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1676 results

Book Section

Il messaggio universale di Maria Montessori [The universal mission of Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Maria Montessori e il pensiero pedagogico contemporaneo [Maria Montessori and contemporary pedagogical thought]

Pages: 267-282

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (11th, Rome, Italy, 26-28 September 1957), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: This speech was delivered on September 28, 1957 at the 11th International Montessori Congress (Rome, Italy).

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1959


✓ Peer Reviewed

I progetti di Maria Montessori impigliati nella rete di Mons. Umberto Benigni [The projects of Maria Montessori entangled in the network of Mr. Umberto Benigni]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, vol. 25

Pages: 89-114

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Umberto Benigni - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Focusing on Maria Montessori's efforts to obtain official endorsement and financial support from Pope Benedict XV, this essay analyzes the Italian educator's attempts to create an organization that would serve children distressed by war. Although such an organization was consistent with the initiatives promoted by the papacy during the First World War, the association Montessori envisioned was never created. Only one of the numerous letters and reports Montessori and her collaborators sent to the Pontiff actually reached him. This study...

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1723-9672, 2612-6559

Bachelor's Thesis

Actitud de las Maestras de Pre-Primaria y Primaria Baja de un Colegio con Sedes en Zona 15 y Carretera a El Salvador Sobre la Metodología Montessori [Attitude of Pre-Primary and Lower Primary Teachers of a School with Headquarters in Zone 15 and Road to El Salvador on the Montessori Methodology]

Available from: Universidad Rafael Landívar / Rafael Landivar University

Americas, Central America, Guatemala, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: La presente investigación de tipo mixto tuvo como objetivo determinar la actitud de las maestras de pre-primaria y primaria baja de un colegio privado con sedes en zona 15 de la ciudad de Guatemala y Carretera a El Salvador sobre la metodología Montessori. La población estuvo conformada por 30 maestras encargadas de grado, 4 guías Montessori y un experto en metodología Montessori. Se utilizó muestreo no probabilístico. Para este estudio se utilizaron tres instrumentos, en la parte cuantitativa se trabajó con un cuestionario anónimo para disponer de confiabilidad por parte de los sujetos y en la parte cualitativa se utilizaron dos entrevistas diferentes. Como segundo instrumento, la entrevista la contestaron cuatro guías Montessori y un tercer instrumento, una entrevista dirigida a un experto en metodología Montessori, enriqueciendo de esta forma los datos recabados con el cuestionario. Se concluyó que las maestras de preprimaria y primaria baja de ambas sedes manifiestan una actitud altamente positiva hacia la metodología Montessori. Una de las recomendaciones más importantes es que se sugiere a la institución educativa con el fin de mantener la actitud altamente positiva de las guías Montessori realizar capacitaciones continuas y que de esta forma puedan tener siempre presentes las bases de la metodología, de tal manera que las maestras apliquen el método convencidas de la efectividad del mismo.

Language: Spanish

Published: Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2018


✓ Peer Reviewed

Anna Maria Maccheroni, Come conobbi Maria Montessori [review]

Publication: Rassegna di pedagogia (Università degli studi, Padova. Istituto di Pedagogia), vol. 16

Pages: 100

Book reviews

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0033-9571, 1724-1871


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori uno sguardo diverso sull’infanzia [Maria Montessori a different look at childhood]

