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Bachelor's Thesis

Motivace rodičů pro volbu Montessori předškolního vzdělávání / Motivation of parents to choose Montessori preschool education

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: This bachelor thesis Motivation of parents to choose Montessori preschool education is divided in two parts-theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part I described what is Montessori, who was Maria Montessori, how does Montessori look like now, what are the main principles of this education, how important is a role of a teacher and prepared environment and the end of this chapter was about a relationship between parents and education. The practical part was based on a questionnaire survey that was send among parents who have their children in Montessori kindergarten. The results show that parents choose Montessori especially because they sympathize with Montessori philosophy and it´s principles. For parents the most important were individual approach of teachers to children, kids learning responsibility and mutual respect.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Preschool Educational Approaches: A Comparative Study

Available from: Comparative Education Society of Iran (CESIR)

Publication: Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 1898-1928

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Reggio Emilia approach (Early childhood education) - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of research was a comparative study of preschool educational approaches. In this research, the components of goals, content, teaching method, educational atmosphere and evaluation in romantic, humanistic, Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia approaches have been compared. The method of data collection and analysis were documentary and Bereday’s four-step approach respectively. In dimension of goals, all approaches emphasize the enrichment of the child's imagination through the senses. In the activities dimension, all approaches emphasize the learning process. Montessori and Reggio Emilia's approach, more than other approaches, design activities in a more problem-oriented manner. In the Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf approaches emphasized the question-and-answer method and indirect transmission of material to the child. In particular, the Reggio Emilia and Waldorf approaches have made the learning method the basis of child-teacher interaction, and teaching means the process of helping children learn research. In the dimension of educational atmosphere, human interaction with the environment - through the senses - is the basis of education in all approaches. In the evaluation dimension - with the exception of the Montessori approach which focuses on the extent to which predetermined goals are achieved-, other approaches do not emphasize learning standards and the evaluation is not done in the traditional way. Iranian curriculum planners are encouraged to use the findings of the present study to develop a suitable approach for early childhood education

Language: English

ISSN: 2588-7270


Maktabgacha Ta'lim Tashkilotlarida Mariya Montessori Didaktik Materiallarining Afzalliklari [Advantages of Maria Montessori Didactic Materials in Preschool Educational Institutions]

Available from: Pedagogs

Publication: Ustozlar uchun, vol. 42, no. 1

Pages: 136-141

Asia, Central Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, Uzbekistan

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Abstract/Notes: This article discusses the developmental importance of Montessori didactic materials in the mental, physical, intellectual development of preschool children. / Annotatsiya Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha tarbiya yoshidagi bolalarni ruhiy, jismoniy, aqliy rivojlantirishda Mariya Montessori didaktik materiallarining rivojlantiruvchi ahamiyati haqida yoritilgan. / В данной статье описывается развивающая роль дидактических материалов Марии Монтессорив умственном, физическом и интеллектуальном развитии дошкольников.

Language: Uzbek


Preschool Education: How It Affects the School Years [Interview with Clifford Graves]

Publication: Montessori Review, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 4-7

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Language: English

Bachelor's Thesis

Vanhempien kokemuksia Salon Montessoripäiväkoti Aurinkoleijonan esiopetuksesta [Parents' experiences with the preschool education of Salon Montessori daycare Aurinkoleijona]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this thesis was to find out how parents experienced Montessori preschool education at the Aurinkoleijona school in Salo. The aim was to find out parents’ motives for choosing Montessori preschool Aurinkoleijona and to find out how much parents understand the theory of Montessori education. The purpose of this thesis was also to research parents’ understanding of and experience in parental partnership. The thesis was carried out in collaboration with Montessori day-care centre Aurinkoleijona that needed updated information on the significance of alternative preschool education in Salo. The theoretical section of the thesis looks at Finland’s national preschool legislation and the basics of Montessori pedagogy and parental partnership. This thesis was conducted as qualitative research and the data was collected using interviews. The focus group was four parents whose children were in Montessori preschool education. The data was then transcribed and the contents were analyzed. The results of the research indicate that the parents chose day-care centre Aurinkoleijona because of its location and in its quality of education. The parents had a clear understanding of the fundamentals of Montessori education. The results also showed that parental partnership is being executed well at Aurinkoleijona and the parents understand the underlying principles of parental partnership. / Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää vanhempien kokemuksia Aurinkoleijonan esiopetuksesta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään vanhempien motiiveja valita montessoripäiväkoti ja heidän käsityksiään montessoripedagogiikasta. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää vanhempien käsityksiä kasvatuskumppanuudesta ja siihen liittyviä kokemuksia. Tutkimus tehtiin yhteistyössä Montessoripäiväkoti Aurinkoleijonan kanssa, jolla oli tarvetta saada päivitettyä tietoa vaihtoehtopedagogiikan merkityksestä osana Salon kaupungin esiopetusta. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään esiopetuksen valtakunnallisia perusteita ja montessoripedagogiikan sekä kasvatuskumppanuuden teoriaa pääpiirteissään. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää ja tiedonkeruutapana toimi teemahaastattelu. Neljä esiopetusikäisen lapsen vanhempaa toimi tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä. Haastatteluaineisto litteroitiin ja analyysimenetelmänä toimi teemoittelu. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että vanhemmat valitsivat Aurinkoleijonan sen sijainnin ja palveluiden laadun takia. Vanhemmilla oli myös selkeä käsitys montessoripedagogiikan periaatteista ja perusteista. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan myös todeta, että kasvatuskumppanuus toteutuu päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa ja vanhemmat ymmärtävät kasvatuskumppanuuden tärkeät periaatteet.

