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597 results

Book Section

Maria Montessori e l’Educazione Morale, Spirituale e Religiosa nelle Scuole dell’Infanzia [Maria Montessori and Moral, Spiritual and Religious Education in Kindergartens]

Book Title: La Cura dell'Anima in Maria Montessori: l'Educazione Morale, Spirituale e Religiosa dell'Infanzia [Care of the Soul in Maria Montessori: Moral, Spiritual and Religious Education of Childhood]

Pages: 38-61

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Spirituality

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Language: Italian

Published: Rome, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2011

ISBN: 978-88-95988-34-4


Maria und Mario Montessoris Kosmische Erziehung: Vision und Konkretion [Maria and Mario Montessori's Cosmic Upbringing: Vision and Concretion]

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Abstract/Notes: Das Konzept der Kosmischen Erziehung basiert auf Überlegungen Maria Montessoris zur Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, die sie in den 1930er Jahren als großartige Vision vorstellte und in den 1940er Jahren in Indien gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn Mario zu einem konkreten pädagogischen Konzept ausformte. Maria Montessoris Absicht mit dieser Vision war, den Blick Heranwachsender Menschen auf Interdependenzen naturgeschichtlicher wie historisch-gesellschaftlicher Evolutionsprozesse zu richten, um dadurch in der Erziehung den Grundstein für ein verantwortungsvolles Umgehen mit ökologischen Kreisläufen wie auch für Solidarität zwischen sozialen Gruppen und Nationen zu legen. Dabei wird erstmals Mario Montessoris wichtiger, lange Zeit kaum beachteter Beitrag zur Entwicklung und Etablierung des Konzepts "Kosmische Erziehung" ausdrücklich herausgearbeitet. [The concept of cosmic education is based on Maria Montessori's considerations about the position of man in the cosmos, which she presented as a great vision in the 1930s and which was developed in India in the 1940s together with her son Mario into a concrete educational concept. Maria Montessori's intention with this vision was to focus on the interdependencies of natural history as well as historical-social evolutionary processes in order to lay the foundations for a responsible handling of ecological cycles as well as for solidarity between social groups and nations. For the first time, Mario Montessori's important, long neglected contribution to the development and establishment of the concept "Cosmic Education" is explicitly worked out.] / Dissertation.

Language: German

Published: Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinkhardt, 2001

ISBN: 978-3-7815-1161-3 3-7815-1161-8


Der lange Schatten Maria Montessoris der Traum vom perfekten Kind [The Long Shadow of Maria Montessori's Dream of the Perfect Child]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Wie unter einem Brennglas beleuchtet dieses Buch den langen Schatten der weltweit berühmten Maria Montessori. Es rückt ihr Denken in einen bislang weitestgehend verdrängten aber gegenwärtig (erneut) höchst aktuellen Zusammenhang von Eugenik, Rassentheorie und Optimierungsstreben. Als Maria Montessori (1870-1952) im Jahre 1915 den Besuchern der "Panama-Pacific International Exposition" in San Francisco die stillen und diszipliniert arbeitenden "Montessori-Kinder" in einem gläsernen show-room präsentierte, war die italienische Ärztin und Biologin auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere angelangt. Zusammen mit den Eugenikern und Rasseideologen ihrer Zeit demonstrierte sie der fortschrittsgläubigen Welt die Möglichkeiten einer erziehungs- und biotechnologischen Erschaffung des "neuen Messias". Gut 100 Jahre später holen die Fortschritte auf den Feldern der Gen- und Reproduktionstechnologie Maria Montessoris biopolitische Visionen eines "Ministry of the Race" (1951) und ihren lebenslangen Traum vom perfekten Kind ein. Wie unter einem Brennglas beleuchtet dieses Buch den langen Schatten der weltweit berühmten Maria Montessori und rückt ihr Denken in einen bislang weitestgehend verdrängten aber gegenwärtig (erneut) höchst aktuellen Zusammenhang von Eugenik, Rassentheorie und Optimierungsstreben. [As if under a magnifying glass, this book illuminates the long shadow of the world-famous Maria Montessori. It places their thinking in a hitherto largely repressed but currently (again) highly topical context of eugenics, racial theory and the pursuit of optimization. When Maria Montessori (1870-1952) presented the quiet and disciplined working "Montessori children" to visitors to the "Panama-Pacific International Exposition" in San Francisco in 1915 in a glass showroom, the Italian doctor and biologist was there reached the peak of her career. Together with the eugenicists and racial ideologists of her time, she demonstrated to the progressive world the possibilities of creating the "new messiah" through education and biotechnology. A good 100 years later, advances in the fields of genetic and reproductive technology are catching up with Maria Montessori's biopolitical visions of a "Ministry of the Race" (1951) and her lifelong dream of the perfect child. As if under a magnifying glass, this book illuminates the long shadow of the world-famous Maria Montessori and places her thinking in a hitherto largely suppressed but currently (again) highly relevant context of eugenics, racial theory and the pursuit of optimization.]

