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255 results


Algebra in the Primary Classroom: Sensorial Basis for Elementary Mathematics

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 37, no. 3

Pages: 5–7, 10

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Language: English

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Mathematical Literacy: The Effects of Mathematics Journals on Student Understanding of Fractions in a Montessori Classroom

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Upper elementary

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Abstract/Notes: It is a typical Monday morning. As students enter the classroom wearing brightly colored polo shirts embroidered with the school logo, their smiles are equally bright. This Title I public school in the heart of the city where 96% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch has recently opened a Montessori option. Walking into the classroom, one 5th grade student eagerly asks, “Who’s on the bread committee this week?” Baking bread is a weekly occurrence in the upper elementary (4th – 6th grade) Montessori classroom. During the first week of school, this same student vehemently threw materials to the floor declaring, “I HATE fractions!” In an effort to positively engage students in mathematics, the weekly bread-making tradition was implemented. Through cooking, students experience the importance of fractions in everyday life. Each week, two students work together, read several recipes, select one, and submit a precise written list of needed ingredients. The next day, with the aid of a bread machine bought for $10 at the local thrift store, the students work together to follow directions, read fractions, measure ingredients, and bake bread. Once baked, students divide the bread into equal portions and serve. After several months of this routine, some recipes will need to be doubled or halved, and on it goes… The bread committee provides a “hook” for some resistant students. It is also a practical application of the role of literacy in mathematics. The choice to focus on mathematical literacy and the effect of journaling on student understanding was influenced by research around mathematical vocabulary as well as the instructional practices of noted educators and researchers. The rigor of upper elementary math as defined in the common core requires students to not only perform calculations with accuracy, but to demonstrate strong reading comprehension through the interpretation of real-world word problems, and to articulate an understanding of MATHEMATICAL LITERACY 3 mathematical reasoning through clear and concise writing. Achieving grade level proficiency has practical life implications for students because research showed mathematical knowledge during elementary school as a strong predictor of financial stability in adulthood, and understanding fractions in fifth grade as a predictor of overall achievement in mathematics (Siegler & Lortie-Forgues, 2015).

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2019

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Montessori Mathematics Curriculum and Lower Elementary Students Understanding of Length Measurement

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Lower elementary, Mathematics education, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: The intent of this action research project was to determine to what extent the Montessori Mathematics curriculum support lower elementary students’ understanding of length measurement. The research took place in a private Montessori school classroom with first and second-grade students. There were 22 students in the class, 11 first graders, and 11 second-graders. Data was collected through a pre and post-test, field notes, and observations. The students also kept a journal and performed self-assessments. Photographs were taken to record the students’ use of different measurement tools. Children’s literature about length measurement was read and discussed with the students. The data indicated that students in first and second grade have a difficult time understanding length measurement, particularly reading standard measurement tools. While the Montessori mathematics curriculum supports student understanding of length measurement, it is clear that some of the students need to have other opportunities using nonstandard tools. Overall, the Montessori mathematics curriculum supported students understanding of length measurement. The findings suggest that additional materials need to be introduced in the classroom for students to utilize, and many opportunities are available to measure with nonstandard tools to completely understand measurement and length.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2015

Doctoral Dissertation

Math Play: Growing and Developing Mathematics Understanding in an Emergent Play-Based Environment

Available from: University of California eScholarship

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Abstract/Notes: This project explores how mathematics growth and development can be supported, documented and assessed in an emergent play-based early childhood education environment inspired by the practices and principles of Reggio Emilia. Using the California Preschool Learning Foundations as a framework, Math Play includes developmentally appropriate activities and environments that support cognitive development within the mathematics domain. This curriculum documents how a classroom's emergent themes were interwoven into activities and environments that did not oppose the practices and principles of the approach. Math Play successfully documented each child's mathematic understanding as well as areas needing further growth and development. With the California Preschool Learning Foundations as a framework, teachers can use Math Play to establish a child's level of understanding within this domain that plays one of important roles in assessing a child's school readiness. Math Play provides examples of how teachers can use authentic formative portfolios for assessment of growth and development. Math Play provides an alternative for standardized assessment in an emergent play-based environment that authenticates the experiences that preschool children are having while growing and developing in a Reggio Emilia inspired environment. After implementation of Math Play the following two findings were deduced : 1. Children engaged and demonstrated a range of mathematic growth and development that corresponds with the eighteen sub-strands of the California Preschool Learning Foundations. 2. Authentic formative portfolios provided an effective way to discuss individual child mathematic growth and development with assistant teachers and parents. In addition to these findings the children who were involved in this research continued to grow and develop by engaging in activities that furthered their mathematic foundation after Math Play implementation