Language: Finnish

Published: Pori, FInland, 2015

Conference Paper

Integrating Infants into Preschool Education

Available from: Beder University College (Albania)

International Conference on Innovation in Business and Technology (ICIBT, June 10, 2022)

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Abstract/Notes: For many years in our kindergartens classical teacher-centered teaching has been applied. In this article we will try to study and shed light on: Was it the best method? Has this method helped the child's independence, self-realization or self-development? What about the psycho-emotional realms? It has been observed in many years of work in the preschool system, that classical methods have not properly helped the child's self-development and his achievements. The Montessori method has been applied around the world for years, "Help me do it myself" .... At its core lies the child's freedom in carrying out any activity from clothing - unclothing to scientific research. The teacher is the observer and the child chooses to perform a game or other activity based on his or her preferences or emotional state. It has been seen that the Montessori method has had a very positive impact on the development of the child. Individual work and interest are made possible thanks to educational tools created in a group that is heterogeneous in age and experience. Psychologically it is important that in a different age group there is no reason to compare. By applying Maria Montessori's method in life, adults need to understand what interests the baby, create the conditions for fuller development, and explain how the little one can learn more. But it remains to be seen how much can be achieved, how many teachers with years and years of experience can come out of their frameworks, and in addition, kindergarten education should not be limited to its walls, but requires continuing at home and a close parent-teacher collaboration.

Language: English

Published: Tirana, Albania: Bedër Press, 2022

Pages: 216-232

ISBN: 978-9928-4590-9-1

Conference Paper

Is There a Need for Handicraft in Preschool? Attitudes of Preschool Teachers and Parents on Including Handicraft Activities in the Regular Preschool Program

Available from: IATED Digital Library

INTED2020 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

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Abstract/Notes: Alternative educational concepts evolved in response to classical educational methods in which children are placed in a passive position and the transfer of knowledge is cultivated as a form of teaching. Models of alternative pedagogy (Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio, Agazzi) advocate developmentally appropriate practices which Bredekamp (1993) describes as a presence of different strategies, i.e., child-oriented behaviours of teachers and responding to the child's individual needs. In order to help each child to grow into a universal and competent individual from preschool age, it is necessary to encourage their imagination and creativity, as well as to acquire habits of cooperation and coexistence with other children. One of the activities which promote these desirable characteristics in children is handicraft. Many studies and findings in the area of neuroscience, multiple intelligences theories, and the aforementioned alternative pedagogical concepts emphasize the importance of handicraft and point out its benefits not only for children but for the entire community. However, such an approach to children's learning and activity is poorly represented in educational institutions. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the views of preschool teachers and parents on handicraft activities and its more frequent use in regular preschool programs. The survey was conducted by an anonymous questionnaire on a sample of 316 respondents, preschool teachers (N=141) and parents (N=175). The results of the study show that both preschool teachers and parents agree that certain elements of alternative concepts such as handicraft have a positive impact on the overall development of the child and that they are useful and practical life skills. They also agree that handicraft activities should be used in educational institutions to a greater extent. [Conference Name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference; ISBN: 9788409179398; Place: Valencia, Spain]

Language: English

Published: Valencia, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2020

Pages: 1511-1519

DOI: 10.21125/inted.2020.0499

ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Preschool STEM Education: Perspectives on the Education-Practice Gap and Professional Development

