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✓ Peer Reviewed

Özel Eği̇ti̇mde Montessori̇ Metodunun Kullanimi / Using the Montessori Method in Special Education

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Trakya University Journal of Social Science, vol. 22, no. 2

Pages: 869-884

Asia, Children with disabilities, Developmentally disabled children, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Special education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori, yirminci yüzyıl eğitimindeki en önemli figürlerden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Tıp eğitimi alan Montessori, araştırmaları sırasında engelli çocuklarla karşılaşarak çalışmalarında bu çocukların eğitimine ağırlık vermiştir. Uygun yaklaşımlarla engelli çocukların eğitilebileceğine inanan Montessori; Itart ve Seguin’in engelli çocuklarla yaptıkları çalışmaları inceleyerek kendi eğitim materyallerini geliştirmiştir. Materyallerin sunumlarına ve çocuklara sunulan eğitim ortamının engelli çocukların ihtiyaçlarına hitap etmesini, ilgilerini çekmesini ve onları motive etmesini temel alan Montessori geliştirdiği materyallerle engelli çocuklarla uygulamalar yapmış ve bu çocukların ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda materyallerinde değişiklikler yaparak sistematik bir şekilde çalışmıştır. Çalışmaları sonucunda engelli çocukların beklediğinin çok ötesine ilerleme kaydettiğini fark etmiştir. Kendi adını verdiği eğitim metodunu geliştiren Montessori dönemin şartları nedeniyle normal gelişim gösteren çocukların eğitimine yönelerek çalışmalarına devam etmiştir; fakat Montessori’nin ilk özel eğitimcilerde olduğu araştırmacılar tarafından kabul edilmektedir. Montessori eğitim metodunun bireysel eğitim, çocukların kendi hızıyla ilerlemesi, duyu temelli materyaller kullanılması gibi temel ilkeleri özel eğitimin müfredatına girmiştir. Montessori eğitim metodu ülkemizde ve dünyada halen kullanılmaya devam edilmektedir. Metot ülkemizde normal gelişim gösteren çocukların eğitimlerinde kullanılırken, yurt dışında özel gereksinimli çocukların eğitimlerinde de kullanıldığı literatür incelendiğinde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Otizm, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu, öğrenme güçlüğü, fiziksel engel, işitme ve görme bozuklukları, Montessori eğitim metodunun eğitimleri için kullanıldığı engel gruplarının içerisinde yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada Montessori eğitim metodu özel eğitim çerçevesinde ele alınmış, çeşitli engel gruplarında metodun kullanılabilirliği irdelenmiştir. Çalışmanın yerli literatürdeki bu açıklığı gidereceği ve yerli literatüre yeni bir bakış açısı kazandıracağı beklenmektedir. / Maria Montessori is recognized as one of the most significant figures of twentieth century education. Having received medical training, she met disabled children during her studies and focused on their education. Believing that disabled children might be educated through appropriate approaches, she developed her own educational materials by analysing Itart and Seguin’s studies on disabled children. Having focused on material presentation and an educational setting that addresses the needs of disabled children, attracts their attention and motivates them, Montessori practiced her materials with disabled children and worked systematically by modifying these materials according to their needs. She realized as a result of her studies that disabled children improved much beyond her expectations. Having developed the educational method which she gave her own name, Montessori turned the direction of her studies to education of normally developing children due to conditions of her time; however, the fact that she is one of the first special educators is recognized by researchers. Basic principles of Montessori education metod entered special education curriculum including individualized education, progress of children at their own pace and usage of sensory-based materials. Montessori education metod is still being used in our country and around the world. It is used in our country for education of normally developing children while literature review reveals that it is used abroad in education of children with special needs as well. Autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, learning challenges, physical disability, hearing disorders are among the disability groups for whose education Montessori Method is used. This study deals with Montessori education metod in the context of special education, analyzing its useability in various disability groups. The study is expected to fill the gap in domestic literature and provide it a new insight.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.26468/trakyasobed.627014

ISSN: 1305-7766


Spiel und Arbeit: Fröbel und Montessori [Play and work: Froebel and Montessori]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 62

Pages: 117-121

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Language: German


Montessori in non-Montessori settings

Available from: InformIT

Publication: Bedrock, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 8-10

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Abstract/Notes: This article looks at the common ground between Montessorian and more traditional approaches to early childhood education. The author refers to ideas put forward by Dr E M Hallowell which suggest that early childhood educators focus on concepts such as playfulness, practice, mastery and reconnection; these concepts hold the key to raising children with healthy self-esteem, moral awareness and spiritual values. The author points out the similarities these psychological goals have with those a Montessori educator and a traditional early childhood educator aim for. She describes the approach taken at the Benevolent Society centre, which caters for babies and children up to five years. General Montessori principles are used, such as less is more -decluttering the children's personal space and giving them options for exploration; and spoken language - the process of interacting with children on a daily basis as the most fundamental step in building trusting relationships. The four vital areas of focus that keep re-appearing in any program written at the centre are cognitive development, fine motor development, gross motor development and social interaction. [Author abstract, ed]