Language: English

Published: San Diego, California, 2012

Master's Thesis

Montessori Early Childhood Teachers’ Preparedness to Teach Mathematics

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Mathematics education, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Teacher training, Teacher training, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this action research project was to learn about early childhood Montessori teachers’ feelings and beliefs about mathematics and teaching math, and their awareness of current research regarding the importance of mathematics. Early childhood Montessori teachers were surveyed with questions and opportunities to comment. Instructors who teach Montessori mathematics to future teachers were interviewed, including questions about attitudes towards math they have seen in their adult students and opinions about the need for professional development in math. Adult students enrolled in a Montessori early childhood mathematics class were surveyed at the beginning of the course and again at the end of the course. The results showed that survey participants had both positive and negative experiences in mathematics in their own K-12/college education, with teachers/school as the greatest influencers. Many survey participants indicated that these experiences had long-term effects on their feelings towards math. Montessori instructors have seen hesitancy towards math among their adult students. Many of their students, as well as several survey participants, expressed that the Montessori approach to mathematics helped them, as adults, gain a better understanding of mathematical concepts and increased their confidence. While survey participants agreed that their Montessori teacher education program prepared them to effectively teach math, there is room for further study on the awareness of current research regarding the importance of mathematics in early childhood, increased specificity in Montessori math standards, opportunities for providing mathematical experiences for children throughout the classroom and continued professional development and self-reflection on one’s teaching practice.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2022

Master's Thesis

Framgångsrik undervisning i matematik åk 1–3: En jämförande studie av tre undervisningsmodeller / Successful teaching of mathematics in years 1-3: a comparative study of three educational models

Available from: DiVA Portal - Karlstad University

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Abstract/Notes: The proposal in this study define successful teaching from Hattie et al. (2017) and Grevholm (2012) research results. This is a comparative study with three teaching models in mathematics, Traditional model, Montessori model and Singapore model. The focus is on mathematics teaching in primary school, in Sweden. The study embrace a minor literature study and an interview study with three teachers, who work according the three models in their teaching. I use a socio-cultural perspective on learning, teaching and knowledge. A directed qualitative content analyze is used to analyze both the literature and the interviews. The results show the pros and cons of the three teaching models, according to the requirements of the proposed ideas of successful teaching. The results of the teachers´ statements clarify and problematize the differences between the three educational models in practice. / Denna studie utgår från en tes om framgångsrik undervisning som baseras på Hatties m.fl. (2017) och Grevholms (2012) forskning. Uppsatsen är en jämförande studie som utgår från tre undervisningsmodeller i matematik, traditionell undervisningsmodell, montessorimodellen och singaporemodellen. Fokus är på matematikundervisning i årskurs 1-3, svensk skola. Studien omfattar dels en mindre litteraturstudie, dels en intervjustudie med tre lärare som arbetar enligt de tre modellerna. Jag utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och kunskap. Analyserna baseras på en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar på för och nackdelar med de tre undervisningsmodellerna och hur väl de uppfyller kraven enligt tesen för en framgångsrik undervisning. I resultatet tydliggörs genom lärarnas utsagor problematiken med de olika undervisningsmodellerna.

