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953 results


Peter Petersen und Maria Montessori zum Gedächtnis [Peter Petersen and Maria Montessori in memory]

Publication: Die Schulwarte, vol. 5

Pages: 385-387

Jena plan - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Peter Petersen

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Language: German

ISSN: 0342-5894

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

La diffusion des idées pédagogiques de Maria Montessori en France durant l’entre-deux-guerres à travers l’analyse de la revue pédagogique la Nouvelle éducation [The diffusion of Maria Montessori's educational ideas in France during the interwar period through the analysis of the educational journal La Nouvelle Éducation]

Available from: Université de Montréal - Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori didn’t spread her pedagogy herself in France between the two World War, at a time where her ideas where broadcasted the most, including France. This thesis, incorporated into history of pedagogical ideas, and more specifically in journals’ role in broadcasting of those ideas, has for object the broadcasting of Dottoressa Montessori’s pedagogical vision through the study of La Nouvelle éducation, French educational magazine linked to the international movement of Progressive education. By analyzing the corpus composed of all of the journal’s releases between 1921 and 1939, we can identify the main actors of the spreading of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical ideas and bring to light the terms of this spreading. / Maria Montessori n’a pas diffusé elle-même sa pédagogie en France durant l’entre-deux-guerres, période d’imprégnation de ses idées dans le monde, y compris en France. Ce mémoire, inscrit en histoire des idées pédagogiques et s’intéressant plus spécifiquement au rôle des revues dans la diffusion de ces idées, a pour objet la diffusion de la vision pédagogique de la Dottoressa Montessori par la revue pédagogique française La Nouvelle éducation, associée au mouvement international de l’Éducation nouvelle. L’analyse du corpus constitué par l’ensemble des numéros de la revue entre 1921 et 1939 permet d’identifier des acteurs de la diffusion des idées pédagogique de Montessori et met en lumière les modalités de cette diffusion.

Language: French

Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2019

Doctoral Dissertation

Sperimentare le idee di Maria Montessori: percorso di ricerca nella scuola primaria trentina [Experimenting with Maria Montessori's ideas: research path in the Trentino primary school]

Available from: Università Degli Studi di Trento

Europe, Italy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati delineati i tratti salienti dell’approccio educativo montessoriano, evidenziandone da una parte la profonda complessità nonché attualità che lo caratterizzata e dall’altra le numerose conferme sia dalla didattica considerata innovativa, sia dalle scienze psicologiche. È stato inoltre presentato un percorso di ricerca volto a monitorare la recente sperimentazione dell'approccio pedagogico montessoriano in alcune scuole primarie della provincia di Trento. La ricerca é stata condotta utilizzando sia strumenti di natura qualitativa (come una check list osservativa prodotta ad hoc per la ricerca), sia questionari standardizzati, con l'intento di confrontare i dati raccolti con un campione rappresentativo di una più vasta realtà scolastica. [In this thesis work, the salient features of the Montessori educational approach have been outlined, highlighting on the one hand the profound complexity and relevance that characterizes it and on the other the numerous confirmations both from the teaching considered innovative and from the psychological sciences. A research path was also presented aimed at monitoring the recent experimentation of the Montessori pedagogical approach in some primary schools in the province of Trento. The research was conducted using both qualitative tools (such as an observational check list produced ad hoc for the research), and standardized questionnaires, with the aim of comparing the data collected with a representative sample of a wider school environment.]

Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy, 2019


Maria Montessori et Célestin Freinet: Voix et Voies pour Notre École [Maria Montessori and Célestin Freinet: Voices and Directions for Our School]

Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Freinet Modern School Movement, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: French

Published: Paris, France: ESF Sciences Humaines, 2020

ISBN: 978-2-7101-4261-4 2-7101-4261-9


Einführung in die Kosmische Erziehung: nach Maria und Mario Montessori [Introduction to Cosmic Education: After Maria and Mario Montessori]

Cosmic education

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2011

ISBN: 978-3-451-32431-4 3-451-32431-8

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)


Maria Montessori et le problème de l'éducation dans le monde moderne [Maria Montessori and the problem of education in the modern world]

Publication: Pédagogie (Centre d'études Pédagogiques) [Pedagogy (Center for Pedagogical Studies)], vol. 10

Pages: 965-968

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Language: French

ISSN: 0151-0258


✓ Peer Reviewed

Organismo y organización: sobre la dimensión (meta)política en la filosofía cósmica de Maria Montessori / Organism and Organization: On the (Meta)political Dimension in Maria Montessori's Cosmic Philosophy / Organismo e organizzazione: sulla dimensione (meta)politica della filosofia cosmica di Maria Montessori

Available from: Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (Colombia)

