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636 results


Achieving Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: From the Viewpoint of an Affinity Between Inclusive Education and Montessori Education

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 49

Pages: 100-113

Asia, East Asia, Inclusive education, Japan, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This is an article from Montessori Education, a Japanese language periodical published by the Japan Association Montessori.

Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Pembelajaran Matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok: Pembelajaran Matematika [Learning Mathematics in Kindergarten GMIM 236 Liandok: Learning Mathematics]

Available from: Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado (Indonesia)

Publication: Montessori Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen Anak Usia Dini, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 35-42

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Pembelajaran matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok, Kecamatan Tenga, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Ada 3 hal utama yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu pembelajran matematika, pembelajaran matematika AUD, metode yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran matematika. Penelitan ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan kualitatif. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan  yaitu wawancara dan dokumentasi . Sumber-sumber data dari penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Sekolah  serta guru bantu di TK GMIM 236 Liandok. Hasil penelitian menunjukka proses pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut terlebih khusus dalam pengenalan matematika sudah terealisasi karena pembelajarannya sudah memperhatikan konsep serta usia dari peserta didiknya. Adapun pengajarkan matematika selama dilaksankannya pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut dilakukan dengan cara anak sambil bermain dengan anak lainnya  dan membuat permainan sederhana dari barang-barang bekas dilingkungan sekitar. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran, matematika, Anak usia dini. Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok, Kecamatan Tenga, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Ada 3 hal pokok yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu pembelajaran matematika, pembelajaran matematika AUD, metode yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru pendamping di TK GMIM 236 Liandok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran di sekolah khususnya dalam pengenalan matematika telah terwujud karena pembelajaran telah memperhitungkan konsep dan usia siswa.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.51667/mjpkaud.v3i1.952

ISSN: 2798-6195


Album didattico Montessori: attività per imparare la matematica: la guida per l'insegnante [Montessori educational album: activities for learning mathematics: the teacher's guide]

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Centro studi Erickson, 2022

ISBN: 978-88-590-2966-3


Colegio Montessori-Palau de Girona: Educación primaria - la educación cósmica [Colegio Montessori-Palau de Girona: Primary Education - Cosmic Education]

Publication: Cuadernos de Pedagogía, no. 455

Pages: 23-24

Cosmic education, Europe, Southern Europe, Spain

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Language: Spanish

ISSN: 0210-0630


Report on the Montessori System of Education: Presented to the Council of Education, Witwatersrand

Africa, L. C. Wynsouw - Writings, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Language: English

Published: Johannesburg, South Africa: Council of Education, 1915


Cosmic Education as a Parent Education Tool

Publication: Parenting for a New World (AMI/USA), vol. 11, no. 2

Pages: 1-3

Cosmic education

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Language: English


Montessori Spotlight: Teacher Education Action Commission (TEAC) - Supporting Teacher Education Programs

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 34, no. 2

Pages: 16-17

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Abstract/Notes: Debbie Sheehan, a TEAC Elementary representative, describes her experience: "TEAC provides teacher education program directors and instructors the opportunity to work with seasoned Montessori directors and instructors from various teacher education programs. Currently, AMS is piloting a training program for teacher education programs and their adult learners. Between meetings, members are expected to participate in work groups and subcommittees, review and recommend teacher education programs for affiliation, review and make recommendations for teacher education standards, and serve as ambassadors for the larger teacher education community.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


✓ Peer Reviewed

Görsel Sanatlar Eğitiminde Montessori Eğitimi Yönteminin Öğrenci Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi / The Effect of the Montessori Education Method on Student Knowledge in Visual Arts Education

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Eğitim ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETAD) / Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES), vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 561-569

