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538 results


Education Before Five: A Handbook on Preschool Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This handbook was designed as a guide to acquaint child care workers and parents with the broad spectrum of preschool programs now in existence. In section I, theoretical approaches to preschool education such as Montessori, Piagetian, Progressive, Developmental-Interactionist, Behaviorist, and Psychoanalytic and the effects of these different approaches on practice are reviewed and discussed. Section II contains descriptions of a wide variety of center-based and home-based preschool programs and Section III presents a brief overview of the evaluation of preschool programs. In Section IV, some considerations and recommendations for establishing an effective preschool program are presented and in Section V, the importance of preschool education is examined. Section VI contains a discussion of trends, issues and future directions of preschool education. An extensive bibliography is included.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bank Street College of Education, 1977


Making Sense of Education: Fifteen Contemporary Education Theorists in Their Own Words

Available from: Springer Link

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Springer, 2012

ISBN: 978-94-007-4016-7 978-94-007-4017-4


Official Program, Fifty-Third Annual Convention, National Education Association and Third International Congress on Education, Oakland, California, August 16 to 28, 1915 [program]

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Montessori Congress (Oakland, California, 1915), National Education Association (NEA), North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Includes information about all the sessions at the conference. Information regarding Montessori includes: 1. Katherine Moore, teacher of the Montessori classes in the public schools of Los Angeles and a graduate of the first class of Dr. Montessori, will conduct a demonstration Montessori class each forenoon [morning] from nine to twelve o'clock during the session of the National Education Association, in the Art Room, City Auditorium [Oakland Municipal Auditorium]. The model furniture will be furnishhed by Louise Brigham the inventor of box furniture, New York, N. Y. Teachers are invited to observe this class. (see p. 6-7) 2. General Sessions - International Congress on Education - Meetings in City Auditorium - August 16, 1915 - Afternoon Session, 2:30 O'Clock - "The Montessori System" by Maria Montessori (see p. 13). 3. Departmental Congress on Kindergarten Education - Sessions in Auditorium Theatre - August 17, 1915 - Afternoon Session, 2:30 O'Clock (Joint Session with the International Kindergarten Union) - "Imagination" by Maria Montessori (see p. 15). 4. Departmental Congress on Elementary Education - Sessions in City Auditorium - August 20, 1915 - Evening Session, 8:00 O'Clock - "Organization of the Intellectual Work in the School" by Maria Montessori (see p. 20). 5. Departmental Congress on Relationship Between the School and Co-operative Organizations - City Auditorium - August 23, 1915 - Evening Session, 8:00 O'Clock - "The Mother and the Child" by Maria Montessori, interpreted by Mariana Bertola, M.D. of San Francisco (see p. 25). 6. Montessori Congress - Sessions in Ballroom, Hotel Oakland - August 28, 1915 (see p. 42-43). This includes details regarding the itinerary for the Montessori Congress held in Oakland, 1915. The morning session began at 10:00 O'Clock and included: "Address of Welcome" by Philander P. Claxton (US Commissioner of Education, Washington, D.C.); "Possibilities and Opportunities of the Montessori Work for American Children" by E. L. Hardy (State Normal School, San Diego); "The Future of the Montessori School in America" by Arthur Chamberlain (Secretary, California Council of Education and California Teachers' Association, San Francisco); and "Address" by Maria Montessori. The afternoon session began at 2:00 O'Clock and included: "Round Table under the Auspices of the National Education Association and of the San Francisco Local Committee of Advisory Patrons" with David Starr Jordan (President, National Education Association, Stanford University, California) presiding over "Questions and Discussions by Leading American Educators and Dr. Montessori". The program indicates that the Round Table discussion was an invitation only affair - "Admission by Invitation".

Language: English

Published: 1915


✓ Peer Reviewed

Integration of peace education into early childhood education programs

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 28, no. 2

Pages: 29-36

Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: Preschool educators may observe that this unique historical period is an opportunity to integrate peace education into the educational program. The communication that has developed thanks to new technology has offered the opportunity for transformation. Teaching, nonviolence, conflict resolution, well-being, economic, political participation and interest in the environment can be considered as concepts of education for peace. This visionary idea includes global education, prevention of violence, character education and moral education. The educational program and methods of education for peace of preschool children (from birth to 8 years old) include different themes: 1) promote cooperation and resolve conflicts 2) respect for self and authority; 3) appreciation of diversity 4) the role of permeating cultural violence including television, video games, films and dramatic games stimulated by toys and representations of violent actions. These central themes contain the hope that the principles contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child will be applied. Parents' participation seen as essential agents in decision-making concerning their children is a fundamental concept. The study of this event produced a visionary model, identified as education for peace, with the participation of parents. OMEP members act as catalysts for peace education efforts with an emphasis on intercultural education. Peace education was, is and will be a goal of pre-school and primary education for all educators around the world. There is a great need for activities in preschool, primary and other educational programs to reduce tensions peacefully.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/BF03174500

ISSN: 0020-7187, 1878-4658

Doctoral Dissertation

La Problematique de l'Education a la Paix a la Lumiere de Deux Representants de l'Education Nouvelle: Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori [The Problem of Education for Peace in the Light of Two Representatives of New Education: Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori]