Available from: Foro de Educacíon

Publication: Foro de Educación [Education Forum], vol. 13, no. 18

Pages: 37-50

Educational change, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Nel panorama pedagogico italiano del XX secolo Maria Montessori è stata tra le figure femminili più interessanti. Ha interpretato con cura e perspicacia la figura del bambino, chiarendo il ruolo significativo che l’ambiente riveste nella sua formazione cognitiva ed emotiva e della sua mente “assorbente”. Punto di partenza dei suoi studi è stato Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica (1909), da cui è emerso in maniera evidente che la scienza doveva studiare il processo di formazione della personalità del bambino nella sua interazione sociale. La Montessori, ha rivendicato i diritti dell’infanzia di fronte al mondo degli adulti, evidenziando l’antico errore, dal punto di vista psicologico ed educativo, di far assumere al bambino atteggiamenti e abiti mentali che non siano conformi alla sua natura di bambino. A tal scopo, la studiosa organizzò il suo l’ambiente educativo, cioè la scuola dell’infanzia, come un luogo ideale in cui il bambino, in piena libertà di azione e opportunamente stimolato, potesse fare le sue esperienze formative. Una rilettura del pensiero di Maria Montessori ha reso possibile alcuni riscontri con problematiche pedagogiche attuali che hanno avuto riflessi nella Pedagogia contemporanea, per esempio, il rapporto tra ambiente e educazione, l’organizzazione del processo di insegnamento-apprendimento, l’uso di procedure, di tecniche e di materiali relativi ad un intervento pedagogico vero e proprio. [In the Italian pedagogical panorama of the twentieth century, Maria Montessori was among the most interesting female figures. She has interpreted the figure of the child with care and insight, clarifying the significant role that the environment plays in her cognitive and emotional formation and in her "absorbing" mind. The starting point of her studies was The Method of Scientific Pedagogy (1909), from which it emerged clearly that science had to study the process of formation of the child's personality in its social interaction. Montessori claimed the rights of childhood in front of the adult world, highlighting the ancient error, from a psychological and educational point of view, of making the child assume attitudes and mental habits that do not conform to her child's nature. For this purpose, the scholar organized her educational environment, that is the kindergarten, as an ideal place where the child, in full freedom of action and appropriately stimulated, could have his educational experiences. A re-reading of Maria Montessori's thought has made possible some feedbacks with current pedagogical problems that have had repercussions in contemporary Pedagogy, for example, the relationship between environment and education, the organization of the teaching-learning process, the use of procedures, of techniques and materials related to a real pedagogical intervention.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.14516/fde.2015.013.018.002

ISSN: 1698-7802


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori i el pare Antoni Casulleras: innovació pedagògica i catolicisme modern / Maria Montessori and Father Antoni Casulleras: Pedagogical Innovation and Modern Catholicism

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 107-130

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: This article discusses the relationship between Mary Montessori and the Catholic Church. More specifically, it provides the results of the investigation and the conclusions related to convictions and support that arise from various sectors of the Catholic sphere. Maria Montessori’s pedagogical methodology, without leaving doubts aside, suspicions and complicities, had a recurring link with female and male religious congregations especially in Italy, but also in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (Mallorca and Menorca). This study presents different epicentres, always with the figure of Montessori as the protagonist: it starts from some of the internal movements of the Holy See in 1917, the figure of Father Antoni Casulleras is introduced as a mediator in those polls, and focuses mainly on Mallorca, precisely because this missionary of St. Vincent de Paul had congregational responsibilities in Mallorca while maintaining a close relationship which Montessori and the Roman Curia leaders. Consequently, the research it takes place in the period of the Great War, especially between 1914 and 1919, in a situation of reception and very explicit support of the Montessori method by the Catalan and Balearic Catholic sectors. / Aquest article tracta un aspecte de la relació entre Maria Montessori i l’Església catòlica. Més concretament, aporta els resultats de la investigació i les conclusions relacionades amb condemnes i suports que sorgiren des de sectors diversos de l’àmbit catòlic. La metodologia pedagògica de Maria Montessori, sense deixar de banda dubtes, recels i complicitats, tingué una vinculació recurrent amb congregacions religioses femenines i masculines, sobretot a Itàlia, però també a Catalunya i a les Balears (Mallorca i Menorca). Aquest estudi presenta diferents epicentres, sempre amb la figura de Montessori com a protagonista: es parteix d’alguns dels moviments interns de la Santa Seu el 1917, s’introdueix la figura del pare Antoni Casulleras com a mediador en aquells sondeigs, i se centra sobretot a Mallorca, precisament perquè aquest missioner de Sant Vicenç de Paül tenia responsabilitats congregacionals a Mallorca mentre mantenia una relació estreta amb Montessori i amb els responsables de la cúria romana. En conseqüència, la recerca s’ubica en el període de la Gran Guerra, i més en especial entre 1914 i 1919, en una conjuntura de recepció i de suport molt explícit del mètode Montessori per part dels sectors catòlics catalans i balears. / Este artículo trata un aspecto de la relación entre Maria Montessori y la Iglesia católica. Más concretamente, aporta los resultados de la investigación y las conclusiones relacionadas con condenas y adhesiones que surgieron desde sectores diversos del ámbito católico. La metodología pedagógica de Maria Montessori, sin dejar de lado dudas, recelos y complicidades, tuvo una vinculación recurrente con congregaciones religiosas femeninas y masculinas, sobre todo en Italia, pero también en Cataluña y Baleares (Mallorca y Menorca). Este estudio presenta diferentes epicentros, siempre con la figura de Montessori como protagonista: se parte de algunos de los movimientos internos de la Santa Sede en 1917, se introduce la figura del padre Antoni Casulleras como mediador en aquellos sondeos, y se centra sobre todo en Mallorca, precisamente porque este misionero de San Vicente de Paúl tenía responsabilidades congregacionales en Mallorca, mientras mantenía una estrecha relación con Montessori y con los responsables de la Curia Romana. En consecuencia, la investigación se ubica en el período de la Gran Guerra, y más especialmente entre 1914 y 1919, en una coyuntura de recepción y de apoyo muy explícito del método Montessori por parte de los sectores católicos catalanes y baleares.

