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984 results


Starting a Montessori School in the 60's [Greater New Orleans Montessori Society]

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 13, no. 1

Pages: 9

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


A Hurricane of Compassion: Houston Montessori Center Leads the National Montessori Effort to Help Victims of Hurricane, and More

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 25

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


La Lezione Di Maria Montessori [The Lesson of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Pedagogia e Vita: Bimestrale di Problemi Pedagogici Educativi e Scolastici [Pedagogy and Life: Bimonthly of Educational and Scholastic Pedagogical Problems], no. 4

Pages: 321-326

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0031-3777


Moving On with Montessori: The Decision to Keep a Child in Montessori Through the Upper Elementary Years

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 14, no. 5

Pages: 41–42

Upper elementary

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Abstract/Notes: Staying in upper elementary for 6th grade

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Montessori et Fröbel: l’Affirmation d’un Projet Pédagogique Propre à Travers les Multiples Éditions d’Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica [Montessori and Fröbel: the Affirmation of a Proper Pedagogical Project Through the Multiple Editions of Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Les Études Sociales, vol. 175, no. 1

Pages: 11-25

Friedrich Fröbel - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: L’œuvre majeure de Maria Montessori, connue en français sous le titre de Pédagogie scientifique, avec quelquefois, en sous-titre, La découverte de l’enfant, a fait l’objet il y a peu d’une édition critique, permettant de retracer des évolutions à travers les nombreux ajouts, retraits et reprises du texte. Après deux publications précoces, en 1909 et 1913, le texte connaît quelques modifications dans les dernières éditions du vivant de l’autrice, en 1926, 1935 et 1950. La troisième édition, cherchant à imposer le modèle des maisons d’enfants en Italie, enlève des références jugées trop naturalistes pour épouser des accents plus spiritualistes, sans que le fonds ne soit modifié (cf. Trabalzini, 2003, p. 11) : il s’agit de ne pas être pierre de scandale en se réclamant de scientifiques de la nature qui pourraient heurter l’opinion publique ou les instances politiques. Plus au loin, des renvois seront faits, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, aux autres ouvrages déjà publiés, et certains thèmes seront élaborés plus avant. Concernant Fröbel, comme deux autres grandes figures classiques de la pédagogie, Rousseau et Pestalozzi, les références directes demeurent maigres, et ne montrent qu’une relation distante, appuyant parfois uniquement sur l’aspect « libertaire, spontanéiste et permissif » (cf. Scocchera, 2000, p. XXXIV) de la pédagogie de la maison des enfants. D’autres noms, comme ceux de Pereira, d’Itard ou de Séguin, jouissent à première vue d’un autre prestige. [The major work of Maria Montessori, known in French under the title of Scientific Pedagogy, with sometimes, in subtitle, The discovery of the child, was recently the subject of a critical edition, allowing to retrace the evolutions through the numerous additions, withdrawals and repetitions of the text. After two early publications, in 1909 and 1913, the text underwent some modifications in the last editions during the author's lifetime, in 1926, 1935 and 1950. The third edition, seeking to impose the model of children's homes in Italy, removes references deemed too naturalistic to take on more spiritualistic accents, without the fund being modified (cf. Trabalzini, 2003, p. 11): it is a question of not being a rock of scandal by claiming to be scientists of the nature that could offend public opinion or political authorities. Further on, references will be made, after the Second World War, to other works already published, and certain themes will be elaborated further. Concerning Fröbel, like two other great classical figures of pedagogy, Rousseau and Pestalozzi, the direct references remain thin, and only show a distant relationship, sometimes relying solely on the "libertarian, spontaneist and permissive" aspect (cf. Scocchera , 2000, p. XXXIV) of the pedagogy of the children's home. Other names, such as those of Pereira, Itard or Séguin, enjoy at first sight a different prestige.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/etsoc.175.0011

ISSN: 0014-2204


Metode Montessori: Implikasi Student-Centred Learning terhadap Pekembangan Anak di PAUD [The Montessori Method: Implications of Student-Centred Learning on Child Development in PAUD]

Available from: Jurnal Obsesi

Publication: Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Journal of Obsession: Journal of Early Childhood Education], vol. 7, no. 3

Pages: 2961-2976

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Dominasi guru dalam proses belajar masih banyak terlihat, salah satu buktinya saat terjadi pandemik Covid-19, siswa dan orang tua menjadi kebingungan ketika harus belajar dari rumah tanpa kehadiran guru secara langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi student-centred learning terhadap perkembangan anak di PAUD Montessori Futura Indonesia, Lombok Barat. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 10 siswa yang berusia antara 4-6 tahun. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa cara yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam pelaksanaan student-centred learning, yaitu: penggabungan usia, penyesuaian fasilitas dengan kebutuhan dan ukuran tubuh anak, menanamkan kemandirian dan mengurangi keterlibatan guru, menyediakan fasilitas bermain yang lengkap dan beragam, dan berkolaborasi dengan orang tua. Sedangkan implikasi student-centred learning terhadap perkembangan anak dapat terlihat dari beberapa pencapaian anak pada 6 aspek perkembangan yaitu aspek perkembangan nilai agama dan moral, fisik-motorik, kognitif, sosial-emosional, dan seni. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mengeksplorasi lingkungan belajar dengan mempersiapkan kegiatan bermain sesuai kebutuhan anak.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v7i3.3323

ISSN: 2549-8959


Montessori Lectures: The First of a Course of Lectures on the Montessori Method...

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 176

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


Dr. Maria Montessori en de Nederlandse Montessori-Vereeniging

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Socialistische gids, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 34-41

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Language: Dutch

Book Section

L'educazione religiosa in Maria Montessori [Religious education by Maria Montessori]

Book Title: L'educazione alla socialità nella pedagogia contemporanea [Education to sociality in contemporary pedagogy]

Pages: 171-183

Conferences, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., National Study Conference (4th, Venice, Italy, 12-14 October 1956), Religious education

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Abstract/Notes: Speech delivered by author on October 13, 1956 at the 4th National Study Conference (Venice, Italy).

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1957


De Biologie in de 'Amsterdamse Montessori School en het Montessori Lyceum'

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 20, no. 2

Pages: 12-13

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Language: Dutch

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