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186 results


Child Educator Pleases Audience; Mme. Montessori Enunciates Philosophy of her Method in Single Sentence

Available from: Historic Oregon Newspapers

Publication: Oregonian (Portland, Oregon)

Pages: 3

Americas, International Montessori Training Course (3rd [course 2], San Francisco, USA, August – November 1915), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, North America, Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), Teacher training, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: It is definitely decided that Madame Montessori, expert on child psychology and child education, will hold classes in the Oregon building beginning August 1. She will give a series of lectures and demonstrations in several of the state and foreign buildings, and will open in the Oregon building. It is said that she will conduct a training course, when her method of teaching will be submitted to an international jury, and the most practical features offered for permanent use in this country. It has been said frequently that Madame Montessori's method was not adaptable to American children. It will undoubtedly be found that under her direct management the obstacles will be eliminated. She will have classes of children between the ages of 3 and 6, who have never been taught in any school by any method. The classes will be held in the forenoon, and already parents are beginning to besiege the office of her manager with requests that their children be the fortunate ones to come under the madame's influence. The lecture will be open to the public. In the Oregon building they will probably be held in the dancing pavilion. Instrumental in bringing Madame Montessori to the exposition are Dr. P. P. Claxton, Commission of Education; Dr. David Starr Jordan, president of the National Educational Association; Dr. Adelaide Brown, of San Francisco; Mariana Bertola, president of the Vittoria Colonna Club, and Margaret Wilson, daughter of President Wilson. Wallace Hatch, of 2612 Park street, Berkeley, is managing the work, and any request for information or for the entering of children in the classes should be addressed to him.

Language: English


Philosophy of Education; Congress at Naples

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 221

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


Nature Study & Montessori Philosophy

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 16, no. 3

Pages: 16-21

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

MuistiMontessorin Muistojen kirja hoivakumppanin kokemana / Care Partners' Experience of the Memory Book Uses in Montessori Philosophy.

