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Työkasvatus päiväkodissa sekä peruskoulun ala-asteen Freinet ja Montessori-luokilla [Work education in kindergarten and in Freinet and Montessori classes in primary school]

Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Elementary education, Elementary schools, Freinet Modern School Movement, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Preschool education

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Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland: Helsingin yliopisto, 1999

Master's Thesis

Stavovi Studenata Nastavničkih Studija o Montessori Pedagogiji / The Stands That Students of Teaching Studies Have on Montessori Pedagogy

Available from: Digitalni Akademski Arhivi i Repozitoriji (DABAR)

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori pedagogy is a pedagogical concept that was created by Maria Montessori, and is based on anthropology and scientific observation of the natural learning process of children. It is recognizable by its prepared environment with didactic shaped material that provide children an independent realization of knowledge. Although the concept was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, it is a pedagogical approach that still adequately responds to the developmental needs of children and overcome the disadvantages of the traditional educational system focused on the teacher. The aim of this study was to determine the opinions that students of teaching studies have on Montessori pedagogy considering their study. The study was conducted on an intentional sample of students from the Faculty of Philosophy in Split, the department of teacher education and the department of pedagogy. The results showed that students, dependent on their study, differ in knowledge about Montessori pedagogy and valuation of the desirability of the traditional education, while there is no difference in attitudes towards Montessori pedagogy and in valuation of the desirability of the education based on independence, play and the satisfaction of knowledge. Pedagogy students had several courses where they gained knowledge about Montessori pedagogy and had experience visiting Montessori institutions where they experienced the application of these pedagogical principles in practice, while students from the department of teacher education haven't had such experiences and they were less familiar with the Montessori pedagogy during their study. That reflected on some of their attitudes. The existing of a positive attitude towards Montessori pedagogy regardless of the level of knowledge about this conception leads to the conclusion that the connotations they have about the Montessori pedagoy are positive, which supports the hypothesis of a positive image of the concept not only among many experts, but also among lay people. / Montessori pedagogija je pedagoška koncepcija koju je osmislila Marija Montessori, a temelji se na antropologiji i znanstvenom promatranju prirodnog procesa učenja djece. Prepoznatljiva je po pripremljenoj okolini s didaktički oblikovanom materijalu koji djeci omogućuju samostalan dolazak do spoznaje. Iako je koncepcija ponuđena početkom 20. stoljeća i danas se smatra pedagoškim pristupom koji primjereno odgovara na razvojne potrebe djece te prevladava nedostatke tradicionalnog odgojno-obrazovnog sustava usmjerenog na učitelja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razlikuju li se studenti nastavničkih studija u stavovima o Montessori pedagogiji s obzirom na studij. Istraživanje je provedeno na namjernom uzorku studenata učiteljskog studija i studija pedagogije Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. Rezultati su pokazali da se studenti s obzirom na studij razlikuju u znanjima o Montessori pedagogiji te u procjeni poželjnosti tradicionalnog odgoja, dok se ne razlikuju u stavovima o Montessori pedagogiji i u procjeni poželjnosti odgoja utemeljenog na samostalnosti, igri i zadovoljstvu spoznajom. Studenti studija pedagogije u okviru više kolegija stjecali su znanja o Montessori pedagogiji te imali iskustva posjeta Montessori ustanovama u kojima su doživjeli primjenu tih pedagoških načela u praksi, dok studenti učiteljskog studija nisu imali takva iskustva te su o Montessori pedagogiji tijekom studija bili slabije upoznati što se odrazilo i na neke njihove stavove. Postojanje pozitivnog stava o Montessori pedagogiji neovisno o razini znanja o toj koncepciji upućuje na zaključak da su konotacije koje imaju vezano za Montessori pedagogiju pozitivne, što ide u prilog tezi o pozitivnoj slici o toj koncepciji ne samo među mnogim stručnjacima, nego i među laicima.

Language: Croatian

Published: Split, Croatia, 2016


Montessori "Basics": Or . . . Some Things Every Montessori Parent Should Know

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 3, no. 4

Pages: 5–6

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

Doctoral Dissertation

Attraverso i confini. Traduzioni e diffusione di Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica di Maria Montessori. Uno studio comparato [Across the Borders: The Translation and Spread of Maria Montessori’s Scientific Pedagogy – A Comparative Study]

Available from: AMS Dottorato - Institutional Theses Repository (University of Bologna Digital Library)