Available from: California State University - ScholarWorks

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Abstract/Notes: This research revolved around Johnson's (2013) definition of early childhood science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, emphasizing the integration of science and math instruction with scientific inquiry, engineering design, mathematical analysis, and 21st-century interdisciplinary skills. Johnson recommended using an approach called integrated STEM, which aims to create a meaningful integration of STEM disciplines in the context of real-world challenges and problems. Given the swift advancements in science and technology, early exposure to STEM concepts is crucial for children. Research has indicated introducing STEM in preschool equips children with foundational skills to explore complex concepts in elementary school. Early childhood experiences have a substantial impact on cognitive and academic development, fostering brain development and enhancing lifelong cognitive and academic outcomes. Young children naturally exhibit qualities like prediction, hypothesizing, analysis, and curiosity. They actively engage with their surroundings, constructing scientific and mathematical understanding through hands-on STEM activities, and developing competence, knowledge, and problem-solving skills. This study employed narrative inquiry and autoethnography to explore early childhood educators' needs, talents, and challenges in integrating STEM curricula. It addressed critical questions about STEM education, such as its ideal form, optimal introduction timing, and ensuring equitable access for all preschoolers. The research examined educators' STEM knowledge and identified implementation barriers that affect STEM self-efficacy. This research underscores the importance of introducing STEM education early in childhood and highlights the need for comprehensive policies and equitable funding. The study's results bridge the knowledge–doing gap and emphasized the significance of adequately preparing educators to provide STEM-related curricula.

Language: English

Published: San Francisco, California, 2023


Une éducation pour une ère nouvelle: le congrès international d’éducation de Calais (1921) [Education for a new era: the international congress of education in Calais (1921)]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Les Études Sociales, vol. 163, no. 1

Pages: 43-77

Europe, France, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Theosophical Society, Theosophy, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Renouant avec les pratiques d’échanges intellectuels d’avant 1914, des spécialistes de l’éducation d’une quinzaine de pays, appartenant à l’enseignement public comme au secteur privé, tiennent un congrès original, durant deux semaines, à Calais. Au-delà du thème qui les rassemble, « l’expression créatrice de l’enfant », éducateurs théosophes, pédologues et psychologues de l’enfant, praticiens des écoles nouvelles et représentants de l’institution scolaire débattent d’une conception de l’éducation pertinente pour l’ère nouvelle de l’humanité qu’ils appellent de leurs vœux. Conscients d’ouvrir un chantier immense, les personnalités majeures du rassemblement calaisien (B. Ensor, O. Decroly, A. Ferrière) mettent à profit le congrès pour fonder une organisation durable qui poursuivra la réflexion : la Ligue internationale pour l’éducation nouvelle. [Reviving the practices of intellectual exchange that began before 1914, education specialists from some fifteen countries, belonging to public and private school organizations, gathered for an original congress held over two weeks in Calais. Beyond the matter that brought them together, dedicated to “the creative expression of children,” educators, theosophists, pedologists and child psychologists, practitioners of New Education and school officials, discussed what could be the significant educational concepts for the new age of humanity they expected. Conscious of launching a huge project, the prominent personalities of the Calais gathering (Béatrice Ensor, Ovide Decroly, and Adolphe Ferrière) built on that project to create a sustainable organization that could carry on discussions: The New Education Fellowship.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/etsoc.163.0043

ISSN: 0014-2204


✓ Peer Reviewed

A New Education for a New Era: The Contribution of the Conferences of the New Education Fellowship to the Disciplinary Field of Education 1921–1938

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, vol. 40, no. 5-6

Pages: 733-755

New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Abstract/Notes: This article examines the role played by the conferences of the New Education Fellowship (NEF) in the emerging disciplinary field of the sciences of education between the two world wars. As Fuchs points out in an article in the present issue, the field of education at this time was being internationalized, and, being an international movement, the field impacted on by the NEF was international in scope.1 As will be seen, the ideas and practices of the new education were mediated by national cultural differences and thus their impact on the disciplinary field varied from nation to nation.2 In addition, the development of the field in terms of journals, conferences and its institutionalization within nations was uneven, which presents further difficulties when trying to evaluate the impact of the NEF's conferences. Much of the following discussion focuses on their impact on the disciplinary field in England though, as will be seen, not exclusively so. One of the distinguishing features of the NEF other than its international scope was that it was a movement that connected lay enthusiasts for the educational reforms associated with the new education with major figures in the developing disciplines of psychology and education, such as Carl Gustav Jung, Jean Piaget and John Dewey. The relation between these lay and professional constituencies is examined and conclusions drawn regarding the professionalizing process in the field and the impact of the conferences on educational research and its institutionalization.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/0030923042000293742

ISSN: 0030-9230, 1477-674X

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