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582 results


Achieving Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: From the Viewpoint of an Affinity Between Inclusive Education and Montessori Education

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 49

Pages: 100-113

Asia, East Asia, Inclusive education, Japan, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This is an article from Montessori Education, a Japanese language periodical published by the Japan Association Montessori.

Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Materiales sensoriales Montessori en el desarrollo de la noción de seriación en infantes de cinco años [Montessori sensorial materials in the development of the notion of seriation in infants of five years]

Available from: Universidad César Vallejo

Publication: Eduser. Revista Científica de Educación, vol. 5, no. 1

Pages: 79-88

Americas, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Peru, Sensorial materials, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El objetivo de la presente investigación determinar la influencia de los materiales sensoriales Montessori en el desarrollo de la noción de seriación en infantes de cinco años de una institución educativa de Comas, 2016; diseño experimental de tipo cuasi-experimental, de corte longitudinal, con una población de 50 infantes, la información fue obtenida mediante la administración individualizada de una escala valorativa con respuestas de tipo Likert, para el análisis de datos se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se encontró que los materiales Montessori favorecen el desarrollo de la noción de seriación en infantes de cinco años. [The objective of the present investigation was to determine the influence of the sensory materials Montessori in the development of the notion of seriation in infants of five years of an educational institution of Comas, 2016; Experimental design of quasi-experimental type, of longitudinal cut, with a population of 50 infants, the information was obtained by means of the individualized administration of a valuation scale with Likert-type responses, for the analysis of data the statistical program SPSS version 22 was used From the results obtained it was found that the Montessori materials favor the development of the notion of seriation in infants of five years.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.18050/RevEduser.v5n1a4

ISSN: 2412-2769


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Role of Movement and Sensorial Stimuli for Therapy and education. A comparative study

Available from: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Publication: Revista de Știinţe Educaţiei, vol. 44, no. 2

Pages: 19-36

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Abstract/Notes: The following article looks at the role movement and sensorial stimuli do play in the educational approaches of Dr. Maria Montessori and Dr. Emmi Pikler as well as the Sensorial Integration and Psychomotor Therapy. The author of this paper has been studying, applying, and teaching all four approaches for many years and used her expertise in all four approaches to look at whether independent scientific research proves the effectiveness of movement and sensorial stimuli for reaching therapeutical as well as educational goals and to also provide scientific evidence for the fact that all four approaches focus on the role of these two factors, which means that this is a comparative study utilizing existing research papers. The methods of applying movement and sensorial stimuli in the four approaches mentioned above are being compared and linked to recent scientific findings concerning the role of movement and sensorial stimuli for the efficacy of education and therapy. This article compares the four approaches based on scientific research on the various methods as well as independent research which looks and the impact of movement and sensorial stimuli as well as a method of application and its effectiveness. It has been found that sensorial stimulation and movement are closely connected and that these play a major role in all four approaches although the methods of application are quite different. One example might be that the Montessori method purposefully teaches specific movements in specific ways while only Sensory integration therapy also utilizes passive movement as a sensorial stimulation. All four approaches rely on the self-motivation of the child and do not apply any kind of pressure.

Language: English

DOI: 10.35923/JES.2021.2.02

ISSN: 2457-8673


Zeitenwende – und nun? Gedanken zur Montessori-Pädagogik als Friedenserziehung [Turning point – what now? Thoughts on Montessori education as peace education]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 61, no. 1

Pages: 42-49

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


'Cosmic education', the Cornerstone of Montessori education

Conferences, Cosmic education, Eva-Maria Tebano Ahlquist - Speeches, addresses, etc.

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Language: English


Social Justice and Montessori Teacher Education: Notes from the IMC Teacher Education Committee

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 28-29

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Language: English


Science Education and Scientific Education

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 8

Pages: 15-18

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Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142


Studien zur Montessori-Pädagogik II: Maria Montessoris Neue Pädogogik: Prinzip Freiheit - Freie Arbeit [Studies on Montessori Education II: Maria Montessori's New Education: Principle of Freedom]


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Language: German

Published: Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1987

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

An Investigation of Montessori Education Efficacy versus the Traditional General Education Classrooms for Improved Achievement

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: Students who have attended Montessori pre-kindergarten and kindergarten appear to experience greater academic success than those who attend the general classroom. The purpose of this research was to examine what Montessori classrooms did differently than the general education classrooms and whether Montessori prepares students for greater academic success in elementary school. There is a vast amount of literature available on the impact of Montessori education on student achievement, but few comparison studies. The methodology for this research was causal comparative. Quantitative data was collected to ascertain the practices of Montessori classrooms to produce more academic success than that of the general education classroom. The purpose was to determine if students in a Montessori classroom will have higher academic success or if those in a traditional general education classroom setting will have higher achievement on the MAP reading and math assessment.

Language: English

Published: Central, South Carolina, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Konsep Montessori Tentang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam [The Montessori Concept of Early Childhood Education in the Perspective of Islamic Education]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (Indonesia)

Publication: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam [Journal of Islamic Religious Education], vol. 11, no. 1

Pages: 37-52

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Education is the business of adults to prepare children to be able to live independently and is able to perform the duties of his life as well as possible. The toddler years are a golden period for the growth and development of children. Development of each child must be observed, education and teaching needs to be ailored to the child’s development. Montessori is early childhood education leaders who opened the eyes of their sensitive period in children, Montessori asserted that education is self-education. Montessori then use the freedom and liveliness of the child with the best in the method, so that each child had the opportunity to evolve according to the nature and talent. In Islam, God entrusted the child is to be protected and educated with the best. Therefore, addressing the development and early childhood education, the need for an educational program that is designed in accordance with the child’s developmental level. This study aims to describe and analyze the Montessori concept of early childhood education in the perspective of Islamic education. Data collection through literature study is based on primary and secondary data. Data analysis using analytic descriptive with inductive thinking patterns. The results showed: 1) Montesssori shift from teacher-education center central (teachers as a source of learning) be child-central (protégé as a center of learning); 2) Sensitive Periods expressed early age is a sensitive period; 3) The freedom and independence according to the Montessori system is not real freedom, but freedom is limited; 4) Child’s Self-Construction stating that children construct their own development of his soul; 5) At the time of early childhood have a soul absorbent range of knowledge and experience in his life. Montessori concept in Islamic educational perspective, the emphasis is on the child’s intellectual is right. However, it should pay attention to other aspects such as emotional aspects and skills.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.14421/jpai.2014.111-03

ISSN: 2502-2075

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