Available from: Université Lyon 2 Theses

Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, New Education Fellowship, Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: L'étude du thème de l'éducation à la paix en regard des options spécifiques, éducatives et pédagogiques - historiquement ancrées - de Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori, inscrites dans le mouvement de l'Education nouvelle, imposent avant tout d'interroger le concept de paix à la lumière des approches philosophiques. La notion de conflit, comme lieu - d'espace et de temps, moment différé à la violence - où s'articulent les rapports de tensions entre les contraires mis en présence, apparaît dès lors comme l'élément central à prendre en considération dans ce qui caractérise les relations humaines, afin que ces dernières ne dégénèrent pas en violence aveugle. S'il est indéniable que les deux pédagogues ont été animés par un profond désir de voir la paix s'installer dans le monde après deux catastrophes mondiales, il n'en demeure pas moins que leurs approches en ce domaine révèlent, à l'instar de leur attitude vis à vis des conflits armés, un déni de la notion même de conflit au sein des relations entre les hommes et par voie de conséquence de la valeur qui lui est attachée. L'établissement d'une adéquation entre nature et paix, renforcée en cette époque charnière du début du XXe siècle, amène Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori à asseoir leurs conceptions, pour l'un comme pour l'autre, sur les bases du naturalisme et du vitalisme en prenant, pour Maria Montessori plus particulièrement, le chemin de la religion. C'est en cela que les conceptions et démarches de ces deux pédagogues, s'inscrivant dans le mouvement plus général de l'Education nouvelle, s'appuient sur la nécessité de l'éradication des conflits. Outre le fait que par la voie du pacifisme, la paix ne saurait advenir, l'éducation à la paix demeure un problème parce qu'elle se doit de considérer la composante conflictuelle tant dans les relations inter-individuelles qu'inter-éthniques et inter-étatiques. Il reste au demeurant que non seulement on peut mais que l'on doit éduquer à la paix, au risque de la violence possible, afin d'assurer aux futures générations l'apprentissage de liberté et de l'autonomie. [The probematics of education for peace in light of two representatives of the New education : Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori The study of education for peace theme from the specific, educational and pedagogical – historically rooted – options of Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori, registered in the New Education movement, imposes first to question the concept of peace in the light of philosophical approaches. The notion of conflict, as unit – of space and time, moment differred to violence – where tension struggles between opposites, appear from that time as the central element to be considered in what caracterizes human relations, so that these relations do not degenerate in blind violence. If it is undeniable that both pedagogues have been incited by a deep desire to see peace spreading over the world after both world catastrophes, the fact remains that their approaches in this domain reveal, in the manner of their attitude towards armed conflicts, a denial of the very notion of conflict in relations between men and consequently of the value hereto attached. The setting-up of an adequacy between nature and peace, reinforced at this hinge time of the beginning of the 20th century, leads Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori to ground their conceptions, for both of them, on the basis of naturalism and vitalism, by taking, especially for Maria Montessori, the way of religion. Conceptions and approaches of these both pedagogues, in the scope of the general New Education movement, lean on the necessity to eradicate conflicts. Besides the fact that by the way of pacifism, peace could not come to pass, education to peace remains a problem because it has to consider the conflict element in inter-individual as well as inter-ethnical and inter-state relations. The fact remains that education to peace not only can be but has to be dispensed, at the risk of possible violence, in order to ensure to future generations learning of freedom and autonomy.]

Language: French

Published: Lyon, France, 2004


Die progressive Erziehungsbewegung: Verlauf und Auswirkung der Reformpädagogik in den USA [The Progressive Education Movement. Developments and Effects of Progressive Education in the United States]

Americas, Educational change, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori movement, Progressive education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., United States of America

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Language: German

Published: Hannover, Germany: Hermann Schroedel, 1977

ISBN: 978-3-507-38230-5

Series: Bildungsproblem in der Geschichte des europäischen Erziehungsdenkens , 2

Book Section

The New Education Fellowship: An International Forum for Progressive Education

Book Title: Progressive Education Across the Continents: A Handbook

Pages: 179-191

Educational change, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Progressive education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

Published: Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 1995

ISBN: 978-3-631-48917-8 978-0-8204-2914-4 3-631-48917-X 0-8204-2914-7

Series: Heidelberger Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) , 44

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

“All Education but No Schooling”: Education Reform in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: When critics consider utopian literature, they often claim that the utopian imagination is limited in its ability to provide practical instruction for societal reform. In Archaeologies of the Future, Fredric Jameson extends this critique by arguing that the utopian imagination only exists “to demonstrate and to dramatize our incapacity to imagine the future” (288-289). By returning to an early twentieth century utopian novel, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland (1915), we can put pressure on Jameson’s ideas about the ultimate function of the utopian imagination. By analyzing the education system in Herland, we are able to see how Gilman integrated the contemporary educational philosophy of John Dewey and methods of Maria Montessori to provide an intellectual and institutional foundation for her utopian education system. Therefore, Gilman provides a set of ‘instructions’ to suggest how we might reform current methods of education to fit within her utopian vision. Gilman’s Herland allows us to see how a highly imaginative utopian text can promote social change to build a ‘better’ future.

Language: English

Published: Carbondale, Illinois, 2016


Montessori 교육에서의 미술교육 [Art Education in Montessori Education]

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 1

Pages: 47-63

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


The Learning Abilities of the Young Child: Arguments in Favour of Day-Care, Pre-School Education and Parent Education

Publication: Montessori Quarterly, vol. 25

Pages: 2–13

Muriel I. Dwyer - Writings

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Language: English

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