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716 results


Ecosostenibilità in Maria Montessori. Nella didattica, nell'ambiente, nelle architetture [Eco-sustainability in Maria Montessori. In teaching, in the environment, in architecture]

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Abstract/Notes: In questo libro si sottolinea come i fondamenti del Metodo Montessori ricolleghino il bambino alla natura attraverso pratiche educativo-didattiche, ambienti e architetture a questo scopo dedicate. Una chiave, questa, per entrare nel mondo montessoriano più evoluto all'insegna di Ecologia, Ecosostenibilità, Biofilia, Energie alternative, dove il contenuto, il contenitore e quel che lo circonda devono essere in totale sintonia con l'ambiente. Colloquio esclusivo, tra gli altri, con l'archistar olandese Herman Hertzberger, autore - insieme all'architetto italiano Marco Scarpinato - del progetto di una scuola romana unica al mondo. [This book underlines how the foundations of the Montessori Method reconnect the child to nature through educational-didactic practices, environments and architectures dedicated to this purpose. This is a key to entering the most advanced Montessori world under the banner of Ecology, Eco-sustainability, Biophilia, Alternative Energy, where the content, the container and what surrounds it must be in total harmony with the environment. Exclusive conversation, among others, with the Dutch archistar Herman Hertzberger, author - together with the Italian architect Marco Scarpinato - of the project for a unique Roman school in the world.]

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2021

ISBN: 978-88-949472-9-8

Series: Pagine vere , 49


Montessōri no shūkyō kyōiku / モンテッソーリの宗教教育 [Religious Education by the Montessori Method]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 30

Pages: 70-79

Montessori method of education, Religious education

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


Freies Schaffen in der Montessori-Schule und in der Arbeits-Schule [Free creation in the Montessori school and in the work school]

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Neue Bahnen, vol. 38, no. 12

Pages: 510-517

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Language: German


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori, The Montessori method [review]

Publication: Revue philosophique de Louvain, vol. 62

Pages: 536

Book reviews

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Language: French

ISSN: 0035-3841


Montessori in Champaign-Urbana [Montessori School of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois]

Publication: Montessori Observer, vol. 4, no. 8

Pages: 1, 4

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Language: English

ISSN: 0889-5643


Die Verankerung der Montessori-Pädagogik in der heutigen Grundschulkonzeption [The anchoring of Montessori education in today's elementary school concept]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 35, no. 2

Pages: 78-87

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


✓ Peer Reviewed

Origen, difusión y comercialización del material Montessori en el primer tercio del siglo xx / Origin, diffusion and commercialization of Montessori material in the first third of the 20th century

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 131-159

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Over the years, many studies have been developed on the materials used in teaching. Some research is aimed at presenting sources that allow us to systematically study these elements. With the commercial development of the production of didactic materials, we have been witnessing, since the end of the 19th century, the genesis and growth of manufactures aimed at educational environments. These manufactures generate production and marketing flows that sometimes determine the implementation of pedagogical innovations. On the other hand, the material associated with certain teaching methods has become, over the years, a hallmark of many of these methods. It has been used to disseminate teaching methodologies and has sometimes been presented as a badge. The Montessori Method and its dissemination are a clear example of this type of practice. This work studies the introduction of the Montessori Method in different countries, the establishment of patents and material catalogues. The internationalization of the method and the commercial interests associated with it are the subject of analysis through different sources. / Al llarg dels anys, s’han desenvolupat molts estudis sobre els materials utilitzats a l’ensenyament. Algunes investigacions estan orientades a presentar fonts que ens permetin l’estudi sistemàtic d’aquests elements. Amb el desenvolupament comercial de la producció de materials didàctics assistim, des de finals del segle xix, a la gènesi i el creixement de manufactures destinades als entorns educatius. Aquestes manufactures generen fluxos de producció i comercialització que, de vegades, determinen la posada en marxa d’innovacions pedagògiques. D’altra banda, el material associat a determinats mètodes d’ensenyament s’ha convertit, en diferents moments, en senyal d’identitat de molts d’aquests mètodes. Ha servit per difondre metodologies didàctiques i, a vegades, se’ls ha presentat com a insígnia. El mètode Montessori i la seva difusió constitueixen un exemple clar d’aquest tipus de pràctiques. En aquest treball s’estudia la introducció del mètode Montessori a diferents països, l’establiment de patents i els catàlegs del material. La internacionalització del mètode i els interessos comercials que hi estan associats són objecte d’anàlisi a través de diferents fonts. / Muchos han sido los estudios que, sobre los materiales utilizados en la enseñanza, se han desarrollado a lo largo de los años. Algunas de esas investigaciones están orientadas a presentar fuentes que nos permitan el estudio sistemático de dichos elementos. Con el desarrollo comercial en la producción de materiales didácticos asistimos, desde finales del siglo xix, a la génesis y desarrollo de manufacturas destinadas a los entornos educativos. Dichas manufacturas generan flujos de producción y comercialización que en ocasiones determinan la puesta en marcha de innovaciones pedagógicas. Por otro lado, el material asociado a determinados métodos de enseñanza se ha convertido, a lo largo de los años, en seña de identidad de muchos de ellos. Ha servido para difundir metodologías didácticas y se ha presentado, a veces, como insignia de estos. El método Montessori y su difusión constituyen un claro ejemplo de este tipo de prácticas. A lo largo de este trabajo se estudia la introducción del método Montessori en distintos países, el establecimiento de patentes y el estudio de los catálogos del material. La internacionalización del método y los intereses comerciales asociados al mismo son objeto de análisis a través de distintas fuentes.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150352

