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1219 results

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

An Exploration of the Experience of Teachers in Facilitating Meta-Learning Among Students in Christian Montessori Schools

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This basic qualitative research records the author’s findings from the one-on-one in-depth personal interviews with twenty-three teachers, trainers, and administrators working for the Christian Montessori schools. The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences of the teachers in facilitating meta-learning, the how-to-learn and the why-to-learn, among students in the Christian Montessori schools. The findings are as follows: First, both the Montessorian training and the Christian spiritual preparation of the teachers in the Christian Montessori schools enables them to effectively facilitate both the how-to-learn and the why-to-learn meta-learning, which endorses their claim that they are the true heir of the original Montessori method; second, the teachers’ most meaningful way of facilitating meta-learning is students’ receiving spontaneous training through the teachers’ respectful scaffolding; third, the Christian Montessori school model is an integrated and viable system for educational reform pursuing both the how-to-learn and the why-to-learn at the same time.

Language: English

Published: Deerfield, Illinois, 2020

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Teacher Beliefs, Attitudes, and Expectations Towards Students with Attention Disorders in Three Schools in the United Kingdom's Independent School System

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Children with disabilities, England, Europe, Inclusive education, Northern Europe, Northern Ireland, Perceptions, Scotland, Teachers - Attitudes, United Kingdom

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Abstract/Notes: Scope and method of study. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the connection between the beliefs, attitudes, and expectations teachers exhibit towards students who have attention challenges in three independent schools in England and the pathognomonic-interventionist continuum as identified by Jordan-Wilson and Silverman (1991), which identifies, along a scale, where teachers' beliefs lie. Teachers' sense of efficacy as they meet individual student needs was also explored as was what educators in these schools, who have limited, if any, recourse to special education assistance, do to support students who display the characteristics of attention deficit. The pathognomonic-interventionist continuum and Bandura's (1977) construct of self-efficacy were the lenses used to focus the research. The study records participants' responses and reflections about the phenomenon under study, describing what it is they do, how they perceive their responsibility towards their students, and how they support each other. Findings and conclusions. Data compiled from a sample of 10 teachers and 3 head-teachers, were disaggregated to provide a picture of how participant teachers work with attentionally challenged children in selected English independent schools. The results provide evidence that teachers whose profile identifies them with the interventionist perspective present stronger senses of self-efficacy. They are prepared to undertake prereferral-type activities to determine where the student is experiencing difficulty and are then willing to manipulate the learning environment to meet individual student needs. Teachers in these schools perceive it as their professional obligation to design teaching scenarios to benefit all students. Teacher efficacy, their sense of their ability to positively influence their students' educational performance and achievement, is unrelated to years of experience or educational background, but is related to the beliefs which they hold.

Language: English

Published: Stillwater, Oklahoma, 2006

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Literacy Outcomes of Montessori-Trained Students Under Alternative Instructional Conditions

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of the study was to investigate differences in literacy outcomes of Montessori-trained students under alternative instructional conditions in first grade. As a method of instruction, Montessori has not been adequately researched in the area of literacy to verify its efficacy in educating students. Previous studies compared Montessori students to non-Montessori students; therefore, the findings were open to the criticism that private school students enjoyed an a priori advantage over their public school counterparts. In this study, all participants had Montessori preschool experience. Roughly half the subjects chose public school and half chose to continue at Montessori for first grade. Sociofunctional linguistics, educational psychology, and Montessori's writing on education provided theoretical underpinnings for the study. A mixed research design was employed. Qualitative observations were conducted over a period of a calendar year. Quantitative measures were taken in a pretest/posttest format on five different literacy measures. Qualitative results show the core theme of the classroom was child-centeredness. This assertion was supported by five separate categories that emerged from observation. Quantitative results indicate that Montessori-trained students in alternative instructional conditions fared better on literacy measures than their counterparts who remained at Montessori for first grade. These results, along with methodological innovations for using literate register cohesion and genre analysis in literacy research, contribute to the educational research base in literacy studies.

