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516 results


Aktion Sonnenschein–Integrated Education of Healthy Children and Children with Multiple and Variable Disorders

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1981, no. 1/2

Pages: 29

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


English with Non-English Children in a Montessori House of Children [3]

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 6

Pages: 53-57

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Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142


Kinder lernen auch von Kindern: zur Jahrgangsmischung an Montessori-Schulen [Children also learn from children: for a mixed-age group in Montessori schools]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 37, no. 1

Pages: 20-27

Montessori method of education, Nongraded schools

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


The Advanced Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to the Education of Children: Spontaneous Activity in Children

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: First published in Italian in 1915, the English translation, titled The Advanced Montessori Method, vol. 1: Spontaneous Activity in Education, was first published in 1917.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori Pierson Publishing Company, 2018

ISBN: 978-90-79506-27-9

Series: The Montessori Series , 9

Volume: 1 of 2


Flotsam and Jetsam; Amsterdam - Children at Montessori Primary Schools Perform Better than Other Children in Traditional Schools

Available from: Digital Library of the Caribbean

Publication: Bonaire Reporter (Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands)

Pages: 3


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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Children’s Preference for Real Activities: Even Stronger in the Montessori Children’s House

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 4, no. 2

Pages: 1-9

Americas, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: In the United States, children are often given the opportunity to engage in pretend activities; many believe this kind of play benefits children’s development. Recent research has shown, though, that when children ages 4 to 6 are given a choice to do the pretend or the real version of 9 different activities, they would prefer the real one. The reasons children gave for preferring real activities often concerned their appreciation of the functionality; when children did prefer pretend activities, their reasons often cited being afraid of, not allowed to, or unable to do the real activity. Given that children in Montessori classrooms have more experience performing real, functional activities, in this study we asked if this preference for real activities is even stronger among children in Montessori schools. We also asked children to explain their preferences. The data are from 116 3- to 6-year-old children (M = 59.63 months, SD = 12.08 months; 68 female): 62 not in Montessori schools and 54 in Montessori schools. Children explained their preferences for pretendand real versions of 9 different activities. Children in Montessori schools preferred real activities even more than did children in other preschools, but all children explained their choices in similar ways. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to play in preschool classrooms.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17161/jomr.v4i2.7586

ISSN: 2378-3923


Awareness for Children's Songs of Young Children, Their Teacher's and Parents and Component Analysis of Their Favorite Children's Songs / 유아,교사,학부모의 동요에 대한 인지수준과 구성요소 분석

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 2

Pages: 79-104

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: In order to know general awareness for children's song among preschoolers, their teachers and parents the questionary paper survey was performed against 212 of kindergarteners, 63 of their teachers and 197 of their parents. At the sametime their favorite children's songs were collected among the prepared lists of children's songs and selected about 10 children's songs for each group, in order. Also, those selected children's songs were analyzed their musical elements, too. The under 4 year old and female children more favorited the singing children's songs everyday than the 5 year old and male. Thachers replied that they selected the proper children's songs in the basic of the topics of usual daily life and children's interests. Also, parents believed that children's songs is very important to develop their children's musicality. Finally, the favorite children's songs were analyzed as followings the major beat was 4/4, the major tonality was C major, the major form and leongth were 8-34 measures, and the major rhythm was the replicated, symcopated and nimbled one. / 본 연구에서는 유아·교사·학부모의 동요에 관한 인지수준과 선호하는 동요의 유형은 어떠한지 또한 유아들이 선호하는 동요의 음악적 구성요소는 어떠한지에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 대상은 국·공·사립유치원의 유아 212명, 교사 63명 및 학부모 197명이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아·교사·학부모의 동요에 관한 인지수준은 유아·교사·학부모 모두가 동요를 좋아하고 동요부르기가 음악성 발달에 매우 중요한 것으로 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아·교사·학부모가 선호하는 동요의 유형은 유아는 동물 또는 가족과 관련된 창작동요를 교사는 동물과 식물에 관련된 창작동요제곡과 인터넷동요를 학부모는 식물과 사랑, 기본생활습관에 관련된 창작동요와 인터넷동요를 선호하였다. 결과적으로 유아·교사·학부모의 선호하는 동요는 크게 차이는 없지만 유아들이 선호하는 동요는 학부모의 선호도 보다는 교사가 선호하는 동요와 일치도가 높아 학부모보다는 교사의 영향을 더 받는 것으로 판단되었다. 셋째, 유아들이 선호하는 동요의 악곡의 특징은 노래 마지막 부분에 강세가 있거나 반복적인 리듬과 노랫말에 엄마, 아빠, 아기로 표현된 가족과 연관된 노래와 동물을 의인화한 노래 또는 동물의 의성어를 표현한 노래를 좋아하는 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Integrated Edcuaton of Healthy Children and Children with Multiple and Variable Disorders

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1981, no. 1/2

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Special education

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

Master's Thesis

Komunikace s předškolními dětmi v pedagogice M. Montessori (Děti s českým a jiným mateřským jazykem) / Communication with pre-school children in Montessori approach (Children with Czech and other first language)

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of this thesis is to describe teachers' communication with toddlers and pre- schoolers from mono- and bilingual families in Montessori schools or schools inspired by the Montessori method. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical and contains chapters on children's communication and communication with children, its forms and specific aspects; language and language acquisition, bilingualism, the founder of Montessori education, the Montessori education per se and communication with children according to its principles. The second part is practical and presents an analysis of the pragmatic component of teachers' communication with children through audio recordings or hand-written notes taken during participant observation. It focuses on the characteristics and specific features of teachers' communication with children in Montessori pre- schools. It includes the description of communication environment which complements the teachers' communication with children. It also contains semi-structured interviews with teachers and photographs in the attachment. / Cílem této diplomové práce je charakterizovat komunikaci učitelek s dětmi batolecího a předškolního věku z mono- i z bilingvních rodin, v zařízeních typu Montessori nebo v zařízeních touto pedagogikou inspirovaných. Diplomová práce je tvořena dvěma částmi - první, teoretickou část, představují kapitoly o komunikaci dětí a s dětmi, jejích formách a specificích, o jazyku a jeho osvojování, o bilingvismu, o zakladatelce pedagogiky Montessori a jejích metodách a o komunikaci s dětmi v tomto výchovném směru. Druhá, praktická část, prezentuje analýzu pragmatické složky komunikace učitelek s dětmi, skrze audio nahrávky či písemné záznamy komunikace ze zúčastněného pozorování. Zaměřuje se na charakteristiku a specifické rysy komunikace učitelek s dětmi v Montessori zařízeních předškolního typu. Věnuje se také popisu komunikačního prostředí, který doplňuje komunikaci učitelek s dětmi, stejně tak jako polostrukturované rozhovory s učitelkami a fotografie, jež uvádíme v příloze.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2022


Another Story of the Montessori Children; Raffaelo's Hunger: How the New Way of Helping Children to Find Themselves Opened the Eyes and Soul of a Baby

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Delineator, vol. 84, no. 1

Pages: 8

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Language: English

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