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95 results


Zilu zai meng shi jiaoyu zhong ziran chansheng / 自律在蒙氏教育中自然产生 [Self-discipline Produced Naturally in Montessori Education]

Publication: Jia zhi gong cheng / 价值工程 [Value Engineering], vol. 2013, no. 34

Pages: 274-275

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: The paper first expounds the produce of discipline in the Montessori education, then describes how Montessori education thought cultivates children's self-discipline. The article focuses on how the discipline of children naturally produced in the Montessori education, mainly discusses how to use the montessori education theory cultivate children's self-discipline.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1006-4311


Meng shi jiaoyu fa zai gaoxiao qingnian jiaoshi peiyang zhong de yingyong yanjiu / 蒙氏教育法在高校青年教师培养中的应用研究 [The Study on the Application of Montessori Method in Training of Young Teachers in University]

Publication: Hua gong gao deng jiao yu / 化工高等敎育 [Higher Education in Chemical Engineering], vol. 27, no. 5

Pages: 1-3, 32

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Abstract/Notes: 研究蒙氏教育思想并将其推广应用到高校青年教师培养中,通过

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1000-6168


Woguo meng shi jiaoyu zhong xiancun de wuqu he duice / 我国蒙氏教育中现存的误区和对策 [A Preliminary Study of the Montessori Educational Model in China]

Publication: Huzhou shi fan xue yuan xue bao / 湖州师范学院学报 [Journal of Huzhou Teachers College], vol. 27, no. 5

Pages: 105-107

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: 在世界幼儿教育改革的大潮中,蒙台梭利教育法或成为许多国家重要的幼教模式,或被成功渗入到其教育模式之中,对当今世界各国幼儿教育的改革与发展有着重要的影响.同样,蒙台梭利教育法对我国幼儿教育的改革也具有借鉴意义.但是,必须正视我国蒙台梭利教育实践过程中存在的误区,以实现蒙台梭利教育法的中国化. [In the tide of early childhood education reform in the world, Montessori education method has become an important early childhood education model in many countries, or has been successfully infiltrated into their educational models, which has an important impact on the reform and development of early childhood education in various countries in the world today. Similarly, the Montessori education law also has reference significance for the reform of early childhood education in my country. However, we must face up to the misunderstandings in the practice of Montessori education in our country in order to realize the Sinicization of the Montessori education law.]

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1009-1734


She ji jiao xue fa zai zhong guo / “设计教学法”在中国 [Design Pedagogy in China]

Publication: Jiao yu yan jiu yu shi yan. Xin ke cheng yan jiu. / 教育研究與实验. 新课程研究 [Educational Research and Experiment], vol. 1985, no. 3

Pages: 72-84

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Abstract/Notes: <正> 在旧中国,曾先后介绍和或多或少地试行过来自西方资本主义国家的许多“新教学方法”,如自学辅导法(Supervised Study)分组教学法(Groups of Study,当年称为分团教学法)、蒙台梭利教学法(Montessori Method)、设计教学法(Projoct Method)、道尔顿实验室制(Dalton Laboratory plan)、社会化教学法(Socialized Roaction Mothod)、德可乐利教学法(Decroly Method)、莫礼生单元教学法(Morrisonian Cycle Plan)、文纳特卡制(Winnetka System)等。其中以设计教学法在其理论上最为系统,在其实践上对旧中 [n old China, many "new teaching methods" from Western capitalist countries were introduced and tried to a greater or lesser extent, such as the Supervised Study method and the Groups of Study method. group teaching method), Montessori method (Montessori Method), design teaching method (Projoct Method), Dalton Laboratory plan (Dalton Laboratory plan), socialized teaching method (Socialized Roaction Mothod), De Colelli Teaching method (Decroly Method), Morrisonian Cycle Plan (Morrisonian Cycle Plan), Winnetka System (Winnetka System), etc. Among them, the design teaching method is the most systematic in its theory, and it is the most systematic in its practice.]

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1003-160X


Qian tan meng te suo li jiao yu fa zai you er jiao yu zhong de ying yong / 浅谈蒙特梭利教育法在幼儿教育中的应用 [Talking about the application of Montessori education method in early childhood education]

Publication: Zhong xiao xue jiao xue yan jiu / 中小學敎學硏究 [Teaching Research for Primary and Middle Schools], vol. 2014, no. Z2

Pages: 121-122

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Abstract/Notes: 蒙台梭利(Montessori)教学法是由意大利教育家玛莉亚·蒙特梭利博士倾其毕生经历所创造的,其教学法的精髓在于培养幼儿自觉主动的学习和探索精神。在蒙氏教室里,有丰富多彩的教具,它们都是根据儿童成长发展敏感期所创立的适宜儿童成长的“玩具”,孩子通过自我重复操作教具创新建构完善的人格,在自由操作中得到多方面的能力训练。