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258


The Possibility of Public Montessori Schools: Examining the Montessori philosophy and its prospect in American public schools

Available from: Vanderbilt University Institutional Repository

Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: In an effort to explore the ways in which Montessori curriculum and public schools are cooperative or mutually exclusive, I will examine the principles of the Montessori philosophy as set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori in the areas of learners and learning, the learning environment, the curriculum and instructional strategies, and student assessment. After examining these sectors of the Montessori method, I will discuss theoretical possibilities in adapting the Montessori method to the American public school system in the early 21st century. For the purpose of this paper, I will refer to the author of the Montessori method, as "Dr. Montessori" and call the general method or portions thereof as "Montessori."

Language: English

Published: Nashville, Tennessee, 2007

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Montessori e Steiner: due approcci pedagogici a confronto [Montessori and Steiner: two pedagogical approaches compared]

Available from: Tesi online

Comparative education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy, Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: La tesi si propone di analizzare le proposte pedagogiche di Maria Montessori e Rudolf Steiner in relazione alla scuola tradizionale e alla diffusione di tali scuole nel Mondo e in Italia, con particolare focus su Torino. Ripercorrendo il contesto socio-culturale e...

Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy, 2019


Effects of Applying AMSP (American Montessori Society Program) According to the Years of Mathematics / 수학연한에 따른 AMSP (American Montessori Society Program)의 적용효과: 유아의 창의성과 지능에 미치는 영향을 중심으로

Available from: RISS

Publication: 교육과학연구 / Journal of Educational Science Research, vol. 35, no. 2

Pages: 233-251

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Abstract/Notes: This study investigated the effects of AMSP(American Montessori Society) on young children's creativity and intelligence according to the learning term.The questions for research were as follows:1. What is the effect of AMSP on young children's creativity according to the learning term?2. What is the effect of AMSP on young children's intelligence according to the learning term? The subjects of this study were 57 aged five-old children at H kindergarten in J. City. They were classified to three groups according to learning term of AMSP.The data were collected using the General Creativity Test for Children(Chon, kyoung-won, 2000), the Revised Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Park, kwang-bae 1995), and analysed by ANCOVA, the Scheffe test with SPSS 11.0 Program.The results of this study are summarized as follows:1. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's creativity significantly. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's creativity significantly. 2.The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's intelligence significantly. The longer the learning term was, the more AMSP improved young children's intelligence significantly. / 본 연구는 AMSP가 유아의 창의성과 지능에 미치는 영향에 있어 수업연한에 따른 차이를 알아본 것으로, AMSP의 수업연한에 따라 구분된 1년차 집단, 2년차 집단, 3년차 집단 각 19명씩 만 5세 유아 총 57명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 전경원(2000)의 창의성 검사와 박혜원곽금주박광배(1996) 등이 개발한 한국형WPPSI(K-WPPIS)를 실시한 결과, AMSP의 수업연한이 높을수록 유아의 창의성과 지능발달에 전반적으로 더 큰 효과를 나타냈다. 이에 AMSP가 유아의 창의성과 지능발달을 돕는 하나의 효과적인 접근방안일 뿐만 아니라 유치원의 3년 교육 기간에 AMSP를 제공받는 것이 유아의 창의성과 지능발달에 더 효과적임을 시사해준다고 하겠다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1229-8484, 2713-6515

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