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663 results


Montessori undervisning ude og hjemme [Montessori teaching outdoors and at home]

Publication: Tidens kvinder, vol. 1, no. 14

Pages: 6-7

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Language: Danish

ISSN: 0040-6775


Elementi Montessori Pedagogije u Nastavi [Elements of Montessori Pedagogy in Teaching]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Varaždinski učitelj: digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 4, no. 5

Pages: 305-312

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori bila je liječnica, učiteljica i filozofica, a najpoznatija je po svojoj Montessori metodi podučavanja djece od rođenja do adolescencije. Njena metoda se i danas primjenjuje u školama širom svijeta, a nastala je promatranjem djece tijekom igre. Promatrala je spontanost u dječjim postupcima i otkrila potrebu djece za ponavljanjem, jer ponavljanje postupaka djeci pruža osjećaj sigurnosti. Unosila je red i mir u učionicu jer je dijete moralo smjestiti stvari koje je koristilo na svoje mjesto. Radi u tišini, govori tiho ili šapatom. Osnova njezine metode i učenja su senzorna pomagala. Dijete treba steći sve sadržaje i iskustva svim osjetilima - dodirom, vidom, sluhom, mirisom i okusom. Djeca svoje znanje grade na greškama i eksperimentima. Materijal koji djeca koriste izrađen je na način da djetetu ne treba prisustvo ili intervencija učitelja radi kontrole. Budući da mi je Marie Montessori pedagogija vrlo bliska, jednom tjedno, petkom, poučavala sam u 1. razredu po načelima Montessori pedagogije. S ciljem utvrđivanja i produbljivanja sadržaja stečenih prilikom usvajanja novog gradiva iz svih predmeta. Sadržaji su bili međusobno isprepleteni i povezani. [Maria Montessori was a physician, teacher and philosopher, and is best known for her Montessori method of teaching children from birth to adolescence. Her method is still used today in schools around the world, and was created by observing children during play. She observed spontaneity in children's actions and discovered the need for children to repeat, because repeating actions gives children a sense of security. She brought order and peace to the classroom because the child had to put the things she used in their place. He works in silence, speaks softly or in whispers. The basis of her method and teaching are sensory aids. The child should acquire all the contents and experiences of all the senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Children build their knowledge on mistakes and experiments. The material used by the children is made in such a way that the child does not need the presence or intervention of a teacher for control. Since Marie Montessori pedagogy is very close to me, once a week, on Fridays, I taught in the 1st grade according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. With the aim of determining and deepening the content acquired during the adoption of new material from all subjects. The contents were intertwined and interconnected.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 2623-7237


Rational Thinking on Using Montessori Teaching Method to Teach Mental Retarded Students Mathematics

Publication: Xiandai teshu jiaoyu / 现代特殊教育 [A Journal of Modern Special Education], vol. 2016, no. 19

Pages: 63-66

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Abstract/Notes: 由于教学对象的特殊性,培智数学教学存在难以找到合适的教材、难以统一进度、教学时间被割裂等难题.而蒙台梭利教学法有丰富的教具,教具蕴含丰富的学科知识,教具的可操作性强和学生控制教学进度等特点解决了培智数学教学中的难题,值得在培智数学教学中应用.但在实际的教学过程中也需要对蒙氏教学法进行一定的调整,以便发挥更好的效果.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1004-8014


Meng shi jiao ju dai yong pin de yan jiu [The Research on the Supplements of Montessori Teaching Materials]

Publication: Magazine of Alumni Association of Jiangsu Nr. 1 Female Normal School, vol. 3

Pages: 11-13

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education

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Language: Chinese


Chenheqin yu mengte suo li jiaoxue fa bijiao / 陈鹤琴与蒙特梭利教学法比较 [Comparison of Teaching Approaches of Chen Heqin and Maria Montessori]

Publication: Hunan di yi shi fan xue bao / 湖南第一師範學報 [Journal of Hunan First Normal College], vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 46-47, 54

Heqin Chen - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: 陈鹤琴和蒙特梭利分别是20世纪东、西方幼儿教育理论和实践研究的集大成者,他们的教学法各有特色,对当时的教育改革带来了强大的冲击.两种教学法都主张反对传统教育,实践和实验研究是他们教学法理论的主要来源.但在理论立足点及实施方式上又有不同的特色.

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 1671-4369


Ba di si fur en meng tai suo li jiao yu fa yan shuo ci [The Speech of Ms. Basty on the Montessori Teaching Method]

Publication: Educational Magazine, vol. 8, no. 7

Pages: 57-64

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education

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Language: Chinese


Jiang su sheng jiao yu hui meng tie suo li jiao ju yan jiu hui [Conference Record of the Montessori Teaching Materials Research Association of Jiangsu Education Association]

Publication: Chong Hua Educational Review, vol. 4, no. 5

Pages: 7-9

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education

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Language: Chinese


Meng tie suo li nv shi jiao yu fa [The Teaching Method of Ms. Montessori]

Publication: Chong Hua Educational Review, vol. 8

Pages: 33-36

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education

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Language: Chinese

Undergraduate Thesis

Musikundervisning utifrån Montessori- och Waldorfpedagogikens perspektiv: En hermeneutisk undersökning / Music teaching seen from the perspectives of Montessori and Waldorf pedagogies: A hermeneutical inquiry

Available from: DiVA Portal

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Abstract/Notes: Undersökningen fokuserar på musikundervisning inom Montessori- och Waldorf pedagogiska ramar. Undersökningen syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur musikens roll i utbildning uppfattas inom dessa ramar och hur dessa uppfattningar förverkligas i musikundervisningen ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv grundat i Gadamer, Heidegger och Gallagher. För att nå kunskap har det genomförts två kvalitativa intervjuer; en med en specialist i Montessoripedagogik och en med en specialist i Waldorfpedagogik. Båda intervjupersonerna, Signert (Montessori) och Seiger (Waldorf), har arbetat länge inom olika kontexter och roller som exempelvis lärare, lärarutbildare och föreläsare. Undersökningsresultatet visar att musiken förstås som ett viktigt ämne som borde värderas lika högt som andra inom utbildning. Den hermeneutiska analysen av intervjuerna belyser hur särskilda pedagogiska tankar förverkligas i undervisning genom exempelvis val av innehåll, användning av utrustning som till exempel musikinstrument och skapande av relationer. Denna kunskap om delar och särskilda aspekter av dessa pedagogiska inriktningar, som exempelvis de verktyg som används eller specifika arbetssätt, kan bidra till bättre förståelse för musikens roll inom pedagogikens helhet.

Language: Swedish

Published: Växjö, Sweden, 2022

Doctoral Dissertation

Situated Teaching: Personal, Cultural, and Contextual Early Childhood Schooling

Available from: University of Illinois - IDEALS

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Abstract/Notes: These findings suggest the following implications for teachers, administrators, teacher educators, and reformers. With growing interest in teacher collaboration within already over-burdened systems, understanding school identity is becoming more important to educators. Understanding schools as places where teachers learn to teach can prevent indoctrination. Greater awareness of situated notions about what constitutes good teaching makes implicit values more visible so that they may be examined and reformed. I argue that a search for essential characteristics of good teaching over-simplifies the complexity of teaching. Broadening notions of teaching to include work outside the classroom such as talk about teaching, peer observation, and joint problem setting and solving would enlighten teacher self-evaluation.

Language: English

Published: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 2006

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