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of my thesis was to examine how care partners (elderly care worker, family member or close friend) experience the Memory Book used in Montessori Philosophy. My aim was to bring forth these experiences and find out the book´s significance in an intensive elderly care home as part of the care. Based on gathered experiences the views can be built on possibilities and usefulness of the Memory Book in everyday care. My Bachelor´s thesis was about the experience of the Book by care partners. As for methods the thesis was conducted by qualitative research methods and the data was collected by theme intervies. The Memory Book was adopted in the elderly care home only quite recently and because of the short history, the interviews were done by individually. I wanted to interview different care partners which in Montessori Philosophy means either elderly care worker, family member or close friend but in this case care partners consisted of elderly care workers only. The interview material was analyzed by data-oriented content analysis. The result indicated that the Memory Book used in Montessori Philosophy is useful as it is. One picture on a page with a descriptive sentence is exactly adequate. The Memory Book has increased communication amongst individuals living with dementia. Communication has been an understandable word or words or a sound. Individuals living with dementia had progressed severely. Care partners experienced that the Memory Book brings a lot of joy and pleasure which the creates a pleasant care atmosphere. That atmosphere helps care partners especially during the most challenging care giving situations. Care partners see that the Memory Book brings them closer to the individuals they take care of daily. The time and togetherness that they share with the help of the Book adds safety and trust to the individuals with dementia. The results lead to the conclusion that the Memory Book according to Montessori Philosophy has its possibilities and is useful in everyday care in an elderly care home. I wish this increased awareness of the Memory Book and interest in the Montessori Memory method in elderly and dementia care. There are still many fields in the Montessori Memory method which would be meaningful to study when working with the elderly and individual within person-centered best practice in nursing homes with elder and individuals with dementia / Opinnäytetyöni aiheena oli MuistiMontessorimenetelmässä käytetty Muistojen kirja. Tavoitteena oli selvittää hoivakumppaneiden (hoitaja, omainen, läheinen) kokemuksia Muistojen kirjan käyttämisestä muistisairaan kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuoda esille hoivakumppaneiden kokemuksia ja selvittää, millaisena Muistojen kirja nähdään osana muistisairaan ympärivuorokautista hoivaa. Saatujen kokemusten perusteella muodostuu näkemys Muistojen kirjan mahdollisuuksista ja käytettävyydestä hoitotyön arjessa. Tutkimuskysymykseni oli, miten hoivakumppani kokee MuistiMontessorimenetelmässä käytetyn Muistojen kirjan muistisairautta sairastavan kanssa ympärivuorokautisen hoitokodin arjessa. Opinnäytetyöni toteutin laadullisen tutkimusmenetelmän keinoin ja aineiston keräsin teemahaastatteluna. MuistiMontessorimenetelmässä käytetty Muistojen kirja on otettu hoivakodissa käyttöön aika hiljattain, joten toteutin haastattelut yksilöhaastatteluina lyhyen kokemuksen takia. Tarkoituksena oli haastatella eri hoivakumppaneita (hoitajaa, omaista tai läheistä), mutta hoivakumppanit haastatteluihin muodostuivat hoitajista. Aineiston analysoin sisällönanalyysin mukaan teorialähtöisesti. Aineistosta esiin tulleiden tulosten mukaan MuistiMontessorin Muistojen kirja oli sellaisenaan käyttökelpoinen. Sivulla yksi kuva ja sitä kuvaava lause oli juuri sopiva, eikä yhtään liikaa. Muistojen kirja oli lisännyt muistisairaan kommunikointia, joko ymmärrettävästi sanan tai sanojen avulla tai äännähdyksinä. Muistisairas on kuitenkin selvästi reagoinut Muistojen kirjaan silloinkin, vaikka muistisairaus oli edennyt jo pitkälle. Hoivakumppanit kokivat, että Muistojen kirja toi muistisairaalle asukkaalle iloa ja mielihyvää, mikä loi miellyttävän hoitoilmapiirin. Se oli avuksi hoitajille etenkin haasteellisten hoitotoimenpiteiden aikana. Hoivakumppanit kokivat, että Muistojen kirja lähensi heitä hoidettaviinsa. Muistojen kirjan avulla yhteisen ajan jakaminen ja yhdessäolo lisäsi hoidettavien turvallisuuden tunnetta ja luottamusta hoitajiinsa. Saatujen kokemusten perusteella muodostui näkemys Muistojen kirjan mahdollisuuksista ja käytettävyydestä hoitotyön arjessa. Opinnäytetyön toivoisi lisäävän tietoutta MuistiMontessorimenetelmässä käytetystä Muistojen kirjasta ja herättävän uteliaisuuden MuistiMontessori menetelmää kohtaan. Voimavarakeskeistä vanhustyötä toteuttaessa MuistiMontessorissa on monta osa aluetta, mitä olisi mielekästä tutkia muistisairaiden kanssa työskennellessä.

Language: English

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2024


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Study Educational Philosophy of Maria Montessori and Its Relevance in Present Educational Scenario

Available from: Sabhavna Research Journal

Publication: Sadbhavna: Research Journal of Human Development, vol. 10, no. 2

Pages: 100-107

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori system its impact can easily be seen in the field of pre-primary education in the European countries, U.S.A., India, China, Japan, African countries, Latin American countries and all through the world, This system has encouraged lovers of education to discover new methods of teaching young children. This system emphasized the necessity of study of children in order to educate them properly. As a result, education became child-centered. The construction of curriculum became oriented to the actual needs of life. It was considered necessary to provide a good environment in the school. The aims of education became oriented to individual development of each child. Hence emphasis was laid on the development of personality of each child. Proper training of teachers was considered necessary.

Language: English

ISSN: 2277-7377


Montessori's Flawed Diffusion Model: An American Montessori Diffusion Philosophy

Nancy McCormick Rambusch - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Center for Teacher Education, 1992

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