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Montessori in non-Montessori settings

Available from: InformIT

Publication: Bedrock, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 8-10

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Abstract/Notes: This article looks at the common ground between Montessorian and more traditional approaches to early childhood education. The author refers to ideas put forward by Dr E M Hallowell which suggest that early childhood educators focus on concepts such as playfulness, practice, mastery and reconnection; these concepts hold the key to raising children with healthy self-esteem, moral awareness and spiritual values. The author points out the similarities these psychological goals have with those a Montessori educator and a traditional early childhood educator aim for. She describes the approach taken at the Benevolent Society centre, which caters for babies and children up to five years. General Montessori principles are used, such as less is more -decluttering the children's personal space and giving them options for exploration; and spoken language - the process of interacting with children on a daily basis as the most fundamental step in building trusting relationships. The four vital areas of focus that keep re-appearing in any program written at the centre are cognitive development, fine motor development, gross motor development and social interaction. [Author abstract, ed]

Language: English

ISSN: 1326-7566

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitiminin okul öncesi dönem çocukların problem çözme becerileri ve problem davranışları üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi / The effect of Montessori education on the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of pre-school children

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Preschool children, Problem solving in children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study, aims to investigate the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of pre-school to their type of educational programs that they get.In the study, the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of the children who were educated according to the Ministry of Education Preschool Education Program and Montessori approach were evaluated.Quantitatively designed research was conducted in accordance with the general screening model.The working group formed by 60 children who attended the pre-school education institution in the academic year 2015-2016. The research was carried out in a kindergarten with Montessori education in Atakum District of Samsun and a kindergarten with education according to MEB program in İlkadım District. The personal information form of the study was collected by the Problem Solving Skills Scale (PÇÖÖ) and Kindergarten and Nursery Behavior Scale. In the results of working; The problem behaviors of children were affected by the state of mother education and problem solving skills increased with age. It has been determined that the problem solving skills of children who are going to Montessori school and are from their parents professional profession group are at a better level.It has been determined that as the problem solving skills of Montessori children increase, the levels of inward orientation also increase. It has been determined that children attending Montessori school have better problem solving skills and lower problem behaviours than children attending public school. / Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların problem çözme becerilerini ve problem davranışlarını aldıkları eğitim programının türüne göre incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada MEB Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı ve Montessori yaklaşımına göre eğitim alan çocukların problem çözme becerileri ve problem davranışları değerlendirilmiştir. Nicel olarak tasarlanan araştırma genel tarama modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma grubunu, 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılında okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Araştırma Samsun İli Atakum İlçesi'nde Montessori eğitimi veren bir anaokulu ve İlkadım İlçesi'nde MEB programına göre eğitim veren bir anaokulunda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Problem Çözme Becerileri Ölçeği (PÇBÖ) ve Anaokulu ve Anasınıfı Davranış Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; çocukların problem davranışlarının anne öğrenim durumundan etkilendiği, problem çözme becerilerinin yaşla birlikte arttığı belirlenmiştir. Montessori okuluna devam edip anne-babası profesyonel meslek grubundan olan çocukların problem çözme becerilerinin daha iyi düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Montessori eğitimi alan çocuklarda problem çözme becerileri arttıkça içe yönelim düzeylerinin de arttığı belirlenmiştir. Montessori okuluna devam eden çocukların devlet okuluna devam eden çocuklara göre problem çözme becerilerinin daha iyi, problemler davranış görülme durumunun ise daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Language: Turkish

Published: Karabük, Turkey, 2017


✓ Peer Reviewed

Como o Currículo se Constitui na Pedagogia Waldorf, Pedagogia Montessori e Escola da Ponte? [How is the Curriculum Constituted in Waldorf Pedagogy, Montessori Pedagogy and ‘Escola da Ponte’?]

