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926 results


Education for Higher Stages of Development

Publication: Holistic Education Review, vol. 7, no. 4

Pages: 18-24

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

ISSN: 0898-0926


Empowering Adolescents: A Multiple Case Study of U.S. Montessori High Schools

Adolescents, High schools, Montessori schools, Secondary education, Teenagers

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Abstract/Notes: This research examined five U.S. Montessori high school programs through a qualitative multiple case study. Data collected from school documents, students, and staff was used to characterize what constitutes Montessori education at the high school level, with the goal of informing Montessori practice at the high school level and providing a means for considering Montessori methodology as a tool for widespread high school reform. Findings indicate that it is not the specific curricular content that makes a high school program Montessori. In the school environments, there are family-like relationships between students and teachers, the staff focuses on supporting students’ emotional needs, students enjoy close relationships with their peers, and there is a culture of mutual respect and community cohesiveness.

Language: English

Presented: New Orleans, Louisiana: American Educational Research Association - Constructed Spaces for Educational Access, Equity, and Empowerment, Apr 8, 2011


Making Play of Study; The Montessori a Higher Use of Kindergarten Methods

Publication: Kansas City Star (Kansas City, Missouri)

Pages: 4A

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Language: English


Implementing the Montessori High School Synthesizing Curriculum: A Beginning Approach

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 33, no. 3

Pages: 242–265

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734

Book Section

Children's Well-Being and Teachers' Benevolence as the Road to Higher Performance?: Cognitive Neuroscience and Montessori in Preschools

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Book Title: Education, Parenting, and Mental Health Care in Europe: The Contradictions of Building Autonomous Individuals

Pages: 63-78

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Abstract/Notes: There is now a broad international consensus that investing in early childhood education and care represents the highest “return on investment” in terms of economic and social development. The pursuit of the dual objective of efficiency and equity has resulted in a reorientation of preschool curricula towards preparation for compulsory schooling, emphasizing the acquisition of the “fundamentals” (reading, writing, and arithmetic) most useful for future academic success. The chapter offers first a comparative analysis of how this “schooling process” unfolded in French and Belgian nursery schools and in the Danish kindergarten. It attests to the persistence of specific cultural and political traditions relating to both the respective roles of the state and families in early childhood education, as well as of conceptions of childhood and relations between adults and children. Second, based on field research conducted in French-speaking Belgium, it discusses the idea that the search for children's well-being and performance at the same time creates tensions in the exercise of the teaching profession. It then shows that it is possible to understand the success of the discourse of cognitive neuroscience and so-called alternative pedagogical methods, including Montessori, because these discourses seem to propose a way to overcome these tensions.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Routledge, 2024

ISBN: 978-1-00-337720-7


Meditations on Parenting a High Schooler

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 28, no. 1

Pages: 20-22

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


IMC Accredited School Highlight: Innovation Montessori OCOEE

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 26-27

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

The Development of a Montessori-Inspired Framework to Solve Dilemmas in Higher Education During the 5th Industrial Revolution

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Educational change, Higher education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: A new framework was developed based on Montessori's pedagogy, Andragogy principles, and Heutagogy principles, to address the challenges of 5IR education. Modern-day Higher Education Institutions must explore innovative approaches to teaching and foster a culture of lifelong learning among students. A qualitative, thematic structured literature review was conducted to examine Montessori's pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy. The aim was to create a new framework that can be implemented in higher education institutions (HEIs) to address the educational needs of the 5th Industrial Revolution (5IR). To achieve this, ten articles were selected using pre-defined keywords, and articles older than 10 years and those that didn't answer the research question and sub-question were eliminated. Similarities, concerns, mismatches, and dilemmas were extracted from the selected articles. These were then compared to the 5IR education requirements to create the new framework. It was found that the combination of Montessori’s pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy has the potential to address the dilemmas found in 5IR education. Montessori strongly emphasises self-directed, self-determined learning and is guided by individualised instruction that fulfils the principles of Andragogy. Andragogy focuses on the learner’s autonomy and own experiences. Coupled with this is Heutagogy, which focuses on self-determined learning. This could only contribute to the idea of Montessori’s pedagogy in HEI. Montessori’s method should provide a strong philosophical foundation and perspective to the combined approach idea. Future work could look at the practical application to fully explore the potential of the combination to address 5IR educational dilemmas.

Language: English

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2024

Bachelor's Thesis

Aðferð Mariu Montessori og HighScope-stefnan: eiga þau samleið?

Available from: Skemman

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Abstract/Notes: Markmið ritgerðarinnar er að skoða nánar muninn á Montessori-aðferðinni og HighScope-stefnunni. Fjallað verður ítarlega og kynnt verður aðferð Montessori og lögð verður áhersla á hvernig aðferðin nýtist í kennslu og sem námstækni á ung börn. Kynntar verða hugmyndir um HighScope-stefnuna og hvernig hún nýtist í uppeldi frá fæðingu til snemmfullorðinsára. Til þess að fá betri skilning á slíkri tegund uppeldis þá verður stuðst við rit eftir m.a. Hohmann, David P. Weikart og Ann S. Epstein. Rýnt verður í hvernig áhrif samskiptatækni í slíku uppeldi hefur á börn og ungmenni og hvort lærdómurinn út frá uppeldinu muni nýtast þeim á snemmfullorðins og fullorðinsárum. Rannsóknarspurningin sem leitað verður svara við er, eiga uppeldisaðferðir Montessori og HighScope-stefnan samleið?Tekin verða eigindleg viðtöl við viðkomandi einstaklinga sem að nota aðferðirnar í sínu starfi. Síðan verða gögn úr viðtölum og gögn úr þemagreiningu notuð til að svara rannsóknarspurningu og verður stuðst við fyrri sambærilegar rannsóknir og ritrýndar heimildir. Þegar gerð verður grein fyrir uppeldisháttunum hvor um sig þá verða þeir settir í samhengi um notagildi þeirra og að lokum verða þeir bornir saman. Viðfangsefnið vekur upp áhuga vegna þess að báðar aðferðir og hugmyndafræðin á bak við þær hafa komið sér vel fyrir börn frá unga aldri, fyrir félagslegan og vitsmunalegan þroska þeirra sem og eigið sjálfstæði og samskiptahæfileika við önnur börn og fullorðna. Það er áhugavert að skoða hvernig nýta má Montessori-aðferðina ásamt HighScope-stefnunni. Einnig verður fjallað um hugmyndafræði Reggio Emiliu.

Language: Icelandic

Published: Reykjavik, Iceland, 2019


Highligting Member Schools: Countryside/NewGate School, Sarasota, FL

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 31, no. 2

Pages: 27-28

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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