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1642 results


An Overview of American History: Lecture by David Rawson, Department of History, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 3–4

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Language: English


Dear Friends [Comité no longer part of American Montessori Society (AMS)]

Publication: El Boletin [Comité Hispano Montessori]

Pages: [insert]

American Montessori Society (AMS) - History, Comité Hispano Montessori - History, Comité Hispano Montessori - Periodicals, Marjorie Farmer - Writings

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Language: English


Dear Friends [American Montessori Society (AMS) forms committee on Third World]

Publication: El Boletin [Comité Hispano Montessori]

Pages: 1

American Montessori Society (AMS) - History, Comité Hispano Montessori - Periodicals, Marjorie Farmer - Writings

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Language: English


The Possibility of Public Montessori Schools: Examining the Montessori philosophy and its prospect in American public schools

Available from: Vanderbilt University Institutional Repository

Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: In an effort to explore the ways in which Montessori curriculum and public schools are cooperative or mutually exclusive, I will examine the principles of the Montessori philosophy as set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori in the areas of learners and learning, the learning environment, the curriculum and instructional strategies, and student assessment. After examining these sectors of the Montessori method, I will discuss theoretical possibilities in adapting the Montessori method to the American public school system in the early 21st century. For the purpose of this paper, I will refer to the author of the Montessori method, as "Dr. Montessori" and call the general method or portions thereof as "Montessori."

Language: English

Published: Nashville, Tennessee, 2007


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori et la France: Genèse d’une histoire [Maria Montessori and France: Genesis of a History]

Available from: Università di Macerata

Publication: History of Education and Children's Literature (HECL), vol. 9, no. 2

Pages: 379-398

Europe, France, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This article deals with the first twenty years (1911-1934) of the presence of the Montessori Method in France. The reconstruction is based on written evidences and on the main actors’ experiences in the implementation of Maria Montessori’s ideas. This historical outline allows to better recognise the reasons why Montessori’s educative principles were not welcomed in France so warmly as in other European countries. Several initiatives took indeed place, but they remained insubstantial because they were almost always the result of efforts carried by single persons rather than institutions.

Language: French

ISSN: 1971-1093, 1971-1131

Book Section

La Psicologia Sperimentale e l'Antrologia nella Storia del Metodo Montessori [Experimental Psychology and Anthrology in the History of the Montessori Method]

Book Title: Psicotecnica: ieri, oggi, domani?

Pages: 119-132

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Abstract/Notes: This is in the conference proceedings for the 1st Congresso Internazionale, Bari, 14-16 marzo 2007.

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Aracne, 2011

ISBN: 978-88-548-3869-7 88-548-3869-1


Maria Montessori e Anna Freud: Una Storia Femminile della Psicologia del Bambino [Maria Montessori and Anna Freud: A Feminine History of the Psychology of the Child]

Anna Freud - Biographic sources, Anna Freud - Philosophy, Child psychology, Developmental psychology, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Edizioni Universitarie Romane, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-6022-371-5 88-6022-371-7


Anfänge des Naturkundeunterrichts in unserer Montessori-Klasse [Beginnings of natural history lessons in our Montessori class]

Publication: Presença ABEM: Revista Oficial da Associação Brasileira de Educação Montessori [ABEM Presence: Official Magazine of the Brazilian Association of Montessori Education], no. 12

Pages: 16-18

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Language: German


✓ Peer Reviewed

Storia e attualità dell’educazione per la pace di Maria Montessori. Dalle conferenze degli anni ’30 alle prospettive educative odierne / History and actuality of Maria Montessori’s Education for peace. From the conferences of the 1930s to today’s educational perspectives

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 83-105

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: In Maria Montessori’s scientific analysis of the relationship between peace as an objective and education as a practice to build it, the Italian scientist and pedagogist established cardinal principles and universal purposes from which fundamental educational guidelines derive. A rereading of the Conferences on Education and Peace which Maria Montessori held between 1932 and 1939 reveals strong similarities with the national indications of the Italian school (2012) and offers pedagogical coordinates for interpreting educational needs that continue to represent challenges today / En la seva anàlisi científica de la relació entre la pau, com a objectiu, i l’educació, com a pràctica per construir-la, Maria Montessori va fixar principis cardinals i propòsits universals dels quals deriven fonaments educatius de vital rellevància. La relectura de les conferències sobre Educació i Pau celebrades entre 1932 i 1939 revela fortes analogies amb les indicacions nacionals de l’escola italiana de 2012 i ofereix coordenades pedagògiques per a la lectura de necessitats educatives que continuen plantejant-se com a reptes, fins i tot en la nostra època. / En el análisis científico de Maria Montessori sobre la relación entre la paz como fin y la educación como práctica para construirla, la científica y pedagoga italiana estableció principios cardinales y propósitos universales de los que se derivan fundamentos educativos fundamentales. Una relectura de las conferencias sobre Educación y Paz celebradas entre 1932 y 1939 revela fuertes similitudes con las directrices nacionales de la escuela italiana (2012) y ofrece coordenadas pedagógicas para interpretar las necesidades educativas que continúan representando los desafíos actuales.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150350

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258

Master's Thesis

The Extent That Montessori Programs Contribute to Students' Academic and Social Gains and How Montessori Programs Differ from Traditional Programs

Available from: Google Scholar

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this paper, through a review of current research, is to compare and contrast the Montessori Method and traditional programs and to identify the extent of the social and academic benefit from each. Researchers have found that there are some academic advantages to both programs. However, the academic gains that a child makes in traditional prekindergarten programs appear to diminish as the child gets older. Socially, children who have attended Montessori programs appear to enjoy school and have better relationships with peers and teachers than those in traditional program. An important thing to note is much of this research is inconclusive because of sampling bias due to study design. It is my recommendation that some of the aspects of Montessori education be incorporated into the traditional programs and that this continue as a supplement to the regular school day. Perhaps if students continue to be provided with additional support as they are in prekindergarten, the academic gains experienced as a result could be longer lasting.

Language: English

Published: Marquette, Michigan, 2009

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