Available from: RSD Journal

Publication: Research, Society and Development, vol. 9, no. 8

Pages: Article e810986385

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Abstract/Notes: Part of the data on this work relies on a doctoral research. The study aimed to problematize about Science Teaching in a Waldorf school, Montessori school and Escola da Ponte, having as guiding aspects the organization of spaces, knowledge and evaluation methods of each analyzed school. As a theoretical reference, we adopted the assumptions of differentiated pedagogy and simultaneously, the field of the curriculum. Methodologically, the article points as sources of research to three directions: a theoretical and systematic review in the light of the fields of science teaching and the field of the curriculum; documentary research around the websites of schools that are pedagogically oriented from the pedagogies under discussion; and finally, field journal data based on differentiated pedagogy observations in three schools. The results showed other ways of organizing spaces, different ways of evaluating and approaching school content, more specifically in the scope of Science Teaching. Finally, the work allows a reflection and awareness about the traditional teaching that still constitutes in the great majority in schools. / Este trabalho tem parte dos dados ancorados em uma pesquisa de doutorado. O estudo teve como objetivo problematizar sobre o Ensino de Ciências em uma escola Waldorf, uma escola Montessori e a Escola da Ponte, tendo como aspectos norteadores a organização dos espaços, saberes e métodos de avaliação de cada escola analisada. Como referencial teórico, adotamos os pressupostos da pedagogia diferenciada e, concomitantemente, do campo do currículo. Metodologicamente, o artigo toma como fontes de pesquisa, três caminhos: uma revisão teórica e sistematizada à luz dos campos do ensino de ciências e do campo do Currículo; pesquisa documental em torno dos sites de escolas que se orientam pedagogicamente a partir das pedagogias em discussão; e, por último, dados de diários de campo a partir de observações em três escolas sendo que cada uma delas se fundamenta numa das pedagogias diferenciadas apresentadas. Os resultados mostraram outras formas de organização dos espaços, formas diferenciadas de avaliação e abordagem dos conteúdos escolares, mais especificamente no âmbito do Ensino de Ciências. Por fim, o trabalho permite uma reflexão e conscientização acerca do tradicional ensino que ainda se constitui em grande maioria nas escolas.

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6385

ISSN: 2525-3409

Master's Thesis

O método Montessori-Lubienska no Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): entre táticas e estratégicas [The Montessori-Lubienska method at Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): between tactics and strategies]

Available from: Universidade Federal do Paraná

Americas, Brazil, Hélène Lubienska de Lenval - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: O presente trabalho busca a identificação de táticas e estratégias empregadas no processo de implantação do método montessori-lubienska no Colégio Sion de Curitiba, entre 1956 e 1959. A construção desta narrativa historiográfica apresenta como eixo teórico articulador o historiador francês Michel de Certeau, com seus conceitos de lugar, de estratégia e de tática, a partir do entrecruzar de fontes de tipologia diversa coletadas nos arquivos do Colégio e em instâncias externas; e do diálogo com publicações acadêmicas que abordam os temas e o contexto, no âmbito nacional e paranaense. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que sob atmosfera marcada no Paraná por iniciativas anteriores relacionadas ao método Montessori, a opção e as iniciativas católicas pelo método montessori-lubienska como saída para o embate entre católicos e renovadores, aliadas à formação que Soeur Maria Cristina recebera de Lubienska na França, permitiram que as irmãs de Curitiba por meio de golpes de astúcia organizassem táticas para garantir o método montessori-lubienska como estratégia a partir do Colégio Sion. [The present dissertation seeks to identify tactics and strategies used in the process of implementing the montessori-lubienska method at Colégio Sion in Curitiba, between 1956 and 1959. The construction of this historiographic narrative presents the french theoretical Michel de Certeau as an articulating theoretical axis, with its concepts of place, strategy and tactics, from the intersection of sources of different types collected in the archives of the College and in external instances; and dialogue with academic publications that address the themes and the context, at the Brasil and state of Paraná. The research results show that under an atmosphere marked in Paraná by previous initiatives related to the Montessori method, the Catholic option and initiatives by the montessori-lubienska method as a way out of the clash between Catholics and renovators, combined with the training that Soeur Maria Cristina had received from Lubienska in France, they allowed the sisters of Curitiba by means of cunning strokes to organize tactics to guarantee the montessori-lubienska method as a strategy from Colégio Sion.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Curitiba, Brazil, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Um movimento em direção aos espaços educadores sustentáveis na Pedagogia Montessori [A movement towards sustainable educational spaces in Montessori Pedagogy]