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori è una delle pedagogiste italiane più conosciute e celebrate in tutto il mondo. Come è noto, il suo pensiero ha avuto una diffusione che per rapidità e ampiezza geografica si può senza dubbio definire straordinaria. Fu Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, pubblicato in Italia nel 1909, a portare la Montessori alla ribalta della scena mondiale. Dal 1912, le traduzioni si moltiplicarono, fino a coprire, prima della fine della prima Guerra mondiale, il panorama europeo e americano. Inoltre, i corsi internazionali per la formazione d’insegnanti stranieri (il primo fu organizzato in Italia nel 1913), permisero la diffusione del metodo anche in India, in Sud America, in Australia e in Asia. La mia ricerca si concentra sull’analisi comparata delle prime traduzioni del Metodo, in particolare l’edizione americana (1912), l’edizione inglese (1912), l’edizione svizzera (1912) e l’edizione francese (1916), calate nel contesto storico, sociale, cultura e pedagogico di riferimento. Per meglio comprendere le modalità di diffusione dell’opera, ho scelto di dare ampio spazio anche alle figure che hanno circondato Maria Montessori e si sono operate per diffondere e promuovere tanto l’opera quanto la filosofia della pedagogista nelle realtà elencate. Il progetto ha voluto mettere a fuoco il processo di costruzione di un lavoro scientifico e culturale costantemente influenzato da una pluralità di culture, tradizioni, lingue e voci differenti, nonché il faticoso impegno dell’autrice di difendere il proprio pensiero da qualsiasi intromissione esterna volta a snaturarlo. [Maria Montessori is one of the most famous and celebrated Italian pedagogists in the world. Due to its speed and geographical extent, the spread of her scientific pedagogy can surely be described as extraordinary, even more since we talk about a woman’s work in the beginning of the twentieth century. It was Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini, published in Italy in 1909, that brought Montessori to the forefront of the world scene, allowing her to be acclaimed internationally as one of history’s great pioneering educators. Since 1912, the number of translations multiplied, to the point of covering, before the end of the First World War, the European and American scene. In addition, international courses for the training of teachers (the first was organized in Italy in 1913), allowed the spread of the method in India, South America, Austrialia and Asia. My research focuses on the comparative analysis of the Metodo’s first translations, in particular the American edition (1912), the English edition (1912), the Swiss edition (1912) and the French edition (1916), placed in the historical, social, cultural and pedagogical context of reference. Furthermore, great part of the research is dedicated to the many figures who surrounded Maria Montessori and worked as hard as she did to help in the spreading of both her thought and book internationally. Indeed, editors, translators, journalists and intellectuals, as well as politicians and ambassadors played an essential role in her successful career. The project aimed to focus on Montessori’s process of building a scientific and cultural work constantly influenced by a plurality of different cultures, traditions, languages and voices, as well as on the hard work of the author to defend her philosophy from any external interference aimed at distorting it.]

Language: Italian

Published: Bologna, Italy, 2020


Maria Montessori e Anna Freud: Una Storia Femminile della Psicologia del Bambino [Maria Montessori and Anna Freud: A Feminine History of the Psychology of the Child]

Anna Freud - Biographic sources, Anna Freud - Philosophy, Child psychology, Developmental psychology, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Edizioni Universitarie Romane, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-6022-371-5 88-6022-371-7


To the Montessori Community [Annual Congress of Montessori Association of Mexico]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 17, no. 3

Pages: 23

Americas, Central America, Conferences, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Public Montessori

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Abstract/Notes: El Boletin, March 2005

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

Book Section

Montessori e no dai-ikki Tai [First Period of Reception of the Montessori Method]

Book Title: Taisho no Kyoiku [Education During the Taisho Period]

Pages: 431-482

Asia, East Asia, Japan, Montessori movement

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Language: Japanese

Published: Tokyo, Japan: Daiichi Hoki Shuppan, 1978


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori et la Casa dei Bambini: Dimensions Idéologique, Épistémologique et Spirituelle de la Méthode [Montessori and the Casa dei Bambini: Ideological, Epistemological and Spiritual Dimensions of the Method]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Tréma, no. 50

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Avec plus ou moins de prégnance, la pédagogie Montessori reste à la mode depuis plus d'un siècle. Entre les avis très laudatifs et les critiques les plus acerbes, que savons-nous de celle qui a inventé une méthode pédagogique, basée sur une expérience unique, la Casa dei Bambini, et qui a traversé le temps avec aussi peu de modifications ? Ce texte vise à éclairer les dimensions idéologique, épistémologique et spirituelle sur lesquelles s’appuient la doctrine et la méthode. En évitant les controverses stériles, nous montrerons en quoi, si la méthode présente un intérêt indéniable, certains points nécessitent une clarification. [With varying degrees of significance, Montessori pedagogy remained trendy for more than a century. Between the very laudatory opinions and the sharpest critics, what do we know about the one who invented a pedagogical method based on a unique experience, the Casa dei Bambini, who has transcended time with few changes? This text aims to enlighten the ideological, epistemological and spiritual dimensions on which the doctrine and the method are based. By avoiding sterile controversies, we will show how, if the method is of undeniable interest, certain points require clarification.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/trema.4369

ISSN: 1167-315X


Ein Weg für alle! Leben mit Montessori: Montessori-Therapie und -Heilpädagogik in der Praxis

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Dortmund, Germany: Verlag Modernes Lernen, 2006

Edition: 4th ed.

