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412 results


The National Language Policy

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 10, no. 2

Pages: 30

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Developing the Language of Young Disadvantaged Children

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: A modified approach to the development of verbal expression in young children is proposed as an alternative to either the prescriptive-instructional method or the developmental viewpoint which relies on self-initiated learning. The Bereiter-Engelmann method, the method based on operant conditioning, and the Montessori method are representative of the prescriptive-instructional theory which it is felt to inhibit expressive language. The developmental philosophy stresses a rich environment providing many varied opportunities from which a child selects his own activities. This method, however, does not stimulate his verbal expressive ability. The modified developmental approach which is discussed would encourage expressive language within a developmental context. The child's spontaneity, verbal responsiveness, and eagerness to be heard can be capitalized upon by adults who listen actively. Talk-oriented schools would foster learning that has intellectual, psychological, and social value. Some examples of classroom practice are included.

Language: English

Published: Washington, D.C., 1967


✓ Peer Reviewed

Second Language Corner for Children’s House: A Practitioner–Researcher Journey Into Bilingualism in Montessori Education

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 67-82

Americas, Bilingualism, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This work reports, from a qualitative research perspective, the development of an English Corner project for a preschool Children’s House classroom in central Mexico over the course of a 3-year period. It shows the transition of a language specialist over six consecutive periods of work, from a traditional understanding and practice of teaching English as a second language to young learners into a more comprehensive one of the Montessori Method. The analysis of my own practice is used to recover insights through a reflective process with the intention to develop a second language (L2) Montessori program for 3- to 6-year-olds that aligns better with Montessori pedagogy.  Variables such as instruction time, setting, group constitution, materials, and teaching and learning strategies allowed for certain aspects to arise as leading points of interest for the focus of the analysis and the methodological and pedagogical adaptations that followed each period. This paper is an attempt to fill the gap between the need to deliver a second language effectively in Montessori education and the lack of guidance for doing it the Montessori way; it is especially for practitioners who do not have a Montessori background but also for Montessori-trained teachers for whom more specific preparation would aid their practice. I also hope to stimulate further research in the field of second language acquisition and multilingualism in Montessori education at every level of education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17161/jomr.v7i1.13401

ISSN: 2378-3923

Book Section

Language and Culture Erasure: An Indigenous Perspective

Available from: American Montessori Society

Book Title: Equity Examined: How to Design Schools and Teacher Education Programs Where Everyone Thrives

Pages: 31-32

Indigenous communities, Indigenous peoples

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: American Montessori Society, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-66789-269-6


Learning Their Language

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 22, no. 4

Pages: 18-20

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Dual-Language Montessori Rises in Phoenix

Publication: Montessori Public, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 6-7

Americas, Bilingual education, Language development, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English


Language Learning in Montessori Settings

Available from: Research Gate

Publication: International Montessori Institute Working Paper Series, no. 2022-4

Pages: 36-45

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Language: English

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessori Pedagogy in learning and teaching the English language in Czech lower secondary schools

Available from: Masaryk University (Czechia)

Elementary education, Language acquisition, Language education, Montessori method of education, Primary education, Second language acquisition, Second language education

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to deal with a different approach to the teaching and learning of the English language at lower secondary schools by the Montessori Method. The theoretical part investigates the process of learning a foreign language, second language acquisition and introduces the basic principles of Montessori education that can be applied to teaching and learning any foreign language. In addition to this, a brief insight into how such a lesson should be conducted is introduced. The pragmatic component of the thesis focuses on the response of the target question of what the real Montessori lessons look like in reality, and how the Montessori principles are upheld. To conduct the qualitative research and apply the method of case studies, thirty observations in two lower secondary schools and interviews with two teachers were conducted. The observations and interviews took place at the Montessori lower secondary schools Polabiny in Pardubice and Gajdošova in Brno. To confirm the validity of the research, the school curriculum documents were evaluated. The observation demonstrates that the learning and teaching of the English language, using the Montessori system, becomes a challenging option for Montessori teachers. / Cílem této Bakalářské práce je celkový náhled na výuku anglického jazyka na druhém stupni základních škol typu Montessori. Teoretická část se obecně zabývá výukou cizího jazyka, procesem učení cizího jazyka a představí principy Marie Montessori aplikovatelné na výuku jakéhokoliv jazyka. Také krátce představíme jak by měla skutečná Montessori výuka vypadat. Praktická část práce si klade za hlavní cíl odpověď na otázku jak probíhá výuka anglického jazyka dle Marie Montessori ve skutečnosti a jak jsou dodržovány principy Marie Montessori. Metoda případové studie kvalitativního výzkumu byla podpořena třiceti hodinami observací a dvěma rozhovory s učiteli anglického jazyka. Observace se uskutečnily na základních školách Polabiny v Pardubicích, na Gajdošově v Brně. K umocnění výsledku práce jsou hodnoceny vzdělávací dokumenty zkoumaných škol. Observace ukazuje, že výuka anglického jazyka Montessori Metodou je pro vyučujícího náročným úkolem.

Language: English

Published: Brno, Czechia, 2017

Master's Thesis

Teaching English as a Second Language at a Montessori School

Available from: Masaryk University (Czechia)

Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Second language acquisition, Second language education

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Abstract/Notes: This thesis explores the teaching of English as a second language in a Montessori school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a summary of the Montessori teaching principles and their application to language teaching, including an examination of second language acquisition. The practical part of the thesis involves observing English lessons in Montessori environment, analysing relevant documents, and creation of teaching materials specifically adjusted to the Montessori approach. The ultimate goal of this research is to identify effective teaching strategies and materials for teaching English as a second language in Montessori schools, while also contributing to a deeper understanding of the Montessori approach to education. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were used to determine the quality, accuracy and effectiveness of the materials. The created materials are enclosed to the appendices. / Tato práce se zabývá výukou angličtiny jakožto druhého jazyka v prostředí Montessori školy. Teoretická část práce obsahuje shrnutí principů Montessori pedagogiky a jejich aplikaci na výuku jazyků, včetně průzkumu osvojování druhého jazyka. Praktická část práce zahrnuje pozorování výuky angličtiny v Montessori prostředí, analýzu relevantních dokumentů a tvorbu výukových materiálů specificky upravených pro Montessori přístup. Ke zjištění kvality, přesnosti a účinnosti vytvořených a implementovaných materiálů byly vybrány kvalitativní i kvantitativní metody sběru dat. Konečným cílem tohoto výzkumu je identifikovat efektivní výukové strategie a materiály pro výuku angličtiny jako druhého jazyka v Montessori školách a zároveň přispět k hlubšímu pochopení Montessori přístupu ke vzdělávání. Vyrobené pomůcky jsou k nahlednutí v příloze.

Language: English

Published: Brno, Czechia, 2023

Book Section

A Montessori Bibliography of Materials in the English Language, 1909-1961

Book Title: Learning How to Learn: An American Approach to Montessori [1962]

Pages: 139-175

, Special education

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: American Montessori Society, 1998

Edition: Revised ed.

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