Language: English

ISSN: 1326-7566


Metoda Montessori [Montessori Method]

Publication: Buletinul Muzeului Pedagogic [Bulletin of the Pedagogical Museum], vol. 3

Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education, Romania

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Language: Romanian


✓ Peer Reviewed

Puzzle Elektronik Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) Untuk Edukasi Suku Kata Bahasa Indonesia Pada Anak Usia Dini [Electronic Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) Puzzle for Indonesian Language Education in Early Childhood]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Publication: Teknosains: Media Informasi Sains dan Teknologi, vol. 16, no. 1

Pages: 1-10

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori is a learning method to stimulate children to reach their potential in all fields. In the field of reading literacy, one of the initial stages is how to stimulate initial reading skills, starting with introducing letters using the syllable learning method. The stimulation process must be in a fun and not boring way of playing exploration so that children will not feel that they are learning, especially in the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the learning process becomes boring for children because it has to be done at home. The purpose of this research is to create a learning technology in the form of an electronic puzzle Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) for Indonesian syllables that can help stimulate early childhood according to the Montessori principle in recognizing syllables. The system development method uses the System Development Life-Cycle (SDLC) method. Based on the results of functional testing using the black box method, it states that all functional systems function 100% according to design and objectives. The results of testing and validation by Montessori practitioners stated that the system was in accordance with Montessori rules. Based on the results of usage observations, the Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) electronic puzzle for Indonesian syllables can be an alternative learning tool to introduce Indonesian syllables for the initial reading learning process. / Montessori merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran untuk menstimulasi anak dalam meraih potensinya di segala bidang. Pada bidang literasi membaca salah satu tahapan awal adalah bagaimana menstimulasi kemampuan membaca permulaan, dimulai dengan mengenalkan huruf-huruf menggunakan metode belajar suku kata. Proses stimulasi tersebut haruslah dengan cara eksplorasi bermain yang menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan sehingga anak tidak akan merasa bahwa ia sedang belajar, apalagi dalam kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini, dimana proses belajar menjadi membosankan bagi anak karena harus dilakukan di rumah saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah teknologi pembelajaran berupa puzzle elektronik Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) untuk suku kata Bahasa Indonesia yang dapat membantu menstimulasi anak usia dini sesuai prinsip Montessori dalam mengenal suku kata. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Metode Sistem Development Life-Cycle (SDLC). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian fungsional menggunakan metode black box menyatakan bahwa seluruh fungsional sistem berfungsi 100% sesuai perancangan dan tujuan. Hasil pengujian dan validasi oleh praktisi Montessori menyatakan bahwa sistem telah sesuai dengan kaidah Montessori. Berdasarkan hasil observasi penggunaan, Puzzle elektronik Montessori Sand Board Letter (SBL) untuk suku kata Bahasa Indonesia dapat menjadi salah satu alternative tools pembelajaran mengenalkan suku kata Bahasa Indonesia untuk proses belajar membaca permulaan.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.24252/teknosains.v16i1.23734

ISSN: 2657-036X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Magyarországi Montessori Óvodai Program [Hungarian Montessori Kindergarten Program]

Available from: Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár

Publication: Új Pedagógiai Szemle, vol. 47, no. 10 (Supplement)

Pages: 119-120

Eastern Europe, Hungary, Montessori method of education

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Language: Hungarian

ISSN: 1215-1807, 1788-2400


A Montessori eszközök alkalmazása a matematika tanításban egy Montessori-jellegű osztályban

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Language: Hungarian

Published: Budapest, Hungary, 2006

Long term effects of Montessori schooling: a selected group of ex-Montessori preschool pupils studied at primary and secondary school level

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Language: English

Published: Dublin, Ireland, 1974

Book Section

Erzieher in der Montessori-Pädagogik. Zur Bedeutung und Stellung der Eltern, Erzieher und Lehrer in der Montessori-Pädagogik

Book Title: Erzieher - Lehrer - Partner? die Rolle des Erwachsenen in der Montessori-Pädagogik

Pages: 28-46

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2010

ISBN: 978-3-643-10726-8 3-643-10726-9

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 27


Die ersten Erfahrungen in der Montessori-Schulklasse [The first experiences in the Montessori school class]

Publication: Montessori-Nachrichten

Pages: 3-7

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Language: German

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