ISBN: 3-8080-0539-4 978-3-8080-0539-2


✓ Peer Reviewed

Modernost pedagoške koncepcije Marije Montessori [The contemporariness of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical concept / Modernität der pädagogischen Konzeption von Maria Montessori]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Pedagogijska istraživanja, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 205-216

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Abstract/Notes: U zadnjim desetljećima sve veći broj znanstvenika i pedagoga praktičara pokazuje interes za Montessori pedagogiju, provjerava je u praksi i potvrđuje da je riječ o modernoj, vremenu primjerenoj pedagogiji koja odgovara na razvojne potrebe suvremene djece i mladih. Brojna istraživanja pokazuju kako djeca iz Montessori škola, u usporedbi s djecom iz standardnih škola, pokazuju bolju motivaciju za učenje, višestruke interese, samostalnost i pozitivan odnos prema učenju te veću odgovornost prema zajednici. Istraživanja euroznanosti i razvojne psihologije potvrđuju postavke Montessori pedagogije o individualnom planu razvoja, koji prolazi određene stupnjeve (senzibilna razdoblja, prozori učenja) te o potrebi didaktički obliko vanog okruženja kao pomoći u individualnom razvoju. Zahtjev za slobodom, samostalnosti i samoaktivnosti Montessori je, za razliku od emancipatorske pedagogije i sociokonstruktivizma, postavila u okvire razvojne i moralne slobode i jasno defi nirala uvjete slobode i pretpostavke samostalnosti djeteta. Sloboda shvaćena kao izgradnja kompetencija za djelovanje – cilj je, ali i put, koji dijete prolazi u svome razvoju i na kojemu treba sigurnost, zaštićenost, praćenje i pomoć odraslih. Modernost Montessori pedagogije treba tražiti u znanstveno utemeljenoj psihologiji razvoja, u pedagoški oblikovanoj ponudi učenja i u pedagoškom etosu odgajatelja. [In recent decades an increasing number of scholars and pedagogues have been showing interest in the educational approach developed by Maria Montessori, applying it in practice and arguing that it is a modern and timely pedagogy that responds to the developmental needs of contemporary children and youth. Numerous surveys show that children educated in Montessori schools, in comparison to children educated in standard schools, demonstrate a greater motivation to learn, have a multiplicity of interests, display independence and a positive stance towards learning, as well as an increased sense of responsibility towards the community. Research in neuroscience and developmental psychology confi rms the hypotheses laid down by Montessori pedagogy about the individual development plan as evolving through certain stages (sensitive periods, learning windows) and about the need to have a didactically formulated environment that will support individual development. Unlike the emancipatory pedagogy and socio-constructivism, Montessori has placed the requirement for freedom, autonomy and self-activity within the bounds of a developmental and moral freedom and clearly defi ned the conditions of the freedom and the assumptions of the child’s autonomy. Freedom interpreted as a development of competencies for action represents the aim, but also the journey a child goes through during the development period when it needs safety, protection, attention and support from the adults. The contemporariness of Montessori pedagogy is to be found in scientifically-based developmental psychology, in pedagogically formulated teaching and in the pedagogical ethos of the teacher. / In den letzten Jahrzehnten wächst die Zahl von Wissenschaft lern und pädagogischen Praktikern, die sich mit der Montessori-Pädagogik beschäft igen, ihre Th esen in der Praxis überprüfen und die Meinung vertreten, dass es um eine moderne, zeitgemäße Pädagogik handelt, die auf Entwicklungsbedürfnisse der heutigen Kinder und Jugendlichen antwortet. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass die Kinder aus den Montessori-Schulen im Vergleich mit den Kindern aus den Standardschulen eine höhere Lernmotivation, vielfältigere Interessen, Selbständigkeit und positives Verhältnis zum Lernen sowie eine größere Verantwortung gegenüber der Gemeinschaft besitzen. Die im Rahmen von Neurowissenschaft en und Entwicklungspsychologie unternommenen Untersuchungen bestätigen die Hypothesen der Montessori-Pädagogik über den individuellen Entwicklungsplan, der bestimmte Stufen durchläuft (sensible Etappen, Lernfenster) sowie die Notwendigkeit einer didaktisch gestalteten Umwelt als individueller Entwicklungshilfe. Die Forderung nach der Freiheit, Selbständigkeit und Selbstaktivität stellte Montessori, im Unterschied zu emanzipatorischer Pädagogik und sozialem Konstruktivismus in den Rahmen der moralischen und Entwicklungsfreiheit und defi nierte klar die Voraussetzungen für die Freiheit und Selbständigkeit des Kindes. Die Freiheit, begriff en als Aufb au von Handlungskompetenzen, stellt das Ziel, aber auch den Weg dar, den das Kind in seiner Entwicklung zurücklegt und auf dem es Sicherheit, Geborgenheit, Hilfe und Aufsicht durch Erwachsene benötigt. Die Modernität der Montessori-Pädagogik ist in der wissenschaft lich begründeten Entwicklungspsychologie, in den pädagogisch aufb ereiteten Lernangeboten und dem pädagogischen Ethos der Erzieher zu suchen.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 1334-7888

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