Language: English

Published: West Lafayette, Indiana, 2005

Doctoral Dissertation

Improving Early Reading Skills of First-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities Using Montessori Learning Strategies

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, People with disabilities

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Abstract/Notes: This study focused on helping students with learning disabilities to improve their listening comprehension and acquire early reading skills of decoding, reading and understanding what a word and two- or -three-word phrases say. Since reading at the advanced stage involves comprehension of sentences and paragraphs, in this study, building the foundation of reading at the word level is the logical place to start. With that skill in place, combining words into a phrase and understanding what it means will be the next step. Meanwhile, helping the students understand what was read to them through questioning builds their listening comprehension skills, which will be a great help in reading comprehension once the students have advanced enough to read sentences and paragraphs. The target group used for this study included six 1st graders with learning disabilities, who had difficulties with reading and comprehending. These 1st graders with learning disabilities were not taught one-on-one due to large class size. They had no knowledge of phonics. They could not relate the sounds they heard to the letters of the alphabet. The curriculum-based assessment (CBA) model was the alternative assessment model that was used to assess the students. The 12-week intensive study focused on two variables: a dependent variable and an independent variable. The dependent variable was reading at the word and phrase level, and the independent variable was word sound, blending vowels, consonant blending, and consonant and vowel blending. The scientific methodology was the single subject model, a 1-minute assessment. Each student was assessed for 1 minute each day for 3 days. The results of the assessment were used to determine the baseline before the intervention implementation. This methodology is also known as "AB Design." AB refers to a two-phase design, the baseline phase and the intervention phase. The intervention phase was introduced after the baseline phase was established and recorded in data format. Intervention data were recorded as well. The data collected were graphed in two phases. The results showed that the students were able to learn how to read and acquire comprehension within the 12 weeks. The reading strategies that were used in this study were based on Montessori's methods, which is a methodology in learning how to decode words which leads to automatic reading. These strategies are being used in Montessori schools throughout Dade County public schools, but not particularly with special education students. The results of this study were positive.

Language: English

Published: Cincinnati, Ohio, 2003

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

The Power of Play: A Case Study on How Play-Based Learning Can Affect the Oral Language and the Social and Emotional Development of Students in the Kindergarten Classroom

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: With the passing of NCLB in 2001, pedagogy in the kindergarten classroom has changed exponentially. The requirement for a rigorous academic curriculum has replaced the play-based learning that used to be synonymous with the kindergarten classroom. Since the beginning of kindergarten, researchers have worked to prove the importance of play in the classroom and the role of the educator in these play-based learning scenarios. Many studies have found a correlation between play and child development, but this has not been enough to change the minds of educators and school districts across the United States. This qualitative case study explored teachers’ perceptions and classroom interactions during play through a triangulation of data including video recordings, interviews, and observations to explore the effect play might have on the social, emotional, and oral language development of kindergarten students in a district that is already implementing free play centers in the classroom. Varying beliefs among the educators and multiple scenarios of social, emotional, and oral language development skills being used by students during these free play sessions were explored. Key themes that emerged from the data included a range of understanding amongst the teachers, the need for regular professional development on how to implement play in the classroom, and the importance dramatic play has on social, emotional, and oral language development for kindergarten students.

Language: English

Published: Springfield, Missouri, 2022

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Effects of Pencil Grasp Exercises on Handwriting in Sixth Grade Resource Students

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of pencil grasp exercises on the handwriting of sixth-grade resource students. This action research project took place in a public middle school resource classroom located on the outskirts of a suburb. The six-week study had seventeen student participants, ranging between the ages of eleven and twelve years. During the study, the researcher collected data on the placement of the hand and fingers on the pencil, grasp, legibility, letter placement, fluency, and perception of abilities. The data utilized pre and post questionnaires, observations, matrixes, and assessments. Results showed that sixth-grade resource students could change their pencil grasp. Additionally, the data indicated that fluency decreases when legibility and placement increases. Further studies could identify if the change in grasp would decrease hand cramping, how long the decline in fluency lasts, and if the increase in legibility is long term.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2018


