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1452 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Islamic Religion Through Islamic Montessori Learning: A Curriculum Development for Early Childhood

Available from: HIKMATUNA - Iain Pekalongan

Publication: HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, vol. 8, no. 1

Pages: 55-63

Asia, Australasia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to describe the inculcation of Islamic religious values ​​for early childhood through the Montessori method. The method initiated by Maria Montessori, Italy has its own challenges due to the different years and places. This research was conducted in a kindergarten with an Islamic Montessori curriculum in Yogyakarta. The method in this research is qualitative analysis with data sources from observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The results of this study indicate that the cultivation of Islamic religious values ​​is carried out in the Montessori learning process. The learning curriculum indirectly contributes to the model of inculcating Islamic values. The form of Islamic religious values ​​is instilled with habituation, collaborative lectures with fun activities for children, and in the provision of teaching materials and food served to children. This method was successfully implemented in kindergarten with the expected results. In addition, Montessori learning does not experience difficulties and is very easy to use to apply Islamic religious values ​​even though they are initiated from different places and distances.

Language: English

ISSN: 2503-3042


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Renaissance for Islamic Education: Al-Hidayah Islamic Pre-school Centre in Malaysia

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: Islamic Studies, vol. 33, no. 1

Pages: 83-95

Asia, Australasia, Malaysia, Religious education, Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Malaysia is a country with approximately 53% Muslims. The rest of the population belong to different religions like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. Due to religious and ethnic pluralism and a cultural antagonism inside the society, the Muslims have been virtually forced to adopt alternative thinking and to make new experiments in order to keep in line with the Chinese. Malaysia is, in an Islamic context, an interesting country. In the rural areas where the Malay population is in majority, syncre tic religious practices such as Muslim Shamanism, magic and healing are still common.1 Urban areas, on the other hand, are marked by a more intellectual approach towards Islam, due partially to the great number of Muslim students who pursue their post-graduate studies overseas. The Chinese form the economically strongest group in Malaysia, and have thus tended to be in control of the private schools with the highest intellectual levels. The establishment of private schools is growing and competition is strong to get students. Many Malays from the upper strata of society have therefore sent their children to schools run by Chinese...

Language: English

ISSN: 0578-8072


✓ Peer Reviewed

Efektivitas Metode Islamic Montessori dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Anak [The Effectiveness of the Islamic Montessori Method in Developing Children's Interpersonal Intelligence]

Available from: Jurnal Obsesi

Publication: Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Journal of Obsession: Journal of Early Childhood Education], vol. 6, no. 4

Pages: 3739-3758

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Meningkatnya amoral, asosial, antisosial dan melemahnya sopan santun anak sangat disadari dan menjadi keprihatinan dalam dunia pendidikan. Di sisi lain pendidikan di Indonesia masih menitikberatkan pada aspek kognitif sehingga mengakibatkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak kurang berkembang secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas metode Islamic Montessori dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix-method dengan model exploratory sequential design . Peneliti menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan angket dalam bentuk Skala Likert dan TCR dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 responden. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, tingkat efektifitas metode Islamic Montessori dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak dalam kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan Implementasi metode Islamic Montessori dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak dilakukan melalui pembelajaran practical life dengan menyelipkan pengetahuan Islam, pembiasaan mengambil, mengembalikan dan membereskan material Montessori , penggunaan alas kerja dan menyimak praktik kerja guru serta menawarkan bantuan saat anak sedang mengeksplorasi material Montessori. [The increase in immoral, asocial, antisocial and the weakening of children's manners is very much recognized and a concern in the world of education. On the other hand, education in Indonesia still focuses on cognitive aspects, resulting in children's interpersonal intelligence developing less optimally. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Islamic Montessori method in developing children's interpersonal intelligence. This study uses a mix-method approach with an exploratory sequential design model . Researchers used observation, interviews and questionnaires in the form of a Likert Scale and TCR with a total sample of 20 respondents. Based on the data obtained, the level of effectiveness of the methodIslamic Montessori in developing children's interpersonal intelligence is in the very good category. While the implementation of the Islamic Montessori method in developing children's interpersonal intelligence is carried out through practical life learning by inserting Islamic knowledge, the habit of taking, returning and tidying up Montessori materials , using work mats and listening to teacher work practices and offering assistance when children are exploring Montessori materials.]

