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551 results


The 'Public' in Decline, What Next for Public Montessori?

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 20, no. 2

Pages: 5

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Public School Leaders: Eleni and Dennis Wanken on What Montessorians Can Do When They Provide Leadership to Public School Districts

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 13, no. 3

Pages: 12-13

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


The Perception of the Teachers on Accreditation System and the Present Level of Montessori Early Childhood Education Program / 인정평가에 대한 몬테소리 유아교육기관 교사의 인식 및 기관 자체 평가

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 10

Pages: 107-123

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

An Attitudinal Study of 5th-grade Teachers' Perceptions about Mathematics and the Influence on Instruction

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Mathematics education, Teachers - Attitudes

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Abstract/Notes: Research suggests that math anxiety correlates directly with individuals' views of mathematicsrelated experiences. Research also suggests that math anxiety may begin in early elementary grades and remain into adulthood. This study examined how teachers' experiences, perceptions, and mathematics confidence levels influence mathematics instruction. To understand teachers' perceptions of mathematics, the researcher used a qualitative phenomenological approach to probe into their earliest memories of mathematics before entering school and their experiences during formal education. Seven 5th-grade teachers with two to fourteen years of experience agreed to participate in the study. The participants responded to ten open-ended questions focused on mathematics instruction and seven interview questions examining participants' experiences with mathematics. The researcher also observed mathematics instruction in each teacher's classroom. The results indicated that teachers recalled fond early memories of mathematics and felt reasonably confident about their math instruction. Some teachers struggled with mathematics as elementary students, while others excelled. The majority of participants completed the basic requirements for mathematics in high school. Most teachers did not engage in a mathematics methods course focused on standards-based elementary mathematics. Teachers' weak areas in mathematics corresponded with similar studies regarding complex mathematics topics. Several key components of mathematics instruction were absent during observations. Future research may need to increase the number of observations and the sample size.

Language: English

Published: Central, South Carolina, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Implementing Montessori Methods for Dementia™ in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes: Recreation Staff and Multidisciplinary Consultants’ Perceptions of Policy and Practice Issues

Available from: SAGE Journals

Publication: Dementia, vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 5-33

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori-based activities use a person-centred approach to benefit persons living with dementia by increasing their participation in, and enjoyment of, daily life. This study investigated recreation staff and multidisciplinary consultants’ perceptions of factors that affected implementing Montessori Methods for Dementia™ in long-term care homes in Ontario, Canada. Qualitative data were obtained during semi-structured telephone interviews with 17 participants who worked in these homes. A political economy of aging perspective guided thematic data analysis. Barriers such as insufficient funding and negative attitudes towards activities reinforced a task-oriented biomedical model of care. Various forms of support and understanding helped put Montessori Methods for Dementia™ into practice as a person-centred care program, thus reportedly improving the quality of life of residents living with dementia, staff and family members. These results demonstrate that when Montessori Methods for Dementia™ approaches are learned and understood by staff they can be used as practical interventions for long-term care residents living with dementia.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1177/1471301215625342

ISSN: 1741-2684, 1471-3012

Conference Paper

Effects of Multigrade Classes on Student Progress in Literacy and Numeracy: Quantitative Evidence and Perceptions of Teachers and School Leaders

Available from: ERIC

Annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education (Adelaide, Australia, November 29-December 3, 1998).


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Abstract/Notes: On the basis of a comprehensive best-evidence synthesis of the literature on the effects of multigrade and multi-age classes, Veenman (1995) concluded that there were no significant differences between multigrade and single-grade classes in cognitive or achievement effects. Subsequently, Mason and Burns (1996) challenged Veenman's conclusion, claiming that multigrade classes have at least a small negative effect on achievement, as well as having potential negative effects on teacher motivation. Multigrade classes are used extensively within Victorian primary schools, sometimes by choice but at other times as a result of the combined pressures from staff-student ratios and enrollment numbers at particular grade levels. The issue of their contribution to effective learning is thus a critical, practical one, as well as an interesting research question. Analysis of data from the Victorian Quality Schools Project, a large, comprehensive, three-year, longitudinal study of school and

Language: English

Book Section

Visual and Auditory Distinctions: Material - Solid Insets and Blocks; Perfecting the Perception of Dimensions by Sight Alone; Colour Masterials; Sensorial Knowledge of Geometry; Exercises for Distinguishing Sounds; Silence

Book Title: The Discovery of the Child

Pages: 129-152

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: Formerly entitled The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the Children's Houses. This book was first published in 1909 under the title 'Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica Applicato all'Educazione Infantile nelle Case dei Bambini' ('The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the Children's Houses) and was revised in 1913, 1926, and 1935. Maria Montessori revised and reissued this book in 1948 and renamed it 'La Scoperta del Bambino'. This edition is based on the 6th Italian edition of 'La Scoperta del Bambino' published by the Italian publisher Garzanti, Milan, Italy in 1962. M. J. Costelloe, S. J. translated this Italian version into the English language in 1967 for Fides Publishers, Inc. In 2016 Fred Kelpin edited this version and added many footnotes. He incorporated new illustrations based on AMI-blueprints of the materials currently in use.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2017

