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545 results


Appel aux Réformateurs de notre Education Nationale [Appeal to the Reformers of our National Education]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: La Nouvelle Éducation, no. 133

Pages: 39-43

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Language: French

ISSN: 2492-3524

Book Section

The New Education Fellowship: An International Forum for Progressive Education

Book Title: Progressive Education Across the Continents: A Handbook

Pages: 179-191

Educational change, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Progressive education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

Published: Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 1995

ISBN: 978-3-631-48917-8 978-0-8204-2914-4 3-631-48917-X 0-8204-2914-7

Series: Heidelberger Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) , 44


Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood Education: Process-Oriented Procedures for Documenting Education and Development

Available from: SpringerLink

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Abstract/Notes: Today, the documentation of children's education and development is an important part of educational work in early childhood education. This book systematises the topic of pedagogical documentation based on current empirical research. The book analyses different pedagogical reasons for documentation and then presents and discusses different procedures of pedagogical documentation in theory and empirical practice : Portfolio, Learning Stories, pedagogical documentation in the room, project documentation and digital pedagogical documentation. Pedagogical documentation is discussed in the tension between a social constructivist understanding of education on the one hand and a diagnostic logic of fostering on the other. The book is intended as a part of pedagogically oriented childhood research, which also wants to contribute to the reflection and improvement of pedagogical practice.

Language: English

Published: Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Nature, 2022

ISBN: 978-3-658-39736-4 978-3-658-39735-7


My System of Education [Address Before the National Education Association at Oakland, Cal.]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Educator-Journal, vol. 16, no. 2

Pages: 63-71

Americas, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, National Education Association (NEA), North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

A Study Comparing the Effect of Multiage Education Practices versus Traditional Education Practices on Academic Achievement

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This study compared the effects of multi-age classroom strategies to those of traditional classroom strategies on the academic achievement of fourth grade students in reading and math. Standardized test scores from 20 fourth-grade students in two multi-age third- and fourth-grade classrooms were compared to the scores of 20 students from 7 traditional fourth-grade classrooms. The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), ninth edition was used as the test instrument. Scores from the students' third grade test in the 1996-97 school year were compared to their scores from the fourth grade test in reading and math by applying T-tests to the data. Analysis of the data revealed no difference in reading or math achievement between students taught in a multi-age classroom and those from a traditional classroom.

Language: English

Published: Salem, West Virginia, 1998

Book Section

Die Internatlität der Reformpädagogik und die Ansätze zu einer Welterziehungsbewegung [Internationalism in Progressive Education and Initial Steps Towards a World Education Movement]

Book Title: Die Reformpädagogik auf den Kontinenten: ein Handbuch [Progressive Education Across the Continents: A Handbook]

Pages: 11-25

Educational change, New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Frankfurt am Main, Germany: P. Lang, 1994

ISBN: 978-3-631-47463-1

Series: Heidelberger Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) , 43


Alternatives in Education: An Exploration of Learner-Centered, Progressive, and Holistic Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: Based on a database of over 500 resources, this paper explores the educational alternatives that exist today between the cracks of mainstream education and culture. It presents information about the growing numbers of schools and education centers that call themselves learner-centered, progressive, and/or holistic. Sources of data for this summary report also include over 3 years of informal interviews with and observations of people at alternative schools. The paper begins by examining terminology issues, discussing qualities for distinguishing educational alternatives, and describing eight types of schools (democratic and free schools, folk education, Quaker schools, homeschooling/unschooling/deschooling, Krishnamurti schools, Montessori schools, open schools, and Waldorf schools). It also presents frameworks for education (maps for understanding the territories of alternatives), and it discusses the three orientations of a competency based education: transaction (progressive), self-directed (learner-centered), and transformation (holistic). After looking at political issues around school choice which could impact the growth of the various philosophical alternatives, the paper concludes that in a society where issues of pluralism and diversity are valued as part of creating a more sustainable world and just democracy, the diversity of philosophical perspectives in education needs to be acknowledged. (Contains 41 references.) (SM)