Art education, Asia, Creative ability in children, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In the traditional school system, many values are set in line with the wishes of adults. This situation appears as a blind conflict between the weak and the strong in education. This environment, which causes the creation of only weak and strong people by keeping the individual in the background, comes to light with the sense of loss and self-worthlessness, and the characteristics of membership left alone or without faith. Individuals with this point of view have developed neither personal courage nor ability to criticize and judge. If we love the child so that he/she can build with his/her own unique values and natural laws, it is possible for us to develop all his abilities. At this point, Montessori Education Method emerges as one of the most valuable methods for us to achieve this development. The Montessori Method is based on the developmental needs of the child and is implemented in a carefully prepared appropriate environment. In this process, when the superiority of the method is realized, the child develops both his/her intelligence and his/her physical and mental abilities with experiences.This study aspires to determine how the primary school second grade visual arts education class topics affect students' knowledge levels by applying the method of Montessori Education. The aim of the study is to cover the effect of teaching art history education with the Montessori Education Method on student knowledge level. / Geleneksel okul sisteminde, yetişkinlerin istekleri doğrultusunda birçok değer konulmaktadır. Bu durum eğitimde sadece zayıf ve güçlünün arasında kör bir çatışma olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bireyi arka planda tutarak sadece zayıf ve güçlü insanların yaratılmasına sebebiyet veren bu ortam, kendiliğinden gelişen kayıp ve kendi kendine olan değersizlik duygusu ile beraber yalnız başına bırakılmış ya da inançsız üyelik özellikleriyle açığa çıkmaktadır. Bu bakış açısına sahip bireylerin, ne kişisel cesaretleri ne de eleştirme ve muhakeme yetisi gelişmemiştir. Eğer çocuğu kendine özel değerleriyle ve doğal yasalarıyla inşa edebilmesi için seversek bütün yeteneklerini geliştirmemiz mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu noktada Montessori eğitimi bu gelişimi sağlayabilmemiz için en değerli yöntemlerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Montessori yöntemi çocuğun gelişimsel ihtiyaçları üzerine kurulur ve dikkatlice hazırlanan uygun bir çevrede bu durum kolaylaştırılarak uygulanır. Yöntemin üstünlüğünün farkedildiği bu süreçte çocuk, deneyimlerle hem zekasını hem de fiziksel ve ruhsal yeteneklerini geliştirmektedir. Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim 2. sınıf görsel sanatlar eğitimi ders konularının, Montessori eğitimi yöntemi uygulanarak öğrenci bilgi düzeylerine etkisinin nasıl olduğu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, sanat tarihi eğitiminin montessori eğitimi yöntemiyle öğretilmesinin öğrenci bilgi düzeyine etkisini kapsamaktadır.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2458-9624


Hundert Jahre Montessori-Pädagogik, 1907-2007: Eine Chronik der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz [One Hundred Years of Montessori Education, 1907-2007: A Chronicle of Montessori Education in Switzerland]

Europe, Montessori method of education, Montessori movement, Montessori organizations - Switzerland, Montessori schools, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Harold Baumann ordnet die schweizerische Montessori-Pädagogik in die internationale Reformpädagogik ein, skizziert ihre Anfänge im Kanton Tessin, zeigt die Auswirkungen und Einflüsse der Montessori-Bestrebungen in vielen Schweizer Kantonen, u.a. anhand der staatlichen Montessori-Kindergärten im Kanton Wallis. Zudem erläutert er den heutigen Stand der Montessori-Pädagogik in der Schweiz. Harold Baumann ergänzt seine Recherchen durch Beiträge, die ihm von Zeitzeugen überreicht wurden. [Harold Baumann classifies the Swiss Montessori pedagogy in the international reform pedagogy, outlines its beginnings in the canton of Ticino, shows the effects and influences of the Montessori endeavors in many Swiss cantons, e.g. with the help of the state Montessori kindergartens in the canton of Valais. He also explains the current state of Montessori education in Switzerland. Harold Baumann supplements his research with contributions that were presented to him by contemporary witnesses.]

Language: German

Published: Bern, Switzerland: Haupt Verlag, 2007

Edition: 1st edition

ISBN: 978-3-258-07092-6


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Influence of Montessori Education and Traditional Education on Children's Learning Psychology

Available from: Darcy and Roy Press

Publication: Journal of Education and Educational Research, vol. 6, no. 3

Pages: 131-133

Asia, China, Comparative education, East Asia, Learning strategies, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: This paper aims to explore the influence of Montessori education and traditional education on children's learning psychology and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two educational methods. First, the influence of Montessori education and traditional education on children's learning ability and attitude was explored through observation and comparative analysis. In terms of learning ability, Montessori education focuses on cultivating children's independent learning ability and practical ability, while traditional education pays more attention to the indoctrination of knowledge and examination results. In terms of learning attitude, Montessori education cultivates children's concentration and continuity, while traditional education may lead to children's interest in learning and motivation to learn. Next, the advantages and disadvantages of Montessori education and traditional education are analyzed. Finally, the integration and innovation of Montessori education and traditional education are discussed. In conclusion, Montessori education and traditional education have different influences in terms of children's learning psychology, and integrated education may provide better educational methods for children's all-round development.

Language: English

DOI: 10.54097/1y1s8e93

ISSN: 2957-9465

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