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1375 results


Montessori-Propaganda in Deutschland [Montessori propaganda in Germany]

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Pharus, vol. 14, no. 1/2

Pages: 52-53

Europe, Germany, Western Europe

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Language: German

Book Section

Montessori-Pädagogik in der Heilstättenschule [Montessori pedagogy in the sanatorium school]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 144-149

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X

Video Recording

Corso Montessori per insegnanti di ruolo [Maria Montessori e i nuovi Orientamenti]

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Abstract/Notes: Video fuori commercio a cura dell'Opera Nazionale Montessori; Nella prima parte Maria Montessori e i nuovi orientamenti, la scuola di oggi e l'educazione come aiuto alla vita. Confronto tra il bambino Montessori e il bambino della scuola comune, Il bambino come soggetto di diritti. Nella seconda parte la signora Ferrati descrive la preparazione dell'ambiente e presenta i materiali, dagli incastri solidi al secondo piano della numerazione. Panoramica completa di quasi tutti i materiali che dovrebbero essere messi a disposizione dei bambini.

Runtime: 120 minutes

Language: Italian

Published: [Italy], 1996


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Comparative Analysis Between Montessori and Al-Ghazali’s Perspectives on Child Education [Analisis Komparatif Terhadap Prinsip-Prinsip Al-Ghazali dan Montessori Dalam Pendidikan Kanak-Kanak]

Available from: International Islamic University Malaysia - Institutional Repository

Publication: Journal of Islam in Asia, vol. 15, no. 2

Pages: 453-476

Asia, Australasia, Comparative education, Early childhood education, Early childhood education, Ghazzālī - Philosophy, Malaysia, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Childhood education goes with a lot of innocence, searching and exploring the environment that surrounds the young learners. The amount of energy and inquisitiveness displayed by children at this tender age is a marble to many parents and teachers alike. This small-scale research represents a sincere attempt to contrastively analyze Montessori and Al-Ghazali’s ideas on child education. The ideas of the two scholars, one from the West and the other from the East, till these days have great significance to their respective communities. In a way, this study should be seen as an initiative undertaken in the absence of a study discussing the differences and commonalities found in the ideas of the two scholars pertaining to child education. By employing the textual analysis method and using Montessori’s principles of child education as the framework, the researchers conducted a comparative analysis. In the course of analyzing the data, the researchers had identified six emerging themes in the ideas of Montessori and Al-Ghazali. The findings have also indicated that the principles of these two prominent scholars either intersect with each other or stand in total isolation. ********************************************************* Pendidikan kanak-kanak berlakumalalui proses pencariandan penerokaanterhadap persekitaran mereka. Keceriaan dan sifat ingin tahu yang dipamerkan oleh kanak-kanak dalam proses tersebut amatlah penting bagi para ibubapa dan guru Pandangan-pandangan Montessori dan Al-Ghazali tentang pendidikan kanak-kanak telah meninggalkan kesan yang amat penting dalam komuniti Barat dan Timur hingga ke hari ini. Kajian ini dilakukanuntuk membandingkan pandangan kedua-dua cendekiawan ini tentang pendidikan kanak-kanak. Secara tidak langsung, ia boleh dilihat sebagai usaha untuk mengisi kekurangan dalam bidang kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisa tekstual dan prinsip pendidikan kanak-kanak Montessori sebagai rangka kajian. Daripada kajian ini, terdapat enam tema yang boleh digarapkan daripadapandangan kedua-dua cendekiawanyang didapati secara bersilang atau terpisah di antara satu sama lain.

Language: English

DOI: 10.31436/jia.v15i2.759

ISSN: 2289-8077


В Сад по Системе Монтессори / V Sad po Sisteme Montessori [To The Montessori Garden]

Publication: Vladivostok (Vladivostok, Russia)

Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori schools, Russia, Western Asia

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Language: Russian


Kind und Religion bei Maria Montessori: eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung über den Zusammenhang von Religion und Erziehung in der Montessori-Pädagogik

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Abstract/Notes: This is the authors doctoral dissertation (University of Bonn, Germany, 1996).