Language: Swedish

Published: Karlstad, Sweden, 2022


Rational Thinking on Using Montessori Teaching Method to Teach Mental Retarded Students Mathematics

Publication: Xiandai teshu jiaoyu / 现代特殊教育 [A Journal of Modern Special Education], vol. 2016, no. 19

Pages: 63-66

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Abstract/Notes: 由于教学对象的特殊性,培智数学教学存在难以找到合适的教材、难以统一进度、教学时间被割裂等难题.而蒙台梭利教学法有丰富的教具,教具蕴含丰富的学科知识,教具的可操作性强和学生控制教学进度等特点解决了培智数学教学中的难题,值得在培智数学教学中应用.但在实际的教学过程中也需要对蒙氏教学法进行一定的调整,以便发挥更好的效果.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1004-8014


"Those Horrible-Marvelous Mathematics!"

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 31, no. 3

Pages: 13–14

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Abstract/Notes: Reaction to 1999 refresher course

Language: English


Mathematics for Montessori Children

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Language: English

Published: River Forest, Illinois: Montessori Publications, n.d.

Master's Thesis

Nekatere značilnosti pouka matematike po pedagoških načelih pedagogike Montessori [Some Characteristics of Mathematics Instruction According to Pedagogical Principles of Montessori Pedagogy]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Mathematics education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: V magistrskem delu analiziramo nekatere značilnosti pouka matematike po pedagoških načelih pedagogike Montessori in predstavimo, kakšen odnos imajo učenci osnovne šole Montessori do pouka matematike. Magistrsko delo je razčlenjeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavimo Mario Montessori, ki je z opazovanjem otrok začela spreminjati pogled na vzgojo, šolo in učenje ter razvila novo metodo poučevanja, metodo Montessorijeve. Spoznamo se z omenjeno metodo, s principi, ki so temeljni za vzgojo po metodi Montessori, spoznamo temelje pedagogike Montessori, kjer so otrok, odrasli in okolje med seboj enakovredno povezani. V nadaljevanju predstavimo delovanje osnovne šole Montessori. Posebno pozornost namenimo pedagogiki Montessori pri matematiki in primerjamo učna načrta javne osnovne šole in osnovne šole Montessori ter predstavimo razvojne materiale s področja matematike na predšolski stopnji, 1. in 2. triadi. Zadnji del teoretičnega dela namenimo predstavitvi nekaterih prednosti in omejitev pedagogike Montessori in iščemo podobnosti in razlike med konstruktivističnim načinom poučevanja z načinom poučevanja po metodi Montessori. V empiričnem delu analiziramo in interpretiramo rezultate opazovanja pouka, ki je bilo izvedeno med učenci druge in tretje triade (od četrtega do devetega razreda) osnovne šole Montessori. Zanimale so nas aktivnosti učitelja v splošnem in posebej med samostojnim delom učencev, aktivnosti učencev v splošnem in posebej med njihovim samostojnim delom, v kolikšni meri je prisotno medvrstniško učenje in kakšen je odnos učencev do pouka matematike. [The aims of the master’s thesis were to analyse some of the characteristics of mathematics education according to the pedagogical principles of Montessori pedagogy and present the attitude of Montessori elementary school students towards mathematics lessons. In the theoretical part, Maria Montessori, the person who developed a new teaching method – the Montessori method, was presented. Furthermore, the Montessori method, the fundamental principles of Montessori education and the foundations of Montessori pedagogy were presented. Next, the functioning of Montessori elementary school. A great attention was given to Montessori pedagogy in mathematics. The curriculums of public elementary school and Montessori elementary school were compared. Moreover, the Montessori mathematics materials at pre-elementary level, first triad and second triad were presented. In the final section of the theoretical part, some of the advantages and disadvantages of Montessori pedagogy were presented, as well as the similarities and differences between the constructivist teaching method and the Montessori method. In the empirical part, the results of the observed lesson that had been carried out among students of the second and third triad (from fourth to ninth grade) of Montessori elementary school were analysed and interpreted. The aims of the observation were to determine the teachers’ and students’ activities in general and during the students’ independent work, as well as the presence of peer learning. The research also focused on the attitude of students towards mathematics lessons.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2018

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