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Il Destino di Maria Montessori: Promozioni, Rielaborazioni, Censure, Opposizioni al Metodo [The Fate of Maria Montessori: Promotions, Reworking, Censorship, and Opposition to the Method]

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori è forse il made-in-Italy culturale e commerciale più diffuso al mondo. E più copiato, contaminato, osteggiato, rielaborato, nel corso di un secolo della sua storia. I temi affrontati in questo libro sono quelli del rapporto di Maria Montessori con il mondo cattolico e con la Teosofia, della promozione del Metodo nella cultura massonica dell'Italia di inizio Novecento, della sua accettazione o del rifiuto da parte di positivisti e pedagogisti italiani, della sua diffusione veloce ma un po' selvaggia nel mondo contemporaneo. Fino – per il futuro – alle possibili strumentalizzazioni, agli snaturamenti, alle sue enormi possibilità. [Montessori is perhaps the most widespread cultural and commercial made-in-Italy in the world. And more copied, contaminated, opposed, reworked, over the course of a century of its history. The themes addressed in this book are those of Maria Montessori's relationship with the Catholic world and with Theosophy, the promotion of the Method in the Masonic culture of early twentieth-century Italy, its acceptance or rejection by Italian positivists and pedagogists, of its fast but somewhat wild diffusion in the contemporary world. Up to - for the future - the possible exploitations, the distortions, its enormous possibilities.]

Language: Italian

Published: Rome, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-949471-5-1

Series: Pagine Vere , 42


Maria Montessori: A Visionary Whose Insights Align With Neuroscience / Maria Montessori: Une Visionnaire dont les Idées s'Alignent avec les Neurosciences

Available from: Cortica

Publication: Cortica, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 203-222

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Neuroscience

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s approach, based on observation of and experimentation with children’s learning processes, remains one of the longest-standing and widely embraced forms of alternative education. Contemporary neuroscience research increasingly validates Montessori’s principles, yet a robust bridge between these two fields remains elusive. Factors such as differing goals, terminology and the lack of a collaborative framework hinder their synergy. This literature review explores the intersection between neuroscience findings and Montessori’s educational philosophy, structured into five key areas. The Perspective first presents various neuroscience insights: an exploration of aspects related to learning, brain development and cognition. Second, a brief background on Maria Montessori’s contributions: a historical overview of Maria Montessori's life, work and educational methodology. Third is the identification of the areas where neuroscience and Montessori principles intersect, including the importance of movement, emotional development, social learning, the role of the prepared environment, the transition from concrete to abstract concepts, self-regulation, sensitive periods and memory. Finally, while acknowledging the challenges and limitations in researching Montessori education, this review emphasises the growing evidence that supports the alignment of Montessori principles with neuroscience findings. This underscores the enduring relevance of Montessori’s holistic education approach and highlights the potential benefits of a deeper collaboration between these fields, to enhance educational practices and promote comprehensive learning experiences for children. / L'approche éducative de Maria Montessori, fondée sur l'observation et l'expérimentation de l'enfant, reste l'une des formes d'éducation alternative les plus anciennes et les plus largement adoptées. La recherche contemporaine en neurosciences valide de plus en plus les principes de Montessori, mais établir un pont solide entre ces deux domaines reste difficile. Des facteurs tels que des objectifs différents, une terminologie différente et l'absence d'un cadre de collaboration entravent leur synergie. Cette revue de la littérature explore l'intersection entre les résultats des neurosciences et la philosophie éducative de Montessori, structurée en cinq domaines clés : Premièrement, la présentation de quelques idées neuroscientifiques : Une exploration de divers aspects neuroscientifiques liés à l'apprentissage, au développement du cerveau et à la cognition. Deuxièmement, un bref historique des contributions de Maria Montessori : un aperçu historique de la vie, de l'œuvre et de la méthodologie éducative de Maria Montessori. L'identification des domaines où les neurosciences et les principes Montessori se croisent est ensuite présentée, notamment l'importance du mouvement, le développement émotionnel, l'apprentissage social, le rôle de l'environnement préparé, la transition des concepts concrets aux concepts abstraits, l'autorégulation, les périodes sensibles et la mémoire. Tout en reconnaissant les défis et les limites de la recherche en éducation Montessori, cette revue met l'accent sur les preuves de plus en plus nombreuses de l'alignement des principes Montessori sur les résultats des neurosciences. Cela souligne la pertinence durable de l'approche éducative holistique de Montessori et met en lumière les avantages potentiels d'une collaboration plus approfondie entre ces domaines, dans le but d'améliorer les pratiques éducatives et de favoriser des expériences d'apprentissage complètes pour les enfants.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26034/cortica.2023.4218

