ein, skizziert ihre Anfänge im Kanton Tessin, zeigt die Auswirkungen und Einflüsse der Montessori-Bestrebungen in vielen Schweizer Kantonen, u.a. anhand der staatlichen Montessori-Kindergärten im Kanton Wallis. Zudem erläutert er den heutigen Stand der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz. Harold Baumann ergänzt seine Recherchen durch Beiträge, die ihm von Zeitzeugen überreicht wurden. [Harold Baumann classifies the Swiss Montessori pedagogy in the international reform pedagogy, outlines its beginnings in the canton of Ticino, shows the effects and influences of the Montessori endeavors in many Swiss cantons, e.g. with the help of the state Montessori kindergartens in the canton of Valais. He also explains the current state of Montessori education in Switzerland. Harold Baumann supplements his research with contributions that were presented to him by contemporary witnesses.]

Language: German

Published: Bern, Switzerland: Haupt Verlag, 2007

Edition: 1st edition

ISBN: 978-3-258-07092-6

Master's Thesis

The Future of Public Education: A Free Appropriate Public Education for All Students

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Educational change, Public schools

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Abstract/Notes: This paper examines the challenges facing the public school system as it attempts to live up to the promise to provide a “free appropriate public education” to all of its students. The funding mechanism for public schools, with its reliance on community funding, lends itself to inequities. The lack of an effective response to the rising challenge of mental health issues, the unwillingness to respond to the changing skill demands of the workforce by revising curriculum and the ineffectiveness of efforts to close the achievement gap have all led the public to question whether or not they are receiving an “appropriate” education. The response increasingly has been to look for a better educational alternative elsewhere, in charter schools. The effect of charter schools overall has been to weaken public schools’ abilities to provide a quality education for each and every student. An analysis of each of these challenges and possible responses will provide a possible road map for traditional public education to do a better job of living up to its mandate, to “promote the general welfare”.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2020

Book Section

Montessori Lectures on Special Education: Summary of Lectures by Maria Montessori on Special Education to Teachers Attending the State Orthophrenic School in 1900

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Book Title: Montessori and the Special Child

Pages: 201-224

Children with disabilities, Europe, Inclusive education, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Reginald Calvert Orem - Writings, Southern Europe, Special education

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Language: English

Published: New York: Capricorn, 1970

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