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984 results


Montessori Madness: A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education

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Language: English

Published: Georgetown, Texas: Sevenoff, 2009

ISBN: 978-0-9822833-0-1

Master's Thesis

El mètode Montessori a Catalunya a través de revistes i publicacions periòdiques (1911-2014) [The Montessori method in Catalonia through journals and periodicals (1911-2014)]

Available from: Universitat de Vic - Institutional Repository

Europe, Southern Europe, Spain

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952), doctora i pedagoga, va dedicar la vida a l’estudi de l’infant. A partir de les seves observacions va elaborar un mètode pedagògic en el qual el centre era el nen i propiciava la resolució de les seves necessitats. El seu mètode va estendre’s per tot el món, arribant a Catalunya l’any 1911 a través d’un article a la revista Feminal. L’any 1914 es va dur a terme per primera vegada a la Casa de Maternitat de Barcelona una experiència d’aplicació del mètode Montessori. Des d’aquell moment l’ interès pel mètode va anar en creixement, sent molts els mestres i pedagogs interessats en ell. Aquest fet va provocar que fins i tot la mateixa Maria Montessori va viure durant un període a Catalunya. En aquest treball hem analitzat 95 articles publicats a Catalunya des del 1911 al 2014, any de celebració del centenari de la primera aula Montessori a Barcelona, per tal de valorar la repercussió que aquests articles podien haver tingut en la difusió i impuls del mètode a Catalunya. [Maria Montessori (1870-1952), a doctor and pedagogue, dedicated her life to the study of the child. From his observations he elaborated a pedagogical method in which the center was the child and favored the resolution of his needs. Her method spread all over the world, arriving in Catalonia in 1911 through an article in the magazine Feminal. In 1914, an experiment in the application of the Montessori method was carried out for the first time at the Barcelona Maternity Home. From that moment on, interest in the method grew, with many teachers and educators interested in it. This fact caused that even the same Maria Montessori lived during a period in Catalonia. In this work we have analyzed 95 articles published in Catalonia from 1911 to 2014, the year of the centenary of the first Montessori classroom in Barcelona, ​​in order to assess the impact that these articles could have had on the dissemination and promotion of the method in Catalonia.]

Language: Catalan

Published: Vic, Spain, 2017

Book Section

Maria Montessori und die Progressive Education in den USA [Maria Montessori and Progressive Education in the United States]

Book Title: Ein Plädoyer für unser reformpädagogisches Erbe Protokollband der Internationalen Reformpädagogik-Konferenz am 24. September 1991 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Halle-Köthen [A Plea for Our Progressive Education Legacy]

Pages: 65-78

Americas, Educational change, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, North America, Progressive education, United States of America

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Language: German

Published: Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1992

ISBN: 978-3-472-01057-9


Montessori 101: Some Basic Information Every Montessori Parent Should Know

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 16

Pages: 4–23

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Bieten Montessori-Kinderhaus und Montessori-Schule günstige Voraussetzungen für religiöse Erziehung

Publication: Kinderheim: Zeitschrift für Kleinkindererziehung, vol. 33

Pages: 119-121

Religious education

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Language: German


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analisis metode islamic montessori for multiple intelligences pada anak generasi alpha dalampengembangan pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam / Analysis of the Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences Method in Alpha Generation Children in the Development of Islamic Education Learning

Available from: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Madani Yogyakarta (STITMA)

Publication: At Turots: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 47-59

