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1281 results

Book Section

Bis hierhin und nicht weiter! - Aggression und Freiheit im (Montessori-) Kindergarten und der Grundschule [Until here and not further! - Aggression and freedom in (Montessori) kindergarten and elementary school]

Book Title: Das Lernen in die eigene Hand nehmen: Mut zur Freiheit in der Montessori-Pädagogik [Taking learning into your own hands: Courage for freedom in Montessori pedagogy]

Pages: 126-133

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: LIT, 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8258-0850-1

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 19


Montessori-Pädagogik im Kindergarten: Profile für Kitas und Kindergärten

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2004

Edition: 2nd ed.

ISBN: 3-451-27840-5 978-3-451-27840-2


Der Wiener Kindergarten von heute [The Viennese kindergarten of today]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 67

Pages: 133-134

Austria, Europe, Western Europe

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Language: German


Barnehagemetodikk: plan og arbeid i barnehagen [Kindergarten methods: programs and work in kindergarten / Metodica per la scuola materna: programmi e lavoro alla scuola materna]

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Language: Norwegian

Published: Oslo, Norway: Samlaget, 1993

Edition: 3rd ed.

ISBN: 82-521-4039-4

Master's Thesis

O projecto do espaço educativo. O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger [The Design of the Educational Space: The Kindergarten in the Genesis of Herman Hertzberger's Contemporary School]

Available from: Universidade do Porto - Repositório Aberto

Architecture, Europe, Herman Hertzberger - Biographic sources, Herman Hertzberger - Works, Holland, Montessori schools, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: A presente Dissertação de Mestrado, O projeto do espaço educativo - O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger, propõe uma análise e uma reflexão dos espaços escolares projetados pelo oarquiteto holandês Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), entre 1960 e 2007. No conjunto de obras analisadas, foram destacados alguns temas projetuais caraterísticos dos espaços escolares. Estes temas encontram a própriaorigem no modelo educativo desenvolvido pela médica italiana Maria Montessori (1879-1952) no início do século XX. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os seguintes temas: 1) A polivalência da sala de aula, sendo um dos temas baseado no modelo montessoriano e de relevância nas obras do arquiteto; 2) A função distributiva e social do espaço central, assemelhando-se à piazza de Malaguzzi (1920-1994), com influências de Froebel (1782-1852); 3) A ideia de "learning street" do corredor, assumindo-se como um espaço flexível. O estudo destes temas, entre outros, tornou-se essencial para a compre ensãodas escolas de Herman Hertzberger e, consequentemente, da sua obra em geral. [This Master Thesis proposes an analysis and a reflection of school spaces designed by Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), between 1960 and 2007. The set of works analyzed were assigned some design themes with typical interest in school spaces. These themes have origin in the educational model developed by Italian doctor Maria Montessori (1879-1952) at the beginning of the 20th century. In this context, stands out the following themes: 1) The versatility of the classroom, one of the themes based on the educational model proposed by Maria Montessori and one of the most relevant themes in the architect's work; 2) The distributive and social functions of the central space, similar to the piazza of Malaguzzi (1920-1994), with influences from Froebel (1782-1852); 3) The idea of "learning street" of the corridor, becoming a flexible space. The study of these subjects, among others, was essential to understand Herman Hertzbergers' schools and, consequently, his work in general.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Porto, Portugal, Nov 15, 2016


Selbsttätigkeit im Kindergarten [Self-reliance in Kindergarten]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 61

Pages: 127-129

Autonomy in children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Kindergarten (Froebel system of education), Spontaneity (Personality trait)

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Language: German

Doctoral Dissertation

How Social Emotional Development Skills Gained in High Quality Public School Prekindergarten Impact Kindergarten Academic Readiness

Available from: East Tennessee State University

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Abstract/Notes: Longitudinal research has demonstrated that children’s emotional and social skills are linked to their early academic achievement (Wentzel & Asher, 1995). Children who have difficulty paying attention, following directions, getting along with others, and controlling negative emotions like anger and distress do not do as well in school (Arnokl et al., 1999; McClelland et al., 2000). Academic achievement in the early years of schooling appears to be built on a firm foundation of children’s social emotional skills (Ladd, Kochenderfer, & Coleman, 1997; O’Neil et al., 1997). Higher quality prekindergarten programs are associated with the early years of schooling and more positive academic outcomes in children (Burchinal et al., 2000). Investments in early childhood programs by state and federal governments have been made with a goal of improving school readiness for low income children. These investments are based on findings that show a link between program quality and children’s academic outcomes. Studies of model programs show that intensive early childhood services can improve children’s cognitive, 2 academic, and social skills with gains maintained into adulthood (Burchinal, Kainz, & Cai, in press). The purpose of this study was to create knowledge that indicates the influence of the social emotional skills children gain by completing prekindergarten. Schools in Sevier County, Tennessee that have prekindergarten classrooms in place were chosen for this study because kindergarten is the next experience children will have after pre-k. Kindergarten teachers in the schools chosen were purposefully selected as participants. Kindergarten teachers have the opportunity to make comparisons of differences in academic readiness of students who have completed prekindergarten and the students who have not been in a school environment. Kindergarten teachers may be able to conclude from classroom observation of the 2 groups if there is a difference in academic readiness. Home environments with strong parental involvement were most kindergarten teachers’ first choice for early learning and kindergarten preparation. Teachers realization that a strong home environment is not available to all children encouraged them to appreciate having a high quality public school prekindergarten as an alternative. Kindergarten teachers overall perceptions about the readiness of children who enter their classroom after completing prekindergarten were positive.

Language: English

Published: Johnson City, Tennessee, 2013


Über die Verwendung Einiger Lehrmittel M. Montessoris im Kindergarten einer Frauenschule [About the Use of Some of M. Montessori's Teaching Aids in the Kindergarten of a Women's School]

Publication: Kindergarten, vol. 62

Pages: 222-225

Montessori materials

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Language: German


Montessori-Pädagogik im Kindergarten: Profile für Kitas und Kindergärten

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2012

Edition: 2nd revised and expanded ed.

ISBN: 3-451-32097-5 978-3-451-32097-2


Montessori-Pädagogik im Kindergarten: Profile für Kitas und Kindergärten

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2006

Edition: 3rd ed.

ISBN: 3-451-27840-5 978-3-451-27840-2

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