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664 results


Apostolato di Maria Montessori [Apostolate of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Maternità e infanzia (Opera Nazionale Maternità e Infanzia), vol. 24, no. 7-8

Pages: 28-33

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Marziola Pignatari - Writings

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Language: Italian


Kosmische Erziehung: Zusammenfassung von Vorträgen Maria Montessoris und Mario Montessoris [Cosmic Education: Summary of Lectures by Maria Montessori and Mario Montessori]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 36, no. 1-2

Pages: 7-27

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Mario M. Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc.

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537

Doctoral Dissertation

Das System nach Maria Montessori im Vergleich zur normalen Lern-und Förderungsschule [The Maria Montessori system in comparison to the normal learning and support school]

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Language: German

Published: Düsseldorf, Germany, 1965


Kindheit bei Maria Montessori und Ellen Key - Disziplinierung und Normalisierung [Childhood with Maria Montessori and Ellen Key - Discipline and Normalization]

Ellen Key - Biographic sources, Ellen Key - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Reformpädagogik gilt bis heute als »magische Größe«. Ihre Anhänger verzaubert sie mit der eingängigen Formel: Nicht nur »naturgemäß« soll Erziehung sein, sondern auch wertschätzend, praxisnah und individuell. So verspricht sie Heilung (von falscher Pädagogik) und argumentiert scheinheilig: Sowohl »begradigen« als auch »überwinden« sind unverzichtbare Bestandteile ihres Kanons pädagogischer Leitbegriffe. Die Kindheitskonzepte von Maria Montessori und Ellen Key werden besonders dafür geschätzt, dass sie das »Leben« feiern. Dabei argumentieren sie mitunter allerdings wenig lebensbejahend. Besonders augenfällig ist, dass sie vor allem gesunde, normale und folgsame Kinder besonders wertschätzen. Der ideale Nachwuchs soll sowohl folgsam als auch unauffällig sein: Nicht jedes Kind ist aus sich heraus wertvoll. Daher appellieren sie an künftige Eltern, möglichst nur den richtigen Erbanlagen ins Leben zu verhelfen (was nicht zwangsläufig die eigenen sind). Überhaupt haben beide sehr konkrete Vorstellungen davon, wie Kinder sein müssen... und was passieren könnte, wenn sie nicht sind, wie sie sein sollen. [Reform pedagogy is still considered a »magic factor« today. She enchants her followers with the catchy formula: Education should not only be »natural«, but also appreciative, practical and individual. So she promises healing (from false pedagogy) and hypocritically argues: Both "straighten" and "overcome" are indispensable components of her canon of pedagogical guiding principles. Maria Montessori and Ellen Key's concepts of childhood are particularly valued for their celebration of "life." Sometimes, however, their arguments are not very life-affirming. What is particularly striking is that they particularly appreciate healthy, normal and obedient children. The ideal offspring should be both obedient and inconspicuous: not every child is valuable in and of itself. They therefore appeal to future parents to only help the right hereditary factors into life (which are not necessarily their own). In general, both have very specific ideas about how children should be... and what could happen if they aren't how they should be.]

Language: German

Published: Paderborn, Germany: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-657-77324-4 3-657-77324-X 978-3-506-77324-1


✓ Peer Reviewed

Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme Maria Montessori dan Penerapannya di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 [Maria Montessori's Constructivism Learning Theory and Its Application during the COVID-19 Pandemic]

Available from: Institut Agama Islan Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo

Publication: Jurnal Ibriez: Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains [Ibriez Journal: Science-Based Journal of Islamic Basic Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 241-262

Asia, Australasia, COVID-19 Pandemic, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The coronavirus which began to spread in early 2020 changed the world order (new normal), it also had a direct impact on the education aspect. In Indonesia, there is a policy to conduct online learning. Not all learning can be done online due to signal constraints and costs. So we need a solution, in the form of a theoretical concept that reveals the importance of independent learning and self-study to hone sensory-motor development in children. This concept is found in Maria Montessori's constructivism learning theory. Using a qualitative approach through reading through philosophical hermeneutics, which the author excavated from Maria Montessori's parent books, this research is to find (1) What are the big ideas of Maria Montessori's constructivism learning theory? (2) How is the application of constructivism learning theory for children during the Covid-19 period? with the aim of research to uncover and apply constructivism learning theory from Maria Montessori's perspective for children during a pandemic.This study concludes: (1) Children can self-construct, sensitive period, absorbent mind and certain developmental laws in their learning (2) Application of the Montessori method which includes activities to provide sensory, motor, and language stimulationat home. This understanding is important so that parents use constructivism learning theory in children and use it as the basis for parents' beliefs during this new normal era of learning. / Virus corona yang mulai menyebar awal tahun 2020 mengubah tatanan dunia (new normal), hal tersebut juga terdampak langsung pada aspek pendidikan. Di Indonesia, muncul kebijakan untuk melakukan pembelajaran online. Faktanya, tidak semua pembelajaran bisa dilakukan secara online karena terkendala signal dan biaya. Maka perlu sebuah solusi, berupa konsep teoritis yang mengungkapkan pentingnya pembelajaran mandiri dan belajar sendiri untuk mengasah perkembangan sensori motorik pada anak. Konsep ini ditemukan dalam teori belajar kontruktivisme milik Maria Montessori. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pembacaan secara hermeneutika filosofis, yang penulis gali dari buku-buku induk karya Maria Montessori, penelitian ini untuk mencari (1) Bagaimana gagasan besar teori belajar konstruktivisme Maria Montessori? (2) Bagaimana penerapan teori belajar kontruktivisme untuk anak dalam masa Covid-19? dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengungkap dan menerapkan teori belajar konstruktivisme perspektif Maria Montessori untuk anak di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan: (1) Anak memiliki kemampuan self construction, sensitive period, absorbent mind dan hukum perkembangan tertentu dalam belajarnya (2) Penerapan metode Montessori yang meliputi kegiatan untuk memberikan stimulasi sensorik, motorik dan bahasa di dalam rumah. Pemahaman ini penting, agar orang tua menggunakan teori belajar kontruktivisme pada anak dan digunakan sebagai dasar keyakinan orang tua di saat pembelajaran era new normal ini.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.21154/ibriez.v6i2.164

ISSN: 2548-4176, 2548-3447


Lo que dice Maria Montessori sobre la enseñanza del Dibujo [What Maria Montessori says about teaching Drawing] [part 1]

Available from: Hemeroteca Informador

Publication: El Informador (Guadalajara, Mexico)

Pages: 4

Americas, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico

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Language: Spanish


Maria Montessori cittadina del mondo [Maria Montessori, citizen of the world]

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Comitato italiano dell'OMEP, 1967

La pedagogia di Maria Montessori [The Pedagogy of Maria Montessori]

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy, 1948


Il centocinquantesimo anniversario della nascita di Maria Montessori [The 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Città di vita: bimestrale di religione, arte e scienza, vol. 75, no. 5

Pages: 507-511

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2532-1692

Book Section

Maria Montessori: il suo ed il nostro tempo [Maria Montessori: her time and our time]

Book Title: Maria Montessori e il pensiero pedagogico contemporaneo [Maria Montessori and contemporary pedagogical thought]

Pages: 207-226

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (11th, Rome, Italy, 26-28 September 1957), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: This speech was delivered on September 27, 1957 at the 11th International Montessori Congress (Rome, Italy).

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1959

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