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1418 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori: una storia per il nostro tempo: il lungo viaggio di M. Montessori

Publication: Infanzia: orientamenti, esperienze, discussioni sui problemi pedagogico-didattici e sulla gestione della scuola materna e degli asili nido, no. 8

Pages: 19-22

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0390-2420


De Vereeniging Montessori-Vereeniging en de Cusus tot Opleiding van Leerkrachten Volgens Montessori-Beginselen te 's-Gravenhage (z.g. Haagsche Opleidingscursus)

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 11, no. 14

Pages: 105-107

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Language: Dutch


Montessori for the New Millennium: Practical Guidance on the Teaching and Education of Children of All Ages, Based on A Rediscovery of the True Principles and Vision of Maria Montessori

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

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Abstract/Notes: Although Montessori's name is almost universally known in education circles today, and there are countless nursery schools throughout the world using the "Montessori Method," the real core of her thinking has remained largely misunderstood. Most people regard the method as a system for the education of very young children. And most who have some direct experience of it, either as parent or teacher, would regard it as involving a certain set of procedures and specialized educational materials with clear and elaborate instructions for their use. However, the essence of Montessori's philosophy of education is in reality far broader than this, and contains a powerful message for educators everywhere. What is less well-known about Montessori's work is that she began by establishing the effectiveness of her approach at the pre-elementary level, but also strongly encouraged the extension of her method to the higher levels of education. Wentworth's purpose in writing this book is to elucidate this vital aspect of Maria Montessori's life's work and to show how it applies to real-life teaching situations. She believed that by transforming the process of children's education she could help to transform the attitudes of the adults they will later become, and so those of society and the world at large--a message she promoted as vitally relevant to the future of humankind as a whole.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Routledge, 1999

Edition: 1st

ISBN: 978-1-4106-0440-8

Book Section

Maria Montessori en Inde: Adoption et Adaptation d’une Méthode Pédagogique [Maria Montessori in India: Adoption and Adaptation of a Pedagogic Method]

Available from: OpenEdition Books

Book Title: L’Inde et l’Italie: Rencontres intellectuelles, politiques et artistiques [India and Italy: Intellectual, political and artistic encounters]

Pages: 245-285

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In this article I focus on the impact of the Maria Montessori’s pedagogical method during the years of her work in South Asia (1939-1946; 1947-1949). The genesis of this research started in the late 1980s during the years of my fieldwork in Madras (today Chennai), when I was amazed to find a large number of “Montessori” schools in that city. Certainly, they were many more than in Italy, and in Rome itself, where Maria Montessori founded the first “House of Children” on the 6th January 1907. Thus, out of mere curiosity I started to enquire about the reasons of such “implantation”. Soon I came to know that Maria Montessori (1870-1952) and her son, Mario Montesano Montessori (1898-1982), from 1939 till 1949, spent almost ten years in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In all those countries they collaborated and interacted with local pedagogists, by also training hundreds of children and more than thousand students and teachers to the homonimous “Montessori” pedagogical method. India, after Italy, was also the country where Maria Montessori spent the longest period of her life. After relating to the major events of her personal life as well as her scientific and social engagements as psychiatrist, pedagogist, outspoken feminist and antifascist, I deal here with the adoption and adaptation of her pedagogical method in South Asia. Finally, I tackle the influence of the local educational systems and cultural practices on Maria Montessori herself and on her own method’s further development. Due to such a synergic encouter and interaction, today India is one of the most dynamic and prestigeous international centers for the “Montessori” pedagogical method teachers’ training.,Dans cet article, j’étudie en particulier l’impact de la méthode pédagogique de Maria Montessori durant ses années en Asie du Sud (1939-1946, 1947-1949). La genèse de cette recherche a débuté à la fin des années 1980, quand j’ai été étonnée de trouver à Madras (Chennai) un si grand nombre d’écoles Montessori au cours de mon long terrain dans cette ville. Certes, elles étaient beaucoup plus nombreuses que celles présentes en Italie, et plus qu’à Rome même, où Maria Montessori fonda la première Maison des Enfants le 6 janvier 1907. Ainsi, par simple curiosité, je commençai à m’enquérir des raisons d’une telle « implantation ». Bientôt, j’ai réalisé que Maria Montessori (1870-1952) et son fils, Mario Montesano Montessori (1898-1982), avaient de 1939 à 1949, séjourné près de dix ans en Inde, au Pakistan et au Sri Lanka. Dans tous ces pays, ils ont collaboré et interagi avec les pédagogues locaux, en formant également des centaines d’enfants et plus de mille élèves et enseignants à la méthode pédagogique « Montessori ». L’Inde, après l’Italie, était aussi le pays où Maria Montessori a passé la plus longue période de sa vie. Après avoir évoqué les grands événements de sa vie personnelle ainsi que ses engagements scientifiques et sociaux en tant que psychiatre, pédagogue, féministe et antifasciste, je traite ici de l’adoption et de l’adaptation de sa méthode pédagogique en Asie du Sud. Enfin, j’analyse l’influence des systèmes éducatifs locaux et des pratiques culturelles sur Maria Montessori elle-même et sur le développement ultérieur de sa propre méthode. Grâce à cette rencontre et à cette interaction synergiques, l’Inde est aujourd’hui l’un des centres internationaux les plus dynamiques et les plus prestigieux pratiquant la méthode pédagogique Montessori.