Publication: Pedagogía y Saberes, no. 58

Pages: 163-174, 175-188

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Abstract/Notes: This paper aims to offer the first results of a research, still in progress, on the philosophical dimension of Maria Montessori's perspective, to broaden the understanding of the assumptions and objectives she set out to achieve through her Method. In particular, the article will be devoted to the exposition and recomposition of the main elements of Montessori's reflection on the socio-political dimension, during the last thirty years of her life, known as the ‘new horizon’. After exposing the teleological assumptions of the ‘Cosmic Plan’, derived from the rethinking of biological and geological notions, it will be shown that Montessori applies to nature’s ‘unity of method’ both to the process of psychophysical development of the human individual and to the configurations of social organization, orienting both towards ever greater and firmer cohesion. Starting from the discourses on the human creation of a ‘supernature’, which reveals the interdependence between all peoples (indeed, united in a ‘Unique Nation’), the essay will analyse the features of the new morality which, according to Montessori, will mark the ‘new world’ created by the child, normally developed through a free and natural adaptation to the new social conditions, in the context of technological civilization, the ‘new man will recognize the connection with all the beings of ‘creation’ and he will assume his responsibility for the care of fellow human beings and of the whole planet, fulfill the mission the cosmic plan has assigned to humanity.

Language: Italian, Spanish

DOI: 10.17227/pys.num58-17118

ISSN: 2500-6436

Book Section

Maria Montessori und das Unbewusste [Maria Montessori and the unconscious]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik und die Erziehungsprobleme der Gegenwart [Montessori Pedagogy and Current Educational Problems]

Pages: 48-64

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Subconsciousness

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen und Neumann, 1990

ISBN: 3-88479-423-X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Non solo seggioline e tavolini: il valore sociale della proposta di Maria Montessori [Not just small chairs and tables: the social value of Maria Montessori's proposal]

Available from: Educação (UFSM)

Publication: Educação (UFSM), vol. 43, no. 4

Pages: 641-654

Europe, Italy, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Il contributo ha un taglio storico con attenzione all’attualità e si occupa della pedagogia montessoriana, che è recentemente al centro di un dibattito vivace in Italia e di nuove sperimentazioni. Esso vuole mostrare il notevole valore etico e sociale presente nella proposta di Maria Montessori: un valore che attualmente è un po’ trascurato a livello divulgativo, perché la concezione montessoriana viene ridotta in alcuni casi a un metodo didattico (arredi a misura di bambino, materiali scientifici, maestra unica). Per questo motivo, l’autrice del contributo analizza il Discorso inaugurale in occasione dell’apertura di una Casa dei bambini nel 1907, scritto e pronunciato da Maria Montessori, focalizzandosi su alcuni temi. Il primo tema è quello degli spazi: il Discorso mette in luce come Montessori pensava al valore simbolico e sociale delle Case dei bambini e alla loro importanza per il recupero di situazioni di degrado e di miseria. Il secondo tema è quello del profilo professionale della maestra: le parole di Montessori mostrano come l’insegnante ha una importante funzione sociale ed è la persona che cresce i futuri cittadini favorendone la consapevolezza critica attraverso una relazione fondata sull’autonomia. Una rilettura dell’opera montessoriana in questa luce ci sprona anche a rivedere le proposte di altri pensatori della nostra storia culturale non come metodi didattici, pur innovativi e interessanti, ma anche e soprattutto nel loro messaggio sociale. Questa prospettiva appare sempre più urgente e doverosa in un’epoca come la nostra, che si trova ad affrontare problemi molto gravi riguardo alle condizioni dell’infanzia. [The contribution has a historical focus with attention to current affairs and deals with Montessori education, which has recently been at the centre of a lively debate in Italy and new experiments. It wants to show the remarkable ethical and social value present in the proposal of Maria Montessori: a value that is currently somewhat neglected at the level of popularization because the Montessori concept is reduced in some cases to an educational method (child-friendly furnishings, materials and methods, single teacher). For this reason, the author of the contribution analyzes the inaugural speech on the occasion of the opening of a Children's Home in 1907, written and pronounced by Maria Montessori, focusing on some themes. The first theme is that of spaces: the Discourse highlights how Montessori thought of the symbolic and social value of the homes of children and their importance for the recovery of situations of degradation and misery. The second theme is that of the professional profile of the teacher: the words of Montessori show how the teacher has an important social function and is the person who grows future citizens, encouraging critical awareness through a relationship based on autonomy. A reinterpretation of the Montessori work in this light also encourages us to review the proposals of other authors of our cultural history not as educational methods, although innovative and interesting, but also and above all in their social message. This perspective appears ever more urgent and necessary in our age, which is facing very serious problems concerning the conditions of childhood.]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.5902/1984644434579

ISSN: 1984-6444

Book Section

Maria Montessori e la Francia [Maria Montessori and France]

Book Title: Maria Montessori cittadina del mondo [Maria Montessori, citizen of the world]

Pages: 269-274

Europe, France, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Dalla rivista "Vita dell'Infanzia", Roma, anno I, n. 5-6-7, maggio-giugno-luglio, 1952, reportiamo la relazione della Signora Suzanne Herbinière Lebert, Ispettrice Generale delle Scuole Materne, Presidente dell'Organizzazione Mondiale dell'Educazione Prescolastica. [From the magazine "Vita dell'Infanzia", Rome, year I, n. 5-6-7, May-June-July, 1952, we report the report of Mrs. Suzanne Herbinière Lebert, General Inspector of Kindergartens, President of the World Organization of Preschool Education.]

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Comitato italiano dell'OMEP, 1967

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