Language: Chinese


Meng shi shuxue jiaoxue zai xiaoban you'er jiaoxue zhong de yunyong chutan / 蒙氏数学教学在小班幼儿教学中的运用初探 [A Preliminary Exploration on the Application of Montessori Mathematics Teaching in the Teaching of Children in Bottom Classes]

Publication: Kejiao Wenhui / 科教文汇 [Education Science and Culture Magazine], vol. 2015, no. 16

Pages: 69-70

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Abstract/Notes: Mathematical thinking lays emphasis on logic concepts and its is highly abstract, which is a great challenge to bottom class children who are still at the stage of action based on intu-itive thinking. Considering the shortcomings of traditional mathe-matics teaching for bottom classes as well as the important signif-icance of Montessori mathematics teaching, the writer specifically applied Montessori teaching in the teaching of children in bottom classes and have achieved favorable effect, children's learning enthusiasm and interest has been stimulated and their ability to actively obtain mathematics knowledge has been cultivated.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1672-7894


Meng tai suo li fa zai chidai huanzhe jiyue xingwei ganyu zhong de yanjiu jinzhan / 蒙台梭利法在痴呆患者激越行为干预中的研究进展 [Advances in Research on Montessori Method Applied to Dementia Patients with Agitation]

Publication: Zhongguo Shiyong Shenjing Jibing Zazhi / 中国实用神经疾病杂志 [Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases], vol. 23, no. 18

Pages: 1637-1641

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: 随着全球人口老龄化形势的加剧,痴呆症的发病率逐年上升.疾病发展到中后期,超过80%的痴呆患者会发生激越行为.蒙台梭利法作为一种非药物干预方法应用于痴呆患者,能有效减少激越行为.本文对蒙台梭利法和激越行为的概念,以及蒙台梭利法对痴呆患者激越行为的临床应用与研究进行综述,并指出其未来研究方向及展望,旨在为开展进一步的研究提供参考依据.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1673-5110


✓ Peer Reviewed

Meng tai suo li fangfa zai laonian chidai huanzhe zhaohu zhong de yingyong / 蒙台梭利方法在老年痴呆患者照护中的应用 [Montessori-Based Method for Nursing Care of Elderly Patients with Dementia]

Publication: Zhonghua Quanke Yishi Zazhi / 中华全科医师杂志 [Chinese Journal of General Practitioners], vol. 15, no. 11

Pages: 882-885

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The nursing care is critical in preventing,eliminating or reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients with dementia.Montessori-based method is a nursing care widely used in Western countries and has received good results.This article briefly introduces Montessori-based method and its operation guide,and current status of application in America and Australia,which would provide a reference for the nursing care of elderly patients with dementia in China.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1671-7368


Meng shi jiao xue zhong de you er gong zuo qu xian tan xi / 蒙氏教学中的幼儿工作曲线探析 [An analysis of the work curve of young children in Montessori teaching]

Publication: Ke-ji xinxi / 科技信息 [Science & Technology Information], vol. 2008, no. 27

Pages: 384-386

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Abstract/Notes: In the Montessori teaching, the massive observation record which carries on to the baby is to the child in the work each behavior record, how used these to spend the teacher innumerable painstaking care mass datas well, enabled the teacher to use the data scientifically, to instruct the teaching reasonably, is always one of questions which the Montessori teacher explores and solves diligently. The baby working curve is observes the record to reflect intuitively by the graph way, also available in reflection single child’s behavior performance, also may reflect a community child behavior development the condition, through to this kind of curve careful research, may help the teacher to have pointed carries out the teaching activity, achieved well Montessori educates the ’Work perfect human nature’ idea which initiates. This article embarked actually from the teaching, introduced how instructed the Montessori teaching work using the baby working curve the development, carried on the macroscopic assurance, the microscopic adjustment and the macro-scientific policy-making for kindergarten all levels of superintendents to the teaching work has provided one kind of mentality and the method.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1001-9960


Meng tai suo li jiaoyu fa zai laonian chidai huanzhe huli zhong de yingyong xianzhuang / 蒙台梭利教育法在老年痴呆患者护理中的应用现状 [Application of Montessori Educational Method in Patients with Senile Dementia: A Literature Review]

Publication: Hulixue Zazhi / 护理学杂志 / Journal of Nursing Science, vol. 31, no. 7

Pages: 17-19

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: 从蒙台梭利教育法的发展进程、干预方法及其在老年痴呆患者中的应用效果等方面进行综述,旨在为提高老年痴呆患者生活质量、减轻照顾者压力提供参考. [This paper reviews the development process of Montessori education method, intervention methods and its application effect in patients with dementia, aiming to provide reference for improving the quality of life of patients with dementia and reducing the pressure of caregivers.]

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1001-4152

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