Language: German

Published: Weinheim, Germany: Beltz, 2024

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-3-407-25937-0


✓ Peer Reviewed

“...La Buona razza Italiana”: Aspetti del Rapporto di Maria Montessori con il Fascismo / The Good Italian Race: Aspects of Maria Montessori's Relationship with Fascism

Available from: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione

Publication: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione, vol. 6, no. 2

Europe, Fascism, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - History, Southern Europe

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Language: Italian

DOI: 10.4454/rse.v6i2.221

ISSN: 2532-2818


Dr. Maria Montessori: selbsttätige Erziehung im frühen Kindesalter [Dr. Maria Montessori: Independent education in early childhood]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 55

Pages: 65-75

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Language: German


Discurso pronunciado en el acto de homenaje a María Montessori [Speech delivered at the act of tribute to Maria Montessori]

Available from: Biblioteca Digital Casa de la Cultura de Ecuador (CCE)

Publication: Revista Ecuatoriana de Educación, vol. 6, no. 23

Pages: 53-59

Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, South America

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Language: Spanish


✓ Peer Reviewed

La pedagogía en femenino de Maria Montessori: un vínculo colaborativo entre ciencia, educación y feminismo / Maria Montessori's feminine pedagogy: a collaborative link between science, education and feminism / A pedagogia em feminino de Maria Montessori: um elo colaborativo entre ciência, educação e feminismo

Available from: Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (Colombia)

Publication: Pedagogía y Saberes, no. 58

Pages: 189-206

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Abstract/Notes: This reflection paper is the result of an analytical exercise around the experiences of Maria Montessori as a scholar and feminist woman between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Following a chronological order —not necessarily linear— of the most significant historical aspects analyzed in the light of different sources of study (conferences, books, research, articles, among others), it is intended to highlight the particular influence of the pedagogical elaborations of a woman in the educational field; a woman who lived in a time when social and cultural reality only valued the female role as a homemaker and denied their value in science, still, she manages to venture into the academic and research territory. I present comments and reflections of this excursus aiming to restore, to a certain extent, the philosophical dignity of the renowned pedagogue, that is, the vindication of her thought beyond the Method application perspective. The emphasis is on examining the pedagogical work of Maria Montessori under a lens that amplifies the reflection of a life characterized by a properly feminine and feminist style in an Italy that, galloping between the old and the new century, saw the birth of a New emancipated Woman, able to confront the positivism of the macho monopoly of her time. Consequently, this philosopher, anthropologist, doctor, pedagogue and feminist —with the help of an important participation of women who marked her history— establishes a complete educational revolution in Italy, and later international impact.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.17227/pys.num58-17244

ISSN: 2500-6436, 0121-2494


Seniorenarbeit nach Maria Montessori [Work for Seniors According to Maria Montessori]

Gerontology, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Jutta Hollander stellt in diesem Buch zunächst die wesentlichen Prinzipien der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris in Kindheit und Jugend vor. In einem nächsten Schritt setzt sie sich mit der Frage auseinander, inwiefern sich diese Leitlinien auch auf die gesamte Lebensspanne übertragen lassen. Schwerpunktmäßig nimmt sie dabei die Altersphase in den Blick und sucht nach Möglichkeiten einer konvergenten Annäherung zwischen der Montessori-Pädagogik und Gerontologie. Auf diesem Wege entsteht eine Annäherung, die die über 100jährige Erfahrung mit der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris mit den aktuell drängenden demografischen Fragen zusammenbringt. Wie diese Idee schließlich Eingang in die verschiedenen Bereiche der Gerontologie - insbesondere in die Geragogik finden kann, und wie diese Potentiale entwickelt und in der Praxis genutzt werden können, wird exemplarisch am Beispiel der Hausgemeinschaft gezeigt. [In this book, Jutta Hollander first presents the essential principles of Maria Montessori's pedagogy in childhood and adolescence. In a next step, she deals with the question to what extent these guidelines can also be transferred to the entire lifespan. She focuses on the age phase and looks for possibilities of a convergent approach between Montessori pedagogy and gerontology. In this way, an approach is created that brings together more than 100 years of experience with Maria Montessori's pedagogy with the currently pressing demographic issues. How this idea can finally find its way into the various areas of gerontology - especially in geragogics, and how this potential can be developed and used in practice, is shown using the example of the household community.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2017

ISBN: 978-3-451-32725-4 3-451-32725-2

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)

Book Section

Rabindranath Tagore und Maria Montessori [Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 287-302

Asia, India, Rabindranath Tagore, South Asia

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


Hilde Hecker, Maria Muchow, Friederich Fröbel und Maria Montessori [review]

Publication: L'Educazione nazionale: organo di studio dell'educazione nuova, vol. 9

Pages: 404

Book reviews

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Language: Italian

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