Rational Thinking on Using Montessori Teaching Method to Teach Mental Retarded Students Mathematics

Publication: Xiandai teshu jiaoyu / 现代特殊教育 [A Journal of Modern Special Education], vol. 2016, no. 19

Pages: 63-66

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Abstract/Notes: 由于教学对象的特殊性,培智数学教学存在难以找到合适的教材、难以统一进度、教学时间被割裂等难题.而蒙台梭利教学法有丰富的教具,教具蕴含丰富的学科知识,教具的可操作性强和学生控制教学进度等特点解决了培智数学教学中的难题,值得在培智数学教学中应用.但在实际的教学过程中也需要对蒙氏教学法进行一定的调整,以便发挥更好的效果.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1004-8014


"By Your Students, You'll Be Taught"

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 33, no. 2

Pages: 11–12

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Abstract/Notes: Class meetings, community building

Language: English


Komparace školního hodnocení v hodinách výchovy k občanství na tradiční a Montessori základní škole / Comparison of students assessment in citizenship education classes at traditional and Montessori basic schools

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce se zabývá školním hodnocením. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, a to teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části dochází nejprve k vysvětlení Montessori pedagogiky a jejich principů jako jsou svoboda dětí, předem připravené prostředí či principy věkové heterogenity. Dále se zde pojednává o didaktickém materiálu, které tyto typy škol využívají. Poslední částí této kapitoly je postavení učitelů a dospělých ve škole. Poté následuje kapitola o hodnocení. Dochází zde k vymezení jeho definice, jaké funkce hodnocení existují a také typy, které jsou ve školách využívány. V neposlední řadě pak formy hodnocení, tedy klasifikace pomocí známek a slovní hodnocení. Druhou částí této práce je praktická část. Cílem praktické části je najít odlišnosti ve způsobu hodnocení ve dvou typech základních škol, tedy v Montessori základní škole a běžné základní škole a také zjistit, které typy hodnocení, o kterých pojednává teoretická část, jsou v hodinách nejvíce využívány. Pro výzkum byla použita metodu pozorování a hloubkové rozhovory s vyučujícími, u kterých probíhal náslech. Výsledky praktické části ukázaly, že oba typy základních škol využívají jiné formy hodnocení. V běžné základní škole se jedná nejvíce o známky, které jsou i na vysvědčení. V Montessori základní škole se využívá slovní hodnocení a zpětná vazba žákova výkonu. Na konci roku pak žáci dostávají tzv. dopisy, které shrnují jejich výsledky na uplynutý rok. / This diploma thesis deals with a school assessment. It is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical one. In the theoretical part, first of all, the Montessori pedagogy and its principles like a freedom of children, beforehand prepaired surroundings or principals of the age heterogeneity are clarified. Further on the didactical material, used in those types of schools, is discussed. The last part of this chapter deals with the position of teachers and adults at school. Next there is a chapter about the assessment. It circumscribes the definition, functions and types of the assessment used in schools. Last, but not least, the forms of the assessment, which means classification by marking or a word evaluation. The second part is the practical one. It is aimed at finding the difference between the way of assessment in two types of primary schools, which means the Montessori primary school and an ordinary primary school and also at finding out, which types of assessment, concerned by the theoretical part, are used the most during lessons. For the research the method of observation and in-depth conversations with the teachers, at whose lessons the sitting in on a classes took place, were used. The outcome of this work was that both types of primary schools use different types of assessment. At the ordinary school it is mostly about the grades, which also occur at the school report. At the Montessori school, the verbal assessment and a feedback to student’s performance is used; at the end of the year the students receive the so called letters, which summarize their results from the last year.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2017


Students forced to support FR bill, says Badri Swami

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 5

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Language: English

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