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Multiple intelligences, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Children are born into the world as the nature of both parents. The importance of education from an educator is the initial foundation of the formation of creativity and activity, children. The role of educators of parents and teachers is a principle of how they are formed and fostered by the environment. Alpha generation is a child born in 2010 until now. The development of increasingly advanced technology makes the Alpha generation highly skilled using existing technology. They are principled to become an unfashionable generation. Today, the era is dominated by an instant and easy nature that results in influence in all fields, especially the field of education. The Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences method is a method that teaches Islamic education based on compound intelligence in children. The intelligence of alpha generation children has the potential incomplete multiple intelligences so that they can survive, adapt and always be resilient in following high levels of diversity and all changes that are instant. This research aims to find out (1) The role of educators to alpha generation children in the development of Islamic Education learning with Islamic Montessori methods for Multiple Intelligences, (2) Methods that can support success in improving the quality of education. The method in this article uses by library research. The primary and secondary source is Maria Montessori's book translated in Indonesian and journal references. The result of the discussion in this paper is (1) The development of Islamic Religious Education learning that applies the following, language intelligence, mathematical logic, spatial-visual, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. (2) Knowing the compound intelligence in alpha generation children in Islamic education. / Anak terlahir ke dunia sebagai fitrah kedua orang tuanya. Pentingnya pendidikan dari seorang pendidik merupakan pondasi awal terbentuknya kreatifitas dan keaktifan pada anak. Peran pendidik dari orang tua dan guru merupakan prinsip bagaimana mereka dibentuk dan dibina oleh lingkungan masing-masing. Generasi alpha adalah anak yang lahir di tahun 2010 hingga sekarang. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju membuat generasi alpha sangat terampil menggunakan teknologi. Sehingga, mereka berprinsip untuk menjadi generasi yang tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dewasa ini, zaman pun di dominasi dengan sifat yang serba instan dan serba mudah yang mengakibatkan pengaruh dalam segala bidang khususnya bidang pendidikan. Metode Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences merupakan metode yang mengajarkan pendidikan Islam berdasarkan kecerdasan majemuk pada anak. Kecerdasan anak generasi alpha memiliki potensi dalam kecerdasan majemuk (Multiple Intelligences) yang komplit sehingga mereka bisa bertahan, beradaptasi dan selalu tangguh dalam mengikuti tingkat keragaman yang tinggi dan segala perubahan yang serba Instan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Peran pendidik terhadap anak generasi alpha dalam pengembangan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan metode Islamic Montessori for Multiple Intelligences, (2) metode yang dapat menunjang kesuksesan dalam perbaikan kualitas pendidikan. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka (Library Research). Bersumber primer dan sekunder yaitu buku Maria Montessori yang di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan refrensi-refrensi jurnal. Hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini adalah (1) pengembangan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam yang menerapkan sebagai berikut, kecerdasan bahasa, logika matematika, visual spasial, kinestetik, interpersonal, intrapersonal dan kecerdasan naturalis. (2) mengetahui kecerdasan majemuk pada anak generasi alpha dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.51468/jpi.v5i2.156

ISSN: 2747-089X, 2656-7555


Bon shiritsu montessōri shōgakkō / ボン市立モンテッソーリ小学校 [A Municipal Montessori School in Bonn]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 18

Pages: 90-97

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Scienze Umane e Pratica di Democrazia: Da Maria Montessori a Franco Basaglia [Human Sciences and the Practice of Democracy: From Maria Montessori to Franco Basaglia]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria: la rivista dei servizi di salute mentale, vol. 137, no. 1

Pages: 9-32

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Compra online il PDF di Scienze umane e pratica di democrazia : da Maria Montessori a Franco Basaglia, Babini, Valeria P. - Franco Angeli - Articolo

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.3280/RSF2013-001002

ISSN: 1972-5582, 1129-6437

Doctoral Dissertation

A Comparative Study of Characteristics of Montessori Teachers Certified by Three Montessori Training Programs

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Language: English

Published: Memphis, Tennessee, 1977


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Gyógypedagógia két Meghatározó Máriája: Maria Montessori és Hári Mária [Two Determining Marias of the Special Education: Maria Montessori and Mária Hári]

Available from: University of Debrecen Publishing Platform

Publication: Különleges Bánásmód - Interdiszciplináris folyóirat, vol. 2, no. 4

Pages: 35-47

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Abstract/Notes: This study presents the decisive pedagogy of two Marias: Dr. Montessori and Dr. Hári. Dr. Montessori was the first woman in Italy who received a medical degree and it was many years later when she did pedagogical studies as well. Dr. Hári was a young medical student when she started to work with Professor Pető who had laid down the basics of Conductive Education. Dr. Montessori and Dr. Hári had a lot in common: not just their profession was the same but thanks to their hard work both pedagogy became famous internationally. Through their personality, the reader will have a glance into their educational methods as well. The topic is relevant because both educational systems make it possible for people with disabilities to integrate into society and live meaningful lives. [ This study presents the decisive pedagogy of two Marias: Dr. Montessori and Dr. Hári. Dr. Montessori was the first woman in Italy who received a medical degree and it was many years later when she did pedagogical studies as well. Dr. Hári was a young medical student when she started to work with Professor Pető who had laid down the basics of Conductive Education. Dr. Montessori and Dr. Hári had a lot in common: not just their profession was the same but thanks to their hard work both pedagogy became famous internationally. Through their personality, the reader will have a glance into their educational methods as well. The topic is relevant because both educational systems make it possible for people with disabilities to integrate into society and live meaningful lives.]

Language: Hungarian

DOI: 10.18458/KB.2016.4.35

ISSN: 2498-5368

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