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763 results


A Career in Montessori Education

Publication: NAMTA Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 2

Pages: 8-14

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English


Montessori-Pädagogik in Polen [Montessori education in Poland]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 34, no. 2

Pages: 65

Eastern Europe, Europe, Harald Ludwig - Writings, Montessori method of education, Poland

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


✓ Peer Reviewed

Specyfika i kierunki modernizacji w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w Łodzi w latach 1924-1939 / Nature and Directions of Modernisation in Preschool Education in Łódź in 1924-1939

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1 (no. 68)

Pages: 125-144

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education, Poland, Preschool education

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Abstract/Notes: Celem badań w niniejszym szkicu była próba odtworzenia specyfiki i kierunków przeobrażeń, jakie w dziedzinie wychowania przedszkolnego w Łodzi nastąpiły w latach 1924-1939. Artykuł jest kontynuacją badań o tej problematyce (dla okresu 1918-1923); wyniki zaprezentowano wcześniej na łamach pisma Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce. Nowy problem badawczy stanowiła kwestia powołania z inicjatywy samorządu miasta Łodzi, pierwszej i kolejnych placówek przedszkolnych. Starano się prześledzić, w jaki sposób organizowano zaplecze materialne tych placówek, jak prowadzono pracę opiekuńczo-wychowawczą i dydaktyczną, czy uwzględniano nowe trendy pedagogiczne, z jakimi trudnościami się konfrontowano. W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi sięgnięto do materiału źródłowego czasopiśmienniczego. Poddano kwerendzie dwa periodyki: pismo ogólnopolskie Przedszkole i o zasięgu lokalnym Dziennik Zarządu Miasta Łodzi. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że nowy kierunek w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w Łodzi został wytyczony od połowy lat 20. XX w. dzięki powoływaniu publicznych placówek dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz zatrudnieniu na stanowisku miejskiej inspektorki wychowania przedszkolnego Janiny Pawłowskiej. Wniosek z badań: znaczące zmiany, jakie w latach 1924-1939 dokonały się w łódzkich przedszkolach odnotowano w sferze wychowawczo-dydaktycznej, zwłaszcza w pracy z dzieckiem i jego rodziną. W myśl nowatorskich rozwiązań pedagogicznych starano się modernizować istniejące przedszkola i zakładać nowe, wyposażać w nowoczesne pomoce dydaktyczne, podnosić jakość pracy wychowawczej oraz wprowadzać do przedszkolnej przestrzeni nowe formy współpracy z rodzicami. / The purpose of this study was the attempt to recreate the nature and directions of transformations which took place in preschool education in Łódź in 1924-1939. This article is a continuation of the research (related to the period of 1918-1923) the results of which have already been published in Elementary Education in Theory and Practice [Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce]. The new research problem was the establishment of the first and other preschools by the local government of the city of Łódź. The attempt was made to study the manner in which the financial basis of these preschools was organized, the way the educational and care work was performed, whether new pedagogical tendencies were followed, and what difficulties had to be overcome. To find the responses to those questions, the author of this article examined source materials in journals. Two journals were surveyed: the nation-wide Przedszkole [Preschool], and the local Dziennik Zarządu Miasta Łodzi [Journal of the Management of the City of Łódź]. It was found that, since the mid-1920s, a new direction was defined in preschool education in Łódź due to the opening of public preschools for children and to the employment of Janina Pawłowska as a municipal preschool education inspector. It was concluded that major changes which occurred in Łódź preschools in 1924-1939 concerned the area of education and didactics, in particular in work with children and their family. Following the innovative pedagogical solutions, the authorities tried to modernize the existing preschools and open new ones, equip them with modern teaching aids, improve the quality of educational work, and introduce new forms of cooperation with parents to preschools.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2023.1868.09

ISSN: 2353-7787


Montessori Test Winter Killed: Procrastination Not Only Takes Time, but Gobbles up $1,000 Board of Education Blamed for Failure Miss Naumberg Quits After Giving Money and Teaching Where Chance Willed

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: New York Tribune (New York, New York)

Pages: 6

Americas, Margaret Naumburg - Biographic sources, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Claiming that the dilatory tactics, procrastination and general inefficiency of the Board of Education wets the causes for the failure of a rather expensive experiment in the Montessori system made in Public School 4 during...