Available from: Comunicações

Publication: Comunicações, vol. 22, no. 2

Pages: 391-413

Americas, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Apresenta-se aqui o resultado da pesquisa feita numa escola de educação infantil e ensino fundamental de São José (SC) que objetivou verificar as contribuições da pedagogia Montessori às dimensões da escola como um espaço educador sustentável (EES). Revisitaram-se as ideias de educadores que pensaram uma escola à realidade da educação de seu tempo histórico e cultural, especialmente as de Maria Montessori. Na educação ambiental, destacaram-se a sustentabilidade, a escola sustentável e o nosso modo de ser, estar e permanecer na “casa de vida”, sob o olhar de Sauvé, Sato e outros. Ancorou-se em Foucault, com seu entendimento sobre os discursos de verdade, e em Bachelard, que interligou ciência e arte. A pesquisa evidenciou que a escola em foco está em processo de transição de constituir um EES quanto à dimensão do currículo, do projeto político pedagógico e da interação escola-comunidade e em virtude de seus caminhos e escolhas, entretanto algumas limitações existem, principalmente no espaço arquitetônico. Nas falas da comunidade escolar, viu-se que a escola busca criar seu próprio caminho, suas próprias estradas, e, embora não apresente total consonância entre sua proposta e os objetivos do Programa Nacional Escolas Sustentáveis, ambos possuem aspectos em comum. Concluiu-se que o projeto do centro educacional continua se efetivando entre saberes e fazeres da pedagogia Montessori. [We present here the result of a research carried out in a kindergarten and elementary school in São José (SC) which aimed to verify the contributions of Montessori pedagogy to the dimensions of the school as a sustainable educational space (EES). The ideas of educators who thought a school to the reality of education in its historical and cultural time were revisited, especially those of Maria Montessori. In environmental education, sustainability, the sustainable school and our way of being, being and staying in the “home of life” were highlighted, under the eyes of Sauvé, Sato and others. It was based on Foucault, with his understanding of truth discourses, and on Bachelard, who linked science and art. The research showed that the school in focus is in a transition process of constituting an EES regarding the dimension of the curriculum, the pedagogical political project and the school-community interaction and due to its paths and choices, however some limitations exist, mainly in the space architectural. In the speeches of the school community, it was seen that the school seeks to create its own path, its own roads, and, although it does not present total consonance between its proposal and the objectives of the Sustainable Schools National Program, both have aspects in common. It was concluded that the project of the educational center continues to be carried out between the knowledge and practices of Montessori pedagogy.]

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.15600/2238-121X/comunicacoes.v22n2ep391-413

ISSN: 2238-121X, 0104-8481


Happy Montessori Days [Radlett Montessori School, England]

Publication: Montessori Society Quarterly Bulletin (England)

Pages: 23-24

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Language: English


Attualità di Maria Montessori [News of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Pedagogia e Vita: Bimestrale di Problemi Pedagogici Educativi e Scolastici [Pedagogy and Life: Bimonthly of Educational and Scholastic Pedagogical Problems], vol. 32, no. 2

Pages: 161-173

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0031-3777


Zu Hessens Aufsatz "Fröbel und Montessori" [On Hesse's essay "Froebel and Montessori"]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 67

Pages: 1-16

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Language: German

Bachelor's Thesis

Mobiliário infantil: conceito de uma cama Montessori / Children's furniture: a Montessori bed concept

Available from: Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Design, Furniture

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Abstract/Notes: The present research is based on Montessori pedagogical methodology. Created by Maria Montessori, this is a set of theories, practices and didactic materials. According to Montessori, the most important fact is not the material or the practice, but the possibility of developing the child's abilities from the evolution of each. From this, the proposal is the development of a children's furniture - a bed - from the study proposed by Montessori, considering characteristics of child development, children's furniture and ergonomics. The projects a product that contributes to the child developing in its ‘natural time’ with freedom and autonomy. / A presente pesquisa tem base na metodologia pedagógica montessoiana. Criada por Maria Montessori, trata-se de um conjunto de teorias, práticas e materiais didáticos. De acordo com Montessori, o fato mais importante não é o material ou a prática, mas a possibilidade do desenvolvimento das habilidades da criança a partir da evolução de cada um. A partir disso, a proposta é o desenvolvimento de um mobiliário infantil – uma cama – a partir do estudo proposto por Montessori, considerando características do desenvolvimento infantil, mobiliário infantil e ergonomia. O projeto é de um produto que contribua para que a criança se desenvolva em seu “tempo natural” com liberdade e autonomia.

Language: Portuguese

Published: São Paulo, Brazil, 2018


Dr. Maria Montessoris Opdragelsesmetode [Dr. Maria Montessori's Method of Upbringing]

Publication: Nordisk Ugeblad for Katholske Kristne [Nordic Weekly for Catholic Christians], vol. 74

Pages: 365-370

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Language: Norwegian

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