ISSN: 2813-1940

Book Section

Theosophische Annäherungen und Jüdische Förderinnen Maria Montessoris [Theosophical approaches and Jewish patrons of Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Kinder Sind Anders: Maria Montessoris Bild Vom Kinde Auf Dem Prüfstand [Children Are Different: Maria Montessori's Picture of the Child on the Test Bench]

Pages: 129-151

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Ergon, 1996

ISBN: 3-928034-90-1


Annuario 2003: Linee di ricerca sulla pedagogia di Maria Montessori [2003 Yearbook: Lines of research on Maria Montessori's pedagogy]

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Abstract/Notes: Il volume riassume le principali linee di ricerca sulla pedagogia montessoriana delineando gli sviluppi che hanno caratterizzato, all'interno dei diversi approcci di studio, l'indagine più recente intorno all'attività scientifica della studiosa italiana. I contributi di ricerca che esso presenta consentono, da una parte, di ricostruire le diverse sfaccetture della complessa personalità scientifica di Maria Montessori, dall'impegno femminista nelle battaglie emancipazioniste a quello di medico e psichiatra attento a cogliere le sollecitazioni e i fermenti culturali del suo tempo, sino alla scelta pedagogica che maturerà con l'esperimento della 'Casa dei Bambini' nel quartiere Lorenzo; dall'altra, di analizzare l'attualità del suo messaggio pedagogico, il contributo teorico fornito all'apertura interculturale dell'educazione e alla definizione dei rapporti tra educazione e pace, gli aspetti metodologici della sua proposta didattica in linea con le più recenti acquisizioni sul processo d'insegnamento-apprendimento. Scritti di: G. Alatri, V. P. Babini, H. Cavallera, C. Fregola, M. Laeng, E. Patruno, G. Providenti, S. Quattrocchi Montanaro, R. Regni, M. Salassa, C. Tornar. Il Centro di studi montessoriani al quale si deve l'iniziativa dell'incontro di studi sul tema "Sviluppi attuali della ricerca sulla pedagogia montessoriana", all'interno del quale sono stati presentati i contributi raccolti nel presente volume, è stato istituito presso il Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione dell'Università Roma Tre con l'intento di contribuire allo sviluppo della ricerca sulla pedagogia montessoriana e sulle sue applicazioni.

Language: Italian

Published: Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli, 2004

ISBN: 978-88-464-5397-6


Maria Montessori의 언어교육에 관한 이론적 연구 [A Theoretical Study on Language Education According to Maria Montessori]

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 2

Pages: 29-46

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Gedanke und Andenken der Maria Montessori [Thoughts and Memories of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Neue Schweizer Rundschau, vol. 21

Pages: 119

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Language: German


La pedagogia di Maria Montessori tra teoria e azione [Maria Montessori's pedagogy between theory and action]

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Le acquisizioni della ricerca psicopedagogica consentono oggi di cogliere con maggior consapevolezza gli aspetti di attualità dell'opera di Maria Montessori e di comprenderne gli elementi precursori rispetto ad istanze che soltanto in tempi successivi a quelli in cui la studiosa visse si sono affacciate nel dibattito pedagogico. Il volume analizza in questa chiave il modello educativo della pedagogista: ne individua i presupposti teorici e i principi metodologici, ne discute le scelte operative, gli obiettivi e le procedure didattiche, ne presenta gli sviluppi nei diversi gradi scolastici, analizza i processi che si svolgono all'interno dell'ambiente d'apprendimento, discute i dati delle ricerche. Il suo intento è offrire una visione complessiva e complessa di tale modello, scevra di semplificazioni riduttive, in grado di coglierne lo spessore dei riferimenti teorici e metodologici senza perdere di vista la visione culturale e scientifica all'interno della quale esso si colloca. [Today, the acquisitions of the psycho-pedagogical research allow us to understand, with greater awareness, Maria Montessori’s production topicality and features which are precursor elements of instances that only after her death became object of interest into the pedagogical debate. The present volume analyzes, in the above mentioned perspective, Montessori’s pedagogical model: it spreads a light on the theoretical assumptions, and the methodological principles developed by the pedagogist; furthermore, her operational choices, along with the goals she set, as well as the didactic procedures she developed are discussed, the processes that take place in the learning environment are analyzed, and the research results are discussed, as well. The goal of the present book is to propose a complex overview of Montessori’s educational model, without reductive simplifications, a perspective that offers the opportunity to better understand the depth of the theoretical and methodological references discussed, but not neglecting the cultural and scientific view in which this model is placed.]