ISBN: 978-90-79506-38-5

Series: The Montessori Series , 2

Book Section

Percezione e movimento nello sviluppo del pensiero matematico. Le convinzioni e le pratiche degli insegnanti in Italia e in Australia / Perception and movement in the development of mathematical thinking. Teachers’ beliefs and practices in Italy and Australia

Available from: Pensa Multimedia

Book Title: La ricerca educativa e didattica nelle scuole di dottorato in Italia

Pages: 131-162

Mathematics education, Montessori materials

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Abstract/Notes: Il progetto di ricerca è uno studio esplorativo mixed-method riguardo la proposta e l’implementazione in classe di attività di apprendimento laboratoriale, che prevedono il coinvolgimento percettivo-motorio degli studenti come strategia di insegnamento della matematica. Nonostante la ricerca nei campi delle neuroscienze e della psicologia cognitiva, e gli studi condotti nel settore disciplinare della didattica della matematica abbiano evidenziato la rilevanza dell’esperienza attiva e corporea degli studenti nell’apprendimento della matematica, spesso l’insegnamento scolastico della disciplina sembra essere lontano da queste prospettive, fortemente ancorato a strategie d’insegnamento tradizionali, prettamente trasmissive. In questo studio, condotto in due contesti culturali molto distanti (quello Italiano e quello Australiano), vengono esplorate le ragioni di una tale distanza tra mondo della ricerca e mondo della scuola, investigando, in particolare, la prospettiva degli insegnanti di matematica di scuola primaria e secondaria riguardo la proposta e l’implementazione in classe di queste attività didattiche. L’indagine, oltre al diretto coinvolgimento degli insegnanti tramite un questionario online e interviste di follow-up, prevede interviste agli esperti nel campo della didattica della matematica e osservazioni in un ristretto numero di classi selezionate. Il lavoro finora condotto si è concentrato sullo sviluppo degli strumenti per l’investigazione di queste prospettive. Dati parziali, che riguardano il punto di vista degli esperti sull’oggetto di studio sono stati raccolti in Italia. Uno studio compilativo dei principali risultati della ricerca che ha per oggetto le pratiche di insegnamento investigate e la presenza di indicazioni ufficiali nei documenti curriculari e nelle politiche educative, nazionali e internazionali, completa il quadro di ricerca. / The research project is a mixed-method study on the proposal and implementation of active learning strategies that involve students’ bodies and movement in mathematics teaching practices. Despite both the research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and in mathematics education has increasingly highlighted the relevance of active, bodily experience in mathematics learning, often school teaching seems to be far removed from these perspectives, still largely transmissive. In this study, carried out in two different cultural contexts (Italy and Australia), the reasons for that distance are explored. The research aims to investigate the perspective of primary and secondary school teachers on these teaching proposals and their implementation in the classroom. In addition to the direct involvement of teachers, through an online questionnaire and follow-up interviews, the survey includes interviews with experts in the field of mathematics education and observations in a small number of selected classes. The work carried out so far has focused on the development of instruments to investigate these perspectives. Partial data concerning experts’ views on the object of study have been collected in Italy. A desk audit of the main research findings concerning the teaching practices under investigation and the presence of official indications in curricular documents and educational policies, both national and international, completes the research framework.

Language: Italian

Published: Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multimedia, 2021

ISBN: 978-88-6760-918-5

Series: Quaderni del Dottorato SIRD , 5


The Perception of Time in Young Children: Centered on 4 Year Olds / 유아의 시간이해 -4세 유아를 중심으로-

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 4-16

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to figure out the degree of children` perception of time by observing and analyzing how they use and perceive the term of time, time order and sequence. The subjects of this study were 4-year-old children at a day care center at Sung Nam City and they were observed when they played with and interacted together in their free play time. Also, the young children were interviewed with the 11 set questionnaires which is based on the study developed by Seefeldt(2005) and Melendez, Beck, & Fletcher.(2000), and the contents were analysed. The results of the study were that 4-year-old children could use and perception the term time. In addition, they could perceive time order like past-presence-future and the fact that our routine would be circulated and sequenced. / 본 연구는 4세 유아들의 시간 이해 정도를 알아보고자하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 유아들의 시간에 관한 용어의 사용을 통한 시간 이해를 분석하고 시간의 순서, 연속에 대해 관찰 분석하였다. 이를 위해 경기도 성남시의 어린이집에 다니는 4세 유아들의 자유놀이 시간 그들의 상호작용을 관찰하였으며, Seefeldt(2005), Melendez, Beck, & Fletcher(2000)의 연구에 기초하여 본연구자가 설정한 11가지 질문 내용을 중심으로 유아들을 면접하여 그 내용을 분석하였다. 그 결과 4세 유아들은 시간에 관한 용어를 사용하고 있었으며, 그 용어에 대한 이해를 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 유아들은 일시적으로 일어나는 과거 현재 미래에 대한 사건의 순서를 판단하고 있었으며, 매일의 사건이 순환하며 연속된다는 사실을 알고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Sensory Integration: How Sensation Becomes Perception

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 6, no. 3

Pages: 27–28

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

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