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The Montessori Training Centre for Village Schools in Yeotmal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 3

Pages: 76-79

Asia, India, South Asia, Trainings

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Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142


✓ Peer Reviewed

Training to Survive the Hazard Called Education

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: Interchange, vol. 15, no. 4

Pages: 1-14

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/BF01808248

ISSN: 1573-1790, 0826-4805


✓ Peer Reviewed

Classics of Education Sciences: Maria Montessori. Background knowledge and perceived meanings of University students compared to teachers attending Montessori in-service training courses / Klasyka nauk edukacyjnych: Maria Montessori. Wiedza środowiskowa i odkrycie znaczenia w ocenie studentów Uniwersytetu oraz nauczycieli uczestniczących w kursie szkoleniowym Montessori

Available from: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland)

Publication: Kultura - Przemiany - Edukacja, vol. 6

Pages: 241-255

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s pedagogy is considered a “classics” of Education Sciences. In this contribution, a survey conducted with three different groups of subjects attending University lectures or in-service Montessori training courses is reported. Main research purpose is to discover background knowledge and perceived meanings of each group concerning the Montessori Method and its main characteristics. Data collected from the three groups under investigation are compared to identify the most macroscopic differences and / or similarities. Through the graphs produced, first reflections and conclusions are attempted, at the same time readers are invited to build their own opinions inferring other meanings or conclusions thanks to data and reading tools provided.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15584/kpe.2018.6.18

ISSN: 2300-9888, 2544-1205


✓ Peer Reviewed

Education System and Teacher Training in India

Available from: African Journals Online

Publication: Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 97-102

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Education is the basic necessity to any society. According to a Tamil poet, the deeper we dig, the more we discover. The role of teacher also involves the character building of the taught apart from designing and implementation of the curriculum. Teachers cause desirable and anticipated revolution in the society silently. In short, a teacher inspires and shapes the destiny of the nation in class rooms. Realizing the above facts, the teaching profession is considered as the noblest profession in India. Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences Vol. 3 (1) 2007: pp. 97-102

Language: English

DOI: 10.4314/ejesc.v3i1.42001

ISSN: 1998-8907


✓ Peer Reviewed

Lessons from the Periphery: The Role of Dispositions in Montessori Teacher Training

Available from: Western Washington University

Publication: Journal of Educational Controversy, vol. 2, no. 2

Montessori method of education, Trainings

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Abstract/Notes: In 2002 the term “dispositions” entered the vocabulary of teacher education with a vengeance when the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) added the concept to its inventory of required standards. Teacher education programs across the country developed lists of professional dispositions that their graduates should attain based on NCATE provided guidelines. Caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice were values included in NCATE suggestions; these values were emphasized and, subsequently, assessed in teacher education programs. Students who were found lacking in these traits were counseled out of education programs or given unsatisfactory grades, at least at some institutions. A few of the affected students objected to their treatment, and local administrators heard their complaints. Controversy at the local level quickly accelerated to national stories as conservative-leaning newspapers like the New York Post, and conservative commentators like George Will, brought to the attention of the American public what they viewed as the latest round in American culture wars.

Language: English

ISSN: 1935-7699


✓ Peer Reviewed

Americans May Learn Montessori Method: Founder of System Establishes Training Class

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: The Volta Review, vol. 14, no. 6

Pages: 375

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Language: English

ISSN: 0042-8639


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Training: Oral Teaching

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: The Volta Review, vol. 16, no. 6

Pages: 387-388

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Language: English

ISSN: 0042-8639


✓ Peer Reviewed

Capacitación docente, basada en la teoría Montessori, para atender la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de Educación General Básica de Guayaquil 2021 / Teacher training, based on Montessori theory, to attend to mild intellectual disability in children of Basic General Education of Guayaquil 2021

Available from: South Florida Publishing

Publication: South Florida Journal of Development, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 194-210