Language: English

Published: New Orleans, Louisiana, 2002

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

“All Education but No Schooling”: Education Reform in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: When critics consider utopian literature, they often claim that the utopian imagination is limited in its ability to provide practical instruction for societal reform. In Archaeologies of the Future, Fredric Jameson extends this critique by arguing that the utopian imagination only exists “to demonstrate and to dramatize our incapacity to imagine the future” (288-289). By returning to an early twentieth century utopian novel, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland (1915), we can put pressure on Jameson’s ideas about the ultimate function of the utopian imagination. By analyzing the education system in Herland, we are able to see how Gilman integrated the contemporary educational philosophy of John Dewey and methods of Maria Montessori to provide an intellectual and institutional foundation for her utopian education system. Therefore, Gilman provides a set of ‘instructions’ to suggest how we might reform current methods of education to fit within her utopian vision. Gilman’s Herland allows us to see how a highly imaginative utopian text can promote social change to build a ‘better’ future.

Language: English

Published: Carbondale, Illinois, 2016


Review: Hundred Years of Montessori Education: A Chronicle of Montessori Education in Switzerland

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2008, no. 1

Pages: 85-87

Book reviews, Europe, Harald Ludwig - Writings, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


✓ Peer Reviewed

Görsel Sanatlar Eğitiminde Montessori Eğitimi Yönteminin Öğrenci Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi / The Effect of the Montessori Education Method on Student Knowledge in Visual Arts Education

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Eğitim ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETAD) / Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES), vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 561-569

Art education, Asia, Creative ability in children, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In the traditional school system, many values are set in line with the wishes of adults. This situation appears as a blind conflict between the weak and the strong in education. This environment, which causes the creation of only weak and strong people by keeping the individual in the background, comes to light with the sense of loss and self-worthlessness, and the characteristics of membership left alone or without faith. Individuals with this point of view have developed neither personal courage nor ability to criticize and judge. If we love the child so that he/she can build with his/her own unique values and natural laws, it is possible for us to develop all his abilities. At this point, Montessori Education Method emerges as one of the most valuable methods for us to achieve this development. The Montessori Method is based on the developmental needs of the child and is implemented in a carefully prepared appropriate environment. In this process, when the superiority of the method is realized, the child develops both his/her intelligence and his/her physical and mental abilities with experiences.This study aspires to determine how the primary school second grade visual arts education class topics affect students' knowledge levels by applying the method of Montessori Education. The aim of the study is to cover the effect of teaching art history education with the Montessori Education Method on student knowledge level. / Geleneksel okul sisteminde, yetişkinlerin istekleri doğrultusunda birçok değer konulmaktadır. Bu durum eğitimde sadece zayıf ve güçlünün arasında kör bir çatışma olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bireyi arka planda tutarak sadece zayıf ve güçlü insanların yaratılmasına sebebiyet veren bu ortam, kendiliğinden gelişen kayıp ve kendi kendine olan değersizlik duygusu ile beraber yalnız başına bırakılmış ya da inançsız üyelik özellikleriyle açığa çıkmaktadır. Bu bakış açısına sahip bireylerin, ne kişisel cesaretleri ne de eleştirme ve muhakeme yetisi gelişmemiştir. Eğer çocuğu kendine özel değerleriyle ve doğal yasalarıyla inşa edebilmesi için seversek bütün yeteneklerini geliştirmemiz mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu noktada Montessori eğitimi bu gelişimi sağlayabilmemiz için en değerli yöntemlerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Montessori yöntemi çocuğun gelişimsel ihtiyaçları üzerine kurulur ve dikkatlice hazırlanan uygun bir çevrede bu durum kolaylaştırılarak uygulanır. Yöntemin üstünlüğünün farkedildiği bu süreçte çocuk, deneyimlerle hem zekasını hem de fiziksel ve ruhsal yeteneklerini geliştirmektedir. Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim 2. sınıf görsel sanatlar eğitimi ders konularının, Montessori eğitimi yöntemi uygulanarak öğrenci bilgi düzeylerine etkisinin nasıl olduğu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, sanat tarihi eğitiminin montessori eğitimi yöntemiyle öğretilmesinin öğrenci bilgi düzeyine etkisini kapsamaktadır.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2458-9624

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