Language: Italian

Published: Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli, 2007

ISBN: 978-88-464-9025-4 88-464-9025-8


Erdkinderplan Maria Montessoris Erziehungs- und Bildungskonzept für Jugendliche [Maria Montessori's Erdkinderplan Upbringing and Education Concept for Young People]

Erdkinder, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Konsequent ausgehend von den Entwicklungsbedürfnissen in der Adoleszenz entwarf Maria Montessori für 12-18Jährige das Konzept eines 'Studien- und Arbeitszentrums auf dem Lande', das mit seinen Komponenten Modellbauernhof, Hofladen/ Geschäft, Bed & Breakfast und Schule Jugendlichen Gelegenheit gibt, die gesellschaftlichen Grundstrukturen von Produktion, Handel und Dienstleistungen in einem überschaubaren und zugleich geschützten Rahmen kennenzulernen und damit Praxis-Theorie-übergreifende Erfahrungen in konkreten Zusammenhängen zu sammeln. Das Buch stellt die Grundlagen von Maria Montessoris Konzept detailliert vor und gibt durch Berichte und Interviews mit Montessori-ExpertInnen und Jugendlichen spannende Einblicke in authentische Praxisumsetzungen des "Erdkinder"-Konzepts national und international. [Consistently based on the development needs of adolescence, Maria Montessori designed the concept of a 'study and work center in the country' for 12-18 year olds, which, with its components of model farm, farm shop/shop, bed & breakfast and school, gives young people the opportunity to learn about the basic social structures of production, trade and services in a manageable and at the same time protected framework and thus to gain practical and theoretical experience in concrete contexts. The book presents the basics of Maria Montessori's concept in detail and, through reports and interviews with Montessori experts and young people, provides exciting insights into authentic practical implementations of the "earth children" concept nationally and internationally.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-451-38375-5 3-451-38375-6

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)


L'inimitable et l'exemplaire Maria Boschetti Alberti: histoire et figures de l'école sereine [The inimitable and exemplary Maria Boschetti Alberti: history and figures of the serene school]

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Abstract/Notes: Includes the Italian texts of Maria Boschetti-Alberti's journals for 1926 through 1928, with French-language translation.

Language: French

Published: New York, New York: P. Lang, 1987

ISBN: 3-261-03731-8 978-3-261-03731-2

Series: Exploration


Das freie Spiel Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori im Vergleich [The Free Play Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori in Comparison]

Emmi Pikler - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung der Reformpädagogik Emmi Piklers und Maria Montessoris im Bereich des freien Spiels. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, die von Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori entwickelten Richtlinien einer optimalen Erziehung darzustellen, miteinander zu vergleichen und anhand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen zu beurteilen. Die grundlegende Frage ist, auf welche Details Eltern und Erzieher im kindlichen freien Spiel achten müssen, um eine ideale Entwicklung des Kindes ermöglichen zu können und welche Vorteile eine solche Erziehung für das Kind bringen kann. Anhand der Methode einer Inhaltsanalyse wird versucht, die entsprechenden Konzepte zur Darstellung der pädagogischen Annahmen einzubringen. Desweiteren wird über die Parallelen und Unterschiede in den erzieherischen Theorien Piklers und Montessoris diskutiert. Bei jenen Annahmen, in denen Pikler und Montessori differenzierte Ansichten vertreten, sollen wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, welche Theorie tatsächlich im Interesse des Kindes ist. Anhand mehrerer empirischen Studien werden die Konzepte der beiden Pädagoginnen verglichen und beurteilt. Anhand eines Literaturreviews werden die sechs Studien und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zusammengefasst. Der Leser erhält dadurch einen Überblick über Art und Vorgehensweise der Untersuchung was die Interpretation der Ergebnisse nachvollziehbar macht. Weiter bietet das Buch einen Überblick über Gestaltung und Organisation von Pikler- beziehungsweise Montessorispielgruppen, das freie Spiel aus Entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht und biographischen Angaben der beiden Reformpädagoginnen. [This book contains a scientific examination of Emmi Pikler's and Maria Montessori's reform pedagogy in the area of ​​free play. The aim of the study is to present the guidelines for optimal upbringing developed by Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori, to compare them and to assess them on the basis of scientific studies. The basic question is which details parents and educators have to pay attention to in children's free play in order to enable ideal development of the child and what advantages such an upbringing can bring to the child. Using the method of content analysis, an attempt is made to introduce the appropriate concepts for the presentation of the pedagogical assumptions. Furthermore, the parallels and differences in the educational theories of Pikler and Montessori are discussed. In the case of those assumptions in which Pikler and Montessori represent differentiated views, scientific studies should show which theory is actually in the interest of the child. Based on several empirical studies, the concepts of the two teachers are compared and evaluated. The six studies and their research results are summarized using a literature review. This gives the reader an overview of the type and procedure of the investigation, which makes the interpretation of the results comprehensible. The book also offers an overview of the design and organization of Pikler and Montessori play groups, free play from a developmental psychological point of view and biographical information from the two reform educators.]

Language: German

Published: Hamburg, Germany: Diplomica, 2012

Edition: 2nd ed.

ISBN: 978-3-8428-7836-5 3-8428-7836-2

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