Language: German

Published: Bonn, Germany: Euro Korea Journal, 1998


✓ Peer Reviewed

Differences in Mathematics Scores Between Students Who Receive Traditional Montessori Instruction and Students Who Receive Music Enriched Montessori Instruction

Available from: University of California eScholarship

Publication: Journal for Learning Through the Arts, vol. 3, no. 1

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Abstract/Notes: While a growing body of research reveals the beneficial effects of music on education performance the value of music in educating the young child is not being recognized. If research of students in the school system indicates that learning through the arts can benefit the ‘whole’ child, that math achievement scores are significantly higher for those students studying music, and if Montessori education produces a more academically accomplished child, then what is the potential for the child when Montessori includes an enriched music curriculum? The decision to support music cannot be made without knowing music’s effect on academic achievement and its contribution to a student’s education. This study was an experimental design using a two-group post-test comparison. A sample of 200 Montessori students aged 3-5 years-old were selected and randomly placed in one of two groups. The experimental treatment was an “in-house” music enriched Montessori program and children participated in 3 half-hour sessions weekly, for 6 months. The instrument used to measure mathematical achievement was the Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3 (Barody & Ginsburg) to determine if the independent variable, music instruction had any effect on students’ math test scores. The results showed that subjects who received music enriched Montessori instruction had significantly higher math scores and when compared by age group, 3 year-old students had higher scores than either the 4 year-old or 5 year-old children. This study shows that an arts-rich curriculum has a significant positive effect on young students academic achievement.This comprehensive research presents developmentally appropriate early education curriculum for children from 2 through 6 years old and addresses some of the most compelling questions about early experience, such as how important music is to early brain development. Contemporary theories and practices of music education including strategies for developing pitch, vocal, rhythmic, instrumental, listening, movement and creative responses in children are presented. It explores the interrelationship of music and academic development in children, and demonstrates how music can enhance and accelerate the learning process. This study combines the best of research and practical knowledge to give teachers the necessary tools to educate tomorrow's musicians. It is essential reading for all students and teachers of young children.

Language: English

DOI: 10.21977/D93110059

ISSN: 1932-7528


Montessori-Pädagogik in der Diskussion: aktuelle Forschungen und internationale Entwicklungen [Discussion About Montessori Pedagogy: Current Research and International Developments]

Harald Ludwig - Writings

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 1999

ISBN: 978-3-451-26764-2


La Dr. Montessori per L'Italia: L'Illustre Signora Scrivera' Una Serie di Articoli per Questo Giornale [Dr. Montessori for L'Italia: The Illustrious Lady will Write a Series of Articles for this Newspaper]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: "Siamo lieti di annunciare, ed i nostri lettori saranno certamente lietissimi di apprendere, che la illustre educatrice italiana Dottoressa Maria Montessori, ospite della nostra città e dell'Esposizione per rilevare agli insegnanti americani il di lei nuovo e genialissimo metodo d'educazione ed istruzione per i bambini ha cortesemente accettato l'invito da noi fattole di scrivere una serie di articoletti per il giornale L'ITALIA, nei quali l'eminente signora spiegherà ai profani detto metodo di educazione, che ha suscitato l'ammirazione di tutto il mondo civile. Gli articoli della Signora Montessori, scritti in italiano, saranno contemporaneamente pubblicati dal confratello americano "The Call," tradotti in inglese dal nostro Direttore Ing. Ettore Patrizi. Il primo di detti articoli apparirà sull'ITALIA e sul "Call" di sabato prossimo." / "We are pleased to announce, and our readers will certainly be delighted to learn, that the illustrious Italian educator Dr. Maria Montessori, a guest of our city and of the Exposition to reveal to American teachers her new and brilliant method of education and instruction for children. She kindly accepted the invitation we sent her to write a series of articles for the newspaper L'ITALIA, in which the eminent lady will explain to the layman this method of education, which has aroused the admiration of the whole civil world . The articles of Mrs. Montessori, written in Italian, will be simultaneously published by the American brother "The Call," translated into English by our Director Eng. Ettore Patrizi. The first of these articles will appear in ITALY and in the "Call" next Saturday."

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400


Montessori metoden: videnskabelig paedagogik, som anvendes for born i Montessori-skolerne [The Montessori method: scientific pedagogy used for children in Montessori schools]

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Danish

Published: Copenhagen, Denmark: V. Pios Boghandel, 1917

Edition: [1st edition Danish]

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