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i4.2375

ISSN: 2549-8959


✓ Peer Reviewed

Manajemen Kurikulum Taman Kanak-Kanak Kurikulum Islamic Montessori (Studi Kasus di TK Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022) [Curriculum Management Kindergarten Islamic Montessori Curriculum (Case Study at Kindergarten Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta Academic Year 2021/2022)]

Available from: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Publication: Jurnal Paud Agapedia, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 43-50

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Curriculum management is a form of curriculum management in education to develop intelligence. Islamic Montessori-based curriculum management differs from curriculum management in general. The purpose of this study was to describe the curriculum of Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Kindergarten in Yogyakarta and to describe the involvement of teachers, parents, school committees, and the surrounding community. The research uses an approach with a case study research design. The research subjects as data sources are : principals, teachers, parents, school educators, and the surrounding community. Data collection methods are : observation, interviews, and documentation. In addition, the research uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of the study can be seen that an Islamic Montessori Curriculum management that starts from planning to evaluation. Planning that is adapted to the vision and mission of creating children who have good morals in this world and the hereafter. Organizing by developing indicators according to established themes. Implementation, and achievement of indicators with the Montessori method with an Islamic approach. Evaluations are carried out routinely every day and are held at monthly and annual meetings. The involvement of teachers, parents, school committees and the community looks good and has their respective roles. Manajemen kurikulum merupakan bentuk pengelolaan kurikulum dalam pendidikan untuk mengembangkan intelegensi. Manajemen kurikulum berbasis Islamic Montessori memiliki perbedaan dengan manajemen kurikulum sekolah secara umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan manajemen kurikulum lembaga Taman Kanak-Kanak Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu Yogyakarta dan untuk menggambarkan keterlibatan guru, orang tua, komite sekolah, dan masyarakat sekitar.  Penelitian mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Subyek penelitian sebagai sumber data adalah : kepala sekolah, guru, orang tua, tenaga pendidik sekolah dan masyarakat sekitar. Metode pengumpulan data adalah : observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Selain itu penelitian menggunakan tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, data penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi teknik sumber dan triangulasi metode.  Hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa Taman Kanak-Kanak Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu memiliki manajamen Kurikulum Islamic Montessori yang baik dimulai dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi. Perencanaan disesuaikan dengan visi dan misi yaitu menciptakan anak yang memiliki akhlak baik di dunia dan akhirat. Pengorganisasian dengan mengembangkan indikator sesuai tema yang ditetapkan. Pelaksanaan, mencapai indikator dengan metode Montessori dengan pendekatan Islamic. Evaluasi yang dilakukan rutin setiap hari dan dirapatkan pada rapat bulanan dan tahunan. Keterlibatan guru, orangtua, komite sekolah dan masyarakat terlihat baik dan mempunyai peran masing-masing.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2580-9679, 2581-2823


✓ Peer Reviewed

Criticizing Montessori’s Method of Early Childhood Education using Islamic Psychology Perspective

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (Indonesia)

Publication: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 133-148

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This study examined critically Montessori’s concepts on early childhood education through Islamic Psychology perspective. This research used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that (1) Montessori’s method pays more attention to the cognitive aspect of children development while children potential doesn’t only consist of cognitive, affective, and psycho-motoric aspects, but also spiritual one; (2) Reinforcement are not needed in Montessori’s method, while in Islamic Psychology, rewards can increase children's learning and punishment is needed to make children become disciplined in carrying out the rules; (3) Learning environment should be structured, in order, realistic and natural. This concept is suitable for upper class educational institutions but it would be difficult for middle-low income groups since the materials required by Montessori’s method is expensive enough. (4) Parents and teachers are required to become observers and interpreters. This role may pose problem on the part of parents and teachers since not all parents and teachers have criteria to act as is it expected by Montessori’s method.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15575/jpi.v5i2.5835

ISSN: 2460-8149


✓ Peer Reviewed

Les effets de la «méthode Montessori» sur le développement psychologique des enfants: Une synthèse des recherches scientifiques quantitatives [The effects of the "Montesssori teaching method" on the psychological development of children: A review of the quantitative scientific studies]

Publication: ANAE (Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant), no. 139

Pages: 593-598

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Language: French

ISSN: 0999-792X


De la méthode des Jardins d'enfants à la méthode Montessori

Publication: Association Montessori de France, no. 8

Pages: 6-9

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Language: French

ISSN: 1244-7161


Mario Casotti, Il metodo Montessori e il metodo Agazzi [The Montessori Method and the Agazzi Method] (Book Review)

Available from: Université Caen Normandie

Publication: Pour l'ère nouvelle: revue internationale d'èducation nouvelle, vol. 13, no. 99

Pages: 187-188

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Abstract/Notes: book review

Language: French

Book Section

Metodo attivo ed educazione alla libertà (sul metodo Montessori) [Active method and freedom education (on the Montessori method)]

Book Title: Problemi e prospettive di scuola attiva

Pages: 191-206

Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Armando, 1968


The Effect of the Scientific Spirit in Education upon the Kindergarten in Relation to the Distinctive Characteristics of the Montessori Method (Kindergarten and the Montessori Method)

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Kindergarten-Primary Magazine, vol. 26, no. 3

Pages: 96-97

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Language: English

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