Language: Catalan

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150351

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258


Der lange Schatten Maria Montessoris der Traum vom perfekten Kind [The Long Shadow of Maria Montessori's Dream of the Perfect Child]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Wie unter einem Brennglas beleuchtet dieses Buch den langen Schatten der weltweit berühmten Maria Montessori. Es rückt ihr Denken in einen bislang weitestgehend verdrängten aber gegenwärtig (erneut) höchst aktuellen Zusammenhang von Eugenik, Rassentheorie und Optimierungsstreben. Als Maria Montessori (1870-1952) im Jahre 1915 den Besuchern der "Panama-Pacific International Exposition" in San Francisco die stillen und diszipliniert arbeitenden "Montessori-Kinder" in einem gläsernen show-room präsentierte, war die italienische Ärztin und Biologin auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere angelangt. Zusammen mit den Eugenikern und Rasseideologen ihrer Zeit demonstrierte sie der fortschrittsgläubigen Welt die Möglichkeiten einer erziehungs- und biotechnologischen Erschaffung des "neuen Messias". Gut 100 Jahre später holen die Fortschritte auf den Feldern der Gen- und Reproduktionstechnologie Maria Montessoris biopolitische Visionen eines "Ministry of the Race" (1951) und ihren lebenslangen Traum vom perfekten Kind ein. Wie unter einem Brennglas beleuchtet dieses Buch den langen Schatten der weltweit berühmten Maria Montessori und rückt ihr Denken in einen bislang weitestgehend verdrängten aber gegenwärtig (erneut) höchst aktuellen Zusammenhang von Eugenik, Rassentheorie und Optimierungsstreben. [As if under a magnifying glass, this book illuminates the long shadow of the world-famous Maria Montessori. It places their thinking in a hitherto largely repressed but currently (again) highly topical context of eugenics, racial theory and the pursuit of optimization. When Maria Montessori (1870-1952) presented the quiet and disciplined working "Montessori children" to visitors to the "Panama-Pacific International Exposition" in San Francisco in 1915 in a glass showroom, the Italian doctor and biologist was there reached the peak of her career. Together with the eugenicists and racial ideologists of her time, she demonstrated to the progressive world the possibilities of creating the "new messiah" through education and biotechnology. A good 100 years later, advances in the fields of genetic and reproductive technology are catching up with Maria Montessori's biopolitical visions of a "Ministry of the Race" (1951) and her lifelong dream of the perfect child. As if under a magnifying glass, this book illuminates the long shadow of the world-famous Maria Montessori and places her thinking in a hitherto largely suppressed but currently (again) highly relevant context of eugenics, racial theory and the pursuit of optimization.]

Language: German

Published: Weinheim, Germany: Beltz, 2024

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-3-407-25937-0

Book Section

Maria Montessori e la scuola attiva [Maria Montessori and the active school]

Book Title: Maria Montessori cittadina del mondo [Maria Montessori, citizen of the world]

Pages: 243-249

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (11th, Rome, Italy, 26-28 September 1957), Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Relazione svolta da Mons. Jean Maroun, rappresentante del Libano all'UNESCO, in occasione dell'XI Congresso Internazionale Montessori, tenutosi a Roma dal 26 al 28 settembre 1957 sul tema: "Maria Montessori e il pensiero pedagogico contemporaneo" (v. volume Atti, pubblicato nella Serie Ed. Vita dell'Infanzia, 1958). [Report given by Msgr. Jean Maroun, representative of Lebanon to UNESCO, on the occasion of the XI International Montessori Congress, held in Rome from 26 to 28 September 1957 on the theme: "Maria Montessori and contemporary pedagogical thought" (see volume Atti , published in the Vita dell'Infanzia Ed. Series, 1958).]

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Comitato italiano dell'OMEP, 1967


Einführung zum Tagungsband - Die kosmische Erziehung Maria Montessoris [Introduction to the proceedings - The cosmic education of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 37, no. 2-3

Pages: 122-129

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


Las Ideas Pedagógicas de María Montessori [The Pedagogical Ideas of Maria Montessori]

Available from: Biblioteca Digital Casa de la Cultura de Ecuador (CCE)

Publication: Revista Ecuatoriana de Educación, vol. 6, no. 23

Pages: 69-77

Americas, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South America

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Language: Spanish

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