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Abstract/Notes: La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar que la capacitación docente basada en la teoría Montessori, influye en la atención de la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de educación general básica de Guayaquil. Se sustentó teóricamente con los aportes de Montessori (1907), Lee (2018), Molina (2012, 2015), Chiavenato (2000), Rodríguez y Ramírez (1997), OMS (2021), AARM (2020),Tünnermann (2011), (Aubrey, 2010), UNESCO (2006), Cossentino (2005), Díaz (2002), Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador (2011), entre otros. La investigación se catalogó como experimental-aplicada, con nivel netamente explicativo. El diseño se clasificó como pre-experimental, con modelo pre-test/post-test con un solo grupo. La población estuvo constituida por 50 profesionales de educación general básica; debido al número finito y conocido de la población se empleó un censo poblacional. Como técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento, el cuestionario. El análisis descriptivo de los datos se realizó mediante la confección de tablas de frecuencia absoluta (fa) y porcentaje (%), medidas de posición (promedio, mediana, mínima y máxima), dispersión (desviación estándar) y varianza. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis inferencial acerca de la población, basándose en los datos recolectados y la contrastación de las hipótesis planteadas. Los resultados evidenciaron una diferencia significativa de 19,02, entre los resultados del pre y post test, con un nivel de significancia de 0,000 < 0,05. Por tanto, se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación (Hi) y se rechazó la hipótesis nula (Ho), llegando a la conclusión que la propuesta basada en teoría Montessori influye de forma significativa y positiva en la atención de la discapacidad intelectual leve en niños de educación general básica de Guayaquil. El presente estudio representa un gran aporte para el sistema educativo en lo concerniente al área de la discapacidad e inclusión.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.46932/sfjdv3n1-015

ISSN: 2675-5459


✓ Peer Reviewed

La formazione degli insegnanti nell’approccio montessoriano: il dibattito nelle pagine di La Coltura Popolare (1911-1922) / Teacher’s Training in the Montessori Approach: The Debate on the Pages of La Coltura Popolare (1911-1922)

Available from: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione

Publication: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 59-71

Europe, Italy, La Coltura Populare (Periodical), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Società Umanitaria (The Humanitarian Society), Southern Europe, Teacher training

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Abstract/Notes: In the first two decades of the Twentieth Century, reflections on teacher training were particularly rich, implying the lively and significant participation of a plurality of actors. Even Maria Montessori actively participated in this debate and the meeting with the Humanitarian Society in Milan, and with Augusto Osimo primarily, proved to be very fruitful on these issues. The specialist magazine La Coltura Popolare represents a faithful and interesting mirror of this relationship and of the many reflections and initiatives arose from it, promoting the propagation of the Montessori method and offering at the same time a space for dialogue and comparison of all the most innovative and vivifying voices of the pedagogical reflection of the time. This paper proposes a first and partial reconstruction of the significant role that La Coltura Popolare played, from 1911 to 1922, in soliciting the attention of its public on the topic of teacher training, in spreading the Montessori method, in stimulating a not biased and preconceived comparison between different approaches, experiments and views on childhood.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.36253/rse-10385

ISSN: 2532-2818


✓ Peer Reviewed

Formare il «nuovo Maestro» secondo Maria Montessori / Formar al «nuevo Maestro» según Maria Montessori / Training the «new Teacher» according to Maria Montessori

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 4

Pages: 78-91

Hélène Lubienska de Lenval - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teacher training