Language: English


Religious Education: Summary

Publication: The Tablet, vol. 174

Pages: 251

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Language: English

ISSN: 0039-8837

Doctoral Dissertation

Education as a Tool for Social Change: Case Study of an Arizona Inner-City Charter School

Available from: University of San Francisco

Social transformation

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Abstract/Notes: It is a very difficult task to provide adequate education in the United States for children living in an inner-city environment, with problems of poverty, minority status, drugs, crime, gangs, suicide, despair, and many single-parent households. This is a Case Study of how one Arizona inner-city poverty community has risen to answer these educational demands for its children through a Montessori theory-based Charter Pre-12 school. The 650 student population served in this school is approximately 80% Hispanic American, 12% African American, and 8% Native, Asian and European American. Data were gathered from extensive interviews, observations, and document analysis. They were analyzed and evaluated in three ways: first, according to a literature review of the educational theories of Maria Montessori, then according to those of Paulo Freire, and lastly, according to a review of Charter school books, articles, and government documents available up to January of 2000. The results were an in-depth description of first, the history of this community's needs, its struggle to establish and fund the school, then the resulting educational program which it developed and implemented, and lastly, the community's positive evaluation of it's efforts. The curriculum described had extensive use of ESL and cultural appreciation programs, hands-on student initiated and student-implemented programs, integrated curriculum and critical thinking programs, job-skills related programs, self-esteem and character development programs, and Sustainable Systems Ecology Education demonstration programs. All these findings were presented in a manner which could be useful to other Administrators, who might desire to use this school's example to begin or to improve their own programs for a similarly disadvantaged inner-city population. Conclusions were that after five years of operation, this community empowerment school has indeed found methods, curriculum and programs that have successfully helped to meet the emotional, cultural, moral, and educational needs of the children in this particular poverty community. Conclusions were also that this community's experiences are valuable and appropriate for examination by other prospective Charter school Administrators from similar communities.

Language: English

Published: San Francisco, California, 2000


幼児教育の追求とモンテッソーリ教育 [The Pursuit of Early Childhood Education and Montessori Education]

Available from: Hanazono University - Institutional Repository

Publication: Hanazono daigaku shakai fukushi gakubu kenkyu kiyo / 社会福祉学部研究紀要 / Annual Report of the Social Welfare Department at Hanazono University, no. 22

Pages: 49-57

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Japan, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: 今、モンテッソーリ教育が再び注目されている。幼児教育への関心の高まりと先進国各国で行きづまった教育の方向模索の中で、再評価され始めているのである。モンテッソーリ教育そのものというよりも、今日の教育観、人間観、子ども観に「人格形成」の確立を迫るものとしてのモンテッソーリの貢献が、取り上げられている。本稿では、近代以降の教育思想の歩みの中で、モンテッソーリによってなされた子ども観の転換と幼児教育の転換の特質を考察し、モンテッソーリの唱えた子どもの創造的使命擁護の方法が、今日こそ必要性を増していることを考察した。 [Recently the method of Montessori is recognized again. It is being revalued because the childhood education is getting much interest and it is at a standstill in advanced countries. The contribution of Montessori is in the limelight, not as one teaching method, but as a clue to establishment of "character building" in perspectives on education, human, and children. The study considers the characteristics of perspective on children and the childhood education, which have been converted and effected by Montessori from modern times onwards. The study also suggests that the need to support the creativities of children, proposed by Montessori, is increasing today.]

Language: Japanese


The Education of the Will

Claude Albert Claremont - Writings

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Language: English

Published: London, England: [s.n.], n.d.


Montessori Education: A New Era?

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 24, no. 4

Pages: 4-5

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Education-Town Exhibition: New City Experiment

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Times of India (Mumbai, India)

Pages: 9

Nutan Bal-Shikshan Sangh (NBSS), Saraladevi Sarabhai - Biographic sources

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Language: English

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