Language: French

Published: Paris, France: OpenEdition Books, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-7132-3154-4

Series: Purushartha


✓ Peer Reviewed

Geragogiczny Model Pracy z Seniorami Oparty na Koncepcji Marii Montessori / A Geragogical Model of Working with the Elderly According to the Concept Maria Montessori

Available from: Library of Science (Poland)

Publication: Edukacja Dorosłych, vol. 2017, no. 2 (whole no. 77)

Pages: 225-239

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The article is a presentation of a model of work with the elderly based on the principles of Maria Montessori pedagogy. The described model provides support for elderly people (also with cognitive deficits) not only in retaining maximum independence and highest possible level of intellectual functions, but also in their development through success-focused learning. Chosen elements adopted from Maria Montessori’s pedagogy such as prepared environment, specific didactic materials, and teacher/companion enable the classes’ participants to learn with joy, enjoying autonomy, respect and dignity. / Artykuł jest prezentacją modelu pracy z osobami starszymi opartej na założeniach pedagogiki Marii Montesssori. Opisywany model jest propozycją wsparcia osób starszych (również z deficytami poznawczymi) nie tylko w zachowaniu maksymalnej samodzielności, utrzymaniu funkcji intelektualnych na możliwie wysokim poziomie, ale także ich rozwój poprzez uczenie się zogniskowane na powodzeniu. Zaadaptowane z pedagogiki Marii Montessori wybrane elementy, m.in. przygotowane otoczenie, specyficzne materiały dydaktyczne, osoba nauczyciela/ towarzysza dają uczestnikom zajęć możliwość uczenia się z radością, poczuciem autonomii, szacunku i godności.

Language: Polish

ISSN: 1230-929X

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

A Comparison of Academic Achievement for Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade Students from Montessori and Non-Montessori School Programs

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to determine whether a difference exists between the academic progress of seventh and eighth grade students who attended Texas public Montessori schools and the academic progress of their peers who attended matched non- Montessori schools. Specifically, this study sought to determine whether students enrolled in Montessori programs had higher percentages of passing rates on state mandated criterion referenced tests than students enrolled in non-Montessori programs for early adolescents. Research questions were posed and corresponding research hypotheses were tested within the subject matter disciplines of reading and mathematics in the seventh grade and within the subject matter disciplines of reading mathematics, science, and social studies in the eighth grade. In all but one analysis, the Montessori students had higher passing percentages than non-Montessori students. Seventh grade Montessori students had higher passing percentages in math and higher passing percentages in reading. Eighth grade Montessori students had higher passing percentages on reading, science, math and social studies. The study provided evidence that Montessori programs for early adolescents produce favorable academic outcomes when compared with their matched non-Montessori counterparts in public schools.

Language: English

Published: Stephenville, Texas, 2011


Celebrating Diversity at a Public Montessori School [Hull-Jackson Montessori Magnet School, Nashville, TN]

Publication: Montessori International, vol. 77

Pages: 24–25

Americas, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Aplicación del Método Montessori en la Educación Infantil Ecuatoriana [The Application of the Montessori Method in Ecuadorian Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (Ecuador)

Publication: Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: 122-131

Americas, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El método de Montessori destaca la didáctica a través de los cinco sentidos, no sólo a través de tres de ellos como se hace tradicionalmente (escuchar, ver o leer), el docente deberá saber con previa evaluación lo que cada niño está listo para realizar. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control. El objetivo de la investigación es impulsar el hábito del auto-estudio y la autodisciplina, es decir que posibilita a que el niño trabaje con autonomía, favoreciendo el propio interés y la investigación que ayudan al niño a concentrarse en su aula; la metodología aplicada se buscó coordinar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos mediante una investigación bibliográfica y relatos narrativos. La función del orientador fundamental es la del adulto, y en especial el padre, ya que se considera el principal guía del niño, quien es el responsable de mostrarle elmundo en sus primeros pasos. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control, los niños logran asimilar: una investigación propia e independiente, planificar, organizar, compilar información; crear: presentaciones, exposiciones y proyectos. [The Montessori method highlights the didactics through the five senses, not only through three of them as is traditionally done (listening, seeing or reading), the teacher must know with prior evaluation what each child is ready to do. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control. The objective of the research is to promote the habit of self-study and self-discipline, that is, it enables the child to work with autonomy, favoring self-interest and research that help the child to concentrate in her classroom; The applied methodology sought to coordinate and achieve the proposed objectives through bibliographic research and narrative stories. The role of the fundamental guide is that of the adult, and especially the father, since she is considered the child's main guide, who is responsible for showing her the world in her first steps. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control, children manage to assimilate: their own independent research, planning, organizing, compiling information; create: presentations, exhibitions and projects.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.32645/13906925.935

ISSN: 2631-2905


La méthode Montessori aux Refuges de Saint-Sulpice et de Fontenay-aux-Roses; une curieuse expérience d'enseignement sur les petits réfugiés [The Montessori method at the Refuges of Saint-Sulpice and Fontenay-aux-Roses; a curious teaching experience on small refugees]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: Journal des Réfugiés du Nord (Paris, France)

Pages: 1-2

Displaced communities, Europe, France, Refugees, Western Europe

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Language: French


Becoming a Montessori Parent: How Does Montessori Influence Parenting?

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 17, no. 3

Pages: 5

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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