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Official Program, Fifty-Third Annual Convention, National Education Association and Third International Congress on Education, Oakland, California, August 16 to 28, 1915 [program]

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Montessori Congress (Oakland, California, 1915), National Education Association (NEA), North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Includes information about all the sessions at the conference. Information regarding Montessori includes: 1. Katherine Moore, teacher of the Montessori classes in the public schools of Los Angeles and a graduate of the first class of Dr. Montessori, will conduct a demonstration Montessori class each forenoon [morning] from nine to twelve o'clock during the session of the National Education Association, in the Art Room, City Auditorium [Oakland Municipal Auditorium]. The model furniture will be furnishhed by Louise Brigham the inventor of box furniture, New York, N. Y. Teachers are invited to observe this class. (see p. 6-7) 2. General Sessions - International Congress on Education - Meetings in City Auditorium - August 16, 1915 - Afternoon Session, 2:30 O'Clock - "The Montessori System" by Maria Montessori (see p. 13). 3. Departmental Congress on Kindergarten Education - Sessions in Auditorium Theatre - August 17, 1915 - Afternoon Session, 2:30 O'Clock (Joint Session with the International Kindergarten Union) - "Imagination" by Maria Montessori (see p. 15). 4. Departmental Congress on Elementary Education - Sessions in City Auditorium - August 20, 1915 - Evening Session, 8:00 O'Clock - "Organization of the Intellectual Work in the School" by Maria Montessori (see p. 20). 5. Departmental Congress on Relationship Between the School and Co-operative Organizations - City Auditorium - August 23, 1915 - Evening Session, 8:00 O'Clock - "The Mother and the Child" by Maria Montessori, interpreted by Mariana Bertola, M.D. of San Francisco (see p. 25). 6. Montessori Congress - Sessions in Ballroom, Hotel Oakland - August 28, 1915 (see p. 42-43). This includes details regarding the itinerary for the Montessori Congress held in Oakland, 1915. The morning session began at 10:00 O'Clock and included: "Address of Welcome" by Philander P. Claxton (US Commissioner of Education, Washington, D.C.); "Possibilities and Opportunities of the Montessori Work for American Children" by E. L. Hardy (State Normal School, San Diego); "The Future of the Montessori School in America" by Arthur Chamberlain (Secretary, California Council of Education and California Teachers' Association, San Francisco); and "Address" by Maria Montessori. The afternoon session began at 2:00 O'Clock and included: "Round Table under the Auspices of the National Education Association and of the San Francisco Local Committee of Advisory Patrons" with David Starr Jordan (President, National Education Association, Stanford University, California) presiding over "Questions and Discussions by Leading American Educators and Dr. Montessori". The program indicates that the Round Table discussion was an invitation only affair - "Admission by Invitation".

Language: English

Published: 1915


Dr. Montessori Addresses Special Student Assembly: Exponent of Efficient Kindergarten Education Brings 'New Methods in Child Education' to Students

Available from: University of Southern California - Digital Library

Publication: Daily Southern Californian

Pages: 1

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, North America, United States of America, University of Southern California (Los Angeles)

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

A Study Comparing the Effect of Multiage Education Practices versus Traditional Education Practices on Academic Achievement

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This study compared the effects of multi-age classroom strategies to those of traditional classroom strategies on the academic achievement of fourth grade students in reading and math. Standardized test scores from 20 fourth-grade students in two multi-age third- and fourth-grade classrooms were compared to the scores of 20 students from 7 traditional fourth-grade classrooms. The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), ninth edition was used as the test instrument. Scores from the students' third grade test in the 1996-97 school year were compared to their scores from the fourth grade test in reading and math by applying T-tests to the data. Analysis of the data revealed no difference in reading or math achievement between students taught in a multi-age classroom and those from a traditional classroom.

Language: English

Published: Salem, West Virginia, 1998


Die progressive Erziehungsbewegung: Verlauf und Auswirkung der Reformpädagogik in den USA [The Progressive Education Movement. Developments and Effects of Progressive Education in the United States]

Americas, Educational change, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori movement, Progressive education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., United States of America

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Language: German

Published: Hannover, Germany: Hermann Schroedel, 1977

ISBN: 978-3-507-38230-5

Series: Bildungsproblem in der Geschichte des europäischen Erziehungsdenkens , 2


Education in Preschool Educational Organizations-the Importance of Using the Maria Montessori Method in the Process of Education

Available from: IndianJournals

Publication: ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 11, no. 4

Pages: 589-594

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Abstract/Notes: Modern educational space is "impregnated" with ideas of humanization and personality-oriented concept. In this regard, it becomes necessary to study and understand the potential of those pedagogical systems and techniques of a personal orientation that have taken their solid place in the educational space, having proved their importance, efficiency and productivity. One of the most striking representatives of ideas with a humanistic focus is the Italian teacher, psychologist, founder of the method of scientific pedagogy M. Montessori. The article discusses the positive and negative aspects of the developing method of M. Montessori.

Language: English

DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.01104.6

ISSN: 2249-7137

Book Section

Some Aspects of Maria Montessori of Particular Relevance to Special Education, Yet of General Significance to Regular Education

Book Title: Montessori and the Special Child

Pages: 22-26

Children with disabilities, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, Special education

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Language: English

Published: New York: Putnam's sons, 1969


Why Montessori Education Needs Health Education

Publication: Montessori Leadership

Pages: 24–25

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Language: English


Science Education and Scientific Education

Publication: NAMTA Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 24-27

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

Book Section

Internationalism in Progressive Education and Initial Steps Towards a World Education Movement

Book Title: Progressive Education Across the Continents: A Handbook

Pages: 11-27

Educational change, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Education - History

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Language: English

Published: Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 1995

ISBN: 978-3-631-48917-8 978-0-8204-2914-4 3-631-48917-X 0-8204-2914-7

Series: Heidelberger Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) , 44


Philosophically-Based Alternatives in Education: An Exploration of Learner-Centered, Progressive, and Holistic Education

Publication: Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 17-27

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Abstract/Notes: Based on a database of over 500 resources, this paper explores the educational alternatives that exist today between the cracks of mainstream education and culture. It presents information about the growing numbers of schools and education centers that call themselves learner-centered, progressive, and/or holistic. Sources of data for this summary report also include over 3 years of informal interviews with and observations of people at alternative schools. The paper begins by examining terminology issues, discussing qualities for distinguishing educational alternatives, and describing eight types of schools (democratic and free schools, folk education, Quaker schools, homeschooling/unschooling/deschooling, Krishnamurti schools, Montessori schools, open schools, and Waldorf schools). It also presents frameworks for education (maps for understanding the territories of alternatives), and it discusses the three orientations of a competency based education: transaction (progressive), self-directed (learner-centered), and transformation (holistic). After looking at political issues around school choice which could impact the growth of the various philosophical alternatives, the paper concludes that in a society where issues of pluralism and diversity are valued as part of creating a more sustainable world and just democracy, the diversity of philosophical perspectives in education needs to be acknowledged. (Contains 41 references.) (SM)

Language: English

ISSN: 1094-3838, 2158-8414

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