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535 results


The Parents' Role at the Pre-Educational Stage

Publication: Around the Child, vol. 13

Pages: 90-95

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Language: English

ISSN: 0571-1142


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience

Available from: Croatian Journal of Education

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education / Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 1227-1253

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogy and definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needs and solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results of contemp...

Language: Croatian, English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


✓ Peer Reviewed

Assessment of Interior Design Requirements of Classes within Pre-K Educational Models

Available from: The Journal of International Social Research

Publication: The Journal of International Social Research [Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi], vol. 12, no. 68

Pages: 615-627

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to analyze the interior design of a learning space based on three alternative teaching models applied nowadays. The study gathers the overall information of interior space design, alternative teaching models, children’s needs and analyzes the interaction of the three selected teaching models with classroom design, besides it suggests what educational institutions can do at a general level to contribute to the improvement of early education. The study is designed using descriptive research model, scientific observation and to collect factual data 72 teachers from Ankara (Turkey) were surveyed. Three different schools were analyzed by means of teaching model application within interior space design, a survey was administered in order to determine how classroom design supports the teaching-learning process and follows the principles of the teaching models. Research findings suggest that special attention should be given to classroom interior design since young children’s behavior and social interactions with their peers and teachers are influenced by the spatial arrangement in classrooms. Likewise if the interior design of the classroom is based on teaching models’ learning outcomes, the capacity and attitude of both teacher and student in the educational process are improved, while appropriate conditions are created for a pedagogical practice in the classroom.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17719/jisr.2019.3853

ISSN: 1307-9581


✓ Peer Reviewed

Lessons in Silence: Power, Diversity, and the Educationalisation of Silence

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 59-74

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Abstract/Notes: The famous French historian Alain Corbin recently published a history of silence: Histoire du silence (Albin Michel, 2016). In this publication he argues that in the course of the twentieth century silence has lost its educational value. Based on an analysis of Maria Montessori's book The Method Montessori (1912) and a 1953 documentary entitled How quiet helps at school (Coronet films) it will be argued in this article that silence has not lost any of its didactical capacities. On the contrary, the hypothesis will be formulated that in the course of the twentieth century silence has been educationalised. In this sense a plea is made for a nuanced reading of silence's place in the contemporary Western world; a place that cannot and should not be disconnected from politics. Consequently, all hypotheses that present silence as the sine qua non for authentic diversity – understood as not being contaminated by any power structure – have to be looked at rather critically.

Language: English

DOI: 10.11116/jdivegendstud.3.2.0059

ISSN: 2593-0273


✓ Peer Reviewed

Shaping Executive Function in Pre-School: The Role of Early Educational Practice

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: Cognitive Development, vol. 67

Pages: Article 101344

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Abstract/Notes: Recent approaches to the development of Executive Function (EF) claim that it is trainable. Purpose-designed programs have proved successful in training EF skills in young children. If the EF is permeable to training from an early age, then the type of educational practice in the first years may as well have an effect. Despite the important implications of this thesis, there is limited evidence of the role of early educational practice in shaping the EF. Previous studies suggest that children in Montessori schools, which promote autonomy and self-regulation, often perform better on EF tasks than children in conventional schools. Evidence to date, however, is not unequivocal across the studies due to a number of factors, including the heterogeneity of the tasks used to assess EF and/or possible baseline differences in the groups that are compared. Here we compare the EF skills of fifty-eight, 4- to 6-year-olds of a similar socio-economic background who had been attending either a Montessori preschool or a conventional preschool for the same period of time. Their performance was assessed with different tasks involving a range of EF processes, such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and self-regulation. Results show an advantage of Montessori preschoolers in all EF tasks. More broadly, findings suggest that even when EF skills are not purposely trained, they can be enhanced by specific educational practices.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2023.101344

ISSN: 0885-2014


✓ Peer Reviewed

Upotreba faktorske analize u ispitivanju poželjnosti alternativnih odgojnih koncepata [The use of factor analysis in examining the desirability of alternative educational concepts]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Pedagogijska istraživanja, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 299-312

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Abstract/Notes: Ovaj, u osnovi metodološki rad, bavi se demonstracijom upotrebe faktorske analize u ispitivanju poželjnosti alternativnih odgojnih koncepata kod studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno na slučajnom, reprezentativnom i stratificiranom uzorku (N=360). Skala poželjnosti osnovnih pedagoških koncepata sastojala se od 29 čestica vezanih uz tradicionalni odgojni koncept i alternativne pedagoške koncepate: Waldorf, Montessori i Summerhill. Primjenom faktorske analize pod komponentnim modelom uz GK kriterij za zaustavljanje ekstrakcije faktora i uz provedbu purifikacije faktorske solucije dobivene su tri latentne dimenzije: 1. NEPRIHVAĆENOST SUMMERHILLSKOG KONCEPTA, 2. TRADICIONALNI ODGOJ i 3. ODGOJ UTEMELJEN NA SAMOSTALNOSTI, IGRI I ZADOVOLJSTVU SPOZNAJOM. Prva dva faktora karakterizira neprihvaćanje summerhillskog i tradicionalnog koncepta, dok je treći faktor kombinacija ideja dviju škola— waldorfske i Montessori. Nalazi ukazuju na prihvaćanje općih pedagoških načela, ali ne i predloženih načina realizacije. Ispitanici su također neskloni pedagoškom radikalizmu. Stoga zaključujemo da su poželjne one pedagoške koncepcije koje ispitanicima ostavljaju mogućnost vlastite intervencije u primarnu i sekundarnu socijalizaciju. Metodološka strana rada pokazala je da poštivanje i primjena osnovnih metodoloških pretpostavki uspješno uklanja „višak” varijabli iz interpretacije, što interpretaciju čini transparentnom, a konceptualne pretpostavke plauzibilnima. Stoga valja zaključiti da faktorska analiza nije sama po sebi primjerena podacima, već da ovisi o njihovoj strukturi pa ju u većoj ili manjoj mjeri moramo prilagoditi podacima.

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 1334-7888


The Montessori Method and the Educational Utopia of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland

Available from: West Texas A&M University

Publication: Tracks, vol. 1

Pages: 14-25

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Language: English


Space in Exposition Building Requested: Montessori Educational Association Asks for Means to Meet Growth of School

Available from: California Digital Newspaper Collection

Publication: San Diego Union (San Diego, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Panama-California International Exposition (1916, San Diego), Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), San Diego Montessori Educational Association, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: "...The national association recently has given to the San Diego association the equipment which was used in the demonstration school at the San Francisco exposition [Panama-Pacific International Exposition]. This will provide equipment for thirty-five or forty pupils..."

Language: English


The San Diego Montessori Educational Association Announces That Dr. Maria Montessori Will Conduct a Summer Training Class [advertisement]

Available from: California Digital Newspaper Collection

Publication: San Diego Union (San Diego, California)

Pages: 6

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, North America, Teacher training, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: ...For teachers of the Montessori Method of Education in the science of man building, Balboa Park, June 15 up to and including the first week in September. For further information address Chas. B. McCoy, Attorney, Central Mortgage Building, President San Diego Montessori Educational Association. Telephone Main 589.

Language: English


Montessori Educational System Explained: More Than 250 Attend Demonstration; Many Are Turned Away

Available from: California Digital Newspaper Collection

Publication: San Diego Union (San Diego, California)

Pages: 13

Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Prudence Stokes Brown - Biographic sources, United States of America

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Language: English

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