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Abstract/Notes: È noto quanto Maria Montessori fosse esigente nei confronti del maestro. In questo articolo si presenta la sua visione delle caratteristiche che devono animare il «nuovo Maestro» per consentire «al bambino nuovo» di potersi sviluppare in modo armonioso ed equilibrato. Dato che la peculiarità della pedagogia montessoriana è cambiare la modalità relazionale tra l’adulto e il bambino, sono messi in risalto alcuni aspetti concreti e universali condivisibili da tutti gli insegnanti. Questi possono essere applicati ovunque e possono anche facilitare la didattica, anche senza applicare tutto il Metodo Montessori, giacché l’autoeducazione del bambino è legata all’autodisciplina dell’adulto. Per formare i maestri Maria Montessori aveva scelto di organizzare i Corsi internazionali di formazione che duravano diversi mesi. Per chiarire gli elementi essenziali, vengono studiate le conferenze riguardo al nuovo maestro pronunciate durante questi corsi. Da esse vengono ricavati i tre livelli di formazione: materiale, scientifica e spirituale. Alcuni aspetti imprescindibili vengono più approfonditi, quali lo spogliarsi dei preconcetti, il cambiare le attitudini morali e l’essere un’osservatore gioioso, aspetti che la Montessori considerava essenziali per risolvere il problema dell’educazione. Basandosi anche su alcuni racconti di allieve, sono proposte alcune modalità scelte da Hélène Lubienska de Lenval durante il suo Cours Pédagogique, e sono presentate alcune scelte pedagogiche di Adele Costa Gnocchi, che aprirà la Scuola Assistenti all’Infanzia dove saranno approfondite le intuizioni della Montessori per il bambino piccolo fino a tre anni. / Es conocido lo exigente que Maria Montessori ha sido en relación a los maestros. En este artículo se presenta su visión de las características que debería poseer el “nuevo maestro” para permitir al “nuevo niño” desarrollarse de manera armoniosa y equilibrada. Considerando que la finalidad de la pedagogía montessoriana es cambiar la modalidad de interacción entre el adulto y el niño, se pueden destacar algunos aspectos concretos y universales que puedan compartir por todos los maestros. Sin necesidad de aplicar completamente el Método Montessori, estos elementos pueden ser útiles en todo tipo de circunstancia y facilitar la didáctica, puesto che la autoeducación del niño depende de la autodisciplina del adulto. Para formar a los maestros, Maria Montessori decidió organizar los cursos internacionales de formación con una duración de varios meses. Para aclarar los aspectos esenciales, en este artículo se toman en consideración las conferencias relativas al “nuevo maestro” que se pronunciaron en estos cursos. A partir de ellas se pueden derivar los tres niveles de formación: material, científica y espiritual. Se profundiza sobre algunos aspectos fundamentales como liberarse de los prejuicios, cambiar la actitud moral y ser un alegre y atento observador, aspectos que Maria Montessori consideraba primordiales para resolver el problema de la educación. Basándose en algunos relatos de sus alumnas, también se exponen algunas modalidades adoptadas por Hélène Lubienska de Lenval presentadas durante su Cours Pédagogique y además se presentan algunas opciones pedagógicas de Adele Costa Gnocchi, que abrirá la Escuela de Asistentes de la Infancia donde se estudiará a profundidad la visión de Maria Montessori para el niño pequeño, hasta los tres años de edad. / It is well known how much Maria Montessori demanded of teachers. This article presents her vision of the characteristics which should animate the “new teacher” in order to allow the development of the “new child” in a harmonious and balanced manner. Given that the goal of the Montessori pedagogy is to change the manner of relating between adult and child, some concrete and universal characteristics are highlighted which are common to all teachers. Even without applying the entire Montessori methodology, these elements can be useful in all circumstances and can facilitate teaching, given that the self education of the child is linked to the self discipline of the adult. To train teachers, Maria Montessori chose to organize international training courses lasting several months. To clarify the essential elements, the conferences regarding the topic of the new teacher during these training courses are presented here. These elements are divided into three levels of training: the material level, the scientific level, and the spiritual level. Some essential aspects are covered in depth, such as the denuding of preconceptions; changing of moral attitudes; being a joyful observer; all approaches that Maria Montessori considered essential to solve the problem of education. Finally, on the basis of stories of students, there are presented some methods chosen by Helene Lubienska de Lenval taken from her Cours Pedagogique, and some pedagogical methods taken from Adele Costa Gnocchi, who will open the Scuola Assistenti all’Infanzia, where they will delve deeper into Montessori insights regarding the small child up to three years of age.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666

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