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M. Montessori’s Ideas in Preschool Education of Belarus and China

Available from: Vitebsk State University (Belarus)

Publication: Современное образование Витебщины [Modern Education in Vitebsk Region], vol. 2022, no. 1 [35]

Pages: 75-79

Asia, Belarus, China, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: The article is devoted to Montessori method and its analysis in the theory and practice of belarusian and chinese education. Studying the pedagogical heritage will help to choose the alternative program suitable for preschool education in modern times. / Статья посвящена методу Монтессори и его анализу в теории и практике белорусского и китайского образования. Изучение педагогического наследия поможет выбрать альтернативную программу, подходящую для дошкольного образования в современности.

Language: English

ISSN: 2706-8749, 2519-4534

Book Section

The Influence of Neuroscience on Early Childhood Education

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Book Title: Scientific Influences on Early Childhood Education

Pages: 176-190

Developmental psychology, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Neuroscience

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Abstract/Notes: It is only within very recent history – the past 25 to 30 years – that neuroscience has become a force in child development and educational research, as the tools to study the brain in action have improved and become more readily available. Although neuroscience research on reading, math, and social and emotional function also has important implications for education, this chapter focuses on executive function (EF) skills because these skills play an especially foundational role in learning and because they have been particularly well studied. Basic research on EF development has provided an important foundation for interventions designed to specifically target EF skills in young children, and suggests how to structure places of education to playfully explore their environments in intentional and attentive ways, to practice reflection, and to engage in self-regulated learning. Although neuroscience is a relatively new player in early education, it has transformed people's understanding of the conditions that support learning and brain development.

Language: English

Published: New York: Routledge, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-429-46828-5


Bilingual/Bicultural Preschool Education Program: Montessori Design, 1972-73

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This report on the Montessori-designed bilingual/bicultural preschool education program of the Compton (California) School District begins with a statement of need. It includes information on project arrangements, organization, and proposed preschool curriculum. It presents plans for inservice staff development and parent participation, involvement, and education. The report also presents evaluation and audit plans, day care activities, a calendar of holidays, and the requested budget. The appendixes, almost half the report, include information on job descriptions, salary schedules, personnel policies, and curriculum areas.

Language: English

Published: Compton, California: Compton Unified School District, 1972


Parent Education [Infant program]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: The Constructive Triangle (1974-1989), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 7-9

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Language: English

ISSN: 0010-700X


The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the Children's Houses

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: London, England: Heinemann, 1919

Edition: Rev. ed


The Four Planes of Education [From lectures given in Edinburgh, 1938, and London, 1939]

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association Montessori Internationale, 1971


Entwicklung der Sprache und sprachliche Erziehung [Language development and linguistic education]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 38, no. 1-2

Pages: 28-41

Children - Language, Language acquisition, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


All'Esposizione fu Iniziato ieri il Corso Educativo della Dottoressa Montessori [The Education Course of Dr. Montessori Started Yesterday at the Exposition]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, North America, North America, Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), Teacher training, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Includes a photograph. Article Text: "La Casa dei Bambini" è stata aperta ieri nel palazzo dell'Educazione. Aperta all'infanzia, aperta alla scienza nuova, aperta alle maestre, aperta alle madri. Il bambino, questa complessa natura in formazione, questa creature racchiudente in sé il nostro passato e il nostro avvenire, è entrato nell'Esposizione con il suo buon sorriso, la sua mente vergine e il suo "io" libero per opera di una grande educatrice italiana, della dottoressa Montessori. Una folla di maestre e madri, di curiosi e di studiosi osservava da fuori della "Casa dei Bambini" la prima lezione che la signorina Helen Parkhurst impartiva a una decina di bambini. "Impartiva" non è esatto, perchè i bimbi agivano volontariamente, liberamente appena avuta una parola che stimolasse le loro attività cercando disciplinarle verso un dato concetto, un dato fatto psicologico, che è poi il primo passo verso l'acquisizione di speciali attitudini mentali e morali. E i bimbi pulivano la mobilia o si baloccavano con speciali oggetti ideati e costruiti con lo scopo di sviluppare un dato loro senso, di affinare una data loro percezione, senza coartare la lore libertà. La signora Montessori, durante la lezione, è rimesta fuori della "Casa dei Bambini", osservando con sapiente occhio materno quanto facevano i bambini. Le lezioni si svolgono dalle 9am alle 12, e i bambini che le frequentano sono una trentina. Il più piccolo ne ha quattro. Questi 30 bimbi sono stati scelti fra 2500 i cui loro genitori avevano chiesto che fossero ammessi alla "Casa dei Bambini".

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400


Kids First . . . For a Change: An Interview with Bob Morris, Candidate for Education Commissioner of the State of Florida

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 2, no. 4

Pages: 23–24

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Optimizing Early Child Care and Education

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Language: English

Published: London, England: Gordon & Breach, 1990

ISBN: 2-88124-769-5

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